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Chapter 190: Future Space Adventurer?

"P-People actually do that? W-Why would they do that? What do they gain by killing entire civilizations?" Questioned Pharaoh in disbelief, finding such a concept hard to believe, causing Carol to pat his shoulder while sighing.

"I don't know, and it doesn't really matter, does it? You won't suddenly sympathize with them after you learn their motive, are you?" Said Carol as she looked up at Pharaoh, who aggressively shook his head.

"Fuck no, but if I could at least learn why they're doing it, I could help them change, as terrible as they are, even they deserve a chance to redeem themselves." Stated Pharaoh aggressively before he quickly calmed down while looking at Carol, who raised her eyebrow.

"And if they don't change?" Asked Carol curiously, only for Pharaoh to suddenly clutch his fist, the force of his hand causing small mini-explosions from the extreme pressure he was putting on the air.

"I'll kill them, obviously." Declared Pharaoh with a hardened gaze as he glared at Carol, who faintly smirked.

"Heh, maybe I should take you with me whenever I leave Earth; however, for now, let's focus on the task at hand, big boy. All those things happening in the universe are far outside of our reach right now; you've got your best friend to save, after all." Remarke Carol with a grin as she patted Pharaoh's shoulder, causing him to nod, while she walked towards the blackbird, which had just opened its hatch, allowing the X-men to exit.

"Fuck me, that was uncomfortable; couldn't have made those seats any softer? I think I've got scoliosis now." Said Gambit with an uncomfortable expression as he stretched his back while glaring at Beast, who promptly ignored him and walked towards Carol.

"Hank McCoy, or Beast, nice to meet your Ms. Danvers." Said Beast with a friendly smile as he outstretched his hand toward Carol, who took it with a smile.

"Beast sounds much cooler, so I think I'll stick with that, though you can simply call me Danvers, Carol, or Captain Marvel; I've nearly really been a fan of honorifics." Stated Carol with a slight smile as she shook hands before glancing at the rest of the X-men, her gaze lingering on Rogue for a bit longer than the others.

"Well then, Carol, I appreciate you helping us, and I'm assuming you've already gotten the rundown of Apocalypse from Fury?" Asked Beast lightly as he took on a solemn expression, while Carol shook her head, surprising him.

"I was gorging on junk food when he called yesterday, so I didn't bother to answer; other than knowing the one we've got to subjugate is called Apocalypse, I know nothing." Remarked Carol without an ounce of shame, causing Beast's face to constantly twitch while Pharaoh rubbed his head and sighed.

"Umm, Tut; Beast had said Shield sent their very best, but it doesn't really seem to be the case. Are we going to be okay?" Said Rogue with a skeptical expression as she stood beside Tut while looking at Carol, causing him to pat her shoulder and nod.

"Yes, she's very powerful; she'll definitely be a great help. She had just come back from a very long mission from outer space, so she must've wanted to enjoy herself a little. I think." Replied Tut as he looked at Rogue, who nodded in understanding while looking at Carol, who was listening to Beast's explanation of Apocalypse, though she was still a little skeptical of her.

For the next few minutes, Beast explained to Carol about Apocalypse while everyone else was talking amongst themselves, with conversations mostly centering around what we were about to do; however, there were a few outliers, such as Bobby, who constantly trying to flirt with Kitty, who it clearly wasn't working on, and Rogue was running around with her bubbly attitude, asking everyone random things.

"Ay, Kid; I forgot my lighter." Said Wolverine as he held a cigar while gesturing to Pharaoh, who rolled his eyes before blasting the cigar's tip with his heat vision.

"We're about to go into battle, and you're worried about smoking your cigar? Don't you have better things to do, like cleaning your claws or something?" Remarked Pharaoh with a raised eyebrow as he folded his arms while looking down at Wolverine, who puffed out smoke before shaking his head.

"It's tradition; I always smoke a cigar for a battle. A kid like you wouldn't get it." Replied Wolverine lightly as he gave Pharaoh a side glance before puffing out smoke and glancing at Carol.

"So, does your little friend have a man or what?" Added Wolverine curiously as he ogled Carol's ass in her tight-fitting suit, while Pharaoh, funnily enough, had been doing the exact same thing.

"No; also, why would I help you get her? Do you not see how sexy she is? I'd want her for myself." Questioned Pharaoh with a shake of his head, only to suddenly frown as he looked away from Carol's ass before eyeing Wolverine.

"You can't handle a woman like that, kid; let a real man do it." Said Wolverine with a faint smirk as he eyed Carol, only to suddenly be picked up by the shoulder.

"I've got half a mind to throw you to the moon and leave you there for a few hours. Also, just because your body won't crumble doesn't mean you can 'handle' her; I'll last so much longer than you in bed; you don't even want to start this." Stated Pharaoh as he squinted and eyed Wolverine, who aggressively glanced at him, only for Beast to clear his throat while eyeing them, grabbing everyone's attention.

"You two cut it out; I've already formulated a plan." Said Beast as he glared at Wolverine and Pharaoh, causing them to huff in annoyance before they and everyone else huddled together, with the duo weirdly enough standing beside Carol.

"The plan is a little simple, but it should work; we'll split off into two teams. Gambit, Rogue, Bobby, and I will be the first team, while the second team will be Colossus, Wolverine, Kitty, and Carol. You all already know Apocalypse has four powerful guards or servants, and if you call them such, it means our job is to defeat them, and obviously, the second team will not be facing Magneto." Added Beast as he pointed at everyone except Pharaoh, causing them all to separate into two different groups.

"Heh, lucky you three; you've got Carol; she's strong." Said Pharaoh with a smirk as he glanced at Colossus, Wolverine, and Kitty, only to click his tongue in annoyance when he eyed the living fossil.

"Yeah, Beast, I don't want to sound arrogant; but I should face Apocalypse, not his little servants." Remarked Carol as she looked at Beast, who nodded with a smirk.

"Oh, I completely understand, Carol. Fury had given me a paper about your past achievements; you're one powerful woman, but that's why I have you fighting against his Apocalypse's servants. With your assistance, we should be able to take down our enemies much quicker, which will allow us to close in on Apocalypse; of course, you can switch places with Pharaoh if he allows it." Replied Beast with a nod as he looked at Carol, causing her to nod before she tilted her head and glanced at Pharaoh.

"Oh yeah, you never did mention Tut, Beast. What is it doing?" Asked Rogue curiously as she spotted a serious expression while glancing at Tut, who turned and eyed the metallic pyramid.

"I've got Apocalypse, obviously. He wants Jean, and that makes it personal; sorry, Carol, but I'm not allowing anyone else to fight him." Stated Pharaoh lightly as he glanced at Carol, who clicked her tongue before nodding in understanding.

"Well, you better not get killed then." Said Carol as she eyed Pharaoh, who flashed her a smirk.

"So, are we leaving yet, Beast?" Asked Pharaoh as he turned and glanced at Beast, eager to confront Apocalypse.

"We were waiting for our team support from Shield; only then will we set off." Stated Beast with a shake of his head, causing Tut to frown, before suddenly blasting off through the sky, only to return carrying several large helicopters.

Gently placing the helicopters on the ground near the blackbird, I dusted my hands off before landing back on the ground, only to turn around and look at everyone who was giving me blank stares.

"What? They were still several minutes out, and I didn't want to wait any longer." Said Pharaoh defensively, causing Beast to shake his head before approaching the several helicopters in the distance.

"What did the fuck just happen?" Said Barton as he rubbed his head while exiting the helicopter with his bow in hand.

"I don't know, but I've got a feeling it's got to do with Blacksteel." Said Romanoff lightly as she exited right after Barton, only to glance at Blacksteel, who was looking at them.

'Oh yeah, if I forgot about them, I should probably go and introduce myself.' Mused Tut as he speedily flew past Beast before landing right before Barton and Romanoff, who both instantly got into a fighting stance.

"Calm down, I'm not trying to fight; besides, that arrow and little knife isn't going to do anything to me. See." Remarked Tut as he reached forth, grabbing the knife out of Romanoff's hand and the arrow out of Barton's arrow, faster than either could react before stabbing his neck with both, causing them to break.

"See. Nothing. Anyways, nice to meet you, I'm Pharaoh Kent." Added Pharaoh with a faint smile as he outstretched his hand, whispering the last part just loud enough for them to hear, causing them to grab their head before suddenly widening their eyes.

Ozonelayer Ozonelayer


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