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41.37% Adventuring as a way to become God. / Chapter 10: Chapter 9

Chapter 10: Chapter 9

Haa, today, too, barely any guys are coming in. This place is starting to resemble my old uncle's rundown bar during its last days. (???)

Flopping down her upper body at the front counter in a way that resembles a feline, a young girl at the height of her youth laze about enjoying the cracks of sunlight. This girl had brownish-red hair cut at shoulder length, with her aqua-coloured eyes and a somewhat petite figure giving her an air of youth. Her moddest breast pressed down as she started to doze off. Her attire is a professional-looking V-neck brown shirt and a long black skirt, a livery for their profession. She, however, did not show any of her usual allure, as she now resembled an elderly cat. Her happy sleep was disturbed by a sudden *slam* near her ear, pulling her out.

Wake up, Walk up Yasnia. You disappointment of a woman. How long do you plan to sleep around for? (???)

Finally, Someone who can actually hear. (???)

Yasnia, with the intensity of a surprised cat, looked around her surroundings. But on seeing that the one calling her was only her colleague, she evidently deflated and popped down the chair.

Oh, it's just you, Sania. You almost killed me before I met my prince charming. I thought you were the head receptionist or something. (Yasnia)

Excuse me, can I take this quest? (???)

 Sania was a black-haired, green-eyed beauty with a figure that was a little above average. She wore her hair up in a ponytail, giving her the air of a rambly elder sister and like any sister popped a vein on hearing Yasnia's casual seeking of her duty.

Oh, I guess I will call Madam Iriona next time I see you slaking off, declared Sania as she glared at her now-shaking friend. (Sania)

Hello, are you both ignoring me now or is this some practical joke that I am not aware of? (???)

Sorry, please don't I will get a pay cut if you do that, Yasnia pleaded. Besides, nobody was in the hall anyway, and the few people who did come always went to Rona's counter, so I just dozed off. (Yasnia)

Seeing her friend desperately pleading, her irritation also cooled off. Giving an exhausted sigh, she shakes her head.

Maybe I can go to that one instead, but that one is strangely crowded. Guess I can wait till they finish. (???)

 I know there is almost nobody coming, but we are a semi-regulated institution of the empire, and we cannot show such a lax attitude. (Sania)

 Yes, I will try to take my nap in places where people can't see time. (Yasnia)

 Oh, that was bad, even for an airhead. Did she say that out loud, or is she stupid? (???)

 Hearing this incorrigible statement, Sania once again flared up. Suddenly, a shout came from inside the office, startling both the women. They turn to each other with concerned looks, then with hurried steps rush inside, completely ignoring the background commenting adventure. On reaching the office door, they saw some workers were already looking inside.

The office belongs to Madam Iroina. Inside the room, there were four people. Madam Ironia was facing off with a well-dressed young man. The young man had a lean yet toned figure, his deep honey-coloured eyes shown from his well-featured face, coupled with his burning blue hair that resembled the sky of a clear day, could make any person feel a sense of instinctive deference towards him. The other two people were standing behind the young man. One was a tall woman with onyx hair that came to the shoulder. She had a toned figure that speaks of her dedication, and her cold and uncaring purple gaze, which made both women believe she would kill everybody if given the order, made them shiver in a cold sweat. The girl next to her was the most unfit one among the four. She is a slightly shorter girl with a figure comparable to Yasnia. She had light pink hair that came down to her waist and her lilac colour eyes, made her look like a cute rabbit as she shook in nervousness. Madam Irona faced off such a bizarre group with her usual sharp eye and stern countenance that exuded a sense of authority no lesser than the young man. The elderly lady wore her usual conservative black afternoon dress, fashioned after the more revelling guild uniform.

 Mr. Alonso, please keep your voice civilised. You are no longer a young child. (Iroina)

 Iroina looked at the man as he started to shake slightly and gave a tired sigh. She then took up the cup in front of her giving it a ship. Realising its lukewarm nature, she promptly put down the cup and called towards the peanut gallery.

 Yasnia, Sania. (Irona)

 Her sudden call made the hidden spectators jump. As She looked towards the location, many of the hidden presences scattered like bubbles to the wind. All except two. The two presence slowly present themselves in the room, their previous casual attitude nowhere to be seen.

 Yasnia, can you reheat the tea for us and bring us some of those biscuits? They are in the cubbert. As for you, Sania, bring this letter to the Bellsky household. (Irona)

 "Wait, please wait, Madam Irona". The shaking young man suddenly spoke up with panic.

I will back off, so please do not report this to that man. (Alonso)

Saying this, he looked at the girl with black hair, and the intensity of her glare weakened, giving her the appearance of a typical adventurer with an unapproachable demeanour.

 Irona gave a fed-up look towards him, putting down the letter on the table, she looked at Sania, telling her to help Yasnia.

Listen, Alonso. I understand you are frustrated that you cannot do anything despite having the power to do so, but learn to show some restraint, I am sure your family, the Bellsky, are doing everything in their power to search the plant's location. Several adventures have also taken up the quest we posted, so it's only a matter of time before we find it. (Irona)

 Alonsa gave a scornful sneer. "Ya, right, as if that man will ever care for my mother. What he only sees is how to extend the family lineage and, believe me, if any of his other sons were alive, he would have thrown me and mother long ago".

 After some silence between them, Alonso gave a pleading look towards the elderly lady. His honey-coloured eyes were now full of desperation. Clenching his fist he tried to request again, but his voice didn't come out, as if it already knew her reply.

 The sound of Yasnia and Sania placing tea cups and shakes at the table broke this dominating silence in the room. Irona thanked the two and ordered them to resume their regular duties. The two women, as if finally released from an animal trap, swiftly yet cautiously exited the room. Irona then picked up the tea cup and gave a little sip after enjoying its aroma. Seeing the other three not even touch their cup she again gave a small sigh.

 Seeing as you cannot even say what you want to say again, you already know my reply. (Irona)

 She placed the cup down and stood up, walking towards the window located at the side of the room she then spoke up.

 Let me tell you again, just quietly wait till we confirm the validity of the information. You have done splendidly just by bringing us this that, so calm your heart and wait for the report, then you can go and retrieve the Mist-lily. (Irona)

 But I don't have enough time anymore. Mother's health had suddenly gotten worse the past few days, and if I wait any longer it might be already too late. (Alonso)

 Finally regaining his lost courage, Alonso stood up, walked towards Irona and lowered his head. The two people next to him also followed and lowered their heads.

Just this once, permit me to go. You already know that I can handle myself well, so please. I am begging you. (Alonso)

 Irona wore a difficult expression at seeing the young man's sincere request. She almost reluctantly agreed to it, but on seeing an eagle sitting at the opposite building, looking at her, she sobered up. Suppressing the panic in her heart, she turned away from the lowered heads and spoke in a controlled tone, not letting her sudden fear show in her voice.

 "I am sorry Alonso, I cannot grant that request, not after you returned half death last time. I know you are strong, and with your party, you can go head-to-head with any Platinum team. But this place you say the herb is found, The Great Forest of Tob, is not a place that anybody with above average strength can go in and walk out alive. So, please". (Irona)

 Turning around towards Alonso, who had yet to lift his head Irona spoke. "Wait till we have confirmed the information's legitimacy".

 The domineering silence returned with a vengeance, but as if to carve its way through it, the man spoke in a quivering voice.

Even after I have done this much, how can you still refuse? I already told you my mother doesn't have that much time left, and you want me to sit and relax, wait for some no-name adventures to fumble around, wasting precious time. (Alonso)

 Lifting his head Alonso's eyes were full of anger and disappointment. His whole body shook as his emotions swiped through him. He felt anger at his inability to go against his father, at the lady in front of her, whom he looked up to, for not granting his request and to his now family that was taking his only real family hostage, saying they were taking care of her. His gaze bore through Irona and spoke with a voice full of spite.

 Maybe I would have been more confident in your word if any strong adventures remained in this guild. I guess it was my fault, even expecting that much from this institution that doesn't even realise its obsolete nature. (Alonso)

 "I will pertain to not hear your pugnacious comment in light of the tragic situation you have been placed into. Now, leave this building, as we both understand our conversation will not bring any solace to you". said Irona with a vigorless voice. She then walked toward her desk, ignoring the fuming young man signalling that the conversation was over. (Irona)

 Alonso tried to speak further but felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw the black-haired warrior look into his eyes, her purple eyes somehow soothing his hatred.

 Let us leave young master. You must not embarrass yourself more than this. Even if the guild cannot help, there are still other ways. (???)

 "Yes, haa, you are right. Thank you for calming me down, Dalia". Smiling forlornly, Alonso nodded at her. He looked at the back of the elderly lady with anger still in his eyes and walked off the room.

 Confirming Alonso's departure from the room, Irona sat down at her chair, now looking a few years older.

 "This will cost you, Amodil. Your stupid obsession has cost me one of my dearest relationships". Growled Irona in a voice unheard by anyone. (Irona)

 In the Guild weapon storage. Sania was giving back the stored weapons of Alonso and his party. Alonso put on his white light armour and equipped his wrist cross-bow. After taking his Horse bow, he walked away with forceful steps. The pink-haired girl quickly followed too after putting on her magician rob and picking up her staff. Dalia took a little more time, even requiring a little assistance from Sania. She wore a red heavy armour imbued with many buff and support spells, armed with a large one-handed shield and a long two-handed blade. She was the very image of a solid tank. After equipping everything, she turned to the slightly nervous woman and gave her a light smile.

 I am sorry for the commotion we caused today. Your name is Sania, correct. The tea you made was good, and it's not as if these can make it up, but please take this and treat everybody to something. (Dalia)

 Saying this, Dalia gave Sania a pouch full of coins. And Sania, seeing the pouch was full of gold, tried to instantly return it. But on Dalia's heavy insistence and saying this is a way to express their apology, she with hesitance accepted the money.

 Walking out of the Storage room, Dalia saw her lord and the pink-haired girl waiting by the entrance. Noticing the irritated state of her lord, she hastily approached them. On seeing her, Alonso forcefully opened the entrance door and walked out, making her almost run to catch up to him. But as soon as she walked out, she was struck with an instantaneous feeling of dread, and all her senses were shouting at her to quickly run away, to flee from this place.

Her head swivelled around every which way to find the source of this pressure, but on finding out, she gave an internal scream. Her lord was walking towards the source. She wanted to shout, shout to him to stop, or at least to run away as she tried to stall them (however many seconds she could).

After resolving this would be her final stand, her head cooled down rapidly, and as if struck by some divine light, she discovered the approaching group did not give off any hostile intent. They were casually walking toward him, no, towards the guild. After relishing this, she quickly, with vigilance, walked behind her still grumbling lord. If her nerves were not stretched so thin, she would have kicked him in his stupid head for putting them in such a dangerous situation.

As they passed them, she observed that most of their equipment was low-level gear. Telling her this group did not want to stand out, and for what reason, she did not care. She was only relieved, relieved that their life and hopefully the lives at the guild were not in any danger. She gave a gratitude-filled bow towards them and, like a puppy, quickly ran away. She prayed sincerely that their paths never cross again.


Upon entering the Adventure Guild for the first time, Lemon felt an excitement akin to that of a novice MMO player, eager to embark on a new journey. He scanned the massive hall with eagerness, his gaze landing on the front counter, situated a fair distance inside the building and opposite the entrance. There were four separate counters, each occupied by a beautiful woman who assisted and added adventurers to their respective problems.

 'Hmm, it seems not every counter is open. They must be on break or something. Still, why is one counter so full while the other has only one guy lined up?'

 Shaking his head at the dubious situation, he proceeded towards the more empty one. As his enthusiastic eyes wander across the hall, he takes in the layout of the building. In the area between the entrance and the counter, there was a spacious zone with several standing tables and some long tables. The stairs to the upper floor were placed further to both the left and right sides. As he walked closer to the counter, Lemon could see the Quest board, which was placed right behind the stairs, making it inconspicuous in a way. Skimming through the board as he walked, he suddenly stopped dead, making the girls who were following him halt mid-step. They looked confusingly towards him and as Yuri was about to ask, lemon suddenly grabbed their hands and walked briskly to a corner.

 "We have a Major problem". Whispered Lemon, making them look at each other. Then, as if representing the group, Yuri asked.

 What might be the problem, Master? Just as she asked, Yuri's face suddenly tightened up, and with a bit of nervousness, she asked. Do you sense any player near us, Master?

 Hearing Yuri's question both Solution and Caenis went into alert mode and extended their sense to the maximum, their senses completely covering 500 meters in diameter. Lemon, on the other hand, gave her a "what are you talking about" look and shook his head.

 No, No, the problem is that we can't read this world's language. We can't even spell our names, let alone write them down, and I am sure we need to, at least, write our names to register as adventurous. (Lemon)

 Caenis snorted to him, on hearing the reason for his sudden distress. "I am sure many of adventures are illiterate, so there must be some ways to circumvent that. It's not something to sweat about".

 "Idiot, I should have added some stats on your intelligence. Think why we are here. To gain a reputation and to gather information. Leaving the latter, the former will be a problem. What do you think people will speak about if they come to know our team can't even read the language? We will be a laughing stock, that's what will happen." screamed Lemon in a quiet tone.

 Yuri understands his problem, and like the perfect maid, she answers his troubles with a pre-arranged solution.

"Master, please be at ease. We have prepared for such a situation." said Yuri with a confident smile. "I asked Solution in the morning to bring us the basic alphabet for this world's language and, if possible, to ask someone to write out our fake names in this language."

 Lemon broke out from his regretting posture and turned to both the Pleiades maids, and seeing their relaxed smiles he gave a small chuckle.

 What, you guys really know to pull my leg, if you guys already know the language then inform me before. Now I look like an idiot for panicking about nothing. (Lemon)

There is nothing to be embarrassed about master, it was my fault for neglecting to inform you. We have also not fully grasped the language, but we can manage reading simple sentences and writing out general information. (Yuri)

 Yuri reassured him professionally, Solution too gave an "Ara Ara how cute" making Lemon blush while scratching his face.

 While Lemon's group were having an abrupt discussion, many of the present adventures started to notice them. Some started to whisper to each other. Some licked their lips at seeing the three beauties. Some even gaze passionately towards Lemon. Detecting the sudden increase of stares targeting them, the three women release some of their killing intent towards this rude audience, especially the ones that targeted Lemon.

 "Okay girls, let's do what we came to do. We have a lot of plans afterwards". Saying so, Lemon strides confidently to his previous destination.

'Hmm, this is the life. I always admired such situations, beautiful women by my side as we bask in all the gazes of the masses. I feel like some hotshot showing off his harem. No wait, disregarding the former, the latter is completely true in this situation....dame have I reached the peak in life.'

 Thinking such stupid thoughts, he reached the counter where a guy was standing as he looked towards the counter window. Curious about what the guy was looking at with such contemplation, he also peeked at the counter. There he saw a cat, no, a girl. She looked like she was having the best sleep of her life. She was a slightly petite woman with shoulder-length reddest-brown hair. Wearing the standard attire of a V-neck shirt and a skirt, with her name pinned to the side, she was sleeping so relaxly, basking in the peeking sun, he was almost reluctant to distribute this mystical sight. And he almost left. Then, as if a sudden storm just came out of nowhere, completely destroying the serenity of the sight, Caenis' voice rained down on the receptionist, making her twitch. She, like a tired old cat, slowly straighten up her back. Giving a large yawn that would make any Kowala envious, she extended her arms upwards. Rubbing her eyes with her paw-like hands, she looked at us.

"How are you guys. Do you need something". Speaking at them like a sleep-drunker, she looked around the counter. Evidently, Caneis and the Girls did not appreciate the receptionist's attitude.

"Oi sleepy head, wake the fuck up before I wake you up with a nice splashing of ice water." barked Caenis. showing the receptionist her full canine teeth.

The receptionist lady quickly became more responsive, not due to the bicker impression Caenis was enacting but due to the chilling dager-like pressure she felt from the two maids.

YES, so sorry I doze off there. What can I do for you, good sir? (Yasnia)

The receptionist, Yasnia, spoke to Lemon while completely ignoring the man before him. But it seemed that he did not mind, only giving a slight smile to indicate his willingness to wait.

 Ok dude, if you insist. I would like to register our party as an adventure. (Lemon)

Gunkun Gunkun

Here is the next chapter......I wanted to phrase this more funnily or interestingly but I want to return to playing Cyberpunk 2077.

So.....give me more motivation to come out of Night City because your calls (Powerstone) did not come through last time.

But, Thank you to the guys (or girls) that gave PS (and comments), You give me motivation.

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