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67.47% Unique Gamers Travels / Chapter 75: Chapter 75

Chapter 75: Chapter 75

Huge thanks to Lorf of Dragons, Knight Wolf, Abaddon2466, Daniel, MarieAnne, Dejan, J5423, Ismael, Travis, Shanna, Jopi, and Gavin for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[Location: New York Institute] [3rd POV]

After reappearing outside the institute, Talia looked to the group in amusement. Alec and Isabelle both looked like they were about to yack everywhere, while Magnus just looked at them amusedly. Hope was fine as she had done this before. While Clary, surprisingly enough, was also fine.

"Good, you didn't throw up" Talia commented with a small smirk, ignoring Alec "shut up" and Isabelle's soft groan.

"So, how are we going to explain all of this? We can't exactly walts in there and say you used the wish. If we did that, you'd have the entire Clave coming after you" Magnus asked, knowing that the Clave would not be pleased with the usage of the wish.

"We could just lie and say Valentine destroyed the objects, but never summoned Raziel. Or, just say that we don't know where they went" Talia said with a small shrug, not really caring much for the Clave's opinion on the matter. The Clave just wanted the items because of the power they had within them, and the possibility of using that wish.

The group walked towards the entrance of the institute, all of them having a varying level of annoyance at this situation, except Alec, who was still grieving the betrayal of his best friend.

"And how are we going to explain your...transformation?" Magnus asked Talia. Thankfully, explaining that was easier than the wish, as magic was a complicated thing.

"I'll just say that this is my true form, and the one you all used to see, was an illusion" Talia said with a hum, finding it to be the best excuse at the moment.

"Are we going to tell them about Jace?" Hope asked, knowing that revealing the truth of Jace's betrayal, could have some genuine consequences, especially if they found out Talia killed him.

"Hmm, what do you guys think? Should we leave it be, and make Jace the hero of the story? Or should we reveal the truth about the type of person Jace actually is" Talia asked the group, wanting to hear what they thought on the matter.

Looking at eachother, Isabelle eventually answered for the group "I say we reveal the truth. It'll be a lot worse if they somehow find out that he wasn't a hero, but a traitor the entire time. There's already too many lies within the Clave, no need to add more into the mix"

Hearing this, Talia nodded with a small smile, appeased with the answer.

"Alright then, time to face the music"


[Many Hours later]

They certainly faced the music alright. After the group had returned to the Clave, they were almost immediately questioned on what happened to Valentine and the Mortal Instruments.

They explained a lot of what happened truthfully, which was that Talia slaughtered almost all of hte Circle members. But, they did hide her death, and her using the wish, as she wanted.

The revelation that Jace was a traitor had caused some... disbelief, to say the very least. Most of the ones that had heard of it, didn't believe Talia in the slightest, with some even accusing her of killing him. Thankfully she had the group to vouch for her, so it wasn't hard to get out of that small little pickle.

The other major source of annoyance, was the Clave's reaction to the Mortal Instruments. They were...less than pleased with the losing of the Instruments, and had already sent out search parties for the items. Not that they would find anything at least.

Talia's new appearance also caused a little bit of issues, as it heightened the mistrust with the Clave, due to them finding out about the "illusion" placed on her. Thankfully, that was only a minor group that was having real issue with it.

The rest of the couple of hours mostly consisted of answering questions, getting silently glared at, and dealing with Jace's grandmother that refused to believe he would do such a thing, even with all the evidence of the event.

Currently, Talia and Hope were in their room snuggling after In which Hope was given a very thorough look at Talia's new form, which she quite liked, if her kissing every inch of it was any indicator.

"You really scared me..." Hope softly whispered, snuggling up into Talia's shoulder.

Hearing her girlfriend, Talia softly smiled "Nothing to fear, love. I wouldn't die on you, not now, not ever. You and I will be together, Always and Forever"

Hope couldn't help but giggle at her girlfriend "That was cheesy"

"Oh? That was cheesy huh? I'll show you cheesy!" Talia said, before attacking Hope in the ultimate way...tickling.

Hope squealed as giggles escaped her, Talia's ruthless tickle attacks getting loud laughs and weezes out of Hope.

"Ple-*giggles* stop *giggles* no more" Hope giggled out, trying to speak. Smirking at her girlfriend, Talia leaned in and softly captured Hope's lips in her own.

"Fine, but if you keep teasing me, I'll be punishing you~" Talia husked, causing a soft blush to form on Hope's cheeks.

"Talia!" Hope whined out, feeling the heat build-up within her, again. The two had just had rather long, mindblowing sex with Talia making full use of her new form.

"Sorry love, you're just so cute when you get teased" Talia cooed, pecking Hope on the cheek, before returning to her sleeping position.

Hope pouted slightly, before leaning back into Talia's embrace "So...are you a Timelord? I watched enough of Doctor Who with you to know that energy" Hope asked, looking up slightly at her girlfriend.

"Seems so. I guess I was born as one, if you'd believe it" Talia replied with a wry smile.

"I do. You're already impossible Talia, this just makes you a little more impossible" Hope said with a smile, causing Talia to look at her. Talia's eyes filled with love at Hope trying to comfort her.

"I love you" Talia said with a small smile, causing Hope to tilt her head a little before replying with a smile "I love you too"

Talia watched with a small smile, as Hope slowly fell asleep in her arms, her new arms at least. She inwardly wondered why she hasn't had that "Regeneration High" that the Doctor sometimes had, and chalked it up to it coming onto her late.

Seeing that Hope was finally sleeping, Talia decided to get her three items now, rather than waiting for too long.

'System, claim the items' Talia thought.

[Powerful Item | From Any Universe] [x3]




The Book of Vishanti - The incredibly powerful and ancient book from the Marvel Universe, as well as the opposite of the Darkhold. Written inside is a seemingly infinite amount of light/order spells, various other rituals, pieces of knowledge, and all sorts of things, similar to it's darker counterpart the Darkhold. Almost the entirety of the spells within his book, are defensive in nature. The book, like the darkhold, can teleport back to the user, is keyed to the users very being, meaning only the user can read and use this grimoire. Due to the nature of this grimoire, it cannot be consumed for the knowledge inside. Increases all of the users magical capabilities by 5x. Due to the user having the darkhold as well, the user's magic is now a mixture of black, red, and gold. Increases the power of all light/order spells by 5x, also applies to spells used through the Heavenly Dragon Flame. This book is housed in the users soul, alongside the Darkhold.


Mind Stone - One of the 6 infinity stones of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the representation of the fabric of the mind. Unlike the original, this mind stone works in all universes the user travels to, and it is keyed so that only the user may wield it's immense power. The full power of this object is sealed away, due to the users inability to wield it's full might. Currently, it has the following powers, abilities, etc.

Massively increases all the user's mental capabilities, be it computing speeds, having simultaneous trains of thought, etc. Improves the users mental computing speeds by 100 times. Also massively increases the strength of the users occlumency shields. The full force of the stone would increase this to much much much higher levels.

Allows the user to project their consciousness to other places, even across the entire universe.

It is almost completely indestructible, except through very very specific means.

It is housed in the users soul, protecting it alongside the book of Vishanti and the Darkhold. Is also passively strengthening the soul and mind, further increasing the users mental capabilities, constantly, albeit at a rather slow rate. There is a stronger/better place to house it, but the user does not have the capabilities to withstand that just yet.

Can be used to get immense amounts of knowledge from universes the user travels to, however, this is incredibly taxing on the body, is hard to control, and MUST be trained. The user currently does not have the capabilities to do this.

The stone grows stronger for every universe the user travels to, gaining the knowledge and "mind" of that universes added to it. Due to this, it is filled with immense knowledge that is just waiting to be used.

For every universe traveled to, the mental capabilities boost is increased by another 50x. So far the stone has been to: MCU and Shadowhunters. Should the user grow strong enough to handle more of the stone, this improvement will be far higher, as will the base increase, and further increases.

Improves all mind reading, scanning, compulsion, mind spells, etc by 20x. This can be increased further for every world traveled to, increasing it by another 10x every universe.

MANY more abilities are still locked. Can be unlocked through further usage/training, other items, certain classes, etc. Has the potential to grow to the same power level as it's comic counterpart, if trained, used, and traveled with enough.


Blessing of Mother Magic - A tattoo that symbolizes the blessing of magic herself. Is classified as an item due to it being in the form of a tattoo. Is from an unknown universe.

Massively increases the users magic potential, talent, learning speeds, etc, by 25x.

Increases all magical powers, capabilities, etc, by 10x.

Improves the users capabilities at combining, creating, and changing magic by 5x.

Increases the users resistance to all forms of magic by 50%

Allows the user to learn magics that are species-specific, allowing them to learn magic that they normally cannot learn.

Allows the user to learn magics that are bloodline specific, allowing them to learn magic that they normally cannot learn.

Allows the user to passively absorb magic from the surroundings, housing it in the tattoo in case the user ever needs to draw upon another source of magic. The tattoo can house 2x the users total magical storage. This increases as the users magical energy does.

Talia reading through the items she got, simply stood and stared. She eventually rubbed her eyes, thinking she was dreaming, only to realize she wasn't.

'H-holy fuck...I got an infinity stone! And an actually helpful one at that!' Talia thought with a wide smile, trying not to laugh in happiness, not wanting to wake Hope up from her peaceful slumber.

[Would host like to equip the three items? The latter will appear behind your right ear, while the former two will appear in your soul. Should you want to summon them, it is the same as the Darkhold, simply imagine them, and they'll appear]

'Do it' Talia thought. The second that thought escaped her, she sighed at the incoming pain that began to assault her. Thankfully, her soul and mind were VERY resiliant and used to pain by this point, so, it was nothing more than a really really bad migraine, and that was it. The pain on her right ear was negligible, and was over with in seconds.

While Talia couldn't get up, she could use some magic to get a good look at her new tattoo, and she had to admit, she quite liked it.

'Neat. I wonder if the tree is supposed to be Yggdrasil? It's in a good spot too, not out in the open, and not too big, just right' Talia thought with a smile, ignoring the blinding migraine that was still hitting her. The pain was lessening by the second, probably the mind of a timelord helping with that.

It took a little longer than 10 more minutes before the pain finally ceased, and was replaced by power and mental speed. Talia noticed the difference when becoming a Timelord, but this...this was on a whole other level. It was like she was waking up for the first time, seeing things differently, and at completely new and previously impossible speeds. She could literally solve 10 different problems at the same time while playing chess or some shit. Her mental computation speed was far beyond what it was before, and she was more than glad for it.

Realizations settled in, plans for the future began to form, and decision were rapidly made within her mind, all in the timespan of literal seconds. Breathing in, Talia looked to her girlfriend with a smile, before leaning back and getting comfortable.

'Time to get some sleep. Tomorrow I can start executing those plans of mine' Talia thought with smile, before moving slightly so that Hope was snuggled into her neck, as she too joined Hope in the warmth of sleep.

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That's the end of the chapter.

I genuinely did get those three items, as I have a random wheel of like 25-30 items, and those are what I got. The infinity stone obviously can't be used fully, not for a while at least.

Next chapter is When Talia will get rid of some loose ends, before the date with Isabelle in the chapter after that. Some oc/slice of life stuff coming up as well.

Next chapter is decently long too, roughly 3k words, so be ready for that. Might be doing a double upload too, as I'm finally done with school (besides something next week I have to do) so I actually have free time again, thank god.

Anyways, have a good day, see ya!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like exclusive stories) on my patreon for three dollars a month!

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