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77.41% Travels of the Daughter of God / Chapter 70: Chapter 70: Class

Chapter 70: Chapter 70: Class

[3rd POV]

It was the next morning after Lucifer got back, and the three were sitting around the dinner table, munching on breakfast. Alice was already in her school clothes, which which was a rather cute outfit that Lucifer quite liked.

"Are you ready for school, love?" Lucifer asked, looking to Alice who nodded, excited at the prospect. She wanted some new friends, and she decided that the school could give her some...hopefully.

"And what about you, my little helper? Are you excited to help Mama with her class?" Lucifer asked Rose who nodded in excitement.

"Mmhmm! I can't wait Mama. Can I also join in on the lessons?" Rose asked, causing Lucifer to let out a small chuckle.

"Of course, Rose. Once you become a fairy, you'll be more than welcome to come and learn from me, just as your Mommy is" Lucifer replied, causing Rose's eyes to sparkle more, as she was happy to learn more from her Mama, even if she had learned a lot from her already. Afterall, knowledge was power, especially when it came to the knowledge her Mama gave her.

After saying this, Lucifer stopped and looked at the time, before smirking slightly "Rose love, why don't you go and get your supplies?"

Tilting her head, Rose nodded before getting to her feet and racing off, ready to get the supplies she needed. Like paper, pencils, and some other stuff. Afterall, she needed to take notes of what her Mama was saying (and who she liked in the class).

Seeing that Rose was no longer in the room, Lucifer looked to Alice with a small grin "You have no idea how adorable you look right now, babygirl~" Lucifer purred, causing Alice to blush pink, as Lucifer's eye trailed over her figure, and the outfit she had picked out for the night.

[Without the purse or necklace]

"Do I really look that good? I sorta just picked whatever I could find" Alice asked, blushing as Lucifer walked forward and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Absolutely, my cute little student looks adorable~" Lucifer purred, as Alice blushed brighter, feeling Lucifer's hand give her perky little butt a soft squeez.

"And if your a good girl today at school, your professor will give you a good reward~" Lucifer husked, as Alice went weak in the knees. Lucifer now being the God of Beauty and Love, made her VERY good at showing Alice her love. She was sure she'd be bringing her adorable mate to new heights of pleasure, and make her beg for more even more than before.

"But~ That's only if you're a good girl, okay~?" Lucifer purred, causing Alice to nod hastily, shivering as Lucifer pecked her on the lips and leaned back.

"I-I'll be a good girl today, I promise" Alice stuttered, knowing that Lucifer was teasing her, and she was enjoying ever moment of it, and with the way Alice nearly whimpered at the teasing, it was quite obvious she was enjoying it too.

"Good" Lucifer said with a smirk, as Rose walked back in, only to tilt her head as she saw her Mommy blushing and Lucifer with a triumphant grin on her face.

"Hmmm? What happened?"


A bit later, after Alice had left for her classes, Lucifer was in her classroom, sitting at her desk as Rose was scribbling away at her own mini desk that Lucifer made to fit her smaller size. It was a rather...adorable sight.

"Is the chair comfortable enough?" Lucifer asked, glancing at Rose who nodded.

"It's perfect mama! Thank you!" Rose said with a bright smile, causing Lucifer to look at her before smiling softly.

"Not a problem, little one. But, it does seem our students are arriving, alongside your Mommy" Lucifer said, causing Rose to perk up at this, as she gasped and got to her feet.

"Should I give out the books now or later? I don't have the paper done yet! Oh and the-" "It's alright, little flower. I'll tell you when you need to give them the books alright? The paper is just fine, and the desks are as perfect as they can be" Lucifer said, cutting her daughter off with an amused chuckle, as Rose looked at her before nodding slowly.

"Okay Mama" Rose said, before Lucifer smiled.

"Well then, let's let them in!"


Outside the door, moments before.

"Whoever this teacher is, is going to get an earful if they don't open this damn door soon!" A blonde-haired girl said, enraged. This was Stella, Princess of Solaria, and a...bit of a bitch. She was also a light fairy, albeit a rather weak one, due to the way her mother taught her.

"Maybe you should just chill out a bit, princess" Musa said with a sarcastic eye roll.

Another younger looking girl with red hair giggled slightly at what Musa said. This was Beatrix, a air fairy who specialized in lightning.

"Can we maybe just stop fighting so much?" Another girl said, trying to stop the fighting before it even begins. This was Aisha, a water fairy.

"Yeah, maybe we shouldn't fight in front of the teachers door? What if they walked out and heard all of this?" Another concerned girl said, this was Terra, an Earth Fairy.

"And why should I care? I'm the princess" Stella said with a small scoff, before noticing Bloom standing there.

"And what are you doing here? I thought this was an advanced class, and who are you supposed to be?" Stella asked, noticing Bloom and then Alice who walked around the corner, only to see the obvious tension in the area.

"I'm Alice. And it is an advanced class, but it's more so a class meant to help us control and learn our magics. And you do realize that the door isn't that solid, right? The teacher can probably hear all of this" Alice said, looking at them, realizing that they might annoy Lucifer more than she originally thought.

"Again, why should I care? I'm the princess"

"Because you're acting like a bitch right now?" Bloom said with a scoff, annoyed with the girl.

"What did you just-" Before Stella could utter another word, the door creaked open, revealing the inside to them. A powerful feminine voice sounded out.

"Come in"

At these words, they all looked to one another, before slowly walking into the room one by one. They all stared in confusion (besides Alice) at what seemed to be a girl their age sitting at the teacher's desk, and a young girl sitting at a smaller desk next to her.

"This is a joke, right?" Stella muttered, while Lucifer looked at her with an amused eyebrow raised.

"No, Stella, it is not. Now please do sit, and be free to sit with whoever you wish" Lucifer said, ignoring the girl as they all moved to sit. Aisha and Musa sitting next to each other, Bloom and Stella, Alice and Beatrix, and finally Terra all on her lonesome. She seemed a little hurt, which caused Rose to frown, before getting up from her desk and moving to where Terra was sitting, and plopping down next to her, looking up to the older teen with a smile. Terra smiled at the young girl, before they all looked to Lucifer as she began, a smile on her face at the actions of her daughter.

"Now that you are all seated, let's begin" Lucifer said, flicking her wrist in a simple motion, as words fluttered into form at her side.

"My name is Lucifer Morningstar. I am physically 19 years old and am considered as such, I am in fact, older than any other being in all the realms. With this, comes a vast amount of knowledge, knowledge I wish to use to help all of you" Lucifer began, their eyes already widening at the ease of her magic, and the mention of her being so old, Stella was about to scoff, before stopping as Lucifer continued.

"I will help each of you with the problems that stops you from using your true potential, and I will teach you to go even beyond that. From helping with weak magic due to relying on negative emotions, to control, to connecting with your element, and beyond. And should you all reach a level that I believe appropriate, you shall all be given a reward, an incentive if you wish to call it that" Lucifer said, causing Beatrix to raise an eyebrow before raising her hand.

"What sort of incentive? Because no offense, but you don't look much older than most of us"

In response Lucifer smirked, before a soft glow formed at her back, her fairy wing slowly fluttering into life, as the teens all gasped at the sight of them, with only Bloom looking confused.

"This is the incentive I give you. Should you reach a level that I deem sufficient, then I shall teach you to bring out the wings that you all believed to have been lost for so very long" Lucifer said, staring down the shocked fairies as they stared at her wings, before said wings flickered out of existence.

"How-How do you know how to use them? The art has been lost for hundreds of years!" Terra asked, awed.

"Terra, I am much much much older than a mere millennium, much less a few centuries. So what does that mean?" Lucifer asked, causing Bloom to speak up.

"It means you were around when it was created" Bloom said, causing Lucifer to nod.

She had technically "been there" when it was created, as she had used her knowledge domain to gain access to all magic related to the fairy transformations of this realm, and all teachings involved. It was quite simple really, as it required a sufficient level of magic, control, and emotion, as well as some other outside factors.

"Indeed. Now, as your questions, so we can continue" Lucifer said, allowing them to ask.

"How old are you?" Musa asked curiously, while inwardly noting that she couldn't feel even a bit of Lucifer's emotions, just like...that man.

"It's rude to ask a lady her age, Musa. But if you must know, I will just say that I am roughly half as old as the human race"

"What magics can you use?" Beatrix asked, interested in this unknown woman.

"All of them. After all, I've been around long enough to learn and master them" Lucifer said, and to prove her point, elemental orbs fluttered around her, forming various different factors, such as small illusions of black holes, a miniature dragon of fire, and some more, before they fluttered out of life.

"Are you the devil?" Bloom's voice soon cut in, causing all of those from the Otherworld to look at her in confusion, before back at Lucifer, their eyes slowly widening in realizatoin.

Grinning, Lucifer spoke "Guilty as charged. But no need to freak out, unlike what the humans speak of me, I am certainly not the root of all evil, and I would never wage war against my father, considering I very much care for him, and he's very omnipotent, so it'd be a meaningless battle" Lucifer said with a shrug, deciding against hiding it this time, as she really couldn't care if everyone knew.

"...You aren't going to hurt us, are you?" Terra asked, slightly nervous as Rose struggled not to giggle at the pout that formed on her mama's face.

"No, no. I don't kill innocents, much less a bunch of teens" Lucifer said with a pout.

They all looked at each other at that, unsure what to think of this. While Stella was frowning deeply, not trusting her in the slightest, and inwardly wondered if she should inform her mother of the "Devil" but decided against it, at least, until Lucifer had done something to warrant that.

Looking over the group, Lucifer sighed slightly, before a smile formed on her face, excited for the next part, as she began to speak.

"Now, why don'y you all show me your magic? I'd like to see what I am working with"

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter should be roughly the same length, or shorter by a bit. This chapter was a bit rushed, as there is a huge storm in my city right now, so my power has been flickering all day and has already went out once.

I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to update Unique Gamer today. But if I don't do it today, I will 100% do it tomorrow. I'll try my best to though. Hopefully the storm will pass and I'll be able to upload that and some vault chapters soon.

Anyways, have a good day!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like more than 35 exclusive stories) on my patreon for three dollars a month! Or 30 dollars for an entire year!

(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

Chapter 71: Chapter 71: First Teaching Session

[3rd POV]

Watching her students lined up, Lucifer stood across from them, the classroom having been opened up for this next part.

"Alright then, I want Terra here to start" Lucifer spoke, giving the girl a small encouraging smile and nod, causing her to breath in and out, eyes glowing as the pot she had across from her began to slowly show signs of development, a flower slowly sprouting from it.

"Hmm, not bad at all, Miss Terra. However, it would seem you are being far too forceful" Lucifer muttered, crouching down to the plant and placed a singular finger on it, causing it to glow powerfully, sprouting into a large and beautiful flower.

"Forceful?" Terra muttered, confused.

"Mmhmm. Plants and nature is not to be forced, for it is above even Fairies. All life comes from nature, and all life will return to nature inevitably. Instead, it is best to grow a true and genuine connection to nature itself, feeling what the plants feel, and understanding how to grow them in a natural way rather than forcefully" Lucifer answered, as she turned back to Terra with a smile.

"How do I do that?"

"Simple, you feel them, not control. You allow yourself to connect to the very plants around you on an instinctual level. Should you reach a high enough mastery, you will not only be able to control the plants and earth around you, but you will also be able to see through them, allowing you to see far more than you could while a fairy" Lucifer replied.

"Meditation is one way of doing it, primarily in a heavily forested area. But the best way is to simply grow plants and your connection to them. I'll be helping you in that regard, miss Terra" Lucifer said, causing Terra to nod rapidly, growing excited at the idea.

"Now, why don't you show me what you can do, Aisha?" Lucifer said, causing her to nod.

Watching as Aisha floated a ball of water, she hummed "Can you separate it more into smaller orbs?" She asked, watching Aisha concentrate as they slowly split, albeit not in a smooth manner, before they plopped to the ground, as Aisha looked embarrassed.

"No need to be embarrassed, Aisha. Water is the hardest of the elements to control, by a vast margin at that" Lucifer said, causing them to look surprised.

"Really? I thought fire was"

"Nope, water is. It is ever changing, ever moving, and is the most chaotic element. Similar to the Ocean, you must learn to control and dominate the water and it's ever changing form. And your magic is probably the second most powerful of the bunch, Aisha. For you don't just control water, but all liquids, should you reach mastery. And just as Terra will see through the nature around her, should she reach a high enough level, you shall become the controller of the Sea's, able to bend Oceans, and deepen your connection to the animals that live within" Lucifer said, causing Aisha to look surprised.

"But the amount of control that would need-" "Is immense, yes. But, it is possible. Trust me when I say, that each of you have immense potential, all of you having the talent and potential to quite literally control the major forces of the world" Lucifer cut her off.

"So, your training will be on control. Training as you warp and change the water in unpredictable and chaotic ways, so that you may eventually control more than just water. Afterall, blood is primarily made of water" Lucifer said with a smirk, as Aisha's eyes widened in realization, before Lucifer moved to Beatrix.

"Now, let us see yours" Lucifer said, causing her to smirk as lightning crackled between her hands.

"Hmm, certainly better in the control side...but not in the finesse, creativity, and power. It also seems that you need to work on your control over Air itself, and not just lightning. For Air is far more powerful, should you reach the limits of your element" Lucifer said, causing Beatrix to frown.

"And how is it more powerful than lightning?"

"Air is ever present throughout the realms, and Earth itself. Now, should you control it, you could quite literally suck the air from someone, suffocating them. You could start and create tornadoes and other natural disasters, and have the potential to do even more" Lucifer replied, causing her to go silent.

"Creativity, more precise control, and learning the ropes of using air instead of lightning, will be your training" Lucifer said, before moving to Stella next.

"Alright miss Stella, let us see your magic" Lucifer said, watching as Stella breathed in deeply, and began to focus.

Slowly a small orb of light fluttered into form. Stella looked at it, embarrassed as Lucifer let out a small sigh.

"Seems someone was teaching you...horribly at that. And for that, I am sorry. Whoever did this has no idea what magic truly is" Lucifer said softly, knowing the girl wasn't to blame for this part.

"Magic is connected to emotion, yes. But magic is NOT dictated by it, and it is not truly needed to cast magic, and less so for negative emotions. Emotions like rage, hatred, sadness, and all other similar, are not the type of magic you wish to use, especially for light magic. In the case of your magic Stella, I suggest focusing on the happy memories, as light is most connected with good, and the happiness of life. And you, Stella, are more connected to it than anyone else, for your connection is to the very sun that gives life to this planet" Lucifer explained, causing Stella to look confused.


"You mean you didn't realize? Have you ever noticed that you are much weaker at night when the sun isn't out, and much stronger when it is out? It is because your magic, your light magic, is quite special. It is connected to the very sun and the stars, and should you connect to the light on a deep enough level, I believe you will be able to use the light of the moon for power as well. Light and heat, everything connected to the Sun, is yours to master and learn. And that of the moon, should you reach a level of high enough power" Lucifer replied, causing the girl to look at her in genuine surprise.

"I...I didn't know of this, are right. I am weaker during the night" Stella muttered, realizing that Lucifer was right.

"I believe it's because your mother doesn't even know. As your potential is far beyond that of a normal Light Fairy, just as Aisha's is beyond a Water Fairy, Beatrix is beyond a Air Fairy, Terra is beyond a Earth Fairy, and the rest are beyond the other fairies of their kind" Lucifer answered, causing her to breathe out.

"Your training will consist of...a lot, to be frank. You'll learn to connect to the very stars and sun above us, to the moon that gives the world light when it's dark, and the emotions required to properly cast this magic" Lucifer said, before moving to the next.

"Alright, Alice, let's see yours" Lucifer said, smiling as her wife glowed, the room warping and changing as illusions filled the room, the groups eyes widening at the power of the unknown girl.

"Another Light fairy, and adept at illusions at that. I will say that your illusions need a bit of work, as I can see a few faults within them. You also need to focus on more than just illusions, such as creating constructs of light. So, your training will be control and power" Lucifer said to her smiling wife, before moving to the next, which was Musa.

"Alright then, let's see it, Musa" Lucifer said, as Musa's eyes glowed a soft purple, a strange bubble of what looked to be sound waves forming in front of her.

"Hmm...seems you are more than just a mere Mind Fairy, Musa" Lucifer said, causing her to stop and look confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you are both a Mind Fairy, and a Music Fairy. Or more accurately, you have power over the mind, sound waves, and sonic pressure, and are perhaps the most dangerous person in this room, due to that power over the mind. But, I believe you need to learn control, as well as to not fear your own power" Lucifer said.

"You feel the emotions of others, correct? A powerful ability, and one that I myself am not unfamiliar with" Lucifer said with a smile, as she gazed at her, causing her eyes to widen as she realized that Lucifer could feel emotions as well.

"Learning to control that empathy of yours, is the first step to really understanding the true power of a Mind fairy, and the power you have as a music fairy. Your training will be all about control, power, creativity, and learning not to fear the power you hold" Lucifer said, before moving to the final person in the room, Bloom.

"And finally Bloom. I understand that you are new to magic as a whole, so I want you to focus as best as you can, use the emotions deep within you to bring it out, and not the negative emotions, but the positive. For you more connected to the flames than anyone else in all the realms" Lucifer said, causing Bloom's face to flash with uncertainty, before she nodded slowly, as she breathed in.

Slowly the group watched as flames began to form on a small stack of sticks, concentration filling Bloom as sweat trickled down her brow, before she stopped.

"Good job, Bloom. You are the Fairy of the Flames. Heat, flames, and even life itself should you reach a high mastery. Your training will be more extensive than any of the others, due to the chaotic power within you. You will learn control, power, creativity, how to wield this power, and how to properly wield those emotions of yours" Lucifer spoke, causing Bloom to nod slowly, as the group all realized that they severely underestimated their teacher.

Every single thing she had said was true and accurate, and all of it was...helpful to them.

Looking over the group, she smiled and spoke.

"Now, let's get started"

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will be after the first class, and as said before, more classes will be shown.

Unique Gamer will be getting updated either later tonight or tomorrow, as I am...sorta exhausted, and have a serious headache at the moment.

I also went and saw "Wicked" today, the movie. It was...great! Like, my second favorite musical of all time great. Ariana Grande was much better in the role than I expected, and the music was pretty good too! Definitely recommend to those who like musicals and Wizard of Oz (Like my mother, who is a huge Oz fan). (This was written on the day the movie released).

Anyways, have a good day!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like more than 50+ exclusive stories) on my patreon for three dollars a month! Or 30 dollars for an entire year!

(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

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