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Chapter 90: Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 90

The Senju heiress blushed a gentle pink hue over her cheeks and nodded dumbly. It was just so embarrassing, but what could she do? He was hurt and needed her like he had always been there for her.

It was the least she could do for him ...


Naruto decided to spice up this rare chance he had gotten a bit more while smirking ever so slightly like a cunning fox. She was just way too easy to tease. "Oh and I'm sensitive to hot food, just like Kiara." the slight insinuation to his words wasn't lost to Tsunade.

Her blush turned a bright crimson and she nodded while steaming out from her head in embarrassment. Once more, there was nothing she could do so no retort came from her side, much to his happiness and her eternal chagrin.

Picking up a spoonful of the rice porridge, she blew over it softly a couple of times and placed it near his lips which he ate quite happily. She kept trying with all her might to hide her blush with her bangs almost desperately. The extent of his teasing would increase exponentially if he so much as caught a glance of her embarrassment.

She couldn't have that. Absolutely not.

"So?!" she clearly was excited. He could see it clearly when she leaned forwards while expecting some sort of review of her handmade food from his side.

"You've overcooked it, the rice has turned into a white soup of sorts." she gave him an odd look upon hearing that, almost believing that he was making fun of her. But looking at the steaming hot bowl on her lap, even she had to admit that it looked like a little…well… white goo of sorts… upon closer inspection.

No wonder her grandmother was acting a little strange in the morning she realized in all the conjured up innocence of the world…

She blew another spoonful and fed him, with which he pondered on further to scrutinize how it was that it truly tasted to him.

She didn't want to hear any more of his critical review though…

"I get it, I suck at cooking. Now shut up and eat." her tone was completely irritated while she fed him another spoonful which he ate silently with an obedient nod. No point enraging her when he himself wasn't in any condition to escape her wrath if she did snap.

Tsunade meanwhile kept twisting the spoon in the bowl a couple of times, all the while she mulled on what he had just said to her no more than a moment ago.

And she really didn't want to ask, but she did at the same time…It was just so confusing to her as was evident by the lost look currently plastered on her face.

"Really…" her whisper earned a raised eyebrow from his part. "…what do you think of it. Tell me honestly, okay?" she mumbled softly while forcing another spoonful of her cooking down his throat.

It was the first time she had cooked. Her grandmother had pestered her to try her hand at it, but she had never gotten around to it after she had been told it would come in handy post marriage time. It was yucky to her at that point, she had been a child then. Even going so much as to prefer power bars over learning cooking in her younger years.

"I'm speechless." she looked up with sparkling eyes, she needed to hear more of that and then brag to everyone about her awesome cooking, especially to her grandmother.

"… I never knew there was a way to completely kill the natural flavor of food." she almost fell flat on her face quite comically when he had decided to dash down her hopes almost instantly.

But she wasn't surprised by it in the slightest. That idiot always was as blunt as a hammer.

She loved and hated that side of his at the same time.

So picking up yet another spoonful of some soup, she almost lost the spoon in his throat when she pushed it forcefully into his face.

"Just shut up and eat." her stern tone halted all their conversations and all that was heard was the soft clinking of utensils and her soft blows she made to cool down the soup each time to avoid burning his sensitive lips.

And before Tsunade knew it, the bowl - and much to her surprise, the whole serving pot was completely empty. Keeping it to the side, she tasted a bit from what was left in it and almost winced when she realized he had been much kinder in his summarizing than what was the truth.

It was fucking horrible!

"Then why did you eat it all you idiot?" she whispered much more to herself than him, but with how silent the room was he did pick up on it out of her senses.

"Plus, if you can eat all that, then I guess I shouldn't have worried so much." once more her soft mumbles were caught on by Naruto who looked out the window once more to ponder over her words.

"How can I leave leftovers?" she looked back stunned, quite surprised that he had heard her whispers. "It was the first time I've had my princess's home cooking." he earnestly answered her and she looked away, resembling a ripe tomato upon hearing his words.

He was such an idiot!

"You should get changed…" she needed to change the subject. And she needed to change it now! "You must be drenched with sweat." she whispered and forced down her blush to look back at him with a bright smile.

Then as oblivious as ever…

"Oh! Actually you can't use your hands to unbutton yourself, here let me help you…" without so much as a thought, she started undoing the buttons to his night shirt.

After undoing two, she stopped and placed a palm on his chiseled and bandaged chest when her mind finally caught on to her actions while she clenched her eyes shut in agony. And when she looked up, she was half expecting to see his amused eyes and yet another tease…

Only to gaze into those blue eyes she loved so much to be a strangely intense shade of azure that made her heart flutter. It was almost as if by looking right into her own shimmering golden ones, he was boring right into her very soul.

His eyes looked much more dominating and intimidating than his Sharingan ever could be to her. And upon feeling so vulnerable and nervous, she also realized the position they were in. She was sitting smack bang in between his legs, her palms rested on his chest while he was half undressed.

Well, talk about awkward…

"What the hell are you looking at me like that for?" she slapped his face gently to the side, forcing him to look out the window that he loved to do so much and continued on undoing his shirt before pulling it off his bandaged torso to save herself from any more embarrassing situations.

And only then did she see his shaking shoulders while Naruto himself tried to reign in his laughs but failed miserably in doing so.

"What's so damn funny?" that was it, with her annoyed remark the dam broke and he laughed his heart out.

"You're…" he clenched his stomach when it hurt a bit, much to her annoyance and slight worry. But he continued on… "…just like those idiotic and punks we fight all the damn time in bandit camps.

You get all mad whenever I make eye contact with you… and get so pissed off…" was all he could laugh out when she had picked up the pillow and started smashing him down with it.

She herself couldn't reign in her laughs, and as much as she was loathe to admit it, he was pretty spot on in his comparison.

Their laughs rang in the large house while all life returned to it's silent walls with rejuvenating vigor. But a moment later, her balance slipped when he pushed the pillow she was using as a hammer to the side to save himself and she fell forward…

Flat on his chest.

And when she tried to get up, a pair of arms wrapped her in a bear hug and stopped her from doing so. Naruto pleasantly petted her ponytail and kissed the side of her head tenderly to halt her wriggled momentarily.

"You're so sly Nana-chama. Always seducing me like this…" she scowled at his teasing tone. But blushed at the same damn time.

Scowled for the name he had given her, he had named her that when she had shown him her legendary losing streak years ago. It actually meant 'seven', which he sarcastically referred to her as his 'lucky seven' to remind and tease her for it even to this day.

No one knew of this one other than them.

And she intended to keep it that way until she went to her grave.

"You damn pervert, what do you mean sly?" she whined softly and it was nearly adorable how helpless she was right now due to not being able to use her incredible strength in fear of hurting him even more, for which he took full advantage of.

Placing both her palms on his chest, she attempted to get up. But his hold didn't budge in the slightest.

"You're holding me down. Let go." she tried to wriggle out of his arms when he tightened his hold on her almost desperately.

It did start worry her a little…

"Thank you." his honest whisper made a fond smile flash over her lips and with a soft squeak she nodded and nuzzled her face in his neck. All intentions of trying to get up died along with it…

She could feel it in her heart that he didn't want to let her go. And not that she would admit it out loud, she'd rather prefer torture than this admission to anyone.

But she loved cuddles - especially with him. It had been that way ever since they were little and she would sleepover at his place to stay the night.

Naruto pushed off his shirt to the side and flipped the blanket up over them both. Both blondes cuddled next to each other with wide smiles just like they had done for years on end now while snuggling into comfortable little balls to enjoy their alone time.

Right there, in each others arms to keep each other warm…

Tsunade did smile fondly when he lowered his face into her chest and hid himself in her arms.

"You never need to thank me baka, I'm always here for you…" Tsunade's cooing whisper fell on deaf ears when she saw him already breathing ever so softly and pulled him closer into her chest while softly kissing his head.

Her embrace turning into a protective one to console herself that he really was alright.

He had her worried sick for two days straight. But now, after seeing that he really was fine with just a fever and some weakness…she could rest easy at night.

Kiara came in and seeing her two favorite people sleeping, curled up over their blanket into a small ball and herself followed their example to have a small nap …

It was only an excuse, she was just plain lazy…


A week later

Naruto strapped on his sandals and stood up. Flexing his arms, he felt as good as he ever had. Kami thank him, Mito had worked her magic over him and after a relentless healing and rehabilitation schedule - he was out and ready to go wild before anyone would have thought possible.

But he had to get back on missions soon. Savings were coming down to a new low and he was quite possibly going to have to declare complete bankruptcy to his clan if it kept up for a few more days to put his house on mortgage and loan some money off of it.

He definitely didn't want to do that, the elders of the clan and the village as a whole had been eyeing his house for a while now.

But they had to know that this was just not for sale. He'd be damned before he let them even touch as much as a speck of dust over his property.

But one little obstacle still stood glaring in his way;

The council.

Yup, today was the day he met those old coots to explain his side of the story. And, if at all possible, get his mission pay that was long since due since he honestly could use the money…

More like he really could use the money…

But all that mattered to him right now was that he was up and kicking and that thought alone made him smile. Being scooped up in a room all day, tied to a bed - it made him restless. It just wasn't him, he never liked being confined.

Ever since he had been little, he enjoyed scouring out the unknown parts near the village that no one ever thought of visiting to get an even deeper view into what really made this place so special that so many shinobi gave their lives to secure it's tranquility and peace.

And now that he had been given the clean chit…

He rushed out his door swiftly - pumping chakra into the soles of his feat, he jumped up onto a roof with a joyful laugh.

The wind softly rustled his golden locks that came near his adorable blue eyes ,sparkling with a hint of mischief within them. The soft smell of leaves hit his nostrils and he pumped up his lungs of his full of fresh air…

He loved this - Absolutely loved this!

This was freedom in his eyes - True freedom.

And like a blur, he made his way to the place he didn't know the natural predator to his fine mood rested.

Looking forward to squishing it like an insignificant bug beneath its feet…


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