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93.93% The Non Existent Extra / Chapter 30: Entrance Exam (8)

Chapter 30: Entrance Exam (8)

(A/N: Nathaniel = Nate]

Nate looked at the grey-eyed youth in front of him. 

Preparing his stance he pointed the tip of his spear at the youth's heart. 

They were currently wearing a body suit with a one-time shield. A barrier would appear in front of them if a deadly attack was sensed. If the barrier was manifested then the person would lose.

Gripping the spear tightly Nate let out a breath before he thrust his spear. As the spear was approaching the youth he moved out of the way allowing the spear to pass him. However, Nate then quickly moved his legs to try and trip the youth however, he was able to jump over his legs. 

Arthur then quickly drew his sword and swung his blade toward his neck. However, Nate quickly raised his spear blocking the blade. Dashing backwards Nate tried to keep a distance between them however, Arthur quickly charged toward him. Swinging his sword diagonally Nate quickly circulated his mana to dash toward the side. 


After stomping his foot Nate quickly then charged toward Arthur and thrust his spear. However, Arthur ducked as sparks of lightning started to crackle around him. Jumping toward Nate Arthur quickly appeared in front of him. 

But as he appeared Nate's elbow was already close to his face. 

However, as his elbow was about to make contact he could feel it halt. 


As Arthur was thrusting his blade Nate let go of his spear allowing him to move to the side. Clenching his hand into a fist Nate launched a punch toward him. As his fist got closer Arthur quickly reacted by stretching out his hand. As he did that a slight blue glow surrounded his hand along with some sparks of lightning. 

Suddenly Nate felt the direction of his fist change. Due to the sudden force, he couldn't resist allowing his punch to connect to Arthur's palm. Before he could react Arthur quickly crouched down and spun causing him to sweep Nate's legs. 

Nate fell down causing Arthur to quickly stab his sword down however, Nate reacted quickly and rolled backwards dodging the attack. Quickly rolling to the side Nate ran grabbed his spear and took his stance. 

But at the same time, Arthur appeared in front of him with his sword drawn. Gritting his teeth Nate raised his spear to block the attack. However, as the attack was coming toward him Nate saw red sparks surrounding the blade before a red glow surrounded it. 

Once the blade connected with his spear a groan escaped his mouth as he slid backwards. Before Nate could do anything else Arthur stabbed his sword near Nate's head causing a light yellow barrier to appear. 

Falling onto his butt he looked at the youth standing over him and gritted his teeth.

'I lost' 

A sense of inferiority filled him causing him to ignore the instructor's words but before he could think further he saw a hand stretch out toward him. 

"Need a hand?" 

Seeing that it was the youth he spared against he was surprised but grabbed his hand "Thanks," 

"No prob," 


When I got off the stage I let a breath as I looked at my hand. 


That's how much mana I had remaining. 

'Seems like I really underestimated the amount of mana needed' 

Even though I had practiced this art of mine I hadn't used it with actual opponents or well strong ones at least. 

I then looked at Nathaniel who was looking at his hands. 

Despite him using a spear he was much more adept with daggers. 

'I guess a supporting character is still pretty strong' 

With a breath, I decided to sit next to Nathaniel.

"You're pretty strong," 

"Hm, guess so," Hearing Nathaniel talk to me I replied 

"You must practice a lot," 

"I guess although you must do the same," I said while looking at his hand with many calluses 

"Haha yea," he then clenched his fist "although it wasn't enough," 

Looking at him I let out a breath before I observed the other matches. If I was being honest these matches were pretty…lacklustre but this did make sense as most of these guys are pretty much just extras. 

Although most did perform better than me I estimated I could only beat around 85% of the examinees here other than Noah of course. 

'Then again most of these people won't get into the academy if they don't pass the written exam'

After a bit, everyone was led back into the lobby. 

There was just one thing left.

And that was the interview. 

However, that wouldn't be hard for me as I already knew who was taking the interview and knew their personalities very well but I also knew the criteria for the interview so it wouldn't be hard for me. 

With a breath, I closed my eyes and started to regain some of my mana as I contemplated the steps I needed to take. 

'While I probably should warn Elena I shouldn't let 'him' get even more suspicious of me' 

After all 'he' probably wanted more information on me. However, currently, there was no way for 'him' to find out that I had the [Lost Eye of Wisdom of Knowlegde]. I couldn't reveal that information just yet after all I can't risk the Norse realm coming to this realm. 

Besides I already had plans for the Norse realm. 

But then I heard my number be called up so I got up and made my way to another door. In front of it stood a guard who opened the door for me after I showed him my pass. Entering the room I sat on the chair and looked up to see the people standing on the stand. 

In the centre was an old man however, despite the white hair and long beard there was no wrinkle in sight. 

'Atticus Thorne'

He was currently one of the strongest players in the human domain and was the principal of Nexus. 

"Your name is Arthur Irwin, correct?" 

I nodded "Yes," 

"Pleased to meet you, my name is Atticus Thorne and I am the principal of Nexus," he said with a gentle smile

Nodding I automatically responded to the questions and really didn't give much thought to it. The questions weren't really anything special just, what do you want to accomplish? And blah blah. 

However, then after a few more questions, I was let out. 

'Finally, all done'


[5 Days Later] 

The once rowdy room of instructors was silent as they looked at a certain profile in front of them. 

[Arthur Irwin]

Atticus observed the profile file in front of him causing a slight frown to appear on his face. 

50% in Math, 50% in Runic Studies, 50% in Beast Biology, well 50s across the board really. This made Atticus feel weird. 

This had to be a coincidence no? 

"What are your thoughts," Professor Williams asked the rest breaking the silence. 

"I say he isn't qualified," Vincent said "His grades are below average, his physical abilities are average and he has no motivation." 

"I disagree, with his talent he seems like a promising seedling," another professor said

The room then got into a heated debate before Atticus intervened. 


The room quieted down before they all stared at Atticus "With his abysmal scores I doubt he could really face the others. However, there is no doubting his 13-star potential. Thus we have let him enter,"

That was the final decision.

Atticus then smiled as he looked at the profile. 

Either this was a coincidence or the youth was trying to make some sort of statement. Either way, there was no way he could let loose of a 13-star talent. 

Then another profile of a youth with black hair and eyes appeared. 

"Noah Winslow…"

As they all looked at the youth's tests they knew what they had to do. 

A talent that is only seen once a millennia. 

That was Atticus's honest thoughts. 

Looking at the current first-year roster a small smile tugged on the edge of Atticus's lips. 

'This year we have a bunch of interesting talents' 


I was walking down the streets of the city while ignoring the people staring at me. Pulling out my phone I looked at the screen. 

'So remind me why exactly you brought me here?' 

Hearing Alistair's voice inside my head I repeated to him what I told him before. 

'Like I said we're just here to get some things done' 

'And what exactly are these "things?' 

'School preparation' 

'Can't you let Elena handle that?' 

'I prefer to get stuff done myself'

That was a lie. 

The actual reason I was here was because of the titan's raid that was going to happen today where a giant drake and other monsters would appear. 

In my novel, there were 2 portals that were opened. 

One was where Issac and the rest were which was the other side of Elarion which was where a monument to the seven heroes was while the other was going to be in the heart of Elarion so right here. 

This was where many stores and popular restaurants were. This also meant that there were a lot of people here, especially at this time. 

 Looking at the mana reader on my device I knew what was going to happen. 

When dungeons first appeared there was no way to figure out how they were going to spawn or when they were going to break. That was until the "mana reader" was developed where small stations were placed in cities allowing people to detect the mana on their phone. 

To regular people, mana could cause the same effects as radiation if they absorb too much of it. However, this only happens if they are near a dungeon as people get vaccines so the mana quantity in the air wouldn't affect their day-to-day life. 

However, looking at the current mana level rising steadily I knew that in the next 18 seconds, that shit was about to get real. 











"Warning! A Dungeon Break has been detected please evacuate the area and head toward your nearest shelter,"

"Warning! A Dungeon Break has been detected please evacuate the area and head toward your nearest shelter,"

"Warning! A Dungeon Break has been detected please evacuate the area and head toward your nearest shelter,"

Sirens along with the messages blar all around the city and hearing the message I saw a lot of people start to panic but just as that happened a bright blue circular portal appeared out of thin air causing some cars to crash. 

Suddenly a sheathed sword appeared at my waist. 

'Well let's get to work' 

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