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A Lewd Game (R-18)

"What is this game?"

Logan asked with his eyes shining, leaving the women surprised and fascinated. Rya and Natalia couldn't help but swallow in dry seeing how beautiful his eyes were.

"Ham! It's a game that was created by us twenty years ago, we're all going to write a challenge on nine identical sheets of paper and then we'll put all the sheets together and you my dear young sir~ will read each challenge written on them~." Sabrina explained to everyone and winked at Logan.

Logan agreed with the idea, incredible as it may seem, all the adults and teenagers in Storm Village can read! And they know basic math, the Kingdom distributes a magical device called a memory storage where you can put all your basic knowledge and pass it on to other people.

They've given these devices to villages and towns all over the Kingdom in order to train each person for the job market - after all, with more trained workers, more money is made for the Kingdom.

Ana took out nine white pieces of paper and gave them all pens with identical quills before starting to write, Logan did the same and grinned like a demon, two minutes later they all wrote down their challenges and put them in a closed box.

Logan shook the box to shuffle the papers and looked at the women who nodded and started playing Rock, Paper and Scissors to decide the order of each. A few minutes later, the game of rock, paper and scissors ended.

Rya will be the first, Arvina the second, Allura the third, Elisa the fourth, Sabrina the fifth, Natalia the sixth, Ana the seventh, Kate the eighth, some were unhappy while others were satisfied.

"Okay, let's get started~" Sabrina laughed with a mischievous grin.

Logan nodded and picked up the first piece of paper with his eyes closed and began to read the next moment, his eyes widening as he read what was written.


"Give a blowjob to the only man in the room..." He swallowed and read it aloud, leaving all the women shocked.

"Impossible! I won't do it, I'm sorry but I'm leaving..." Rya denied it and got up to leave, but Sabrina's next words made her stiffen.

"Are you an idiot? That bastard doesn't deserve the loyalty and care of a woman like you, and as your older sister I can't allow him to stay with you while he cheats on you with other women in the village every night." She said with a serious expression, making all but Natalia sigh.

Logan was surprised but didn't say anything, he looked at all the women and tried to find the one who had written the first challenge but without success, Rya felt a little undecided about whether to listen to her or not.

A part of her really wanted to do something like this, after all Logan is young and very strong, she knows that death can come any day but with a strong man by her side it was almost impossible for her to be killed in this cruel world.

But another part of her still wanted to be faithful to her husband, Rya had been taught from an early age to always respect and love her partner, which she did even after being treated as a sexual object and not as a wife should be treated.

She looked at her childhood friends who were like blood sisters to her and saw them all nodding with soft smiles, Rya smiled and looked at Logan who, although he was wearing a mask, still exuded a tantalizing charm that was driving her crazy with desire.

"Ok.... I'll give you a blowjob." She lowered her head and said quietly, making everyone laugh.

Rya swallowed dryly and knelt between Logan's legs, who remained silent with a calm look on his face, but inside he was boiling with anticipation, after all, this was the first time a woman had given him a blowjob.

The small woman removed the belt from his pants and pulled her down with her underwear, revealing a huge Dragon full of thick veins, the women looked at his penis with eyes shining with shock and disbelief.

"My God! How can such a big, thick penis exist!" Sabrina exclaimed with a shocked voice and desire shining in her eyes.

The other women looked at Logan's poisonous penis and swallowed dryly, feeling itchy in their pussies, Rya shuddered looking at the huge dragon right in front of her face.

"It's almost three times bigger than my husband's." She murmured quietly and held his penis gently.

"Arg~" Logan grunted and gestured for the beautiful woman to start immediately.

Rya swallowed dryly and opened her small mouth with her eyes closed and after a moment's hesitation she began to lick his cock like a lollipop, her face as red as an apple.

"Arg~ that's good~" Logan moaned and said with a satisfied expression that none of the women were able to see because of the mask.

Rya felt strange because she was happy after hearing his words, she sighed inwardly and in the next moment swallowed half of his penis in one go making him shudder slightly.

"Hamm~ so delicious~" She widened her eyes in pure shock at the delicious taste of his pre-cum.

The little woman became much greedier and started sucking his cock hard at the same time as circling her soft little tongue over the glans of Logan's penis who moaned with his eyes closed.

"Arg~ suck it a little harder" Logan grabbed her by the hair and forced her head down, leaving the women surprised and a little worried about their sister, but the worry was gone the moment they saw her slide one of her hands down and start to masturbate.

"Is it that good?" Sabrina asked, her eyes shining with desire and lust.

The women looked at her and denied knowing, Ana was extremely embarrassed to see her childhood friend who is married sucking Logan's cock and masturbating with a lascivious expression. Elisa and Kate were also very embarrassed but kept looking at Rya and Logan.

Two minutes later, Logan forced Rya's head down, making her swallow all of his length and kiss the base of his cock before coming very hard, the little woman's eyes widening as she felt his essence gushing into her throat and she began to swallow everything as fast as she could.


"That was delicious~"

A few seconds later Rya let go of his cock with an obscene sound and said with a big smile that soon turned crooked when she remembered that this wasn't her husband but her childhood friend's husband.

She blushed violently and tried to return to her place on the sofa, but Logan grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto his lap, making her very embarrassed.

Logan grabbed her right hand and then lifted the mask halfway up her face and took the fingers with love juices from her pussy into his mouth and sucked on them. Rya was so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole to hide in.

A minute later he released her and said with a beautiful smile: That was delicious~."

All the women were stunned and felt their hearts beating much faster than usual, Natalia swallowed and looked away as quickly as possible, Rya was mesmerized by his beautiful smile for a few seconds before coming to her senses and quickly returning to her seat.

Logan smiled and picked up the box, ready to start the next challenge.

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