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Chapter 2: 2: Curse.

Harry found himself standing in the middle of a very dark room and looking around he couldn't see anything, not even the slightest glow of light.

Everything around him felt vast and empty and with no direction of where to go, he took a step forward and instantly tripped before falling to the ground.

He had used both of his palms to cushion his fall, but they instantly slipped and he fell face down on the wet slippery floor.

He had a clue of what the liquid was, but just to make sure, he rubbed his fingers against each other and this only confirmed his thoughts.

He tried to stand up but it felt like his head began to spin and he found himself kneeling on top of a bed with lit candles surrounding him.

He tried to look around him but he couldn't see anything apart from the bed and the candles.

He felt someone suddenly grab his chin and turn his head and now lying with her legs on the bed was a woman.

Her clear ocean-blue gaze sent shivers down his spine, she leaned closer toward his face and gently pressed her nose against his.

As they grazed against each other, the feel of her felt cold and lifeless and this sent shivers down his spine.

His heart began to pound loudly as the strange woman reached out for the buttons on his shirt, but it wasn't because of the thought of what he thought was about to happen.

He knew very well that the woman right in front of him was long dead and yet she was moving with so much life in her.

" What the hell is this? Where the hell am I?" He thought as he turned his gaze toward the woman's hands.

She removed her hand from his chin and slid it up towards the right side of his face, she then pulled his face even closer towards his and pressed her cold lips against his.

Her cold breath enveloped his mouth and he twitched his eyes, he wanted to push her away and run out of there as fast as he could but it felt like something was preventing him from doing such.

With his shirt now completely unbuttoned, she pushed him down on the other side of the bed.

Her lips were no longer against his but were now slightly floating above his neck, she heaved a breath of a cold air on his neck and he shivered violently.

He coughed violently and finally for a moment it felt like his hands had decided to move.

He flung both hands straight towards his neck but they ended up on hers instead, he gasped in fear and suddenly her hands began to travel down her cold body.

That was when he came to the realization that she was almost completely naked, his hands were trembling and although he was soaked wet from sweat his whole body felt like they were freezing.

He felt like his vocal cords were frozen and he couldn't utter a single word, he tried to scream a few times but they only ended up in his lips slightly opening and then immediately closing.

The strange woman then shifted her lips close to his ear and whispered, "Love me."

He shivered violently from the feel of her extremely cold breath on his ear and from the very words she had just uttered.

Suddenly, the candles went off and he no longer felt her body against his, he then found himself standing in a pitch-dark room.

He gripped his throat and began to cough violently, the cough turned to vomit and he felt a sticky liquid surging out of his mouth but he couldn't see it due to the darkness of the room.

After it felt like the strange liquid had stopped surging out of his mouth, he raised his head and gripped it with both hands before letting out a loud scream.

His head was throbbing hard in pain, memories began surging into his head, memories that weren't his.

He was hearing many voices mouthing out words that sounded like nothing but murmurs to him.

He then found himself standing in the middle of a forest, a few meters in front of him was a woman crawling on her legs, barely clinging to life.

A man appeared out of nowhere, wearing nothing but black trousers and his voice boomed throughout the forest, " You called out to me young woman."

She instantly bowed her head and cried out, " Oh noble servant of death, I need only for you to grant me your power and until the very end I shall serve you!"

As Harry watched the scene unfold before him, he felt like he was a ghost merely standing there and unable to do anything.

He wanted to memorize the contents of the forest so he would be able to find it if he was to ever come across it and it was as clear as day, nothing in the forest had a brink of life in it.

The bushes and trees were all brown and withered but he could feel it, the life and energy in the forest kept swirling around it.

He was totally confused at what he was seeing and feeling at the same time, the forest seemed dead and yet it still felt very much alive.

The man suddenly appeared right next to her and inquired, "Are you sure that you are ready to bear such a burden, this is your last chance, young woman, try to consider your actions and the possible consequences before agreeing to our contract."

" I agree to it, if it would mean so much as to sacrifice my own life to save my people from the suffering they face I shall gladly give it to you."

" You may raise your head." The man said, going down on one knee.

She slowly raised her head and then half of her body along with it and the man grabbed her jaw and gazed right into her eyes.

" So you agree to give your soul and body to me and me alone, serving me with every last inch of your body and soul, you are willing to share this curse with me and serve death until the very end?"

" Yes I, do." She replied, her voice trembling in cold.

The man pulled her face closer to his and pressed his lips against hers, it was a short kiss and the man pulled his face away from hers before staring her dead in the eye once again.

" We shall bear this curse together, and till death shall we part." He gasped in a low tone of voice.

That was when she gripped her head and began to scream, everywhere turned dark once again and he found himself standing inside the dark room once again.

It suddenly began to light up and he saw the lady standing in front of him, she slowly began to walk towards him and when he tried to step back his legs just wouldn't move.

When she got close to him, she grabbed a hold of his jaw and leaned closer to his face, her cold lips pressed against his once again, and for a moment he felt his heart stop beating.

" Bear this curse with me." He heard a whisper against his ear.

He felt weak in his legs and his sight slowly began to blur as she stared daggers into him, finally he blacked out and fell right onto her shoulder.


He opened his eyes and found out that he was lying on the floor in a room he was struggling to recognize.

" Hey boy you collapsed again, I told you not to overdo it with the beer." A man said, towering over him.

His eyes still felt blurry so he couldn't see the man's face clearly but he recognized his voice quite well.

" Aviel? I thought we were at the catacombs, when did we get here?" He groaned, placing his hand on his pained abdomen.

" It seems that you're still very much drunk, just rest your head for a while and it will all come back to you." The man, pulling him up from the floor, " Now then, to your bed you go."

His sight had now slightly cleared but his head and stomach were still in great pain, he looked forward and saw nothing but a white sheet-covered bed.

His whole body felt weak and he could barely move, the man next to him was grunting as he pulled him along and when he came to the bed, he threw him right onto it.

He fell asleep the moment he came in contact with the soft bed and this time, when he opened his eyes, he saw a lady towering over him.

" Where am I?" He mumbled.

" Everyone, he's finally waking up from the coma!" He heard a female voice cry out.

" What does she mean by that?" He thought, gripping his throbbing head, " And how long was I even out for?"

Noob3 Noob3

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