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53.84% Classroom of the Elite? Nah / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Peaceful Lunch Time? Nah

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Peaceful Lunch Time? Nah

We had history class after the introduction, mingling, and befriending of our classmates. What's weird was some of our classmates at first didn't pay attention to the lectures, and just continued chattering with their now friend's classmates yet Chibashira-sensei didn't scold them as if she doesn't see them not paying attention to her teaching.

Time passed, seeing that Chibashira-sensei just let them be, some students became more daring and opened their mobile phones, texting, and some much braver students like Ike-san played with his phone with max volume eliciting discontent for those that are doing their own stuffs.

Soon lunch time came, and with the sound of the school bell ringing, students scramble to head to the cafeteria first, eager to taste the delicacies it can provide to the now feeling wealthy students.

"Aki-kun do you want to go to the cafeteria together?" Calling out to me I see Kikyo-san walk up towards me, inviting me with her eyes sparkling.

Looking at Kikyo-san's ever jubilant smile, I can't help but ponder where her energy is coming from. With those quick thoughts, I responded to her invitation, "Sure, I am also quite famished."

Turning behind me I looked to both Ayanokoji-san and Horikita-san then asked, "Do you guys also want to come and eat with us in the cafeteria?" 

With a nod Ayanokoji-san acquiesced, and said, "I am hungry, I want some curry for lunch."

Horikita-san however seemed to ponder for a bit before also agreeing, "Alright, I'll join you all."

With now the 4 of us, we immediately head for the cafeteria to look on what we can eat. Now some of our classmates might think, 'Why didn't you guys invite Koenji-kun with you to eat?' well it's because after the bell rang, he also vanished when our classmates rushed to the cafeteria like he doesn't want to mingle more with his classmates.

Well, I would have invited him just to be considerate if he tried to wait for us, and might consider truly befriending him, but now understanding his character I don't think I can enjoy much of his company.

Now in front of a ticket machine, it's quite the novel invention where you'll place your order and pay by swiping your student ID card below where it will get scanned, and then a ticket with your order will come out from the machine for you to show when your turn came and got called by the staff.

Taking our food filled food trays we went for an empty table before sitting down to eat our foods.

Opening her mouth, Horikita-san looked at Kikyo-san's deluxe categorized food and asked, "Are you sure you want to spend your 1,500 points for that daily?"

With that question Kikyo-san blushed in embarrassment after looking at our trays that doesn't exceed the points price of 400.

"Well, I thought that now that we could gain 100,000 points monthly, I could at least be lavished at my food spending." With a tilt of her embarrassed head, she looked at the 3 of us and pressed her index finger to her cheeks looking cute.

Looking at my direction Horikita-san asked for my insight about the generous budget that the school is imparting towards its students, "How about you Yuuki-kun? What do you think about the points that are being distributed towards the students?" With a serious face she said.

Responding to Horikita-san I opened my mouth after a bite of my tonkatsu, "Yeah, you guys should not waste too many points, especially at the expensive stuffs. I advise you all to wait for the next month before you guys decide to lavishly spend your points."

With nonchalance in my voice I continued, "Of course, you guys can disregard my advice and do what you guys want." Ending with a gentle smile I said.

Knowing my status, and intellect, the group decided to heed my advice, and be modest at their spendings for the time being at least until the next month distribution of points came.

Looking at me with acknowledgment both Horikita-san and Ayanokoji-san nodded at my advice, and thought, 'As expected of the prodigy of the Yuuki family.'

Meanwhile Kikyo-san looked at me with sparkling eyes openly stating, "As expected of Aki-kun, you really are a genius." With an astonished face looking like I've done a monumental achievement she complimented.

Hearing Kikyo-san's slightly loud voice, the students from other class and grades scoffed, and jeered at us,

"Shut up Class D!"

"Yeah right, genius."

"Heh for a bunch of class D you all are rowdy." With an obvious mocking tone, a young man of average height with shoulder length magenta hair, paired with magenta eyes said within a group of men looking like his henchmen said while being seated on one of tables in the cafeteria.

With a raise of my eyebrow while scooping my miso soup I looked at them and said, "What does that have to with you guys?" drinking the soup from the spoon I then looked at them with gentle smile.

"Heh, just a pretty boy, as expected of Class D." Mocked by one of the students in their group, thinking I was being scared by their intimidating group.

"A bunch of dogs." Muttered by Horikita-san looking at the flock of students around the magenta haired young man.

Hearing what Horikita-san said the group of 3 stood up and headed to our direction, seemingly ready for trouble.

Standing up, readying myself on the incoming trouble, I thought to myself, 'It's just the first day, why is there already another trouble brewing?'

"My name is Ryuen Kakeru of Class C, you guys better remember the name that will destroy you all." With a condescending tone and face, the now introduced Ryuen Kakeru said.

Ayanokoji-san who's also watching the spectacle of the confrontation in front of him while still eating his food in his tray couldn't help but anticipate Yuuki Aki's response towards the aggressive approach of Class C.

"I thought you guys would be something more, but you guys are just also one step away from entering the class you despise. What a bunch of cute pufferfish." Saying with an amused chuckle I chided the group.

Yeah, pufferfish, just one poke and they'll immediately puff and show their small prickly needles. But faced with an apex predator, and they're existence will be nothing but just any other fishes at the bottom of the food hierarchy in the sea.

Feeling like they are just insulted, and looking at the students mockingly looking at them like they are monkeys, the group of 3 especially Ryuen Kakeru looked like they are ready to pounce.

"Bastard!" With a shout one of the tall black lackeys of Ryuen Kakeru, tried to tackle me, but with a glow of my sapphire eyes an indomitable aura shrouded my body outwardly awaiting to engulf them with bloodlust slowly surrounding, and giving pressure towards their group stopping his momentum.




With a collective gasp the group of 3 fell forward and got on their knees giving labored breathings seemingly having a choke hold grabbing their necks in their illusion.

Especially the black guy that tried to tackle first, froth on his mouth falling down face first on the floor unconscious.

Releasing the pressure that surrounded the 3, with a gently smile and slitted eyes I said, "Try me Ryuen Kakeru, and you might not last long enough to even finish your first year in this school." With those words I turned around heading back to the class, while being bathed by the astonished, awe, and fear filled gazes of the students that witnessed the whole event.

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