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Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Fun in the Capital 2 (R-18)

Good now take off your underwear and lay down on the bed, my erection is raging again. (Lemon)

"Y-Yes master." Snapping out of the trance she replied with a stutter, realizing the previous degenerate action she hurriedly straightened her posture this was futile however due to her raging heart and anticipation that filled her mind.

Laying down with her back her mind was filled with excitement for what was to come but that all came to a halt when her master inserted his fingers inside her pussy.

The last time I did this to Albedo she squirted like a whore, I wonder if you would be the same or will your professionalism prevail....I hope you don't let me down, Yuri. (Lemon)

Hearing her master's anticipation for her she gulped but knowing that her God was commanding her for her temperance she gave a firm response.

Yes master, if that's what you desire then I shall try to endure this pleasure. (Yuri)

I can't let her bearing crumble that easily, that would be no fun for me and if I wanted a slut

that will break just like that I would have gone to Albedo.

Yuri refocused her loosening behaviour and dawned the attitude of her ideal perfect maid.

She bit her lip to fight the ever-increasing urge to climax as he played with her leaking pussy, he stimulated her clit and pumped his fingers in and out of her honey pot driving her higher in pleasure. Seeing her effort to follow his will Lemon was showered with a sense of elation, he moved one hand to her juggling mounts and pinched her nipple twisting it eliciting Yuri to give a long muted moan.

Oh, that's a nice moan, you like it that much. I wish I had a camera right now to capture your face… you want to cum now Yuri? (Lemon)

*Hmm Hmm*(nod)

Hmm, I can't understand your words so I have to assume that you want more stimulation.


Lemon's finger increased his speed delving deeper inside her vagina while his other hand

twisted and pulled her breast stretching it like a top. She shook her head as she tried to keep

her eyes from rolling over.

I-I w-want to cum master....please allow me to climax. (Yuri)

Hearing her yield to her carnal desire so easily Lemon shook his head in disappointment but like a devil giving a foolish maid her dear wish he gave her a soft smile and whispered to her ears.

Ok, I allow you to cum in 5 minutes, but you have to apologise for being such a sluty maid that cannot even endure a little bit of stimulation, okay? (Lemon)

Her eyes widened as she gazed at Lemon giving him a look that spoke of betrayal, but that was soon drowned by her lust. She grits her teeth and grips the sheet as multiple orgasms explode in her head.

I am sorry I have been a shameful maid that could not live up to her master...…..*Ahhggg*. I am a decadent maid who derives pleasure from being degraded ohh ohh please punish this shameless maid Maaasterrr. (Yuri)

Ohh the fun Punishment will come Hmm but how about letting some of your sisters see this shameful side of you, or maybe one of them can be the one punishing you instead, would you like that? (Lemon)

Saying this Lemon started slapping her tits making them toss and turn drawing out the sounds of a pig that's eating the best meal of its life, she started to shake like a leave in the wind but with her little retaining sense of shame boosted by her pride as eldest of the sisters, she meeked out some intellectual words.

N-No anything but that, I will do do anything but please do not let my sister see this, I-I would not be able toooooooo. (Yuri) 

HAHAHA, you still had that much pride left, then keep holding on until I say so. I wonder how long will she last....., ok last 3 minutes, time to spice it up a little.(Lemon) 

Lemon's hand started to slightly glow as he was touching Yuri's body, then her body suddenly jolted as if struck by lightning and as if on cue her sweet moans became more audible. She widened her legs more as if begging his finger for more access, her hand that was grasping the sheets now started playing with her nipples and her moans and degradation of herself became more and more hysterical but her half-rolled-up eyes shone with determination and lust.

Witnessing her lust-filled suffering he turn her face sideways and gifted his cock to her lips and like a dog that found a bone she started to lap up his precums, his hands too naturally grabbed her jugs and started to molest it at the same time. He wanted to tease her more, see her drown in her desire.

Good Yuri you are almost there, I am also picking up the pace so don't break now. (Lemon)

Time to triple her sensitivity [Triple sense increase].

His hands glowed again and that was absorbed by Yuri's trembling body *Hmmmmmmmmm*

her waist shot up and her hand pulled on her abused nipple as if she was driven by madness,

her mouth that was sucking his cock turned up again and as if seeing the beauty of the coming explosion started a count to her release.

*Ahhhh Ahhhh* 30 31 33 34 Ah...MOre…..37….uyes…..39….(Yuri)

Laughing at this display of lust-filled hysteria Lemon too started encouraging her.

Yes Yuri 41 42, almost there, do you want to come YURI? (Lemon)

YYYYYYessssssss MAsTer….my head…..I cannot think…..I Cummming.....45….46…. (Yuri)

You look so beautiful right now, with that face of madness and determination...shit I fucking might even blow if I am not careful. (Lemon)

Ahh Yes...Master MasTer….50….Hehe…. aLmoSt There….Please master More MORE I want to to Cummmm. (Yuri)

HAHAHA guess I need to fulfil my maid's expectation…55..56.. You are much better than Albedo I need to bring you in my journey as my personal maid more…..58…59...Now Yuri Cum cum your brains Outttttt. (Lenom)

Hearing his permission Yuri gave a slutty shout filled with ecstasy as her crumbling façade

shattered, her tongue stretched out and her head rolled upwards, the hands that played with

her breast now playing with her folds as if to prolong her hard-earned orgasm. She

climaxes like a waterfall as love juices mixed with pee spread towards the ceiling.

AhHAHAH, you are really peeing, wow I've only seen this in porn and hentai hahaha look at that stream….you have really letten go of your dignity, Yuri. (Lemon)

Lemon watched from the side of the bed as Yuri fell further into her pit of depravity with a

twisted smile. Yuri was in that posture for more the three minutes, her hips were pushed upward her face was plastered with tears, spit, and all kinds of other fluids and her lively peaks lay red only moving with her breath. After calming down from her euphoric high Yuri stood up slowly, her pale face even paler from her disgraceful acts.

My…my apology Master Lemon I have soiled the room of your rest, I shall immediately clean it and will execute myself as a show of apology. (Yuri)

She hastily climbs down the bed, her voice full of shame. Lemon on the other hand was just

getting started, he hurriedly embraced her from the back to calm her down and with the voice of a parent soothe her.

Relax Yuri, it's alright a little pee is no big deal so no executing yourself and besides I know a perfect spell for something like this [Clense Filth]. (Lemon)

The room that was filled with the strong stench of acid was instantly enveloped with a flash

making it as if it had just been cleaned excluding the clothes that were scattered around. Yuri gave a surprised reaction at the sudden turn of events although this was unnoticed by Lemon.

I guess a spell for cleaning your gears from the dirty debuff would work and now the room is as good as new. (Lemon)

Yuri watched the spectacle in silent awe, only breaking from her stupefaction when Lemon's

tongue entered her mouth, realizing her master's will to continue she quickly complied, her

tongue dancing with her master's. Lemon's hands too started fondling her soft breast from the back pinching and twisting her erect nipple drawing sweet moans into his mouth. After a few minutes of kissing Yuri broke the kiss and gave her master a lusty smile.

Master your servant is ready to receive your love, and from the heat that has been pocking me, Master is also ready to deliver. Please grant this slutty maid the honour. (Yuri)

Saying this Yuri reached for Lemon's rod, stroking it a few times she placed it near her entrance, she then push her entrance towards his crouch penetrating his cock inside her pussy. Letting out a groan at his penetration she slowly starts to shake her hips. Lemon was also enjoying this assertive Yuri, he looked down at her ivory back, her toned muscle, the slight protrusion of her shoulder blades, her lustring skin and her seductive hips, all made him feel as if he was being hypnotised. He placed one hand on her curvy hip and used the other to push her down bending her towards the bed, achieving a standing doggy position. He as if possessed by a demon of lust sped up his thrusting while enjoying Yuri's honeyed moans.

Dame Yuri you are so tight, I feel like I am fucking a virgin. (Lemon)

~Ah Ah Ah~ M Master….so good….its so big its pocking my womb ~ah ah~. (Yuri)

Then I guess I better penetrate properly then, Yuri I will get rougher so brace yourself. (Lemon)

~Mmm Ah Ah~ Yes Lord use my body as roughly as you please, we…no I Yuri Alpha will cater to your ever will. (Yuri)

Lemon chuckled at her words then increased his speed slamming his pelvis to her seductive

rear producing small waves on her meaty butt. The room was again filled with an ensemble of sounds and the distinctive smell of sex. The two occupants were covered in sweat as they

indulge in their lust, Lemon groaned at the soft yet tight sensation of Yuri's pussy and as if to

reprimand her his palm landed on her creamy rear, she shrikes at the sudden pain but was

drowned out by the thoughts of being able to bring pleasure to her master through this pain giving her a dopamine rush, her moans also became more erratic and louder as more hot

sensation assaulted her rear.

Your inside is tightening up *ha ha* the more I slap you *slap* (Lemon)

Ah~ Master I am close Ah AH AAH, your love feels so good, my head is turning to mush

Cumming Cumming. (Yuri)

*slap* haha you are truly enjoying this Yuri, are all the NPC in Nazaric Maso or something?


Lemon released his palms from the milky red curves of her hips stretching them towards the

ripe breast that was swaying from his pump, he played with them bending towards her as he

nuzzled to her neck. After having his fill of molesting her fruits he drew back bringing along her hands as if to let the world see her disgraceful countenence. Yuri was now moaning like a pig, her tongue flopping out of her open mouth as streams of saliva stained the sheet, her eyes that emanate regality rolled inwards, her face that exuded beauty and mannerism of a first-class maid was now plaster with that of common prostituted which only know how to wantonly moan in self-pleasure.

Yuri was dominated by the euphoric sensation of completely surrendering herself to her

master, her owner, the disgraceful moans from her only became louder and more bestial as

Lemon pulled her arm, using it as reins in his attempt to further drown them in pleasure. Her

stupified mind could only process the grandeur of her Master's rod, its length, its gurt and the content hammering of her womb, the fulfilment of being in the hands of her true master and the joy of knowing that her lord was enjoying her body to its fullest made her thoughts explode in her mind, robbing her speech and the few remaining linguistic talents was dedicated to praising her master.

Master more ...… soooooo good my lord Ohhoh I I ..... can't think hehe Ah Lemon-sama

please ...… me your seed. (Yuri)

Hahaha Yuri, you can't even speak properly now, I guess you were still reeling from our

previous fun, well I more or less guess what you want and you will get it soon, and *tugging her closer* the night is still young, went I am done you would become a bitch that cums on command. (Lemon)


Their debaucherous sounds did not travel outside of their room despite the volume of their sex due to the immaculate soundproofing of the room gained from a spell Lemon cast at some unknown time, but this effort was rendered useless when it came to being that were out of the norm and two such being were resting in the room right next to them. Solution and Caenis were assaulted with an awkward night in their attempt for the night's sleep.

Dame it that sex feind of a Master can't he keep their voices to themselves. Can't even get a good night's sleep with all their moaning and screaming. AAAA I hope the bar is still open, I need some drinks. (Caenis)

Caenis kicked the blanket and got out of bed, her mood degrading as the night progressed. She looked around the somewhat dim room searching for her roommate but made a puzzled face on realizing she was alone.

Ha….. when did she go out? Didn't even hear a peep, did she go to scout out the city or

something...quite a hard worker. (Caenis)

She made an impressed face as she got out of bed, having gained slight respect for someone so hardworking, she even thought she should contribute somehow as well that was thrown out however when a particularly loud moan entered her eardrums. She then shook her head at her previous stupid feeling, she moved to the table and picked up the money pouch, shaking it a bit and hearing the clicking of the coins she stuffed it in her pocket and moved towards the door.

Well for me I need a strong drink hmmm will I be scolded for lowering my resistance to toxicsubstances?… it's their fault so who cares. (Caenis)

Having come to this decision akin to throwing everything to her Master she walked out of the

room only to be frozen in place at the scene in front of the door. Her roommate Solution

Epsilon was sitting in front of her Master's room and with seemingly great concentration

observed the door to the room.

Her image that was constructed a moment ago was trampled, her mind screeching to a halt

akin to a ball being caught by a seal and as if to pick up her fallen ball she falls on all four cursing her mouth out on ever being impressed at such a slime. If a passerby saw this scene they would quickly run down to call a doctor and probably leave the inn. Having calmed down Caenis felt a little disappointed but would probably brush it off as a quirk of the Nazarik NPC, her dumfounded freezing came when she heard soft yet heavy breathing from the blond in front of her. Caenis was still in the interim between the room and the passage thus she could not see the front part of Solution, but she was convinced that Solution wore a slutty face as her eyes bore through the door, her dumbfoundedness was kicked up a notch when she realized her lower portion was sifting from time to time and a small puddle was forming under her. This whole bout took place in but a few seconds and she broke out of her dumbfoundedness, she rubbed her eyes to dispel the image hoping this was an illusion but on seeing the same scene her mind filled up in panic and embarrassment.

This bitch, is she masturbating in the hallway, is her head busted or something. Shit if someone sees this forget being famous our names would be infamous, infamous as perverts. (Caenis)

Caenis walked into the hallway in a panic to stop this shameful scene but on the closing of the room's door, she entered a waning Barrier to make people not come closer. Thinking for a bit she concluded the barrier was probably set up by Solution or her Master and if she made any fuss the barrier's effect might be undone, and on realizing this she gave a heavy sigh then turned her back towards the crazy blond and walk towards the counter to ask for someplace to drink.

I hope they have something strong, I need to get smash….haaaa. (Caenis)

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