[3rd Person] [Location: Forks, Cullen home]
After sitting and consoling Alice for a little while, Alice had finally calmed down, and was now snuggling up against Lucifer. The two of them simply sat in silence, until Lucifer eventually heard the rest of the Cullens returning to the home. Looking down at Alice, she softly spoke.
"Alice, they're back. Do you want to stay up here or go with me downstairs?" Lucifer softly asked, knowing that Edward was downstairs right now. With her newly improved telepathy, she could feel him, and his mind. It looked like he had learnt rather quickly to not think of Alice in a negative light, but Lucifer? Not so much.
"I-I'll go with you" Alice softly said, wiping her eyes slightly. Upon wiping her eyes, realization hit her. "I-I cried?"
"You did love. Seems that my father made our mating bond a bit special. If I am right, then soon enough I'll be able to see an adorable little blush on those cheeks" Alice giggled at this, before slowly climbing off of Lucifer.
"I wish I could tell him thank you" Alice softly said. Lucifer just smiled at this, before softly grabbing Alice's hand and beginning to walk towards the door. Alice breathed in deeply, and calmed herself, reminding herself that Lucifer was there, and nothing was going to happen to her.
"You don't need to worry about Edtard, Alice. After the idiot turned me, he can no longer touch a hair on your head" Alice's eyes widened at this, before sharply turning to Lucifer, and looking over her form.
"He turned you?! Are you okay?!" Alice said, as she inspected Lucifers body, to make sure she wasn't injured or anything.
"I'm fine love. Now, lets get down there alright?" Lucifer softly said, causing Alice to breathe in deeply before nodding, before walking out of the door alongside Lucifer.
Upon walking downstairs the two were met with the sight of the Cullen family. The entire family was glaring daggers at Edward, and Rosalie looked like she was ready to murder him. While Esme looked at him with clear disappointment in her eyes, and Emmett looked at him in disgust. Jasper and Carlisle just looked at him in sadness, both wondering when he became like that. Upon hearing Lucifer and Alice entering the room, they all turned.
Rosalie instantly walked towards Alice and softly asked "Are you okay?"
Alice hearing this looked to Lucifer who softly nodded "I-I'm fine, Luci helped me calm down" Rosalie sighed in relief at this. Before Carlisle said something that caught the entire families attention "Are those tear stains?"
Alice smiled slightly at this "Um, Luci says that due to our unique mating bond, I might start to change as a vampire, like how I can eat human food now, or how I can cry" Alice finished with a slightly nervous smile. The Cullens at hearing this, all looked at Alice in surprise, before Carlisle softly smiled before nodding.
"I suppose being mated to the daughter of God would naturally cause some changes biologically. Lucifer, this won't negatively affect her will it?" Carlisle made sure to ask. He didn't want her to get harmed due to changes brought by the mating bond.
"Nope, all the changes from the bond, should be positive only. I expect to see my pixie blushing soon, and then eventually stepping into the sunlight without sparkling" Lucifer replied, making sure to calm Carlisle's worries. Edward hearing this scoffed slightly, before dropping to his knees at the pain assaulted him. Noticing this, they glanced at him, before deciding to ignore him.
He had already done that 2 times within the forest, and socked himself in the ctotch a few times as well. Carlisle had explained what Lucifer did, and none of them saw any reason to get rid of it. It was a better fate for Edward than dying at least. Rosalie was also happy with the slight punishment, there would be more though.
"I see...I suppose it is time to decide the punishment for Edward then?" Carlisle said, causing the family to nod.
"And what sort of punishment should we give him? There isn't exactly many punishments that can properly pay for what he's been doing to Alice" Rosalie said with a scowl on her face. She was firmly on the side of just killing him and getting it over with.
The family went back and forth for a while, before the base punishments were all agreed on, they were the following:
1st Punishmenmt: Edward would not be allowed to leave the home unless accompanied by someone else, he could not go and hunt on his own, or do anything else by himself.
2nd Punishment: Edward lost access to all forms of the internet, besides what was required for school.
3rd Punishment: Edward would no longer be allowed to speak to Alice in any form.
4th Punishment: Edward would not be allowed to go on any family outings.
5th Punishment: Edward would no longer be allowed to feed unless given permission by Carlisle.
6th Punishment: Edward would lose all forms of allowance, his vehicle, and all other commodities given to him by Carlisle and Esme. This includes his books, instruments, and other forms of entertainment.
7th Punishment: Edward would be forced to write a thousand word apology to Alice every single day, each one of these apologies must be different from one another. If this is not completed, then Lucifer's compulsion will activate on him at 3x the pain.
8th Punishment: Edward would not be allowed to speak to, and communicate with Bella, unless another member of the family is watching.
9th Punishment: Edward would be forced to do 1000 hours of community service every year, only if possible with the weather.
10th Punishment: Edward would gain a new form of punishment for every rule he has broken. Should Edward attempt to harm Alice or Lucifer, then Lucifer will kill him instantly.
"I believe that is enough for now. With how he has been acting, I imagine new rules will be put into play soon" Carlisle said with a sigh, as he looked at the furious Edward, who had already had the compulsion for the 7th punishment placed on him, alongside a bit of an extra one. This came in the form of horrible hallucinations everytime he thinks of Alice in a negative way, with the hallucinations getting worse each and everytime. He was basically being put into a miniature prison, and being tortured everyday. Lucifer wanted more of a punishment, but Alice had calmed her down.
"Well...now that that is all over, why don't the two of you come and eat?" Esme said softly, having whipped up a dinner after hearing that Alice was able to eat.
"Before that, I want to add one last thing" Lucifer said, turning to Alice who nodded happily.
"And what would that be?" Carlisle asked curiously.
"Alice will be moving in with me"
""WHAT?!"" Chaos ensued.
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That's the end of the chapter. This chapter was shorter due to the power going out, making this all written on my phone...which is a pain in the ass btw. The reception near me is awful, so I only had a bit of time to write. Next chapter will probably be longer though, and we'll be back on track.
Nest chapter will have the reveal of the ability Lucifer chose, and it will be back to the school (either next chapter or the one after that), and "canon" will continue. Canon's pretty fucked right now, but it will be completely destroyed towards the end of the second movie, that's also when I plan on her traveling to the next world.
I tried my best with the punishments, but I straight up couldn't think of much. I also had to have them be within reason, knowing how Carlisle and them are. The only reason they aren't worse is due to Alice begging Lucifer not to. She hated Edward yes, but all Alice wants is for it to be over with, and she knew that if Lucifer pushed it too much, it would cause problems with her family.
Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!
Current Bio
Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)
Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer), Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, and Blade)
Current Universe - Twilight (Movies)
Current Location - Cullen Home, Forks, Washington State.
Current Appearance - Naomi Scott
Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.
Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, ???????????.
Status - Fed
Gift - Gift Mimicry
Mimicked Gifts - Pathokinesis (Jasper), Telepathy (Edward)
Mate - Alice Cullen
Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!
(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)
Huge thanks to Max and DemonGodGrim for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[3rd Person] [Location: Forks, Cullen home]
"What do you mean Alice will be moving in with you?!" Rosalie asked in shock. None of the Cullens were expecting such a thing at a moment like this, although they probably should have. Alice quietly looked around in slight worry, she was worried her family wouldn't support what she wanted, and if their reactions was any indicator, it seemed they weren't very fond of the idea. Lucifer having noticed Alice's nervousness, softly stroked her hand.
"I mean that after hearing of the things Edward had done to her, I believe it would be better for her to live with me. Alice believes so as well" Lucifer said, Alice nodded at the end, agreeing with Lucifer. She didn't want to admit it, but she didn't really feel safe in the Cullen home anymore. She would feel far safer when she's cuddled up with Lucifer, in what would be their bed.
Carlisle hearing this, softly sighed in resignation. He had an idea that something like this would happen, and he couldn't blame Alice for not wanting to stay there "I had an idea that something like this would happen...I support your decision Alice, and while I wish you'd stay, I know better than to try and change your mind".
Rosalie looked like she was going to argue with Carlisle, but stopped at the look Esme was giving her. Alice smiled softly at what Carlisle said, before turning to Lucifer with a larger smile, happy that her family was mostly okay with her moving in with Lucifer.
"Now that that is over, why don't you two come and eat?" Esme said with a soft smile.
After saying that, the two sat down and began to eat, while the rest sat and talked with them. For the next three hours or so, Lucifer and Alice had been at the Cullen home. Lucifer and Emmett had 1v1'd in various games, with Lucifer absolutely dominating him each and every time. Alice had also ended up finding her way to Lucifer's lap halfway through, and the Cullens were able to take in the adorable sight of Alice snoring softly in her sleep, while cuddling up against Lucifer.
After three hours of staying there, the two had finally decided to head home. Lucifer had already packed up the small amount of Alice's belongings. Waving goodbye to the Cullens, Lucifer drove off with Alice sitting next to her, with a bright, excited smile on her face.
While driving, Lucifer looked towards Alice who was happily leaning back listening to the radio. "You excited?"
"Mmhmm!" Alice nodded with a happy grin on her face. The fact that she was moving in with Lucifer, was making her more than excited. And while the whole Edward situation was still fresh in her mind, she knew that Lucifer would always be there for her, and would help her through it. Not to mention that Edward can't even talk to her anymore, and can't even think of her in a bad way, not without going through immense pain at least.
Pulling up to her...their home, Alice hopped out of the car excitedly. Lucifer chuckled at her excitement before grabbing the boxes and walking into the home. Walking upstairs, Alice helped her put away her clothes and other belongings with a smile still on her face. After putting away all of the stuff Alice brought their, the two found themselves in the bedroom, after they had done the usual nightly ritual of brushing teeth and all that.
Leaning back with Alice softly leaning against her right shoulder, Lucifer turned to her "Are you sure you want to go to school tomorrow? It's okay if you want to stay home and just cuddle and relax"
Alice hearing this turned to Lucifer with a soft smile before pecking her on the lips and saying "No, I won't let...that man ruin my time at school" Lucifer sighed slightly at this, hoping that Alice would decide to stay home so they could just cuddle in peace. Alice giggled at Lucifer's expression, causing Lucifer to roll her eyes.
The two had layed there for another two hours, in which they had softly talked, and Lucifer had shown off the greatness of Kitchen Nightmares, before eventually Alice nodded off. Looking at her sleeping mate, Lucifer softly chuckled before kissing her on the forehead, and leaned back into her pillow, before finally letting herself think over the events of the day.
'That....was a lot more than I was expecting. I knew that Edward was doing something bad to her, but not to the level of severe physical abuse, and verbally assaulting her. The fact that he's even alive right now is solely due to her and her alone' Lucifer thought with a low growl escaping her lips, as her eyes glowed a murderous blood red.
'At least now he won't be able to do anything against her. Plus he gave me a rather large power increase, which I am sure I could have gotten more had I done some more thorough research beforehand, but I guess I can get them in the future. The ability I chose would make up for that difference as well' Lucifer thought with a grin, as the ability she chose was incredibly powerful for the set of abilities she had.
Apex Species was the ability she chose/made. It would make it so that any new species she gains, that species will start out at whatever is considered it's apex (NOT INCLUDING EVOLUTIONS OF SAID SPECIES). Meaning that her Blade vampire species was comparable to that of Dracula's from that universe, Marcus for the Underworld Vamp, the Vampire Queens of Charmed, and Newborns of Twilight. An overpowered ability when combined with the ones she already had.
'Now I just need to get an ability that allows me to get stronger through age, and then one that allows me to gain the age of those I kill, and then I will become truly strong' Lucifer thought, as she already had an idea of what to pick. Geting stronger through age would be truly powerful for her, and while she doubts the strength increases would be all that big from only a few decades, it would rapidly add up.
'Only downside is that I wouldn't get species that are evolutions of that one. So if I was to get TVD vampire, I wouldn't get Original or even Upgraded Original Vampire. I probably am going to need to travel to TVD in order to Original and Upgraded Original' Lucifer thought with an annoyed sigh.
'For now though, it would be best to focus on these new powers and develop them further' Lucifer thought with a smile as she watched her pixie sleep with soft snores.
"Good night my little mate"
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That's the end of this chapter, it was rather short as it was basically just an intermission before we get back to canon and begin to move along with canon again. Lucifer's power increase will now stall for a little while, probably until the next movie.
I was also half tempted to do some smut in this chaper but decided not to, and instead ask y'all. Would you guys want to see a smut chapter? I have never properly written one before, so I don't know how good that would be, but I'll try my best to make it good, should y'all want it.
Next chapter will probably be longer, but I am not entirely sure. As this chapter was one of the shorter ones.
Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!
Current Bio
Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)
Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer), Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, and Blade)
Current Universe - Twilight (Movies)
Current Location - Cullen Home, Forks, Washington State.
Current Appearance - Naomi Scott
Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.
Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, ???????????.
Status - Fed
Gift - Gift Mimicry
Mimicked Gifts - Pathokinesis (Jasper), Telepathy (Edward)
Mate - Alice Cullen
Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!
(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)
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