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Harry Potter: A Magical World Harry Potter: A Magical World original

Harry Potter: A Magical World

Author: Doctor_Blue

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Night

[Godric's Hollow- Evening- 31 October 1981-Potter Manor]

"James! Come down, and bring my sweet angels with you too. Dinner is ready!" 

"James!" Pieris Evans shouted once again.

"Let me bring them down, Mom. I bet he is using magic on my sweetums..." Lily Potter Ne Evans, grumbled and walked up the stairs.




"Oh My~ Look at you, Dear~" Lily Potter

Hearing the 'Sweet' voice of the devil from the back, his spectacles slipped down his nose and with a shiver James Potter mechanically turned his head, providing his beloved wife with the most sincere smile... The result-

"My love~ I promise to not make things float around them. Heck, I would not even use magic in front of them without you or Pieris around. So, please put me down~" A red-faced and dizzy James, hanging upside down in an awkward position, was begging his fierce, yet adorable, wife. 


A resplendent yet cosy house stood among the lightly swaying trees, and wisps of smoke from the chimney.

"You know, we could have easily flooed here." Flemont Potter grumbled.

"First of all, I have said it a million times that even if my daughter is a witch and magic has become a part of our life for little over 9 years, I do not like everything about it, including that floo thingy; It makes me either vomit or dizzy for at least an hour. Secondly, as my favourite witch put it- today is 'No-Maj Day', and according to its rules, everything magic is not allowed for the day." Jeremy Evans smugly pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah~" Flemont, "Well, I would agree, football is a good sport, and I like the team too; It is sad that they still could not win."

With a somewhat weary sigh, Jeremy replied "Tell me about it. I am at the point where I love the team, and yet I curse them every day. I just wish Chelsea could one day soar, like those Manchester United bastards."

Between the slightly grumbling Jeremy and the loud noise of the car he was co-driving, Flemont looked out through the glass window- the evening sky was turning ominous...

Jeremy's gruff voice broke Flemont out of his reverie, "Sometimes I think that England is the only place in this world, with such an erratic weather." Shifting gear, Jeremy snickered, "Imagine my surprise, when Lily confirmed the conspiracy theories about, how the weather here must feel so homely to vampires that I threw around while sitting with Pieris- They do exist, though most of them are blood-thirsty assholes." 

With a slight smirk, Flemont agreed, "I do agree with you on vampires, but the weather outside, truly looks ominous..."

Swerving away from a ditch, Jeremy jabbed "You wizards and your blind dependency on magic is truly astounding to me." Slowing the car down to a stop inside the manor gate, they stepped out and he continued, "The so-called 'Muggles' have developed leaps and bounds, scientifically speaking, and now they can even predict weather while giving appropriate reasoning behind it. This is simply a weather change, due to the proximity of the ocean, or something, I am not that well educated on the topic..."

Carrying a contemplative look, Flemont said "If it was 9 years earlier, I would have just sneered at you and thought you beneath me... yet, here I am, agreeing and respecting the development of No-Maj community. Although, today I stand on my belief in magic, as it has not once betrayed me..."


Putting their coats on hangers, they both heard Pieris, Euphemia and Lily scolding James and sighed.

"You go in first, I forgot something in the car, I'll be back." Jeremy tried to turn around and leave, "You addle-pat, you are not leaving me alone with them!" but was stopped by Flemont grabbing his shoulders tightly.

"You blunderbuss, last time you left me alone, this time it is your turn, unhand me!" Jeremy countered while freeing himself from the iron grip, but just as he was reaching for the doorknob... "And where are you going, mister~" The sweet voice of the devil found him... Pieris.


With half an hour wasted, three men with their heads hung low sat around the table, while the three women of the house were giving them a deathly glare. 

With a sigh, Euphemia proposed "Alright let's go and sit down for dinner, the tiddlers would have become hungry by now."

___Pieris POV___

Sending off Lily and James to an early night, I looked around the room- my sweet grandchildren were sleeping with a smile, cradled by their grandfathers, who were looking chucklesome while trying to hold their breaths, so as not to disturb the sleeping children.

With a happy sigh, I sat down on my recliner, near the fireplace. Waiting for Euphemia to come after cleaning the room of all the toys and trinkets, I reminisced about the time when we were unaware of the magical side of the world- when Lily was still studying normal maths and science, wishing to become a doctor. When Petunia, still a child, followed Lily around the house, giggling. 

Although things changed for good, some things still are left iffy. I and Jeremy wish we could have noticed Petunia's behavioural changes earlier, and helped her... we could have had a complete family by now. Maybe, meeting her little nephews, she could overcome her ill-gotten jealousy, and we could enjoy dinners together once again, sigh...

"What are you sighing for, you old git~" Euphemia's playful voice broke me out of my reverie.

"You are an old git. Hmph~" Giving her a playful jab, I continued "You have become quite good at knitting sweaters."

"Of course, I have. I was a prodigy since childhood" Lifting her nose to high heavens, Euphemia proclaimed.

With mischievousness, I said, "Hmm~ Hmm~ Then you wouldn't mind me showing off your previous works to our grandchildren when they grow up do you?"

"Pieris Evans, let's duel to death!"

"Shhh~" x2

Hearing Jeremy and Flemont, we toned down our banter to whispers and continued the knitting...


"My stag~ I feel worried about our decision..." Lily whispered while laying her head on James' chest.

"... Peter is one of the Marauders, my bear~" James tried to placate her worries while combing her red hair, "Also, Dumbledore is actively hunting the Death Eaters all around Great Britain."

"Hmm...~" Slowly both of them drifted into Morpheous' realm.


"My lord~ Here it is" Among the violently whipping winds and constantly pouring rain- The rat, Peter Pettigrew, led a small contingency of Death eaters and Lord Voldemort- "The Potter Manor."

"HaHa~ Everyone, Dumbledore and his army are going to come for their daily rounds soon, one of your 'brothers' is holding them off, but not for long. Hence, We will kill every living being inside, swiftly and concisely. Understood!?"

"WE OBLIGE!" x Death Eaters and The 'Rat' Peter.



Startled and vigilante, everyone in the house woke up. 

James, Lily, Euphemia and Flemont took their wands and ran downstairs, accompanying them was Jeremy with his shotgun, while Pieris cradled two children and hid in the secret compartment in the kitchen.

The first Death Eater to enter the house was shot down by a green 'energy beam', an Avada Kedavara curse- used by Flemont.

This was the signal to the ensuing fight...

At first, the Potters were holding the Death Eaters back, but as their numbers surged and more competent members started to retaliate, unfortunately, they got divided- While James and Lily were simultaneously handling three adversaries each, Flemont and Euphemia were taking care of four each, all the while, although Jeremy's bullets didn't kill or hurt anyone, it still made the Death Eaters wary and controlled.

___Flemont's POV___

The stand-off broke; I saw Voldemort breaking the hidden cabinet apart and levitating Pieris and the children, "Euphemia! You three take care of them, I'll either kill or stall that bastard for the time being."

Without waiting for any reply, I whizzed past the ongoing scrimmage and shot another Avada Kedavra towards Voldemort, but that bastard simply levitated Pieris in front of it; Thanks to my previous battles, in my youth, I was prepped for fights of this calibre, hence, I levitated a chair in between Pieris and the approaching curse- Although injured due to the splinters flying all around and the fall Pieris was overall still alive and protected the children.

Casting a Bombarda while simultaneously transfiguring the splinters into spears, I shot it all at him. Now standing in front of them, watching how easily he protected himself; no doubt, he is said to be the second coming of Dumbledor...

I could hear the shouts of curses and the sounds of them colliding from the back. Taking in a shallow breath, within seconds I repelled a charm shot at me and started our battle...


All types of colourful beams of energy and random transfigured items were flying around the manor, suddenly a transfigured knife scratched past James leaving a deep gash on his face under his right eye, while he was distractedly thinking about his father fighting Voldemort- "Pay attention, James!" Euphemia and Lily's shouts took his mind back to the attackers in front of him.

It has been more than 45 minutes since the fight started, and more than half an hour since Flemont started fighting Voldemort. Cursing his old age and slightly panting Flemont was suddenly hit by an Expeliarmus causing him to lose his wand...

"Tch, Tch, Tch... How low has the House of Potters fallen" Voldemort snickered, as he drew close, "Worry not- as the gracious, soon-to-be Lord of the Magical and Muggle Britain and then the whole world...! I Lord Voldemort sacrifice 'Blood-Traitors' to my future glory! HaHaHa"

With the final shout, Flemont muttered the one spell that their family inherited- more than the spell, it was a ritual.

"O Magia Mundi,

magicam animam pono,

nepotes meos protege,

maledictionem repelle et sacrificium accipio"

The ancient ritual of 'Love' mixed with the pleadings of 'Squib' Pieris- in exchange for Flemont and Pieris' life and magic, repelled the Killing Curse Avada Kedavra, shot by Voldemort, destroyed his body and protected the children...

___Dumbledor's POV___

I felt it- the casting of an ancient ritual.

"Sirius, Lupin; I'll be going ahead, to Godric's Hollow. You guys sort the situation here by taking their wands and submitting them to the authorities and then join me." The uneasy feeling of the magic around me was urging me to do something, yet it was unclear. I decided to first check the Hollow and then concentrate on this feeling to find out what happened and where, if in Britain.

"We are coming with you, Professor!" Sirius, ever childish and fickle declared.

Looking at his slightly upturned lips, I could guess that whether with me or on his own he would be joining me, "Alright, Sirius you come with me, but Lupin please follow up with the authorities, dear." At least, I can trust the rule-following Lupin to complete the job...

Seeing him nod, with a relieved sigh, I disapparated with the help of Fawkes and apparated at Godric's Hollow with Sirius in tow.

But, as soon as we landed, Sirius turned into his Animagus 'Wolf' form and whizzed past me towards the billowing smoke coming from a manor- Potter's Manor!

Throwing two kilometres detecting charm for any human, I too followed; the foreboding and uneasy feeling I was getting from the magic around me, mixed and pointed towards the manor- the worst has happened...!


Dodging a Bombarda spell flying towards him, Sirius changed back into his human form with raised hands and shouted worriedly, "James! Lily! What happened!?"

Stepping on the wooden splinters of the broken door, and weaving through the dead bodies of Death Eaters lying all around the living room, with their silver masks fallen off- some impaled and some not.

Sirius with Dumbledor- who at some point joined him; went into the kitchen and saw two dead bodies being cradled by crying, Lily and Euphemia.


With red stinging eyes and giving a reassuring hug to James- Soon Sirius and Dumbledor were caught up with the happenstance.

"I will flay that blasted Rat's skin!!" An angry Sirius was held back by the deep and commanding voice of Dumbledor.

"First let us bring the children and adults to St.Mundo's Hospital... bring the fallen family members too..." With a heavy and depressing sigh, Dumbledor continued "By the looks of it, someone who ran away took Voldemort's wand with him- it could very well be Peter Pettigrew."

Hearing his valid reasoning, they all nodded, so he continued, "I will go and bring Longbottoms to the Hospital. You guys will be safe with Fawkes near by- I have also cast a 10-kilometre 'Detection Charm' just now... it is safe." 

___Dumbledor's POV___

With the golden sun-rays covering the dreadful night- after the check-up on everyone done by Madam Pomfrey, more bad news came:

> Flemont Potter and Pieris Evans died

> Augusta Longbottom died and Frank Longbottom is in a coma

> James Potter's injuries were healed, although the scar remains due to nasty dark magic used on the transfigured object

> Although all three children survived, Harry Potter got a scar on his forehead and Friedrich Potter completely lost his vision

"Thank you, my friend, for always being there to wipe my tears..." Ruffling Fawkes' feathers and composing myself, I entered the ward where the Potter and Longbottom family had gathered.

Bowing my head, I sincerely asked for their forgiveness and asked their permission- "If you permit me, I would like to become their Godfather and protect them with my magic and life; I would take this vow in front of True Magic that flows through the world."

Although, interrupted by Sirius, telling me that he and Lupin already occupy the position of Harry and Friedrich/Fritz's Godfathers; I got their reluctant permission:

"Ego, Dumbledore,

magicas Mundi,

rogo testor et praesideo voto tutelae ac veritate sui Patrini fiendi."


So, 'The Night' came to an end...


* People who died-

. Benjy Fenwick ( Order Of Phoenix): Blasted into pieces

. Dorcas Meadows(Order Of Phoenix)

. Gideon and Fabian Prewett (Order Of Phoenix): Fought of ten Death Eaters and died like Heroes

. Edgar Bones, his wife and children: for not joining the ranks of Death Eaters

. Marlene Mckinnon and her whole family (Order Of Phoenix)

. Around 100 Death Eaters were killed and the rest of them were apprehended by the Aurors and the Ministry, waiting for further judgement.


A/N: The English translation of Latin phrases used-

1. "O Magic of the world, I lay down my magic in exchange protect my grandchildren and repel the curse" Flemont Potter

2. "I, Dumbledor, with True magic as my witness swear to protect and be their Great Godfather, please be the judge" Dumbledor

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