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97.14% Usagi no megami(The rabbit goddess) / Chapter 34: suspects

Chapter 34: suspects

Jean wore The Standard issue Elderon kingdom armor. All knights of the kingdom wear the same set of armor, nobles are only allowed to add slight decoration and no big changes.

"Would that mean the knights are from this kingdom?"

Jean asked with a much more calm expression than one would expect.

"Yes but from which territory?"

"isn't it possible that another kingdom is trying to frame the Elderon kingdom?"

Clara asked, causing everyone in the room to look at her. It was entirely possible for another kingdom to commit crimes while wearing armor of another kingdom so her question was quite reasonable. Though it is questionable if killing a group of Bush people is a crime that is punishable by law.

"It is but for what reason? There were territorial disputes in the past, but the last war was a hundred plus years ago and there's been no out right conflict since, so what would be the motive of any nation to do this? Is it the mage republic?

Morris questions not really expecting an answer, the mage republic and the Elderon kingdom had a war a hundred and 5 years ago, it was the republic that struck first, they were after the abundance of magic stones in the kingdom, However with its incredible Military power the Elderon kingdom managed to stop and push them back. The war ended in a stalemate and the Elderon kingdom agreed to trade with the Republic, everything ended quite smoothly so Morris failed to understand why the republic would try to frame the Elderon kingdom.

"The empire maybe?"

Jean questioned, the empire and Elderon are not enemies but they aren't allies either, plus the empire does have a history of unprovoked aggression.

" or the Northern kingdom? But it's too far away to try and pull such a thing"

"Wouldn't that mean they have the perfect cover if it was them?"

While Everyone was seemingly discussing the reasons why anyone would try to frame the Elderon kingdom for such an atrocity, their conversation was interrupted by the sound of gurgling, like a person who was drowning but wasn't quite under the water yet.

A sudden splat of a red and wet substance on Morris's cheek caused him to wipe it off and looked at his hand too see what it was.


It was then that a dull sound of a body slamming onto the table bouncing off it and then dropping to the floor grabbed their attention.


Clara was the first to scream her lungs out, she quickly jumped behind the chair Elia sat on to hide and protect herself. Seeing the dead body that was pierced at the throat and head by two arrows caused Jean to jump in front of Elia, kicking the table to the side and his sword unsheathed, Morris had pulled his own sword and stood at the ready.

Einalam was dead, her blood pooled all over the floor, Clara's screaming attracted the knights who were outside, they burst through the door nearly breaking it in the process.

Elia was startled by the sudden death of her red headed guest who she recently got to know the name of, she had quickly put up her guard and activated her Byakugan ready for battle, her hair turning into spikes ready to eviscerate any threat.

The room became silent for a full 5 minutes, everyone waited ready to jump into action at the drop of a hat. The only sound that could be heard in the room was the sounds of Clara whimpering.


The sound of a baby crying released the intense tension that was building up in the room.

"Clara be a dear and go put that baby to sleep"

Clara remained silent, unbeknownst to Elia the maid was shaking, The sudden death of Einalam Shook her greatly as such she didn't respond to Elia's order.


"Yes Milady"

The maid crawled out from behind the chair and slowly made her way to the room that kept the crying baby, she herself felt like crying.

"We need to call the knights"

Morris offered, it would be best they did that before anyone showed up and accused them of murder.

"Right, quickly then Sir Morris, take Jean with you"

Elia ordered, Morris nodded and went out the door, Jean however was hesitant to leave Elia's side so he voiced his thoughts.

"Milady, why not have Stephan be the one to accompany Mr. Morris."

"Makes no difference to me"

Elia waved him off as she stood from her chair to examine the body, looking at the body she lamented not having the ability to bring the dead back to life. Einalam's death pretty much confirms that the one responsible for the massacre is one of the nobles from the Elderon kingdom.


She suddenly felt one of her clones disappear and rush of information flooded her brain.


She cursed before making 3 more clones, she then disappeared along with them and then came back by herself.

"My lady is something the matter?"

"no, just had to deal with something"

She waved Jean's question off and continued to examine the body on the floor.


[5 Minutes earlier]

Currently it was around late afternoon, the sun was slowly changing color going from its usual yellow to an orange like hue, it was still relatively quite early however that didn't stop some of the taverns within the capital to be packed full. In fact they hardly ever close and currently on one particular tavern a man wobbled his way out, his cheek with a slight flush indicating he was slightly intoxicated.

Garrick was feeling the buzz, he wasn't completely drunk but he wasn't sober either, he was at the sweet spot between, drunk but still having enough brain functions to form coherent sentences.

Garrick got out the door and made his way towards his home, Today he had gotten a day off and was allowed to enjoy himself however that didn't mean getting piss drunk that he couldn't work tomorrow.

He turned the corner and found himself in open street which was unusually empty. He didn't think much of it, these were the backstreets of the capital where people probably called it a night the moment there was a sign of sunset. The tavern he was in was actually quite Shady and was located between two buildings that hid it from public view. Despite being shady he still liked it, it was his favorite tavern from back when he used to live here in the capital before getting the job he Has now.

He walked calmly on the road, there was an eerie feeling in the air, he felt like he was being followed. Furrowing his brow he turn the corner, changing his course and going further deep in the alleys. Perhaps it was because he was slightly drunk that he didn't notice that the alley he turned to was a dead end or may it was the confidence that he could deal with whoever was following him.

Arriving at the end of the alley, he turned to confront whoever was following him.

"Alright, show yourself you punk, if you think you're going to rob me today you got another thing coming"

He shouted before taking a fighting Stance with his fists close to his face, however the person who revealed themselves was someone he was very familiar with.

"oh my, you could detect me, how impressive"

It was Shian the butler of Duke Basterbine, relief would have come over Garrick had he not noticed the butler carrying a weapon. Garrick frowned deeper, keeping his guard up.

"I am afraid your services are no longer required"


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