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35.71% Traveler - A HPxMCU Crossover / Chapter 5: Meeting the Director

Chapter 5: Meeting the Director

It was getting a familiar scene for him now. The feeling of soft flesh in his palm and the fragrance of a woman's perfume were quickly becoming part of his regular morning wake-up call. Harry sighed and buried his face further into the soft tresses that covered his face, feeling his cock harden as her delectable ass wiggled against it.

"What time is it?" A sleepy female voice sounded out in front of him, and Harry groaned.

"Who cares? Let's stay this way for a while. I'm too relaxed right now to do anything else."

The female sighed in contentment as he pulled her close, with her back against his front and his palm squeezing her breast ever so softly, ever so often.

"Well, after the ringer you put me through last night, you won't find me complaining," Felicia smiled as she relaxed and let herself fall back asleep.

Hours must have passed as the impromptu couple slept peacefully, and their tranquillity was broken when Harry felt the wards he had erected a few days prior approximately fifty metres from the main entrance to the building trigger. It was an intent-based ward that would inform him anytime someone who was thinking of him came within the range. Frowning, he cast a silent Tempus and sighed when he saw the time.

'Of course, I had asked them to meet me here today,' Harry thought as he reluctantly dragged his hands away from his bombshell of a woman, who was wide awake in an instant as she looked at him in surprise.

"What?" She asked with a frown when she saw him get out of the bed and pad away naked towards where she supposed the bathroom was.

"I have some guests to entertain soon. They must be coming anytime now. You can freshen up in the bathroom right outside the room. It's the third door to the left. A spare change of clothes is in the cupboard. It's mine so you'll have to make do with it. I'll see you in five," he told her, resisting the urge to go back and ravish her as his eyes drank in her naked body. Felicia saw him ogling her and smirked.

"Are you sure you'd rather not do something else?" She asked with a sexy smirk as she laid back on the bed and stretched alluringly. Harry would be the biggest liar in the world if he said he wasn't tempted to say 'Fuck off!' to his scheduled meeting and take her up on the very enticing offer, but he resisted. The meeting was important if he were to live comfortably in this world without looking over his back every time. He could easily conceal himself in this world if he wanted. But he didn't want to deal with the headache that would bring. Not to mention he had become fond of Natasha and Maria. He shook his head as he remembered their real names and looked at the blonde seductress posing sultrily on his bed.

"As much as I'd like to, this one is important. It's already noon. They must be coming soon."

Without waiting for her response, Harry winked at her and went inside the bathroom, quickly freshening up. His magic aided him as he got dressed in his regular loungewear which consisted of a white round-neck t-shirt and dark grey joggers. Donning a pair of sliders, Harry walked out of the bathroom. Felicia had already left the room, and he walked out. Hearing the blonde humming under the running shower, Harry walked towards the entrance.

He was walking down the stairs to reach the first floor of his penthouse when he felt the second ward roughly five feet from the main entrance trigger. Smirking, he took a seat on the couch and leaned back comfortably before he waved his hand.


Nick Fury was flanked by Agents Romanoff, Barton and Hill as he walked out of the elevator. It had been a night of anticipation for him.

His agents had reported back to him with the proposal put forward by this man who went by Harry Potter. Initially, he had bristled at their acceptance of holding this meeting in Potter's apartment, however, he had let it slide. It would not be the first time he would be meeting someone in enemy territory. Although if Agents Romanoff and Hill were to be believed, they did not have to fear Harry Potter.

However, he was not inclined to take their words at face value. Not because he didn't trust them. They were some of the best S.H.I.E.L.D. had to offer, so the matter of not trusting them didn't even arise. The reason was that he didn't think they were completely unbiased in their opinion. He had observed a change in the demeanour of the two women, and it hadn't pleased him in the slightest. As agents, they had to remain detached from any social connections and put their duty first. However, now he wasn't sure if they would do that.

Agent Barton was more of a voice of reason. However, even he had admitted that this man could have easily killed them all when they had attacked him but had refrained from doing so. Fury was vigilant though. It was better to be cautious. It might seem overkill to station over five hundred agents in and around the building in a civilian capacity but he didn't want to take any chances. Sensors monitored every energy spike in the five hundred metre radius, with agents monitoring every movement beyond that as much as they could. Given the fact that their target could seemingly teleport, it would be worth knowing whether the range exceeded what they had predicted.

Apart from that, twenty agents dressed in full-fledged combat gear and equipped with the highest grade of technology that S.H.I.E.L.D. possessed were accompanying them in two groups of eight flanking them on either side with two groups of two covering their fronts and backs. Overall, they cut an intimidating figure and Fury was optimistic that the display would put this man off, even if only slightly.

He had been advised to not seem too intimidating or confrontational, but being the Director of the largest espionage and enforcement organization on the planet had some responsibilities and carried with it a certain degree of moxie that he had to display when making contact with a possible adversary. All options were open.

They had finally reached the entrance to the apartment of none other than Harry Potter. The agent in front of him was about to ready himself to knock when the door swung open on its own.

A wave of surprise went through the entire group of twenty-four as they stood there. No one took another step until an amused voice sounded from inside the apartment.

"Come on already, I won't bite," the voice rang out. Despite himself, Fury smirked and walked in front, leaving the others to follow. He entered with his agents and saw a young man in his mid-twenties leaning comfortably on the couch and staring at them with a smile. The smile widened when his eyes fell on the two females on his right.

"On second thought, I won't mind a couple of bites or more. Later though. I believe we have matters to discuss. Please have a seat."

Fury fearlessly walked forward and took the proffered seat in front of the man who had the entire wide couch to himself. The twenty agents all took their positions on all three sides, surrounding them while the man simply sat there, looking amused at the display.

"You two can join me here, you know that, right?" Harry smiled and Fury looked at the two female agents whom he had addressed. They smiled at the man and shook their heads, remaining standing right behind him alongside Agent Barton.

Harry shrugged when he saw them standing right where they were and looked at Nick Fury. He had to admit that the man was intimidating. Standing well over 6 feet and wearing an eyepatch, the man looked like a literal badass and reminded him a lot of Mad-Eye Moody. His entire demeanour screamed 'Constant Vigilance!' and Harry smiled internally at the thought of the two men meeting each other.

"Let's get one thing out of the way first," Harry started, "I am in no way your enemy, even though you didn't approach me in the most civil of ways. I have no intention of interrupting any of your plans as long as they are with the purest of intentions."

Fury nodded.

"Believe me, you wouldn't like it if you decided to be our enemy, so it is a good thing that you don't have such motivations."

He ignored what he perceived as a condescending smile on the young man's face and continued.

"I feel I should tell you this. Apart from the agents you see around you, we have over five hundred more in this building and all around the area, and they are all at a moment's notice. Any hostile action on your part and they would not hesitate in demolishing this place. Yes, we have ensured to get the neighbourhood devoid of all civilians. It took a lot of work to manage that, so thank you for not scheduling this meeting in a neutral location."

Harry shrugged.

"I felt a homely environment would be more comfortable than some old and decrepit warehouse or bunker. Let's cut to the crux of the matter, shall we?"

Fury sat straight at the change in tone, realising that he was not talking to the man who possibly held powers beyond what they could think of. The door had opened on its own, which signified that he had some telekinetic capabilities, while the footage of the battle from the evening prior further indicated that this person was someone with abilities previously unseen on Earth.

"You guys ordered a hit on me, staged it might be, but I could've killed a number of your men and you wouldn't have managed to do anything. I should tell you that it was a very ill-thought plan, whoever concocted it," Harry remarked, glancing at Barton for a moment who winced slightly. His ribs were still bruised after Nat had been through with him and he could feel her sideways glance.

"What I want to know is why your first course of action was to stage an attack. As far as I know, these things start with dialogue if the other person has not taken a hostile action," Harry looked at Fury.

"We have reason to believe that you did something to one of our agents, which put you on the list of people to be monitored carefully. Agent Barton further got an inkling into your powers and that made you the prime suspect," Fury replied in a gruff voice.

Harry frowned. "I don't recall attacking anyone before last evening. Just what are you talking about?"

"An agent of ours had his memory wiped. He was seen walking inside an alley before coming back sometime later, but he has no memory of it ever happening," Fury stared hard at Harry, whose eyes widened slightly.

"Phil Coulson?"

"So it was you," Fury leaned back, "you are indeed a dangerous individual, Mr Potter. I have no idea how you never came under the radar of S.H.I.E.L.D. until now, but now you are."

"Careful, Director. I sense hostility in your tone," Harry warned and heard the agents straighten. Fury noticed the tension and motioned for the agents to stand down, who obliged.

"I did not mean to come off as hostile, but you have to admit that you are a dangerous individual and we would be remiss in our duties if we let you run off doing whatever you wanted."

Harry frowned, "Let me be very clear, Nick Fury. If you think that you can control me, you're sorely mistaken. Not to blow my own horn but I could vanish right here, right now, and your organisation would go out of commission before you could even find me. Apart from the fact that I do care for the two women standing behind you, I've agreed to have this little chat just because I don't want the headache of keeping out of your grasp every moment of my life. You perceive me as a hostile element, and I won't fault you for it. But do remember that you can't control me."

"You seem awfully comfortable in your skin," Fury remarked as he looked at the young man in front of him. As he had thought, the man had powers beyond what they could perceive, and the way he was speaking was enough to let him know that this was a man who knew what he was talking about.

Harry shrugged as he looked at the man.

"Let me repeat it once again. I have no aim of becoming your enemy but believe me, you'll find your biggest enemy in me if you ever thought of controlling me. I apologise for what I did to Phil Coulson, and I implore you to believe me when I say that I had no evil intentions."

Before Fury could speak, Felicia came down the stairs clad in his clothes and Harry smiled at her. However, his smile turned into a frown when he saw the ashen look on her face as she stared at Natasha, who was looking equally gobsmacked as she stared at the blonde. His desire to scan their minds surfaced but he quashed it. Why they were looking at each other like that was their personal matter and he didn't need to abuse his powers.

Felicia slowly came over and turned away from Natasha to look at him.

"What's going on?" She asked. Harry took her hand and made her sit beside him, before looking at Fury who was staring at the woman beside him.

"Felicia Hardy. Fancy company you keep, Mr Potter," the older man remarked as he looked at Harry, who shrugged.

"We just met last night for a hookup. Nothing's been discussed about the company, as you put it. And yeah, I know she's a burglar. Don't care," he shrugged. Felicia turned to look at him with wide eyes.

"You knew!?"

Harry chuckled.

"We all have secrets. You have yours, I have mine," Harry remarked, before waving his hand. The glasses on the bar counter floated in the air and hovered in front of every person in the room. Felicia's eyes bugged out as she stared at the glass before looking at him. Harry smiled.

"It's not poison. You may drink it," Harry said, before taking a sip. It was a simple lemon iced tea and he loved the flavour.

Fury hid his surprise at the blatant display of power. He looked at the drink for a moment, before taking a sip.

"Nice," Harry remarked, easily spotting the efficient way the Director scanned the drink for any poison with the ring on his finger.

"She will remain for our discussion then?" Fury asked as he nodded towards Felicia, who was still sitting in shock.

"She's harmless. Who knows, might be a good asset for your organisation," Harry shrugged casually.

Fury frowned as he looked at the woman. There had been reports about the daughter of a famous cat burglar who seemed to follow in his footsteps. S.H.I.E.L.D. had kept tabs on her for a while now, and the woman had been arrested a few times for petty theft. However, that didn't take away the positive attributes the woman had. Enhanced strength and agility were assets S.H.I.E.L.D. coveted, and if she cooperated, they could reach an accord.

"What do you say? Wanna work for them?" Harry asked the woman beside him, who looked at him in surprise.


Harry sighed.

"Let's face it. You're a burglar for two reasons – money and the thrill of it. Well, I'm sure you can have plenty of both if you work for S.H.I.E.L.D.."

Felicia frowned as she looked down. It was true that those were the only reasons why she continued to rob people. It wasn't as if she had some foolish desire to carry her adopted father's legacy.

"Well, it won't hurt to discuss terms, I guess," she replied, before looking at Fury who scoffed.

"You heard the woman, Hill," he instructed. Maria Hill nodded and walked to the side, and Harry nodded for the blonde to go ahead. The woman, still slightly reeling from how her life had suddenly turned on its head, stood and walked over to join the brunette.

"Now that we're done with her, let's continue, Nick Fury. Exactly what do you want from me?" Harry asked finally, and Fury looked at him seriously.

"You are a possible threat, Harry Potter. I believe I am right when I say that no one apart from you has any idea what you are capable of, and that doesn't sit right with me."

"Let me assuage those fears a little bit then," Harry replied, "I am willing to work with S.H.I.E.L.D.."

Fury stared at him.

"You would join S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Harry shook his head, "I said I am willing to work with S.H.I.E.L.D. I won't be your employee. You will have no control over me. However, if situations arise wherein you need my help, you can count on me."

"That doesn't reassure me as much as I would like," Fury replied.

Harry scoffed.

"Listen, Nick, you can remain stubborn in your desire to control me and we will never reach an accord. I am offering you my help when you need it. In return, all I'm asking for is for you to leave me alone to live my life as I want. I don't believe it's too much. Paranoia is a dangerous thing. One might end up creating a threat when it could've been avoided by simply meeting someone halfway. This is me making an effort because, in all honesty, I don't want to keep looking over my shoulder for an agent of yours to pop up out of nowhere, and I don't believe you'd like me making things hard for you either."

Fury sat in silence, thinking over the proposal. Finally, he looked at Harry and held his hand out.

"I believe we have an agreement."

Harry smiled and shook his hand.


"So what are you exactly?" Natasha asked. Currently, she and Harry were sitting at the bar and clearing any misunderstandings there were between them. Fury, Clint and the others had already left, leaving only her and Maria in the penthouse.

"I'm a wizard, Natasha," Harry smiled. Natasha looked at him critically before she chuckled.

"Very funny. Magic doesn't exist."

"You're sure about it? A year ago you'd have said the same about Thor, but now we know Norse gods do exist."

Natasha frowned.

"Alright. What can you do then?"

Harry shrugged, "A lot of things. I actually have to think about what I can't do."

"Modest, aren't you?" She asked with a smirk as her hand went to his knee. She kept it there as Harry looked down before looking at her with a smirk.

"I have every right to be this modest," he replied before he leaned forward and kissed her softly. Natasha sighed as she kissed him back. After what happened the previous night, a part of her had been afraid that Harry wouldn't want to have anything to do with her. It was a massive relief that things between them were fine.

Their backs were against the bar counter and their legs were touching as they kissed each other, before Harry pulled back and looked at her.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked, tucking a strand of her crimson hair behind her ear. Natasha leaned into his touch as he cupped her cheek and nodded.

"Do you and Felicia know each other? You both were quite surprised to see each other," Harry intoned softly. He could easily pull the information from her mind, but he didn't want to do that.

Natasha frowned and pulled away from him before turning around and looking down at the counter. Harry gazed at her in slight concern.

"I was born in Russia," Natasha began, and Harry listened intently as she explained everything. His eyes widened when she talked about the Red Room and what happened therein before they softened when she told him what they had done to her. Natasha leaned into his touch as she explained everything to him, embracing the comfort he provided. She had no idea why she was telling all of it to Harry, but the words kept flowing out of her mouth and she found she wanted to confide in him.

"Thank you for telling me, Natasha," Harry said softly, kissing the top of her head, and Natasha pulled back.

"Stop calling me Natasha. Call me Nat, as you used to before all this happened," she instructed sternly. Harry's eyes widened slightly before he smiled.

"Sure," he replied. Natasha nodded, leaning back against him as he held her.

"Will you tell me your story now?" She asked in a whisper, and Harry froze slightly.

"I don't know if you'll believe it. Hell, even I wouldn't believe such a story if someone told me."


"Try me," Natasha looked up at him with piercing eyes.

Harry thought about it. Nothing was compelling him to tell her, but after the trust that she had put in him by telling him everything about her childhood and her teenage years, he felt like he owed her at least this much.

"Okay, but you cannot tell anyone about this, and I mean it. No one should know."

Natasha frowned at him and nodded.

"I am Harry Potter, but I am not this world's Harry Potter," Harry began, and Natasha looked at him in surprise.

"You're from an alternate reality?"

Harry shrugged.

"I have no idea what it is, but long story short, there was a war in my world and I died before I was transported into the body of this world's Harry Potter with all my powers and abilities. Now I am a perfect mixture of both."

Natasha sighed.

"That's a lot to take in," she replied. Harry chuckled.

"Tell me about it. I didn't think it would happen like this, but now that I've been in this world for so long, I can't complain. I'm loving this life," he admitted.

"And that has nothing to do with so many women you're bedding, right?"

Harry chuckled.

"Although I had no idea who Felicia really was. I admit I scanned her mind to know whether there was anything nefarious about her, but beyond that, I had no clue."

Natasha nodded.

"Even I had never seen her picture. Her name came up at S.H.I.E.L.D. a few times, but since she was a burglar, we never thought much about her. Seeing her now was a big surprise."

Harry smiled softly.

"I understand. I hope things work out between you two."

Natasha sighed. For some reason, she wasn't much optimistic about it.

The sound of footsteps alerted them and they turned to look at Maria arriving with Felicia by her side. As the two women came closer, Harry stood up and walked over to Maria. Grabbing the brunette by her waist, he smirked at her.

"Have I told you how utterly irresistible you are?" Harry whispered, bending down to kiss her softly. Maria, initially surprised at his assertive approach, was quick to reciprocate the kiss.

Pecking her softly once more, Harry pulled back and started to lead them to the back.

"Come on, there's a really fun place we can continue this," he intoned, giving Natasha a meaningful glance before leading Maria away.

"Could he be any less obvious?" Felicia muttered as she stared at Natasha, who looked at her with a frown.

"Hello Yelena," Natasha started. Felicia bristled.

"I no longer go by that accursed name. You should know, Natalia," she retorted. Natasha flinched.

"I thought you would've wanted to get as far away from that memory, but I can see you still clung on to something. Natasha? Really? You couldn't come up with a better one?"

Natasha glared at the woman who once used to be her sister.

"Even though I wanted to, my past is what shaped me."

"Suit yourself," Felicia muttered and took a seat on the stool beside Natasha, who stared at her sister.

"So you're fucking him too? Can't blame you. He's one hot fuck," Felicia remarked as she poured herself a glass of whiskey and took a sip.

"What happened to you, Yelena?" Natasha asked. Felicia sighed.

"I don't like to repeat myself, Natasha," Felicia glared at the redhead, who frowned.

"If you really want to know, I was trafficked when I eloped from the Red Room. Don't remember how it happened. I was too disoriented after the escape. However, before I could be sold, a burglar got inside the compound. I had no clue who he was or how he got there, the only thing I know is that he managed to take me away with him. Gave me my name and raised me like his daughter until he got himself killed in the middle of a heist."

"You don't seem too sad at his passing," Natasha noted with a frown. Felicia glared at her.

"Given the fact that the old drunkard tried to rape me a few days before his death, I'm sorry if you find me a bit happy that he kicked the bucket," Felicia replied.

Natasha's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea," she whispered. Felicia turned abruptly and slammed her fist on the countertop.

"I waited for you! I could barely stand on my feet and yet I waited for you. You lied to me, Natasha! You sent that message and yet you didn't come! I know you were going to, but you changed your mind. Why!?"

Natasha's eyes widened.

"Yes, I know you decided to stay. Lizzie bled out in my arms. She had run out of that place just to tell me that you were not coming. Why Natasha? Why did she have to die? Why did you stay!?" Felicia hissed, eyes watering as she glared at her pseudo-sister.

"I wanted to destroy them," Natasha whispered, "those people who destroyed our lives. I wanted to destroy everything they had built, everything they stood for. And the best way to do that was from the inside."

"Well, at least you managed to do that. Yay! Congrats! The great Natasha Romanova managed to destroy the legendary Red Room and kill the cunt Dreykov! All bow before the legendary Black Widow! That's what they called you, right? I remember, even before we properly started to train. That's the name they gave you. You showed a lot of promise, Natasha. No wonder you managed to do it. If only you had not left your sister to fend for herself," Felicia chuckled.

"I wanted to! Believe me, Felicia, I was going to tell you everything, but I couldn't. You were already out, and there was no way to make it outside the time limit we decided on without being fatally wounded or dead. I would have come for you myself!"

"Forget it, Natasha. I don't want to remember that time anymore. Both of us are out and we don't have to worry about it. It's in the past. Let it remain in the past. Just forget that you ever had a sister and I'll do the same."

Natasha frowned at Felicia's behaviour, even though she understood it. She was lucky that the burglar had managed to take her away before she could be sold. Who knew what would've happened to her if it hadn't happened?

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry. And I hope we can trust each other once again. You're going to be an agent after all. Also, it's Natasha Romanoff now."

Felicia snorted but said nothing.


"You felt the tension between them as well?" Maria groaned as she hurriedly pulled Harry's joggers down and freed up his cock. The brunette looked up at him with a grin.

"Yeah, let them talk it out. They need it. I'm sure Nat will tell you. Now get started babe," Harry replied.

Maria nodded and quickly engulfed his cock in her mouth. She started to bob her head back and forth, taking him in and out of her slick mouth at a steady pace. Her hand worked his cock, stroking him as she sucked his cock.

Her other hand reached behind her and the brunette rubbed her naked pussy. Harry had been eager this afternoon. The moment they had entered this game room, he had pushed her against the wall and ravished her mouth. In no time, he had pulled her uniform away from her body, leaving her naked.

Maria moaned around his cock as her fingers spread her lips apart and she inserted one inside her.

"Oh I love your mouth," Harry groaned as he played with her hair. His cock popped out of her mouth as Maria took a deep breath.

"I was so scared last evening. I thought you'd want to do nothing with us," Maria admitted.

Harry chuckled and pulled her to her feet before turning her around and bending her over the pool table. He licked his hand and rubbed it over her slick pussy, feeling her wetness.

"Oh babe, I plan to do a lot more with you," he grunted as he shoved his cock deep inside her.

"Yessss…" Maria hissed as she felt his familiar cock fill her once again. After the indecisive night that she had spent, having him inside her once again felt so fulfilling. She could feel his aggression in his thrusts and she bent over fully so that her entire front was resting on the table and her ass was raised high in the air.

"Oh… you're brilliant," Harry chuckled and started to furiously hammer away inside her. His pelvis collided with her supple ass and he watched as it jiggled enticingly.

"You're just saying that because you're fucking me," Maria groaned, chuckling when he started to fuck her harder.

"Whatever. I'm not in the mood to banter with you right now. Get up," he instructed, before turning her around and lifting her up by the ass. Planting her on the table so that only her legs were dangling off the surface, he lined his cock up against her pussy and shoved it fully inside her.

"Fuck yes!" Maria cried out in jubilation as Harry started to fuck her. Her hands held the table, supporting her on top of it as Harry cupped her cheek with one hand while holding her waist with the other.

Her lips welcomed his just like her pussy welcomed his hard cock, and the two lovers kissed heatedly as they continued to fuck each other furiously.

"Shit!" Maria cursed and Harry felt her inner walls tighten around his cock. The brunette shuddered and her arms gave away. Harry held her in place by her waist and slowly lowered her faintly convulsing body on the table as she orgasmed around his cock. He was not far away either and quickly pulled out of her.

As her orgasmic juices poured out of her pussy and on the floor, Harry climbed up the table and shoved his cock between her tits. Maria eagerly pushed them together, and his slick cock started to fuck her tits.

"I'm close," he grunted as he continued to thrust inside her cleavage, and Maria pushed herself up on her elbows before taking him in her mouth.

"Damn," Harry grunted under her ministrations as he shot his load inside her mouth. Maria's eyes closed and her hand started stroking him as she sucked the head of his cock furiously. Her other hand started to fondle his balls as rope after rope of his sticky, hot cum splattered against her wanton throat.

Finally, Harry pulled out of her mouth as she drained his cock of every drop of his cum and sat beside her on the table.

"That was bloody brilliant," he said, chuckling when Maria dropped back on the table and closed her eyes.

"It was," a voice called out from the entrance of the game room, and Harry turned to see Felicia and Natasha standing there with smirks on their faces.

"I hope you're not done," Felicia sauntered forward with a smirk as she shimmied out of his joggers before pulling his t-shirt over her head. Natasha also smirked and pulled her uniform away.

In no time, his cock was hard as he took in the naked figures of the blonde and the redhead.

"Come with me," he replied and hopped off the table before wrapping his arm around their waists, pulling them flush against him. The threesome started to walk out of the room. However, before they could leave, Harry stopped and turned to look at Maria who was still lying on the table but looking at their retreating backs.

"Maria, whenever you're ready, join us in the jacuzzi at the back," Harry called out with a smirk as he led the two sexy women towards their destination.

"With women like you, I'd rather die than be done," Harry replied as he cupped their asses and squeezed, leading them towards the jacuzzi.

'Things might not be perfect and I might still be involved in this world's conflicts, but with life like this, I don't have any complaints. However, these thoughts can wait,' Harry thought as he walked inside the jacuzzi with the two beautiful women in his arms.

In no time, he was lost in the world of pure, unadulterated pleasure as the former sisters took turns with him inside the jacuzzi before a rejuvenated Maria Hill rode him to her second climax of the afternoon.

As a fully satiated Harry Potter sat there in the water with three soft and curvaceous bodies wrapped around him, he repeated what he had felt almost an hour before.

'Yep, no complaints.'

To be continued…

If you'd like to read chapters a few months in advance, head over to and you'll find it along with many more perks. Thanks for reading.

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