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chapter 2

Garmond continued his story as soon as he got Gary's attention once more.

Indigo spoke more quietly than the others, but with determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me,but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, and depth"

And so the colors went on boasting, each convinced of hisor her own superiority. Their quarrelling became louder and louder spreading through the infinite void.

Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening; thunder rolled and boomed. The rain started to pour relentlessly.

The colors, crouched down in fear sensing the ominous aura that carried great power. Drawing close to one another for comfort. In the midst of the clamor a great white light shone.

So bright that it illuminated the void admist the light a voice began to speak.

"You colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest.

Don't you know you were each made for special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me."

Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands.

The voice continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in harmony.

They did as told forming the rainbow, a sign of peace and harmony.

"Son, that is why I fight, I fight for the hope of a better tomorrow and peace.

And the rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow."

The young boy looked at his dad, lost of words.

'One day I'll be like you dad' Gary thought.

It was a long story, carrying a deep impression of Garmonds want, and definition of ideal peace.

He knew that for peace to reign in this cruel world of ruthless and heartless beings, they had to be a supreme ruler one that could maintain true peace and order.

'This is indeed sudden, but why do the outlanders suddenly want to revolt'. Garmond thought,

'I have to know what's happening and put an end to it at once'

Garmond quickly left with Gray, to prepare for the sails to the east where the outlanders resided.

walking through the hallway once again he ordered a certain guard who stood at the door side.

"Go and inform General Steve to prepare the army we will be sailing east by noon tomorrow.

Also call Kenny, I'll be needing his advice and maybe his support." He said.

He continued his long walk through the beautifully adorned hallway holding onto Gray's little hands.

The hallway was second to the kings in terms of its beauty, and this was in the whole of the northern empire. On the walls were pictures of all the lords who had ruled the castle before.

Lordship wasn't something that followed a bloodline in the empire, but because of his family's hair loom which had been passed on for ages, they had maintained the position for years.

And because this same hair loom his family, the house of Ravenspare was called the sword of the empire.

One clear similarity with all the portraits that where hung on the walls, was that they all had long black hair with beautiful stripes of red.

"Nana, can you help me take Gary to his room" Garmond said, seeing the young beautiful maiden who'd crossed paths with them as he was heading to his room.

Her face was spotless, with no blemishes and her eyes had a beautiful golden brown color, and just like Garmond she had long black however with no red.

"Of course. I wanted to have some aunt-nephew time with him but Theresa has been quite selfish with him these days" She said with a scuff, showing displeasure.

Garmond didn't know if he was to laugh or cry, 'Why are these women struggling over this poor child. You'll grow to get a lot of attention my little lad' He laughed inwardly.

While still lost in his thoughts he was unaware that the latter was still talking.

".... So I'm not going to let her take him for two days" Nana said, looking pleased with her decision.

Smiling wryly Garmond replied "Well you guys are free to do whatever you want so far he agrees" he said looking towards little Gary, who nodded in affirmation.

"Don't worry I'll be seeing you soon, it's only a matter of time before you enter the academy right?" he asked, and the other nodded in affirmation.

"Okay so train well and make dad proud with your score in the entrance exam, okay"

"okay!!" Gary replied back with determination and will power.

"hahahaha, don't worry I'll make sure I don't miss" He said, before letting Nana take the little boy.

Continuing with his little journey, alone this time, he soon arrives at the door to his room.

He paused for a while thinking of how he was going to explain the whole matter to his wife in a way she'd understand what he wanted.


Returning back to his kingdom Gerald was very much displeased by the way he was treated like a commoner in Orion.

"Firstly, he keeps us waiting, like we are nobody's.

Then he comes in and starts throwing insults and threats. Talking like he's the king of the Empire."

He said, angrily.

"Derick get me a communication slip for the king, he has to hear of this." he snorted coldly, as he thought all the various punishment that would be given to Garmond for throwing insults at his Grace.

It didn't take up to a minute and a little golden slip was brought to him.

He held the slip in his hands and a bright glow shone, then he began to speak, narrating everything that had happened back at Garmonds castle and even spicing it up.

After he was done he folded the paper within his hands and it shone bright gold before disappearing into thin air, with no trace. Almost as though it was never there.

"hmph" he snorted, "Let's see if he can talk to the king straight up to his face.

The King Castan sat on the large, beautifully crafted with gold.

He rested his head on his arm that was placed on the arm rest of the throne, looking disinterested with everything that seemed to be happening around him.

His kingly aura spread outwards, giving him dominance.

his golden eye showed complete boredom, but even at that he still had looks befitting for a king.

He looked as though he was crafted from gold itself. Everything in his body had a taint of gold. However, what caught the eyes of many most of the time was his shimmering long hair that looked as though it was coated in gold.

And this hair of his coupled with everything else gave him an awe inspiring look.

Suddenly, a little slip appeared in front of him.

looking at the slip he could see the family crest of the Heather kingdom.

"Hmm, what's this about has he relayed the news to Garmond yet" he asked himself.

With a wave of his hand the slip shone brightly and everything Gerald had said was being repeated once again to his hearing.

Listening to it, his face changed to that of disgust and his face also showed annoyance. However, this didn't last long, after he was done listening a smile spread across his face.

"Let's send him a reply, what'd you say Kenny?" The king said as he noticed the presence that aparated behind him.

The figure was dressed in all black in a robe that had a hood.

"Your senses have sharpened quite a lot. How do you still have time to train your magic even as the king."

the figure asked.

"Well, I'm not and it's quite disheartening that I can't. My uncle has strictly warned against it saying that I have subjects that can do all that" Castan said, looking regretful.

"Those days were better when I wasn't tied up with all these kingly duties, well....We can't go back to those days."

"That aside, I'll be sending my reply. I think some people should be really minding their own business these days." Castan said with a smile.

Meanwhile, Gerald was still seated in his royal chariot, heading back to his kingdom when a scroll appeared in front of him.

He certainly knew it was from the king and seeing it a wide smile spread across his face, thinking the king saw him of high importance to reply so quickly.

However , the first few simple words that he read totally told differently.

[BUSY BODY! Your family has nothing to offer to the empire, so stop making noise like you're useful!]

It was clear the king wasn't seeing him as an important person rather a nuisance.

His vein on his forehead bulged out in anger.

They were all treating him as if he'd lost his lordship tittle which annoyed him a lot.

"We'll see about that" He said in anger, urging the person riding the chariot to be faster.

patricklad patricklad

Hope you enjoy the novel, although it still needs some twitch here and there...^⁠_⁠^

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