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Chapter 12: The Chunin Exam: Final test II

Round 2

Kankuro vs Shintaro

Shintaro had little time to prepare against the puppet user. He's seen how the other party fights and its obvious that the enemy doesn't the extent of his clan's jutus.

He just need to see if it is effective against the puppeteer.

"Round 2, Begin!"

As soon as the referee signals the start, the puppet of the enemy immediately took action towards him.

"Heh, you lost.You won't be able to use your jutsu against me if you are in a defensive position.Take that!" Kankuro declared as he willed his puppet to send poisoned senbons towards Shintaro.

Shintaro didn't reply, either he was too busy dodging or was too lazy to, only he knows.

He kept dodging from one place to another but slowly but surely, getting near Kankuro who thought he was cornering Shintaro.

Just as Kankuro prepared to use his other puppet to pincer attack Shintaro from the front and back, Shintaro threw a Kunai towards Kankuro who dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, were you too preoccupied with dodging my puppet that even your aim is out of place?" He commented as the Kunai simply passed him by.

He saw that the path of the Kunai was not even pointed correctly to him. That however was his demise.

As soon as he was about to control his second puppet, he was shocked to find out that he was unable to move!

'What happened? Why can't I move?' as if realization came to him,

'that Kunai earlier!'

"Shadow possession jutsu, success!"

Kankuro's control over his puppet was disconnected and they immediately fell to the ground. Shintaro had Kankuro point his own kunai towards Kankuro neck through shadow imitation.

"Winner, Shintaro of Konoha!"

The Kazekage was disappointed. It showed much on his face.

'Even in a simple chunin exam, Konoha still shines brightly. Their next participant is a civilian, even if the brat wins against kumo, he will have shown his cards and that will be enough for Temari to defeat him on the final rounds. We will have our own time, just endure.' Kazekage thought to himself while holding back his desire to off the genins of Konoha, which would be disastrous for them if he really did it.

"Participants for round 3, on the stage!" the referee called out to the next participants.

Round 3

Gerui (Kumo) vs Osamu (Konoha)

Gerui was a genin with white hair and dark skin. Unlike his peers, he doesn't hold any blades.

"Are the both of you ready?" the ref asked.

Both participants nodded.


As soon as the signal was given, both participants disappeared from their position and connected their fists.


Gerui was grinning in ecstacy and surprise, his enemy seems to be the same as him, specializing in taijutsu as he felt Osamu's strength.

They were on equal standing base on the outcome as they retreated.

"I am going to enjoy this!" Gerui stated as he cracked his neck loosened his muscles.

"I can honestly say the same." Osamu was not grinning but was giving almost the same smile.

'Finaly! Someone whom I can polish my control over physical energy and taijutsu!'

"Here I come!" Geruis declared as he rushed towards Osamu.

Osamu received the punch which was stronger than the first one, luckily he easily blocked with physical energy concentrated on his hands.

On the earlier clash, he didn't use any physical and just used chakra. He was not yet on the level where he can use only his brute strength.

Physical energy however is much more effective when he's using taijutsu hence what is happening.

Every punch kept getting stronger as Osamu blocked or evaded. He was feeling the enemy before giving his counter attack.

"Is that all there is to your taijutsu? Can't you even strike back?" Gerui taunted, which worked as he felt his nose bled from a punch that came out of nowhere.

"huh?" Gerui reacted in confusion as he created a bit of distance, trying to figure out what happened.

'How did he punch me without me seeing it coming?'

"You really should focus on me instead of commenting every situation." Osamu already in Shuchu state replied to Gerui's taunt.

Osamu, using his state, striked Gerui in his Blindspot. With Shuchu state and only one enemy, Osamu was well aware of Geui's breathing pattern, his every muscles movement, even his eyes' focus or his nose's smell and his ears' hearing.

It was not that hard to launch an attack stealthily. It's as though Osamu was fighting against a puppet that he himself is controlling.

If Gerui doesn't have other cards besides taijutsu, Osamu will wipe the floor with him.

Gerui charged towards Osamu again only to find no one in his range as his strike hit nothing but air.

He then suddenly faced the ground as Osamu tripped him. Osamu's foot was getting bigger on his vision and just in time, he rolled away to avoid it.

Once he standing up, he saw a fist coming towards him, he crossed his hands to block it only to find himself flung across the field!

'He was not this strong earlier, was he also holding back?'

Gerui immediately picked himself up and started scanning for Osamu, whom he found to be a distance from him while in his taijutsu stance, his gazed totally focused on him.

'tsk, I need more speed.'

Lightning sparked to life as it run through his veins. It was not enough to be called as the lightning cloak of previous Raikage, it was just a simple stimulation of his cells and body.

Yet, it did its job as his speed and agility suddenly spiked. Yet it was not enough for Osamu was able to keep up with his heightened senses.

Striking from a Blindspot however was no longer possible.

Gerui and Osamu engaged in an intense taijutsu. Fist against fist, kick against kick.

Then Gerui pulled out a kunai which prompted Osamu to do the same. Sparks of metals flew in the air around them.

The audience were pumping from their seat upon seeing the display of skills from Genins of Kumo and Konoha.

It started with one kunai, then two. Suddenly shuriken were flying towards each other, some hitting Gerui and Osamu who in turn turned to a block of wood both.

Then another clash of metals was heard as both engaged in even intense exchange of moves, one simple mistake and one of them would go down.

Osamu was ecstatic!

His control over physical energy was now instinctual, his taijutsu was improving by the second as Gerui felt more and more scratches of Kunai over his body.

He was losing, although he could not accept that, there was nothing he could do.

'You win the taijutsu, but nobody said it can only be a battle of taijutsu!' Gerui suddenly retreated as he weaved hand seals for his jutsu.

"Raiton: lightning bolt!"

Gerui's hand emits a short bolt of lightning, it was a simple bolt akin to a fireball instead of a continuous stream.

The bolt hit its target as Osamu seemed to have suffered minor electric shocks which was Gerui's intention as he weaved another set of hands seals and pulled out a set of senbons.

As soon as he did, those senbos were covered in lightning.

"He's shocked, will he lose here now?"Genma asked no one in particular.

"Too bad, he was winning earlier." Hayate added.

"Oh yeah, you guys didn't know huh?" Shintaro replied making Genma and Hayate ask.

"Know what?"

"Ration: Current transfer skill!"

Gerui threw them to Osamu and would definitely win him the match as the path was for Osamu to lose consciousness.

"Osamu's chakra affinity is lightning. Therefore, that lightning bolt earlier." Shintaro answered not in whole but the rest is obvious.

Osamu seeing the senbons, moved in shunshin added by shuchu and 100% physical energy on the sole of his feet.

He disappeared from Gerui's sight which shocked the Kumo Genin as he felt air escaped his lungs.

His eyes looking down on the fist that was stuck on his center, then it went up as he lost consciousness.

"Winner, Osamu of Konoha!"

The crowds cheered for him although he was from a different village. The civilians were of course pumped from the action and entertainment they received from this fight hence the applause.

"Who would have thought that a civilian Genin would be recognized by the enemy village's civilians." Genma commented.

Hayate nodded in agreement.

'He will definitely get the rank of Chunin once we return.'

End of Chapter


I_am_Dumb_Iknow I_am_Dumb_Iknow

This is the chapter for today. The chapter earlier was for yesterday ^_^

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