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33.83% Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten] / Chapter 44: Illusions and Flashbacks: Yhwach's Emotional Struggle

Chapter 44: Illusions and Flashbacks: Yhwach's Emotional Struggle

Boss: Your next target is the serial killer that everyone's been talking about. He appears at night, and decapitates people seemingly at random. Right now, the number of victims is unknown.

Tatsumi: I'm pretty sure a third of the people he killed were guards. He must be strong.

Lubbock: No doubt about it; sounds like Headhunter Zanku's work.

Yhwach: Headhunter Zanku? Enlighten me.

Tatsumi: Yeah, who is this guy?

Mine shot an annoyed glance at Tatsumi.

Mine: You never heard of him? You were truly raised in the outskirts.

Sheele: Apologies, but I don't recall hearing about him either.

Mine: Seriously, you probably just forgot, Sheele.

Tatsumi: What's the big deal with this guy anyway?

Mine: It's worse than you can imagine Headhunter Zanku used to be the executioner at the largest prison in the Empire. The Minister orders numerous decapitations, repeatedly, day in and day out. One by one, Zanku chopped off their heads as they begged for their lives. Over the years, it became an addiction; now, he can't stop.

Tatsumi: That's enough to drive anyone crazy.

Mine: Uh-huh. Eventually, killing prisoners wasn't enough anymore, so he took it to the streets.

Bulat: Zanku dissapeared shortly after a subjugation force was organized to catch him. I never thought he would turn up in the city.

Tatsumi: Then what are we waiting for?! Let's take this bastard out!

Bulat: Whoa! Easy there tiger, Zanku's also equipped with a Teigu he stole from the warden a few years ago. Well, better travel in teams of two in case it's a rough ride~ 

He said while rubbing Tatsumi's chin.

Tatsumi: (In thought) Jeez, why'd he have to say it like that?

Mine: By the way, do we have any idea what kind of Teigu he might be fighting with?

Boss: No, we're still looking into that.

Leone: Not about to reveal his hand then, is he? Well that's annoying.

Yhwach: What, precisely, are these Teigus you're talking about?

Tatsumi: Yeah, It's been on my mind for a while. What exactly are Teigus?

Akame: Something like this.

She said while putting her sword in front of them.

Tatsumi: That's... not helpful.

Boss: Why don't we put Yhwach and Tatsumi up to speed? ....A thousand years ago, The Emperor who built the great Empire was deeply troubled. He wanted to protect his Empire by making weapons that can last generation to generation, knowing that he won't live forever. So he gathered materials from S-Class Danger Beasts and rare metals such as Orichalium. Artisans from around the world were summoned to help him. The Emperor's wealth and power allowed him to forge 48 weapons- a feat that would be impossible today. He called them the "Teigus". Each one is equipped with amazing abilities, and some are capable to wipe out entire armies. Ministers who used the Teigus were quite successful on the battle field, But a large civil war 500 years ago caused nearly half of the weapons to be scattered across the land. And that's how it all began.

Tatsumi: Is Akame's sword really one of those 48 weapons?

Yhwach:( In thought) Interesting. The idea of weapons with unique abilities, crafted with extraordinary materials, and bearing a history of both glory and chaos. It's reminiscent of the Zanpakuto, the spiritual swords wielded by Soul Reapers in the world I know. Each with its own spirit and abilities, shaped by the experiences of its owner. Yet, there's a darker edge to these Imperial Arms, born from a time of strife and scattered across the land. I wonder how they resonate with their wielders, and if their spirits carry echoes of the past civil war.

Boss: Indeed. The One-Hit Killer: Murasame. When someone is cut by this sword, a poisonous curse enters the body and kills within seconds. There is no antidote. Hundred-Beast King Transformation Lionel: This belt gives the wearer all the strength and swiftness of a wild animal. It also enhances the sense of smell, making it perfect for recon. The Adventurous Bunker, Pumpkin: A gun that fires mental energy in the form of a shockwave. The more danger its wielder is in, the more deadly it becomes. The Demon Armor, Incursio: A suit of armor with impregnable defense. Wearing it causes such great strain that any normal person wearing it could die. The Protean-Cross Tail: A string-based Teigu that can be used to set traps and barriers, as well as attack enemies directly. It's just as versatile and dangerous as the name suggests. The Shears Of Creation, Extase: A giant pair of scissors sharp enough to cut mostly anything in half. They're also strong enough to be used defensively. Some Teigus have trump cards. Incursio maximizes the ability of the beast used to create it, allowing its user to become temporarily invisible. Most importantly, the Teigus have followed one iron-clad rule from time immemorial: these weapons are so incredible that whenever two of them clash, it always ends in death. Therefore, if two Teigu users decide to fight, one of them will definitely perish.

Yhwach: Intriguing...

Boss: Our target Zanku is a teigu user. Even if the battle would be a draw, both owners won't survive.

Lubbock: Uh-oh! Looks like we've revealed way too much to let you outta here now.

He said while putting a piece of string near Yhwach and Tatsumi's neck.

Lubbock: So unless you wanna die I guess you're just stuck with us for life.

Tatsumi: S-Sure!

Yhwach, with an air of authority, raised his hand, creating a subtle disturbance in the surroundings. The piece of string that Lubbock held near their necks shivered for a moment before falling apart into harmless threads.

Yhwach: (In thought) Amusing. They believe fear will bind me. Little do they know...

Yhwach: Your attempt to intimidate us is commendable, but such feeble bindings won't hold me. I am intrigued by these Teigus and the conflicts they bring.

The group, somewhat surprised by Yhwach's display, exchanged glances.

Leone: (Whispering) Did he just...?

Boss: (Nodding) Seems like we've gained an unexpected ally.

Leone: Anyways that's a good thing y'all, It means that the Boss considers you both a part of the team now!

Boss: While it's true that Night Raid is lacking numbers, we make up for it in our individual abilities. I believe we're the heart of the revolution.

Tatsumi: What about me? Do I get one?

Mine: What?! You really think that we have a weapon that we can just give you?

Tatsumi: Huh? You don't?

Boss: If the opportunity arises, I'm sure you'll be getting one of your own very soon.

Yhwach: Rest assured, my friend... Your time will come.

Boss: Nothing further at this time, Now let's go punish this scumbag. Move Out!



It was now nighttime. Akame, Yhwach, and I were in a small town, searching for this Zanku guy or whatever his name is.

Akame: This is the area we're supposed to be checking out.

Tatsumi: All the locals are terrified of Zanku, so they're staying inside, but he could still get—

Yhwach interrupted me as he spotted guards. He grabbed me, sealing my mouth shut with his hand, and took me to a dark alley where we could remain hidden. Akame followed suit and knelt down behind Yhwach.

Yhwach: Stay vigilant for any guards.

Tatsumi: HMHMPH!! 

I mumbled as his hand remained on my mouth.

Yhwach took his hand away from my mouth to let me breathe.

Yhwach: Apologies.

Tatsumi: It's alright.

I checked to see if the guards were still there, I saw them but they quickly ran out of the area, I waited 10 seconds and they didn't come back.

Tatsumi: Alright, coast is clear.

I said as we got up and we continued looking for Zanku.

Tatsumi: Hey, Akame, can I ask you something?

Akame: You just did.

Tatsumi: Okay, can I ask you TWO questions?

Akame: Don't worry, I made sure to bring enough food for the three of us.

Tatsumi: Oh... no not that. It's just that... Is it true that your sword can kill anything besides Yhwach with one strike?

Akame: Well, for one, we haven't tested if Yhwach can survive because I haven't cut him. And two... yes.

Tatsumi: Oh man... It's a miracle that I'm even alive right now.

Yhwach: Don't mistake it for a miracle. Consider it a mere outcome of my presence.

Tatsumi: You could die too, you know?

Yhwach: Death is not unfamiliar to me. It's not a matter of if, but when.

They immediately stopped.

Tatsumi: Eh?

Akame: What do you mean?

Yhwach just looked up, surprised. In that moment, Yhwach had a flashback of his past encounters with Ichigo.

( Flashback: Yhwach's Final Moments )

Back in the Seireitei, an enormous blast of Yhwach's Reiatsu surged through multiple buildings.

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Aizen, freed from his restraints by the blast, acknowledged that he had underestimated Yhwach's decision to descend to Soul Society after his battle in the Royal Realm. Yhwach pointed out that Ichigo was the one who defeated Aizen. Aizen, thanking Yhwach for destroying his chair, declared that he could now stand against him and expressed his desire to crush anyone attempting to control him.

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Suddenly, Ichigo and Renji appeared to attack Yhwach. Yhwach repelled them, claiming to have foreseen this. 

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As Tensa Zangetsu cracked, Yhwach revealed his attempt to destroy it entirely, stating that Ichigo's accursed luck protected it.

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Aizen attacked Yhwach with Hadō #99. Goryūtenmetsu. 

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Yhwach prepared to destroy Soul Society with his Reiatsu after seemingly defeating Ichigo. However

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Aizen pointed out that Kyōka Suigetsu had already been broken. Yhwach blasted Aizen away, but Ichigo attacked him from behind with a missing arm. Yhwach claimed to have foreseen this and stopped Tensa Zangetsu with his hand, shattering it and creating a hole in Ichigo's torso, declaring the battle over.

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Yhwach prepared to destroy Ichigo and Soul Society with his Reiatsu. However, his hand became embedded in Aizen's torso, as Aizen revealed that Yhwach perceived him as Ichigo. The real Ichigo impaled Yhwach from behind with Tensa Zangetsu, unleashing a Getsuga Tenshō that ripped Yhwach in half.

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Staring at Ichigo up-close, Yhwach dissolves into a puddle of Reiatsu as Aizen commends Ichigo for adjusting to Kyōka Suigetsu so quickly. When Ichigo notes that he felt an uneasiness similar to when Aizen placed his allies under the influence of Kyōka Suigetsu on his way to the Seireitei, Aizen explains how he released Kyōka Suigetsu before Ichigo arrived and confirmed that it could affect even Yhwach with The Almighty before stating that only Ichigo remained as the sole person whom Kyōka Suigetsu would not affect. As he notes how useful not showing Ichigo the release of Kyōka Suigetsu proved to be, Aizen is suddenly engulfed by a mass of black Reiatsu, which spreads over the surrounding area as Yhwach, having been revived, notes that Kyōka Suigetsu has been activated before asking Ichigo if he truly believed he had killed him with that attack.

As Yhwach proclaims that his ability to change the future allows him to overwrite even his own death, Ichigo attempts to attack him, only for Yhwach to blast Tensa Zangetsu away before engulfing Ichigo in his black Reiatsu. With his Reiatsu spreading to cover even the , Yhwach declares that both the Human World and Soul Society will become one before his power, only to be interrupted when fires an arrowhead of Still Silver through his chest while recalling 's explanation of how Still Silver will briefly stop Yhwach's powers upon making contact with his blood. With Yhwach's Reiatsu receding, Ichigo grabs Tensa Zangetsu and leaps toward him on Uryū's command. As Ichigo swings Tensa Zangetsu toward him, Yhwach attempts to break the blade once more, but the white portion of the Bankai crumbles to reveal Ichigo's original Shikai within. Realizing that the dream which sent him was actually a vision of this future, Yhwach is bifurcated by Ichigo.

With his body dispersing, Yhwach grabs Ichigo's blade and declares that the path to a world with no fear is being closed. Explaining how he had planned to combine Soul Society, the Human World, and Hueco Mundo into one plane of existence where people no longer had to fear death because it and life would be one and the same, Yhwach proclaims that Ichigo's efforts will result in life and death never losing their current forms and all beings living in fear of death for eternity before finally dying as Ichigo looked on with disappointment.

( End of Flashback )

The flashback abruptly ended, and Yhwach found himself back in the present, surrounded by the dimly lit town with Tatsumi and Akame.

Tatsumi: (concerned) Yhwach, are you alright? You seemed lost there for a moment.

Yhwach: (stoic) Merely reflecting on the inevitability of my existence.

Akame: (curious) What did you see?

Yhwach: (evading) A past that does not concern you. Let us focus on the task at hand.

Tatsumi: Alrighty then...anyway, I must say that sword is very dangerous.

Akame: I've been using Murasame for a very long time now... and over it's years it's built a reputation as the "One-Hit Kill Sword".

Tatsumi: Ok.... but, shouldn't that be a secret? Well I guess It's invincible either way though, huh?

Yhwach: (nodding) There is no true invincibility, Tatsumi. Even the mightiest weapons have their vulnerabilities. The perception of invincibility often stems from lack of understanding. Every power has its limits, every blade its flaws.

Tatsumi: (thoughtful) So, what are the weaknesses of Murasame?

Yhwach: (calmly) Murasame's curse is potent, but it has its own vulnerabilities. The sword relies on direct contact with the target's bloodstream for the curse to take effect. If the blade is prevented from making contact or if the blood is somehow shielded, its deadly power can be nullified.

Tatsumi: (nodding) Got it. So, it's not unbeatable.

Yhwach: (wise) Nothing is unbeatable, Tatsumi. Strength lies in understanding the weaknesses and exploiting them. It's crucial to approach every battle with both caution and strategy.

Tatsumi: (determined) I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice, Yhwach.

Yhwach: (serene) Remember, true strength comes from acknowledging vulnerabilities and turning them into opportunities.

Akame: Yhwach is right. Nothing is invincible. My sword does have it's drawbacks, for example, It's almost impossible to clean. If I cut my finger, I'm dead. I must directly cut into my opponent's flesh or the curse won't enter the body.

Tatsumi: Then it must be tough if the enemy's got thick armor. Like Bro does.

Akame: For me, everything depends on one-hit-kills. That's why I can't afford to just rely on my Teigu.

Yhwach: Now, let us focus on finding Zanku and putting an end to his reign of terror.

Zanku: : Now we have some assassins and a serial killer running loose in the Capital. My, what a jungle this city can be! How exciting!

He said while standing on top of a building.

Zanku: Good evening, Night Raid! I wonder, which head I should go for first?

He said while he was looking at the split up group of Night Raid, until he sets his eyes on Yhwach and Tatsumi. 

Zanku: Oh! I haven't seen these two before, but look at the sense of purpose in those eyes!

He said while gazing at Tatsumi.

Zanku: I'm impressed! I know what I'll do! I'll go after the tastiest morsels first.

He said with a evil grin.

With Tatsumi, Yhwach, and Akame, they were taking a break and eating their food. Yhwach felt a disturbance around him and so looked around, but he saw no one. He relaxed himself and continued eating his food.

Tatsumi: It's not like he's just gonna waltz up right up to us. Guess we're just gonna have to be patient.

He said while sipping a drink out of his cup.

Tatsumi: Uh, I'll be right back!

He said while slamming his drink down on the table and walked up to a dark alley.

Sometime later, Tatsumi was done doing what he needed to do.

Tatsumi: I must be nervous.

He felt a presence behind him so he turned around and saw a girl, a very familiar girl. 

Tatsumi: S-Sayo?

He said a little shakily, still shocked at who he was seeing. Sayo then turned around and started running. 

Tatsumi: H-Hey! Where are you going?

He said as he chased after her.

When Tatsumi took a left and out of sight, Yhwach walked into the dark alley where Tatsumi once was.

Akame: Hey! What's taking so long-.

She said but was interrupted by Yhwach.

Yhwach: He's not here.

Akame: Are you sure this is the same one he went into?

Yhwach: Positive.

Akame: (concerned) That's strange. Where could Tatsumi have gone?

Meanwhile, Tatsumi finally followed Sayo into a some sort of a small colosseum.

Tatsumi: I can't... believe it. It's... really you!!

He said, still out of breath. He then made his way towards Sayo.

Tatsumi: I-I thought you were dead! Thank god, you're ok!!

He said while hugging her.

Zanku: Oh, how touching!

Tatsumi opened his eyes in shock.

Zanku: I really must have shown you something very nice!

Tatsumi looked up and saw who he was hugging, It was Zanku. 

Zanku: Good evening, my friend.

He said as Tatsumi immediately backed off and put his arms up in defense. He also got a better look at what he looked like.

Tatsumi: Wh-What the hell did you do with Sayo?! 

Zanku: I would prefer you to call me a different name, and please say it with love. My name is Headmaster Zanku!

He said while unsheathing his wrist blades.

Tatsumi: So.... You're the one. I've been looking for you!

He said as he also unsheathed his sword.

Zanku: "Uh-oh, looks like he separated me from the others! Maybe I'll be able to stall him for a minute!" Is that what you're thinking?

Tatsumi: (In thought) Did he read my mind? That must be his Teigu.

Zanku: BINGO!! Your right, it's called Spectator. And one of it's five gifts is known as 'Insight', It allows me to read your every thought. Obviously, it's blessed me with keen powers of observation. Should I give you a shinny gold star for guessing correctly?

Tatsumi: Don't bother! And you can stop talking anytime now!

Zanku: Oh no, I love a good chit-chat. Do you want to know how I was able to find you? No matter how dark or foggy it is, My 'Far Sight' can see clearly for miles!

He said as Tatsumi charged at him and swung his sword down trying to hit him, but Zanku just dodged his attack like it was nothing.

Zanku: Delightful, did you think that you land a hit if you attacked me mid-monologue? Only one problem, I'm still reading your mind like an open book; Have you forgotten about that?

He asked as Tatsumi charged at him.

Zanku: First your gonna come down on me with a downward slash!

He said as he dodged the attack.

Zanku: Then your gonna try your finishing move!

He then blocked his attack with his blades. 

Zanku: Then try to fake me out and go straight at my throat!

He dodged the attack and cut Tatsumi in the stomach.

Zanku: Man, you really are predictable.

Tatsumi: ( In thought) He's on a different level than anyone I've faced! 

Zanku: I love the look on people's faces when I remove their heads... It never ceases to give me such a rush! The thing that gets me the most is how they always look so surprised. I wonder what kind of delightful expression you'll make?

Tatsumi: Your not gonna live long enough to find out!

He yelled as he charged at Zanku again.

Zanku just dodged his attacks while talking.

Zanku: Ohh, I do appreciate ambitious young people like you! In fact. I think your gonna make a perfect new addition to my collection of shrunken heads!

He then attacked Tatsumi rapidly and he got injured badly. 

Zanku: I must say, I've really done a number on that firm resolve of yours.

Tatsumi looked at him confusedly.

Zanku: That pitiful sound of a "Tough Guy" like you begging for mercy is like music to my ears. That's why I'm compelled to take my time. Maybe you can buy enough time for your friends to catch up with you, eh?

Tatsumi: Don't hold your breath, you're just some filthy bastard who gets his kicks from chopping off heads. There's no way in hell I'm begging you for anything!

He said as he stared at Zanku. 

Tatsumi: (In thought) If he can read my mind, I'll have to keep things simple. I'll try one more attack... and give it everything I've got!

Zanku: Oh...aren't you courageous? And you're in so much pain too. It's a good thing you're in the hands of an expert executioner.

Tatsumi: This is it!

He yelled at Tatsumi came dashing at Zanku, but this time Tatsumi was to quick and was able to get a hit on him.

Tatsumi: Ha! It's about time I got one in.

But he felt a cut on the top of his back.

Tatsumi: An expert wouldn't have missed my neck! Some Headhunter you turned out to be.

Zanku: Shut your mouth!

He said while charging at Tatsumi. But just before Zanku could reach him, Akame and Yhwach jumped out of nowhere and landed in front of him.

Akame: You look pretty upset, you must've used some of your own psychological tactics.

Yhwach: Akame.

He said while giving her a med-kit.

Yhwach: Attend to Tatsumi's injuries. I shall handle this executioner.

He said to which she nodded and started attending Tatsumi's wounds.

Zanku: Oh, more guests have arrived! How splendid!

Yhwach: Your theatrics won't save you. The time for your twisted game is over.

Zanku: A serious one, huh? I like it! But can you handle the spectacle of my Spectator?

Yhwach: (calmly) I need no insight to deal with the likes of you.

Zanku lunged at Yhwach with his wrist blades, but Yhwach effortlessly dodged the attacks, displaying a level of agility that caught Zanku off guard.

Yhwach: Your Teigu may grant you "Insight," but it cannot predict the movements of someone whose powers defy ordinary comprehension.

Zanku: (grinning) This is getting interesting!

Yhwach: Akame, lend me your sword for a moment.

Akame, surprised but trusting Yhwach's judgment, handed him Murasame.

Yhwach: A cursed blade, isn't it? Let's see how it fares against an executioner.

Yhwach faced Zanku with Murasame in hand, and a tense silence filled the air. Zanku, for the first time, looked genuinely uncertain.

Zanku: (nervously) Murasame, huh? That's a game-changer.

Yhwach: the true strength of a weapon lies in its wielder.

Yhwach countered with swift and precise strikes, each aimed at disabling Zanku's ability to predict his moves. The clash between the two was a dance of calculated precision and unpredictable prowess.

Meanwhile, Akame continued tending to Tatsumi's wounds.

Akame: Hold still. This might sting a bit.

Tatsumi winced in pain but nodded appreciatively. As he received medical attention, he couldn't help but watch the battle between Yhwach and Zanku unfold.

Tatsumi: (whispering) Akame, Yhwach is incredible. It's like he's on a different level.

Akame: (focused) He's no ordinary fighter. There's more to him than meets the eye.

Back in the fight, Yhwach's movements became increasingly fluid, almost as if he could predict Zanku's actions. Zanku, frustrated, unleashed a barrage of attacks, but Yhwach effortlessly evaded them.

Yhwach: The beauty of simplicity. A lethal blade in the hands of someone who understands its nature.

Zanku: What kind of monster are you?

Yhwach: Merely a man who understands the ebb and flow of battle.

Yhwach, in a swift motion, disarmed Zanku and rendered him defenseless.

Yhwach: Your "Far Sight" is useless when your limbs fail you.

Akame: ( In Thought) Wow, Yhwach's very good. I didn't know that he knew how to use a blade. Heh, and to think that I was worried.

Zanku: That's right, but tell me.... how do you deal with the voices?

Yhwach: Which one?

Zanku: The people I've killed are screaming at me from Hell. They sound so angry, and they're constantly telling me to join them down there! I've been hearing them every day since I became an Executioner, and it keeps getting worse. I just keep talking just to drown out the noise. So tell me, how do you do it?

Yhwach: (stoic) The weight of one's actions is a burden each must bear in their own way. I find solace in purpose and focus. The past cannot be changed, but the future remains within our grasp.

Zanku: (grimacing) You're quite the philosopher, aren't you? But enough of that, let's get back to the fun part!

Zanku activated another ability of his Teigu, Spectator. The surroundings seemed to distort, creating illusions and mirages that made it difficult for Yhwach to distinguish between reality and deception.

Zanku: Let's see if you can keep up with this!

Yhwach scanned his surroundings, realizing he was in an unfamiliar place.

Yhwach: (In Thought) Where am I?

???: Your Majesty, is that you?!

To his left, Yhwach saw two figures he thought he would never encounter again.

Yhwach: (In Thought) Haschwalth and Bazz-B?

The figures before him took the forms of Haschwalth and Bazz-B, his former subordinates from the Quincy army. They appeared battered and distressed.

Haschwalth: Your Majesty, we failed you. The Soul Reapers and Ichigo...

Bazz-B: We couldn't hold them back. They overwhelmed us.

Yhwach: (stoic) This is an illusion. Zanku is attempting to play mind games.

Despite his acknowledgment of the illusion, Yhwach couldn't escape the twinge of guilt and remorse. The illusionary Haschwalth and Bazz continued to speak with desperation.

Haschwalth: Your Majesty, please forgive us. We were not strong enough.

Bazz-z: We believed in your vision, but it seems it was all in vain.

Yhwach clenched his fists, battling to maintain his emotional fortitude.

Yhwach: (in thought) Illusions or not, these images stir the shadows of my past.

Outside of the Illusion

Akame: Yhwach, what's wrong? Are you ok?!

Zanku: He can't. "Illusionary Sight" creates a mirage of the person you care most about in your life. Right now, he's looking at a vision of two people so important to him, he can't bring himself to harm me.

Tatsumi: So, that's why I saw Sayo.

Akame: Yhwach, don't let him get into your head!! Please!!

Zanku: Don't bother, it may have effect on one person but it's extremely hypnotic.

Zanku held his blade out ready to kill Yhwach.

Zanku: So long, Yhwach.

Inside of the Illusion

Yhwach's eyes narrowed as he fought to regain control over his emotions, his stern gaze piercing through the illusionary forms of Haschwalth and Bazz-B.

Yhwach: (with conviction) Illusions crafted from doubt and regret have no power over me. You are but echoes of the past, shadows seeking to undermine my purpose.

The illusionary Haschwalth and Bazz-B shifted uncomfortably, their expressions reflecting the turmoil within Yhwach.

Haschwalth: (determined) Your Majesty, we stand by your side, regardless of the perceived failures. We believe in your vision.

Bazz-B: (bluntly) We're not here to wallow in self-pity. We fought because we chose to. Don't let these illusions weaken you.

Yhwach's gaze hardened as he absorbed their words, the semblance of doubt gradually fading.

Yhwach: (assertively) Enough of this illusion! If I must carry the burden of the past, then so be it. But I will not be swayed by false guilt. My vision remains unwavering.

The illusionary figures of Haschwalth and Bazz-B started to dissolve, their voices echoing one last time.

Haschwalth: (smiling) Your Majesty, lead us to the future.

Bazz-B: (grinning) And don't let anything hold you back.

 Yhwach put up a hand, catching Zanku's blade.

Outside of the Illusion

Zanku: (irate) What's this?! Why aren't you succumbing to the illusion?!

Yhwach: Illusions hold power over those who allow doubt and regret to fester within them. I have no room for such weakness.

Yhwach's resolve radiated with an intensity that shattered the illusion. The mirage of Haschwalth and Bazz-B dissipated like mist, revealing the reality of the battleground.

Zanku: (frustrated) Impossible! Illusionary Sight has never failed me before!

Yhwach then broke Zanku's blades and stabbed him in the chest, allowing the curse to enter Zanku's body. He then removed Murasame from Zanku's chest and Zanku fell on his back, accepting his fate.

Zanku: The voices...they're gone... How delightful. I thank you.....Yhwach.

He said on his final breath.

Yhwach then walked back to where Akame and Tatsumi were.

Akame looked at Yhwach with a mix of surprise and admiration as he approached.

Akame: That was impressive. How did you break through his illusion?

Yhwach: Illusions thrive on the seeds of doubt and regret. By acknowledging my past without succumbing to guilt, I denied the illusions the power they sought.

Tatsumi: (grinning) That was amazing, Yhwach! You really know how to handle yourself in a fight.

Yhwach: (nodding) Victory lies not only in strength but also in the ability to navigate the complexities of the mind.


Tatsumi knelt by the graves of his fallen friends, his solemn prayers carried away by the gentle breeze.

Tatsumi: Sayo... I still feel your absence... so strongly.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he spoke to the departed souls.

Yhwach approached Tatsumi, carrying an apron in his hands, and tossed it to him.

Yhwach: Grieving won't bring them back. We must face the reality.

Tatsumi wiped away his tears, nodding in acknowledgment.

Tatsumi: You're right. And Akame's probably angry about dinner being late.

Yhwach: she's not one to tolerate delays.

Tatsumi: By the way, when Zanku had you under his illusion, who did you see?

Yhwach: (mysterious) A tale for another occasion.

Tatsumi: Fair enough.

Yhwach: Just remember, there's always someone out there for you. Keep searching.

Tatsumi nodded, absorbing Yhwach's words.

Yhwach: Now, let's focus on the present. We have a meal to prepare.

Yhwach led the way back to the base

Tatsumi: Hey! Slow down!

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