Huge thanks to Graham and Silver for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[Location: Morningstar Island] [3rd POV]
[Months later]
Months had passed since the visit from Dumbledore and McGonagall. Ever since the initial meeting, Dumbledore had come over once a week, in which he had regularly checked up on Rose, and spoken with Lucifer.
Lucifer had also managed to persuade the man into giving her a position she was wanting, dearly at that.
[Flashback to the conversation from the last chapter]
"You wish to what?" McGonagall asked, genuinely surprised upon hearing what Lucifer wanted in return.
"I want Dumbledore to give me a position as a teacher, preferably for History or Defense against the dark arts. I am certain I meet the knowledge requirements needed in order to become a teacher, hell, I could even become the Muggle Studies teacher" Lucifer replied.
"That is not something I alone can decide, you also must have passed certain tests in order to be accepted, like the O.W.L and N.E.W.T tests. If you have those tests completed, then you will have a much higher chance to be accepted. I will however, still tell Albus of your desire to become a teacher within the school" McGonagall said, causing Lucifer to nod with a smile, knowing that practicing those tests would be easy as pie.
"Well alright then, I'll just have to complete those tests then" Lucifer replied with a smile.
[End of Flashback]
It was safe to say that she passed the tests with the highest marks possible. It was a lot easier than she was expecting, probably due to England being quite a bit behind other countries like the U.S, due to their racism, war, and narcissism. All she had to do was go to North America and buy a dozen of their different books on various areas, namely spells, charms, enchantment, and potions, and then instant read them.
She had also begun to abuse instant read, allowing her to read a LOT of books. She had so far used it to read over 150 books in regards to magic, probably closer to 200. Due to this, her knowledge grew by leaps and bounds, and was now more than enough for her to properly be a teacher, or go to Hogwarts in general.
She knew far more spells than she did the couple of months before, and had read through a lot of the books within her Slytherin Vault. This wasn't saying a lot, as the vault didn't have that many books in it, compared to the others, due to Salazar having his actually important books within his Study in his Chamber within Hogwarts.
She also read a lot of books that were not magical, but were from the muggle side. A lot of them were still behind due to it being 1991, but she still instant read quite a few, nonetheless. She had read over 100 muggle books, with most of them being on science, math, and history. It had been pretty helpful in regards to magic, as some of the muggle mathematics had actual use within magic. She had also read quite a few books on Electronics and engineering, Still behind, but useful either way.
Using that new magical knowledge, she had continued to train her daughter in magic, helping her complete all the way to the Fourth Year, and a bit of the Fifth year. The girl was a genius, even without Lucifers aid. Lucifer had also looked into the Horcrux in Rose's head, and decided that she would try to get rid of, or help Rose absorb it during winter break.
Lucifer had also continued to abuse and use her new age absorption, which had begun to rapidly increase her age more and more. She had primarily killed rapists, pedophiles, and terrorists. Her total kill count was over 150, and her age was over 5,000. This age had increased her power by quite a good amount, which would only continue to grow, and continue to increase her power.
Lucifer did end up getting accepted as a teacher at Hogwarts, being chosen as the new History of Magic Professor after Binns finally moved to whats beyond, after being a ghost for what felt like forever. While Alice was given a pass that allowed her to go to and from the school freely, given by Dumbledore himself. It was under the pretense that she would not interrupt class.
Looking down at her daughter, she softly smiled "I have to go love, but don't worry alright? You'll see me in a little bit, when you enter the Great Hall" Lucifer said, causing the softly sniffling girl to nod "O-Okay Mama" She whispered, still nervous about the whole thing. Leaning down, Lucifer pecked the girl on the forehead.
"I can come whenever you don't have class, right?" Alice asked, causing Lucifer to nod with a smile "Yep, and you can probably come during class, as long as you don't interrupt, that's what Dumbledore says at least" Alice pouted at the response, before stopping as Lucifer leaned down and passionately kissing her on the lips, ignoring the "Eww!" that escaped Rose's lips.
Melting into the kiss, Alice sighed softly as Lucifer took her lips off of hers. "I'll see you later, alright?" Lucifer said, looking at the two, before they nodded with small nervous smiles on their faces, before Lucifer walked into the floo, before grabbing the floo powder and speaking.
"Headmasters office!" Lucifer said out, before disappearing in a flash of green.
The floo within Dumbledore's office flashed green, as he and the others within the room, turned and watched as Lucifer walked out.
"Ah, and here she is! Everyone, this is Lucifer Morningstar, our new History of Magic Professor" Dumbledore said with a smile, seeing as she walked forward and nodded at him.
"It's nice to meet the new Professor, Albus won't stop talking about how brilliant you are" A short man walked forward, causing Lucifer to blink and shake the man that she recognized as Filius Flitwick. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Flitwick"
"Please, we are coworkers now, call me Filius" Filius said with a smile, as she chuckled "Well Filius, call me Lucifer" The man smiled and nodded. Lucifer felt a stare, and glanced at a black greasy haired man. 'That's Snape, huh' She thought with a hum, before stopping as she felt something attack her mental shields.
Before the attack could even regester, Snape let out a soft shout of pain, causing the others to turn to the man "I'd appreciate it if you did not attempt to look into my mind, Mr. Snape" Lucifer said, glancing at the man from the corner of her eye.
"Sorry about him, he's a bit of an arse. Ah, and I'm Rolanda Hooch, you can call me Rolanda, and its nice to meet you, Lucifer" Madam Hooch said, offering her hand to shake, which Lucifer did, while responding "It's nice to meet you too, Rolanda" Lucifer responded with a nod.
Lucifer greeted the rest of the teachers with a shake of the hand, before eventually Dumbledore called for their attention.
"It seems that it is time, the children will be arriving soon"
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That's the end of the chapter. Next chapter will be longer. The chapter was shorter due to it being like 2 in the morning where I live, and I am tired.
Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!
Current Bio
Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)
Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)
True Noble Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, Blade, Noblesse, and Hellsing)
True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire, and Noblesse)
Witch (Harry Potter, Charmed, TVD, Buffy, True Blood, Morthland Fort Salem, The Magicians, Owl House, and Merlin)
Current Universe - Harry Potter
Current Location - Morningstar Island, England
Current Appearance - Naomi Scott
Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.
Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress Point Detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, Total Body Control, Perfect Power Control, Instant Reading, Age Absorption, Ability Combining, and Heightened Comprehension and Mastery.
Age Asborbed - 5,296
Status - Fed
Gift - Gift Mimicry
Mimicked Gifts - Enhanced Self-Preservation, Physical Attack Diversion, Weakening Shield, Elemental Manipulation, Retrocognition, Seismic Attraction, Outcome Manipulation, Disaster Inducement, Ability Reversal, Ability Redirection, Ability Suppression, Ability Augmentation, Balance Deprivation.
Powers obtained via combining others - Tracking Manipulation, Psionics.
Mate/Wife - Alice Morningstar (Nee Cullen)
Adoptive Daughter - Rose Morningstar (Previously Potter)
Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!
(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)
Huge thanks to Maxime for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[Location: Platform 9 and ¾] [3rd POV]
Within a large platform with various wizards and witches, in front of a large red locomotive, stood Alice and Rose. Rose had a slightly nervous expression on her face, while Alice was softly smiling at her daughter "Don't worry, alright Rose? Your mama will be there to take care of you, not to mention Dumbledore"
"What if I get put into Slytherin? Or even worse, Gryffindor?" Rose asked, not wanting to have her mothers disappointed in her for getting into either of those houses. Hearing her daughters worry, Alice softly giggled "It doesn't matter what house you get into, Rose. No matter what, we will always love you" Alice said with a reassuring smile on her face, causing Rose to move and hug her close.
"Now, go and get in there, you don't want to be left behind, do you?" Alice asked with a teasing smile, as she pecked her daughter on her forehead. Rose looked at Alice with a nervous expression before nodding, and giving her one last hug while saying "I love you, mommy"
"I love you too, my little Rose" Alice softly said, before the two detached, and Alice watched as Rose walked into the Hogwarts express. She also noted the Potters were watching their interaction, but weren't getting close, due to the media hounding them. Waiting, she gave Rose one final wave, before the girl disappeared into the train.
Within the train, Rose was walking through the train to find an empty compartment, before eventually she found one. Sitting in the compartment with her supplies, she sighed and brought out a book on Parseltongue her mama had given her. It was from the Slytherin vault, and only those with the blood of Salazar could read it, which she could, only due to Lucifer allowing it.
Reading the book silently, Rose was interrupted when she heard a knock on the door to her compartment, the door soon opened revealing a blonde haired, blue eyed girl, as well as a slightly shorter black haired, brown eyed girl. "May we sit here?" The blonde haired girl asked.
"Sure" Rose replied with a shrug, before returning to her book. She found Parseltongue, and the magic used through it, to be interesting. She had watched her mama do it plenty of times before, so she hoped to get good enough at it, to try it herself.
"What's your name?" The black haired girl asked, after sitting in silence for a few moments. Hearing the question, Rose looked up and replied "Rose Morningstar"
Blinking at the name, the blonde haired girl's eyes widened slightly before returning to their normal size, while Tracy was openly shocked "As in older sister of Charlus Potter? And adopted daughter of the Lord of House Gryffindor?" Rose hearing this, raised an eyebrow but nodded.
"It's nice you meet you, Heir Morningstar. I am Daphne Greengrass, Heiress to the Greengrass family" The blonde haired girl now recognized as Daphne, said. The black haired girl also spoke "I'm Tracy Davis, Heiress to the Davis family. Not as cool as the Gryffindor's or Greengrasses, but pretty cool in it's own way" The girl now known as Tracy, said.
Rose blinked at their introductions, before replying "Nice to meet you, Daphne, Tracy" Rose said simply, not really wanting to do all that Heir crap that her mama had told her about. The two were seemingly surprised about her response, before realizing that she was probably not raised in the magical world, or, she simply didn't care for all that formal etiquette.
"What book are you reading?" Tracy asked, noting that she seemingly couldn't read a single thing on it's cover.
"A family grimoire" Rose said simply, causing Tracy to look at her in surprise "Aren't those only readable by the Lord of the House?"
"Mmhmm, but my mama already read it, so she let me have it" Rose said with a shrug, as she flipped a page. Tracy and Daphne glanced at eachother, realizing that the mysterious Lord of House Gryffindor, was far more strange than either of them were expecting.
They were interrupted when the door to their compartment opened, revealing an older woman with a trolly "Anything from the trolly, dears?"
All three of them shook their heads, causing the woman to nod with a smile, before closing the door and walking to the next compartment, Trolly in tow.
"What's your mom like?" Tracy asked abruptly. She as well as most others, were quite interested in the mysterious Lord who appeared out of nowhere, and caused a stir.
Rose hearing the question, smiled fondly at the question "She's...the best. She saved me from some...not nice people, and took me in along with her wife, my other mom" Rose said, causing the two to blink in surprise. The two knew about the rumors of the Lord of House Gryffindor being lesbian, and having a wife, but they didn't think it was real. Same sex marriage wasn't really banned within the Wizarding community, but it was rare in the upper echelons, and usually was looked down upon by the blood purists.
"She's taught me a lot, and is the strongest in the whole world" Rose said with a smile, remembering when her mama showed her a spell that nearly oblitereated a mountain. The two others went silent at that, chalking her claim up to her seeing her mother as an idol, not knowing that that was the truth.
Their conversation was once again interrupted when the compartment door was opened, with a bushy haired girl standing there. The girl noticing them speaking, cougheed awkwardly "Sorry to interrupt, but have you seen a toad? A friend lost it" The girl said.
"Have you tried asking a prefect? They should be able to find it" Rose said, causing the girl to blush in embarrassment that she didn't think about that. "Uh, no. Thank you!" She said, before walking off to find a prefect. The three girls blinked as she left.
"She was a little rude" Tracy commented. "She's muggleborn, you can't expect her to know any better" Daphne commented, knowing that muggleborn witches and wizards, weren't exactly the best in regards to etiquette and all of that. She wasn't one to blame them though, as her family was strictly neutral/grey, so she had no sort of hatred or dislike towards muggleborns like so many other purebloods.
"We should probably change, we'll be arriving soon" Tracy commented, noticing the time. Hearing this, Daphne nodded, while Rose walked out of the compartment to let them change, not wanting to watch that. She was already dressed in her robes, and ready.
Slowly, the train stopped, causing the three girls to leave their compartment, before walking off the train, while Rose was thinking
'I'm finally here...I wonder what mama is doing'
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That's the end of this chapter. It's mostly the interaction between Rose and her new friends? Next chapter will cover the sorting, and a bit more after that. Next chapter should also be longer too! (It's around 2.2k words)
The end was a bit rushed, as I've got some stuff I gotta do, and I don't really have time rnn. Later I might upload another new vault chapter, this time being something new, I think at least.
Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!
Current Bio
Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)
Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)
True Noble Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, Blade, Noblesse, and Hellsing)
True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire, and Noblesse)
Witch (Harry Potter, Charmed, TVD, Buffy, True Blood, Morthland Fort Salem, The Magicians, Owl House, and Merlin)
Current Universe - Harry Potter
Current Location - Hogwarts, Scotland
Current Appearance - Naomi Scott
Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.
Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress Point Detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, Total Body Control, Perfect Power Control, Instant Reading, Age Absorption, Ability Combining, and Heightened Comprehension and Mastery.
Age Asborbed - 5,296
Status - Fed
Gift - Gift Mimicry
Mimicked Gifts - Enhanced Self-Preservation, Physical Attack Diversion, Weakening Shield, Elemental Manipulation, Retrocognition, Seismic Attraction, Outcome Manipulation, Disaster Inducement, Ability Reversal, Ability Redirection, Ability Suppression, Ability Augmentation, Balance Deprivation.
Powers obtained via combining others - Tracking Manipulation, Psionics.
Mate/Wife - Alice Morningstar (Nee Cullen)
Adoptive Daughter - Rose Morningstar (Previously Potter)
Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!
(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)
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