Reviews of The Spartan who became a God by LuciferDark - Webnovel


  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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Author here informing you that Vol 2 is finished and uploaded on patreon also i will be going through all the chapters on patreon as someone informed me that the paragraph are difficult to read since they are long and have no pause in them. So I will be going through ether separating them or adding commas to make them easier to read this will inevitably delay my time on writing Vol 3, which unlike my original plan will be Dark going back to the halo universe to retrieve some Forerunner tech this was originally supposed to be after the clone wars but I realised it made more sense to happen before since there will not be much time between the empire beginning its conquest of the galaxy. Anyway I hope you enjoy the story I will be uploading 2 chapters for Vol 2 every Tuesday hopefully before I am done i have made the correction on Patreon and can shift the changes to here after then focus on Vol 3.

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Bro, it's rare to find a Halo fanfic on this page, and even rarer is that you've reached 50 chapters and you won't abandon it. As a fan of the franchise I give you 5 stars. Now, as for criticism, I would recommend that you do not write large paragraphs, perhaps 3-4 lines at most, because it is tiring to the eye. The story, although it is somewhat new, is quite lost in the idea of ​​mixing a world like that of Halo with a fantasy theme of powers like in Strar Wars, so I don't know if many will like it. As a recommendation, I would say that you continue writing until you can finish your fanfic, this will help you perfect your narrative.

Reveal Spoiler
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Author here I know updates have not been as often as I had originally intended a lot has been happening in real life but I have already got up to chapter 54 written and uploaded to patreon. I will be releasing 2 chapters on here every Tuesday but patreon will get more and will always be ahead but I make a promise I will be ensuring that I release at least 2 chapters every week I uploaded 3 last week because of my absence I Thought 2 chapters was not enough content to make up for the time I was away but from this review it will be 2 every Tuesday. all chapters will also contain more than 1200 words so that's 2400 words every Tuesday. I appreciate those who stayed during my absence and hope you enjoy the story.

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Looks good so far, havent seen halo fics come this far, and the multiverse concept makes it more interesting, altough i wanted to ask Is there a romance in some point?

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It’s a ok fic you need a editor thou couple spelling mistakes but that’s all really could use longer chapters thou

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Halo fanfic! I shall be the first review…

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Author here informing you that Vol 2 is finished and uploaded on patreon also i will be going through all the chapters on patreon as someone informed me that the paragraph are difficult to read since they are long and have no pause in them. So I will be going through ether separating them or adding commas to make them easier to read this will inevitably delay my time on writing Vol 3, which unlike my original plan will be Dark going back to the halo universe to retrieve some Forerunner tech this was originally supposed to be after the clone wars but I realised it made more sense to happen before since there will not be much time between the empire beginning its conquest of the galaxy. Anyway I hope you enjoy the story I will be uploading 2 chapters for Vol 2 every Tuesday hopefully before I am done i have made the correction on Patreon and can shift the changes to here after then focus on Vol 3.

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Bro, it's rare to find a Halo fanfic on this page, and even rarer is that you've reached 50 chapters and you won't abandon it. As a fan of the franchise I give you 5 stars. Now, as for criticism, I would recommend that you do not write large paragraphs, perhaps 3-4 lines at most, because it is tiring to the eye. The story, although it is somewhat new, is quite lost in the idea of ​​mixing a world like that of Halo with a fantasy theme of powers like in Strar Wars, so I don't know if many will like it. As a recommendation, I would say that you continue writing until you can finish your fanfic, this will help you perfect your narrative.

Reveal Spoiler
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Author here I know updates have not been as often as I had originally intended a lot has been happening in real life but I have already got up to chapter 54 written and uploaded to patreon. I will be releasing 2 chapters on here every Tuesday but patreon will get more and will always be ahead but I make a promise I will be ensuring that I release at least 2 chapters every week I uploaded 3 last week because of my absence I Thought 2 chapters was not enough content to make up for the time I was away but from this review it will be 2 every Tuesday. all chapters will also contain more than 1200 words so that's 2400 words every Tuesday. I appreciate those who stayed during my absence and hope you enjoy the story.

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Looks good so far, havent seen halo fics come this far, and the multiverse concept makes it more interesting, altough i wanted to ask Is there a romance in some point?

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It’s a ok fic you need a editor thou couple spelling mistakes but that’s all really could use longer chapters thou

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Halo fanfic! I shall be the first review…

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