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Chapter 14: Chapter 14 : Call me Hiroki-san

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Kasane followed up, "I will also decline for similar reasons. You can also tell Gremory-senpai that we will decline her offer as well. There is no coincidence that two of the Maou's siblings are here. You may run this territory, but we do not wish to be involved with your politics."

Sona sighed. She predicted this answer but-

"Why wouldn't you want to become a Devil?" The voice of her sole male [Pawn] rose up. "Kaichou is offering you something amazing, and you're turning it down?"

Hiroki's voice hardened, "I don't want to be a servant, young drake."

That statement hurt Saji's pride. The upset look on the blond's face told Hiroki he was about to throw hands. Hiroki then used his power to put a roadblock in his way. So, when Saji stepped forward, he hit a wall. "Bad idea, young drake. As of now, you cannot possibly take me on. Not only that, you're disrespecting your [King] and the entire peerage with your actions. Respect my and Kasane-chan's decision, and I shall respect yours in turn, understood?"

This time, Hiroki did not hide his slit eyes from the peerage. Kasane grabbed his hand and rubbed small circles on his wrists. "Just think of what you'll do to me this weekend." Hiroki dropped his power and aura and instantly put his nose into the crook of her neck, absorbing her scent. His instincts were reaching the end of the rope. "My apologies. We were planning a date this weekend, Kaichou. This is delaying that plan."

"Not to worry. Kuno-san-"

"You can just call me Hiroki-san, if you wish," the boy gave her permission.

"Hiroki-san," Sona started, "What species are you?"

He clicked his tongue, "You are intelligent please don't insult yourself. You can make an educated guess," he answered while retracting from Kasane but he was now resting his head on her shoulder from behind her, hands resting on her stomach. Kasane was blushing but said nothing, enjoying the moment.

"Dragon?" Tsubaki asked.

"Half but yes," Hiroki said whilst he unfurled his wings. The wings almost matched his hair. He had three pairs of wings normally but only brought out one set, which then wrapped around himself and Kasane. Her hands touched one, and he shivered. His mate giving him attention is always a plus.

"What about you, Kasane-san?" Sona asked slowly.

"I'd prefer to keep that under wraps," she said. "I am half-human, however."

Sona, still wondering if she could at the very least, have these two as allies. "Well, that is all I wanted to ask. The offer remains open if you change your mind. If you need anything, seek out one of my peerage, and we can talk."

Kasane bowed her head slightly, which was tough, with Hiroki clinging to her, "Thank you, Kaichou."

"You're free to go while I discipline my [Pawn] for his actions," Sona said while Saji paled. He learned quickly what happens if you disobey Kaichou.

The two turned and began to leave, "Oh, and Kaichou? Say hello to Levi-tan, from Hiro-kun."

"From Kas-chan as well," Kasane added. "Now, Hirochi, time for our date."

They left just as Sona and co. processed the information. That nickname...They know Onee-sama on a personal level?!


Once the couple left the Student Council room, they sighed, "I expected them to try that sooner."

"I mean it is the beginning of a new school year, so they couldn't exactly do this first thing."

Hiroki and Kasane conversed about what their thoughts were about the offer they had received and denied. Hiroki had his pride as a Dragon and stooping that low to be a Devil triggered his instinct. If Kasane was not there, he might have lost some control. Especially since the wielder of Vitra was close by. Eliminating the potential threat was first.

Leaving Kuoh Academy, Kasane grabbed his hand and leaned on his shoulder, "I thought you weren't going to reveal yourself."

Hiroki hummed, pleased with the contact, "Trying to fool a Devil as intelligent as Sitri-san would be difficult and I did let my aura out."

"Right, but you could have not done that."

"I wasn't going to let them persuade me or you. Devils like to honey their words and then stab you in the back. Now, I know you think that's unfair of me but…" His hand gripped hers tightly. "...the last time I came into contact with a Devil, I…"

"You don't need to tell me. I know that's personal," Kasane's tone softened a large degree. She doesn't know why he's uneasy around them but she never asked, despite being the closest person to him aside from Yasaka and Kunou. Otherwise, most other Youkai leave them alone.

Hiroki sighed, putting his mouth into Kasane's crown, "One day I'll tell you."

"And one day, I'll tell you," she promised, doing her best not to shiver in ecstasy at his voice pressed directly into her crown. Their walk home remained silent. However, they both realized that they could begin their date now. Kasane did want to get to the proper part of the date but Hiroki insisted on showing her a good time before showing her a good time.

As they approached their apartment, they felt someone watching them. Demonic in nature. High class in power. Hiroki groaned softly, "I hope it's not the Heiress with the red hair."

Kasane reluctantly lifted her head off his shoulder and looked around. "Unfortunately, it is and she's not alone."

They entered their home, "I'll make the tea. Let our guests in." Hiroki took his and Kasane's school bag and set them on a kitchen chair. The apartment they resided in was paid for by Yasaka, so she owns it and can rent it out to whoever needs it. Since she cannot leave Kyoto for long periods, she allows her faction and important people to use them.

The white-haired girl stayed at the door's opening and said, "You four that are currently stalking our home. Come inside. Otherwise, we will use force to stop your stalking. This can be avoided if you approach us instead of hiding."


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