Huge thanks to High Simp of Mephala, Joe, and Ajaviya for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[Location: Hogwarts] [3rd POV | Rose and the Students]
Currently Rose was walking alongside the rest of the students up the stairs of the entrance of Hogwarts. They had already taken the boat ride, which was rather enjoyable, and even got to get a good look at the castle. And it was every bit as beautiful as Grandpa Dumbledore had said.
Walking up the stairs, all the students stopped when they noticed an older woman standing at the top. 'Auntie McGonagall' Rose thought with a small smile. She initially tried to call the woman Grandma, but the woman refused, and insisted that she was auntie, and not grandma.
"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Grffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin" McGonagall said, at the mention of Gryffindor, Rose could feel the glance from Daphne and Tracy. While also feeling the glare at the back of her head, courtesy of her brother.
"Now, while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule-breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup. The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily" McGonagall finished, before walking off in order to make sure the preparations were completed.
Rose stood there, before hearing a pompous voice "So it's true then? What they've been saying, Rose Potter has come to Hogwarts" Hearing the boy, Rose glanced at him, he had platinum blonde hair, and an arrogant smirk on his face. Hearing the last name, Rose decided to correct him "Rose Morningstar, I am not a Potter"
"But you were born one, weren't you? That's still a Potter, Potter" Draco said with a smirk. Charlus glared on the side "Oh shut up you death eater scum!" Charlus yelled out at the boy, causing him to turn, before a scoff escaped him "Of course it's you, Potter. Can't keep your mouth shut, can you?" Draco said to what was basically his arch nemesis.
Rose decided to promptly ignore the two, as her mama had taught her. 'How am I brothers with him again?' She inwardly questioned, with both Daphne and Tracy questioning this as well, as they watched the two fools argue.
Their arguing was cut off when McGonagall returned, steel faced as usual. "We're ready for you now. Follow me"
[3rd POV - Lucifers side]
Lucifer while that was happening, was silently waiting until she was called out by Dumbledore. As he had kept her being a new teacher a secret, He wanted the children to get a shock at her being there, with Rose being the only student in the school who knew about her.
She listened as the hat did his usual famous poem thing, before it was time for the kids to be sorted. The sorting had been roughly the same as in the movies and books, except for some very noticeable differences. Mainly being the fact that Hermione was put into Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor.
Eventually the name Charlus Potter was called, which caused the arrogant child to walk up with a pompous grin. He sat and the hat was placed upon his head, and as he expected, it called out "Gryffindor"
The cheers were loud, even from where she was hiding. The loudest coming from Lily Potter, who was also the charm classes assistant teacher. But eventually, the sorting that she was waiting for happened.
"Rose Morningstar!"
[3rd POV - Rose's side]
Upon hearing her name being called, Rose took in a deep breath and walked up to the stool. Frowning as she noticed how dirty the hat was, she quickly brought out her wand, to the confusion of everyone "Scourgify" Several eyes widened as she uttered the spell, the hat glowed slightly, before it cleaned itself. This revealed it's clean brown texture, with a slight hint of red around the upper area. The thing that everyone noticed, was the Hogwarts symbol that was encrusted into it.
"Thank you for that. I have been wondering why no one else has done that" The hat spoke, happy to finally be cleaned after...who knows how long. Several students eww'd as they realized it hadn't been cleaned for a while, while Dumbledore let out a small laugh at what his grandaughter figure had done.
Plopping the hat on her head, she could hear it's voice in her head 'Ah, quite the mental shields you have child. I suspsect they were placed by the Great Lord, your mother, correct?'
'Not all of them, but most of them' Rose inwardly replied.
'Hmm, then I suppose I will just have to go off the little surface thoughts I can read. And as I read it, there seems to be traits within you perfect for each house, but only two houses truly suit you, so it must be...' "Slytherin!"
Rose blanked slightly at that, before sighing. Her mama had already warned her the possibility of this happening, she was just hoping it wasn't going to happen. Before the hat was taken off her head, she spoke to it 'Thank you Mr. Hat' 'Alastor, child. My name is Alastor' Before the hat was taken from her head, and she walked to the Slytherin table.
The cheers this time, were mostly from the Slytherin table. Because while she was sister of the boy who lived, she was also the daughter of one of the most powerful lords in the entire world. Not to mention her display of a fourth year charm spell, further showing that she would be quite the addition to Slytherin.
The students went quiet when Dumbledore stood up, and walked up to his owl lectern, before he began "Now, before we begin our banquet, I have some important information to share with you all. the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death. The next is that we have a new teacher taking over for History of Magic, due to Professor deciding to move to whats beyond" Dumbledore said.
Some older students groaned at this, as they used his class as nap time, but now they wouldn't be able to do that. Rose started to smile, knowing exactly where this was going. Tracy and Daphne, who were sitting near her, looked at her in confusion.
"It is my pleasure, and honor, to introduce the new History of Magic Proffessor, Lord Lucifer Morningstar!" Dumbledore said with a smile, as he motioned towards the side door, as it opened, and slowly Lucifer stepped out, the students went silent at this, before the Gryffindor table roared loudly, knowing that this was the Lord of House Gryffindor.
The students at the Slytherin house were giving Rose glances, upon realizing that she knew. Walking over to her seat, which was on the right of Dumbledore's, she stopped when she noticed ghosts beginning to enter the hall. Several students screamed in fear, but the teachers looked surprised, as all the ghosts floated in front of them in the open space, before each of them bowed/curtsied in reverence.
"It is an honor ro meet the one true lord" Nearly headless Nick said, as he bowed in reverence to the woman. Lucifer raised an eyebrow at their reaction, before watching as they slowly got out of their bows/curtsies. The students watched in slight awe at the sight, before the ghosts floated off.
Shaking off his confusion, Dumbledore continued as Lucifer sat "She will also have an assistant that will come by from time to time, in the form of Lady Alice Morningstar. Now, that that is done, we may get to the banquet, but before we do, I would like to say some final words. Here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you, and let the feast begin!" Dumbledore finished, as the food flashed onto the tables.
Sitting at the head table, Lucifer glanced at her daughter and gave her a small wink, which several others noticed, but didn't comment on. Biting into the food, Lucifer hummed at the taste, quite liking it. 'This is quite good' She thought with a hum, while ignoring the stare from Lily, and the glare from Charlus.
"So, Lucifer, what do you plan on teaching the children?" Flitwick asked.
"Hmm, I plan on starting them off with something closer to home for them, and England as a whole. This being the history of the strongest Dark Lords or Ladies in History, their accomplishments, effects on society, and similar areas" Lucifer said, as she had already planned out a good bit of her curriculum.
She would still make sure to give them the information needed to pass the tests, like O.W.L's and such, but she also wanted them to actually learn something new, and useful.
Blinking at this, Dumbledore couldn't help but ask "Which Dark Lords?"
"I plan on starting with Grindelwald, before moving to older Dark Lords, like Herp the Foul" Lucifer said, while Dumbledore flinched slightly at the mention of his old lover.
"And what of He who shall not be named?" Lily asked a little ways away, but still listening in. "And isn't that too much for young children?"
"Voldemort will be covered. While yes it is dark, they will learn of these things either way. It is best they learn it sooner rather than later. I will also make sure not to cover the more...dark aspects of those people" Lily frowned at the usage of his name "Don't say his name"
"It's just a name" "A name with power!" Lily responded before Lucifer continued. Lucifer sighed at the woman, before continuing "It only has power because you give it power. It is but a name, but by acting so scared, so as to not even mention the name, you have given the name more power then it actually has" Lucifer responded, not understanding why everyone was so scared of the name.
Lily just frowned at her, but didn't continue on with that.
"Now that I think about it, we don't even know how old you are, do we?" Flitwick said, realizing this fact only just now. Dumbledore smiled, already knowing, while McGonagall realized she also didn't know.
"Hmm? Oh, I'm 18" Lucifer replied simply, which got...quite the reactions.
"What?!" "Albus!" "Oh my, it seems that I am in trouble"
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That's the end of the chapter. Next chapter will probably be the first class for Lucifer. Only the first year classes, as well as the class with the twins, and one other class will be talked about, as the others are pretty much full of nameless nobodies. Who do you think the last class has in it, that makes it more important? I will give you a hint, in the form of: They hate their name.
There will probably be a smut chapter between Alice and Lucifer soon, with it also having a date in their as well. As I realized that I haven't really been talking about their relationship enough since the travel.
Do y'all like the format of changing to Rose's POV every once in a while? She is sort of a secondary main character, so I planned on doing that. I also have plans for her in the far future, that might be quite cool if I go through with it.
Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!
[Location: Hogwarts] [3rd POV | Rose]
Currently Rose was sitting in the great hall with her new friends, Daphne and Tracy. She was finishing her reading on a 5th year charms book, while the latter two were softly talking, primarily about their new teacher, her mama.
"What do you think she's going to cover in class? We have her for first period, right?" Tracy asks, causing Daphne to nod. Rose was inwardly rather happy that her first class was her mama's. But that enjoyment lessened when she found out it was with her narcissistic brother.
"She'll probably cover whatever the books require her to" Daphne said, eating in a formal way. Tracy turned to Rose instead "What do you think your mom's going to cover in our first class?"
"Not anything to do with the History of Magic books. Probably something more interesting, like the history of the killing curse, or something not totally boring" Rose answered, turning back to her book, as she read the last few lines, before shutting it. The other two looked at the book in interest, with Daphne's eyes widening when she realized what book it was "Is that a 5th year charms book?"
"Hmmm? Oh yeah, I've already finished the first four years, I think I'll be able to complete the fifth year by winter break. It would be faster if my Mama can help me with it" Rose said, putting the book away. The nearby students jaws dropped at what she had said, while she looked as if it was inconsequential, because it was.
Rose blinked when she noticed the time "We should get to class" Rose said out loud, causing the others to look and nod when they saw the time.
After walking for a little while, with Tracy getting excited, the three came to the door for the History of Magic class, only to see a large group of students standing there waiting. "Is she making us wait outside?" Tracy asked in confusion, causing one of the nearby students to nod "Yeah, we've been waiting here for 5 minutes now, it's blood ridiculous!"
Tracy frowned slightly, before sighing and standing and waiting there. While Rose sweatdropped at the actions of her mama, realizinig that she wa probably testing their patience, or, she was messing with them, one of the two.
Eventually, after another 3 minutes, in which the rest of the students had finally made it, the door began to slowly creak open. Rose sighed as they could finally enter, as she no longeer had to listen to the endless complaints of the others, and the arguing between Draco and Charlus.
Stepping in, she noticed that the walls were lined with bookshelves, full of books that she couldn't read. Walking, she sat at the front left desk, with Daphne sliding in next to her.
Sitting, she waited for the appearance of Lucifer, with the other students already waiting. They all noted that class was now starting, as the bell dinged. As the bell did ding, their was a soft pop sound, and Lucifer appeared in the middle, behind her desk.
"Well, let's get started then, shall we?"
[3rd POV]
Lucifer during the time the kids were waiting, was setting up her classroom for some last minute changes, before she let everyone in, and teleported off in order to have her little entrance.
Standing behind her desk, she surveyed her new students, noting her daughter and her little friends, as well as Draco and Charlus, who were both scowling deeply. 'About as I expected' She thought with a hum, before she began to start.
"Before we begin, I suppose it would be best for me to introduce myself" Lucifer started, waving her hand as her chalk board rolled to her side. Flicking her wrist, words began to appear on the board, as she began to speak again "I am Lucifer Morningstar, your professor for this course. I expect all of you to call me Professor or Miss Morningstar while in this class"
"Some little facts about me, are that I am the Lord of House Gryffindor, and several others. I am married my gorgeous wife. I also have a deep love for a number of muggle works, such as Star Wars. Finally, I have a daughter, who is also in this class" Lucifer finished, giving Rose a small look, while the muggleborns blinked in surprise at the mention of Star Wars.
Lucifer stopped when she noticed a raised hand, raising an eyebrow, she looked to Parvati Patil and nodded "How old are you? I am only asking because you seem quite young to be a teacher"
Lucifer hearing the question, cracked a smile, before replying "Physically I am 18" Several eyes widened at this, as some students began to mutter about the age of their teacher, only for her to continue "Mentally however, I am the oldest person in this school" Which was technically true, if you add in the knowledge she has absorbed from Aro, as well as several others. Not to mention the age she has absorbed from many different people.
At this, even more questions were asked, only for Lucifer to cut them all off "Now, enough of that. Let's begin our first lesson, shall we?" Lucifer said with a small smile, as she shut up the students, with only Charlus and Draco raging about the age of their teacher.
"10 points from Gryffindor and Slytherin" Lucifer said, noting that they weren't getting quiet. Hearing this, the two glared at her with anger in their eyes, but shut up. "Good, now that you are done..." Lucifer began, before waving her hand, as each and every one of the History of Magic books flew back into each of the students bags.
"We won't be needing those little things" Lucifer said with a smile "But what about the course? We're supposed to cover the contents within the book" Parvati Patil softly whispered, confused.
"Ah, good question, Miss Patil. The contents of those books are boring, simple as that. I wish to cover something much more interesting then some goblin wars, that quite frankly aren't all that important until the later ones, especially not to your grades" Lucifer said simply. Causing several deadpans at the fact that their teacher just didn't want to cover something boring.
"Now, let me ask you all a question: Who is the most powerful Dark Lord or Lady, in all of history?" Lucifer began, dropping the previous subject.
Hearing the question, several students blinked as it was a rather big one. "He who shall not be named, of course!" Draco said, a smirk on his face. Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the answer "Incorrect, in fact, Voldemort is quite weak in the hierarchy of Dark lords and ladies"
Hearing the name being spoken out loud, several eyes widened, with Lucifer ignoring them "Any better answers?"
"Gellert Grindelwald?" Rose asked while raising her hand. Her knowledge on History was actually her weakest, so even she didn't know.
"Not a bad answer, but no. He was certainly more dangerous than Voldemort ever was, but, he is still far from the top" Lucifer replied with a shake of her head. While other students scowled "How is he stronger than He who shall not be named? He lost to Dumbledore, while He who shall not be named tied him multiple times!"
"Well for one, Voldemort was defeated by a toddler, so I don't believe that is any better. Secondly, Dumbledore is quite a bit older than back then, and does not regularly train like he used to. Grindelwald is more dangerous due to his charming personality, able to recruit mass amounts of new members of his faction, and going to war with not only England, but a large majority of Europe, and even beyond that" Lucifer answered simply, causing several scowls to deepen.
"Voldemort, all things considered, is a horrible leader, and an even worse Politician. He attempted to rule purely through fear, deceit, trickery, and death. Grindewald on the other hand, charmed and skillfully manipulated others into joining him, without them even knowing. He was much more dangerous due to that fact, and that is not even taking into account his skill in magic" Lucifer continued, telling what she knew, and believed about Voldemort and Grindelwald.
"Who is the most powerful then?" Parvati Patil asked, making sure to write down notes on what the teacher was talking about.
Smiling, Lucifer waved her hand as a ghostly visage of a woman appeared, she had black hair, glowing purple eyes, and a small smirk on her face. "This, is Morgana Le Fay, the most powerful Dark Lady, or Lord, in all of history" Lucifer said with a smile.
Several students looked confused. "She is the most powerful for the sole reason that she was the direct rival of Merlin himself, with her even defeating and her half brother, King Arthur Pendragon, several times" Lucifer added, causing her students to blink in shock, none of them having ever heard of her.
"She is also the originator of some of the darkest magic in history, with the most noticeable being the unforgivables. Three curses she made in order to defeat, and kill her half brother and rival" Lucifer added, causing their jaws to drop in shock. She inwardly chuckled, as several students began to write down notes, while even her daughter looked surprised.
"She also had quite the following, with her having her own army, and faction under her control. Due to her beauty and charm, this made it quite easy for her to manipulate others in order to get what she had wanted, with the end desire being the death of her half brother, and her becoming the Queen in his place" Lucifer continued.
"She was also the queen of the island of Avalon, giving her even more power on top of that" Lucifer added, waving her hand and making an image of a large gorgeous island.
"Had she have been still alive in this era, I am quite certain she would out duel Voldemort with ease. As not even Voldemort or Dumbeldore can compare to Merlin in his prime, while she has defeated and tied the man several times over" Lucifer continued.
Raising her hand, Rose asked "What happened to her?"
"She died at the end of the mythic blade Excalibur, at the hands of her half brother Arthur, and Merlin. After an entire army had decended upon her, as well as a dragon that was ridden by Arhur into combat, with Merlin the owner" Lucifer answered simply.
"Excalibur's real?" "Well of course it is! Only the one which is worthy may wield it, but it does exist, it's simply...hidden, waiting for the right owner to find and wield it" Lucifer answered with a smirk.
"How was Merlin able to tame a dragon?" Tracy asked in confusion.
"Ah, he spoke dragontongue, the language of the dragons themselves. The language itself is now extinct, but with the language, one could control and tame any dragon, as well as use the language to cast unique and new spells, as well as drastically increase the power of a normal spell as well" Lucifer answered simply. She really wanted the language for herself, but she had to get some blood from a living dragon first, as she already had some plans in regards to future species she wanted from this world.
"Now, lets continue, shall we? We do have a bit more to cover for today"
After another 45 minutes of class, in which Lucifer had covered several more dark lords, and the effect they had on society, the bell rung. Seeing the students beginning to get up, she said her final piece "Next class will have your first assignment, so please do be ready! Ah, and if anyone can give me a list of 10 different dark lords or ladies, I will give you extra credit!" Lucifer said, causing several students to nod and walk out with smiles on their faces.
Most, if not all of the students, actually enjoyed her class. As she talked about actually interesting topics, and would show them real images of the topics and individuals she was speaking on.
After all the students left, with her daughter giving her a small hug before leaving, Lucifer sat at her desk as the next batch of students walked in, this time being 7th year students.
"Sit, sit! Now, what do all of you know about House Elves?"
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That's the end of the chapter!
This chapter was a bit harder to write, but was nice nonetheless. Lucifer's classes won't be covered every single chapter, with some of them being skipped over, with only important events/classes being covered.
Next chapter will probably have a small timeskip, as not much really happens in the first few days, especially considering this is a heavy AU. Next chapter is probably going to be a date between Alice and Lucifer, and some smut.
Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!
Current Bio
Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)
Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)
True Noble Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, Blade, Noblesse, and Hellsing)
True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire, and Noblesse)
Witch (Harry Potter, Charmed, TVD, Buffy, True Blood, Morthland Fort Salem, The Magicians, Owl House, and Merlin)
Current Universe - Harry Potter
Current Location - Hogwarts, Scotland
Current Appearance - Naomi Scott
Current Profession - History of Magic Professor at Hogwarts
Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.
Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress Point Detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, Total Body Control, Perfect Power Control, Instant Reading, Age Absorption, Ability Combining, and Heightened Comprehension and Mastery.
Age Asborbed - 5,296
Status - Fed
Gift - Gift Mimicry
Mimicked Gifts - Enhanced Self-Preservation, Physical Attack Diversion, Weakening Shield, Elemental Manipulation, Retrocognition, Seismic Attraction, Outcome Manipulation, Disaster Inducement, Ability Reversal, Ability Redirection, Ability Suppression, Ability Augmentation, Balance Deprivation.
Powers obtained via combining others - Tracking Manipulation, Psionics.
Mate/Wife - Alice Morningstar (Nee Cullen)
Adoptive Daughter - Rose Morningstar (Previously Potter)
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(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)
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