Huge thanks to Peter for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[3rd Person] [Location: Volterra, Italy]
Upon entering the large room in which the three kings were, a man that Lucifer recognized as Alec, the brother of Jane, began to speak "Sister. They sent you out to get one and you brink back two. What a clever girl" Alec said, while looking over Lucifer curiously.
He was not the only one who was curious, as Aro looked at the unknown woman with interest. He as well as the others in the room, could tell that Edward was terrified of her, to an extent that he wouldn't even look her way.
Within the room, Lucifer noticed the guards near the doorway. There was next to no protection for the kings themselves, proving how arrogant they actually are. Lucifer was certain, that if she wished to, she could slaughter all of them, and leave before anyone even noticed.
"What a happy surprise! You've brought a friend! And I do believe Bella is alive, isn't she?" Aro, said as he walked down from his thrown. Hearing the question, Edward didn't say a word as Aro took his hand, and began to look through his memories. Aro upon looking through his memories, spoke "And it would seem that Bella wasn't your mate afterall!"
"You know everything now, get on with it" Edward said, already preparing for his oncoming death. At least death by his hands would be more merciful than by Lucifer's.
Chuckling softly, Aro replied "You are quite the soul reader yourself, Edward" Before he glanced at Lucifer "Though, you have no memories of this woman's existence, and yet, you are so afraid of her...fascinating" Aro said, before backing up and looking at Lucifer.
Lucifer watched the man closely, while hiding her amusement at this situation. "It would seem that Edward has no memories of your existence, why is that?" Aro asked interested in the answer.
Lucifer looked the man in the eye and shrugged "I don't like others looking into my personal life, so, I put some...blockers on his mind, in order to stop others from looking into me" She wasn't afraid to admit this, as none of the individuals in the room scared her, not even slightly.
"Oh? And what about yourself, do you have the same blockers?" Aro asked, even more interested in Lucifer now.
Lucifer just raised an eyebrow at the question, before replying "There isn't a single person on this planet that can get into my mind, only I can get through the blockers I place"
"And would you be willing to test that against me?" Aro said, wanting to see her "gift" in action. The more he listened to Lucifer, the more he wanted her to be apart of the Volturi. Offering her his hand.
"You're welcome to try" Lucifer said, placing her hand on his. The second he did so, she felt a sort of prodding sensation against her mental shields, only for it to fail, as it was far too weak to do anything. While he was attempting, and failing to look into her memories, she has already combed through, absorbed, and catogorized his. A lot of his memories were useless, and were discarded, but some of them had some merit, such as his knowledge on certain vampire covens, politics, art, music, and similar things.
Aro looked down at his hand, waiting to get her memories, only to see absolutely nothing. Looking back into Lucifers eyes, he spoke "Interesting. Hmm. I see nothing" He said, looking down one last time, before taking his hands off hers. Turning around and walking slightly back, he looked to be thinking, before turning back around to Lucifer.
"Let us see if she is immune to all our powers" Aro said, only for Lucifer to roll her eyes, causing the kings little dogs to frown.
"I suppose I should have been more specific earlier. What I meant to say, is that no one on this planet, much less any of you, can harm me in any real way. Your little dog is welcome to try, but I wonder if she would welcome the same pain she dishes out?" Lucifer said, not bothering to play along anymore.
"Jane, go ahead" Aro said, a frown on his face upon hearing Lucifer. Jane, who was scowling slightly, looked at Lucifer and said "Pain"
The second she said that word, Lucifer raised an eyebrow at her "Well... I did warn you" Before another word could be uttered, Jane head was thrown back slightly, as her veins became visible, she struggled to hold in her voice, and as Lucifer upped the pain, she screamed out finally. The guards - more specifically Alec - dashed towards Lucifer, only for them to drop to the ground as well.
"I think you are all misunderstanding something here. I am not here to play along with your little games, I am here to take this little trash and kill him" Lucifer said with a sadistic gleam in her eyes, before continuing "I care not for your little Volturi, and your little king act. All I am here for is to kill the man that has harmed my mate. But, of course, you all had to make it difficult for me"
The other kings stood preparing for a fight, only for the screaming to stop, and Lucifer to stop torturing them. Aro looked at her with a serious expression before asking "Who are you?"
Smiling wikcdly, Lucifer closed her eyes for a moment, before reopening them, revealing her blood red, slitted eyes "Lucifer Morningstar. And yes, I am the one you are thinking of. So, I'd suggest thinking carefully about whether or not you want to antogonise me further"
Upon hearing the name, Aro stepped back slightly, as the other vampires had slight fear in their expressions. "What is it you want?"
"I do believe I already answered that question, didn't I? All I want is to kill this little imbecile, and then get home and cuddle with my mate. Ah, and I suppose I'd like for you and the rest of the Volturi to leave Bella, her loved ones, and the rest of the Cullens alone. Bella will become a vampire soon enough, you need not worry about that" Lucifer answered Marcus, as if he was an idiot, which he did sound like one at that moment.
Hearing this, the three kings blinked in slight surprise "You do not wish for our thrones?" Caius asked, only for Lucifer to let out a snort "Please, as nice as being the king of the Volturi would be, I have no time for such things. Plus, why be the king of a measly coven, when you're already the king of hell?" Lucifer replied, amusement clear in her tone.
The three kings breathed in deeply at this, before Aro asked "I long as we leave Bella, her loved ones, and the Cullens alone, you will leave the Volturi alone?" Lucifer nodded in reply, causing the three kings to look at one another as if they were having a mental conversation, before eventually, they all nodded.
"I see. I will make sure to notify all members of the Volturi, that Forks, and the surroundings cities are off limits. If they disobey, it will be punishable by death. I also swear, that we will not interefere in your matters, as long as you do not interfere in ours. Is that acceptable, Ms. Morningstar?" Aro asked, nervous for the first time in his immortal life.
Every instinct in his vampiric bones, was telling him not to antagonize this woman, and considering the other two kings had the same instinctive feeling, he knew better than to go against it.
"Hmm, I suppose that will do. Ah, and please keep your dogs under control, I have a feeling the little torturer might attempt to cause issues in the future, wouldn't want to lose one of your core members, now would you?" Lucifer asked, looking at Jane with a knowing grin.
The three kings nodded, causing Lucifer to reply "Well...this was a rather fun conversation. But, I believe it is time I take care of the trash, and then return home"
"Wai-ARGHGGGHGHGH" Edward attempted to speak, only to drop to his knees in the worse pain he had ever felt. Lucifer, using the full force of her new and improved pain illusions. Not only was he feeling the worst pain in his life, but Lucifer had used the newly obtained penance illusion on him, making him experience every single misdeed he had ever committed. On top of that, she was also making him see various scenarios in his head, scenarios of Bella betraying him, her cheating on him, him being ripped apart, him being played with by orcs, and every imaginable, horrible hentai situation, was being flooded into his brain at the same time, on top of the others, like him being burnt alive.
All of this was happening simultaneously, all the while Lucifer ripped off each of his fingers and toes, then limbs. The Volturi could only watch in morbid curiosity as the devil herself, slowly tortured the man. Ripping off his right arm, before burning it with a bit of pyroknesis she found out she obtained from her Charmed vampire species, Lucifer began to speak to the now dry sobbing Edward "I gave you a chance to be better, a chance to improve yourself, all because my pixie wanted me to. And yet, you threw it away all because the girl you left, got with another. You truly are the most pathetic, sad little man I've ever met in my life. I know for certain you will arrive in hell, and when you do, I will make sure it is PAINFUL" Lucifer finished, as her face flashed into it's demonic form, while her voice deepened.
Looking at his screaming and sobbing form, she scowled in disgust, before lifting her foot, and crushing his skull beneath her boot. At the sound of silence, she sighed, before burning the rest of his body until not even so much as ashes remained.
Turning to the Volturi, she smirked in amusement at their slight looks of awe. Before she turned and began to walk off, while walking through the door, she said one last thing, causing more fear to enter the hearts of the three kings.
"Your gift truly is quite good Aro. Those memories of yours will prove helpful too. Oh, and please do remember the deal we made, I don't like those who go against my deals, as you've just seen. Toodle loo~"
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That's the end of the chapter. And Edward is officially dead! Wooo! Yeah baby! That's what I'v been waiting for, that's what it's all about! Wooooo!
*Cough* Anyways, next chapter will probably have her returning, and then a long timeksip. As no one wants to see the rest of her days at school...right...right?
What is arguably the most important event in the entire fic, will occur very very soon, probably within two chapters or so! I think only one person has guessed it! Any ideas that y'all think it might be? I won't be spoiling it though!
Sorry for the late upload, I had to go out of town for the day, and the internet was dog shit. I also couldn't bring my laptop, hence, the late upload.
Anyways, sorry for the long authors note, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!
Current Bio
Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)
Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)
Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, and Blade)
True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire)
Current Universe - Twilight (Movies)
Current Location - Forks, Washington State.
Current Appearance - Naomi Scott
Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.
Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress point detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, and Total Body Control.
Status - Fed
Gift - Gift Mimicry
Mimicked Gifts - Tracking Sense (x3), Enhanced Self-Preservation, Mental Shield, Pathokinesis, Telepathy, Pain Illusion, Tactile Telepathy, Relationship Identification, Sensory Deprivation, Physical Attack Diversion, Relationship Manipulation, Addictive Contentement, Physical Attraction, Mental Invisibility, Intimidation, Illussionary Cloning, Suggestive Compelment, Attention Detection, Penance Illusion, Tracking Evasion, Danger Intuition, Sensory Alteration, Warding Shield.
Mate - Alice Cullen
Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!
(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)
Huge thanks to Mrmeme for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[3rd Person] [Location: Volterra, Italy]
Walking out of the throne room, Lucifer had a pleased grin on her face. She had finally gotten rid of the waste of space, that was Edward. Leaving the Volturi base, and returning to the outside, Lucifer navigated the crowded streets while thinking over what just occurred 'That went a lot better than I had hoped. Not only is Edward officially dead and gone, but the Volturi won't be bothering me any more, and I also got a lot of gifts out of this...but, I probably need to get some sort of ability fusion in the future, so that I can combine them all into something better'
Lucifer thought with a hum, as she slowly climbed into her car, and began to drive through the streets of Volterra, albeit slowly. 'Now all that's left in this world, is to graduate, have Bella turned, gather the remaining gifts I want...and then that" Lucifer thought, grinning as she thought of the most important thing she had to do before going to another world.
Finally out of the city of Volterra, Lucifer drove quickly, wanting to get home by the morning. "I guess the ability combining will have to wait until the next world. The only thing I can focus on now, is graduating and training further, before getting that finished up, and then travel the world for a bit" Lucifer said, as she drove, while listening to the rock playing on her radio.
"For now though, let's just get home" Lucifer said, as she leaned back into her seat, with a sigh.
[The next day]
It was the day after, and Lucifer had finally gotten back to Forks. The drive was fine enough, but the flight was miserable, due to a lot of turbulence.
Driving into her driveway, she noticed the Cullen vehicles were parked there. 'Looks like Alice told them about my trip' Lucifer thought, as she shut the car door behind her, and walked to the front door. Before she could open it, Alice swung it open, before disappearing in a burst of speed and jumping into Lucifer's arms.
"You're okay!" Alice said happily, as she nuzzled into Lucifer's chest. Lucifer held her, before chuckling "Of course I am, those little Volturi can't do anything to me" Hearing this, Alice looked her in the eye "And Edward is he..." Lucifer nodded at this, causing Alice to look down with a hint of sadness, before unwrapping her legs from Lucifer's waist, and climbing down.
Walking into her living room, Lucifer noticed the entire Cullen family was there, as well as Leah and Bella. Carlisle, seeing her enter, spoke with sadness evident in his tone "Is Edward truly gone?"
"He is, I did it myself. I warned him what would happen if he attempted to harm my Alice again, and yet he did it anyway" Lucifer said, causing Alice to smile slightly at "My Alice".
Hearing this, Carlisle looked down with a sad sigh "I should taught him better" The man said, causing Esme, to softly place a hand on his shoulder.
"It's none of our faults, love. It's Edwards, we did everything we could to change him, but he refused until the very end" Esme said, also very clearly heartbroken over the news.
"And what of the Volturi? What did they say?" Rosalie asked, having not cared about Edward ever since it was revealed that he abused Alice.
"They initially tried causing some problems with me...but let's just say I put the fear of the devil in them, and leave it at that" Lucifer said with a mischievous grin, causing Alice and Bella to giggle slightly, while Rosalie rolled her eyes with a fond smile. Leah hearing this, rolled her eyes as well, having been told about Lucifer's deviltage by the Cullens a little while ago, with Lucifer's permission of course.
None of the other shifters would know about it though, as Lucifer put mental shields on all the Cullens and Leah, so that no one could look into their minds again. "Well...why not stay over and have dinner with us?" Lucifer asked, not opposed to the idea in the slightest, hearing this, Emmett grinned "Hell yeah! Get ready to get your ass kicked in smash bros!"
"Yeah, whatever you say big guy" Lucifer said with an eye roll, before moving over and preparing the game.
[5 Months Later]
Months had passed since the death of Edward, and...a LOT had happened.
Lucifer, Bella, and the Cullens had all graduated, finally, with Lucifer having the top test scores in the country. She had been offered scholarships, but had denied them all, not having any reason to go to College of all things.
Bella and Leah's relationship had grown further and further during this time, with the two properly getting together. Alice was also fairly certain that Leah was going to propose to her imprint soon, and she wasn't the only one who had thought so. Bella had also decided on getting turned into a vampire as well. Lucifer had given her the rather lucrative offer of being turned by her, why? Because Lucifer realized that she could isolate a single vampire species she had, and turn others as they naturally would.
She offered to turn her, only because she doubted Bella wanted to go forever without kids, and Lucifer wasn't against turning her into a Underworld vampire like she decided. Bella had told her that she would think about it, but didn't want to decide just yet.
Lucifer, during this time, had also begun to train her new gifts. She found that the upper limits of them, were...disappointing to say the least. Which made her come to the realization that she desperately needed to get some sort of ability combining, and soon at that. Alice and Lucifer's relationship had also continued to flourish, with a rather interesting development occurring, in the form of a new nickname Alice called Lucifer (in private only), in the form of "Daddy".
Besides that, Lucifer had learnt another 50 different languages, and had learnt, and mastered more and more martial arts. She was probably the best martial artist in the entire world at that point, and would probably be the best in most worlds in the future, unless she went somewhere like Marvel or DC of course. She had also abused Aro's gift thoroughly, copying knowledge from various individuals that could be of use to her. Mainly people like Teachers, scientists, doctors, cops, hunters, and others that could have skills that could be useful to her.
Today was a very very special day for Lucifer.
"Alice, love, are you ready?" Lucifer asked, knowing the girl could hear her upstairs. The two were going to be going on a date.
Hearing Lucifer's question, Alice stepped out of the room with a giggle, as she slowly walked downstairs in her cute dress she had picked out.
"How do I look, Daddy?" Alice asked, twirling her dress. Smiling at what she picked out, Lucifer pecked her on the lips "You look adorable, baby" Alice smiled at her words, before asking "Where are we going for the date? Ooo can we go to Paris again?!" Alice asked with sparkly eyes.
Chuckling at her excitement, Lucifer just grinned.
"It's a surprise love, one that I am certain you will like" Lucifer responded, causing Alice to tilt her head cutely "What kind of surprise?"
Smiling softly, Lucifer responded.
"A very special one"
___________________________________________Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!
(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)
That's the end of the chapter, next chapter will be longer (probably) and is VERY important, so make sure to read it!
How do y'all feel about Alice calling Lucifer "Daddy" I sort of decided on it last second, due to my other fic. As Alice sorta gives me that "I'll be a good girl, Daddy"/"Babygirl" vibe. If y'all don't like it, I'll stop it, but if not, then you can expect for Alice to call Lucifer that a lot more often now, and more often then calling her Luci/Lucifer (in private at least).
As for the future of this fic, I am going to be completely forward, and say, I don't really know If I want to continue this fic right now. I am getting burnt out on this whole fic (NOT THE OTHER ONE) and kinda want to just finish once the Twilight world is over, for now, and then continue it once I feel like doing so. I'm still debating, but if I do do that, I might either replace it with the [I am Hope Mikaelson] fic, or with another new one I made, which involves Young Justice. I already explained that idea in my other fics chapter note, so go read that if you want to know the finer details.
So, just be warned that that is a possibility in the future. I'm still deciding, and might even leave it up to a poll on all my sites I post on (Patreon, Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3, and Scribble Hub). But, we'll see.
Anyways, sorry for the long authors note, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!
Current Bio
Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)
Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)
Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, and Blade)
True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire)
Current Universe - Twilight (Movies)
Current Location - Forks, Washington State.
Current Appearance - Naomi Scott
Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.
Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress point detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, and Total Body Control.
Status - Fed
Gift - Gift Mimicry
Mimicked Gifts - Tracking Sense (x3), Enhanced Self-Preservation, Mental Shield, Pathokinesis, Telepathy, Pain Illusion, Tactile Telepathy, Relationship Identification, Sensory Deprivation, Physical Attack Diversion, Relationship Manipulation, Addictive Contentement, Physical Attraction, Mental Invisibility, Intimidation, Illussionary Cloning, Suggestive Compelment, Attention Detection, Penance Illusion, Tracking Evasion, Danger Intuition, Sensory Alteration, Warding Shield.
Mate - Alice Cullen
Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!
(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)
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