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The Humble Fudge Goes Online, Angry People At The Ministry Of Magic!

Fudge's anger didn't last long. In other words, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

Fudge is very good at public relations.

When it was revealed that Barty Crouch Jr was a Death Eater, with his excellent public relations ability, he successfully defeated his competitor Barty Crouch.

He even used the influence of various parties to force old Crouch to leave the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Fudge, who calmed down, immediately thought of the consequences of the public knowing this.

"Pyne, what's the situation outside now?"

"It's very bad, and many colleagues in the Ministry of Magic are also discussing this matter."

Fudge frowned and looked at the two people on the sofa.

Dumbledore has just been wronged by him, and as the greatest wizard of this century, he has a huge influence.

Lucas Grindelwald, leader of the Saints.

Now there is a word circulating in the British wizarding world. For every five wizarding families, at least one person is working in the Saints Group.

It is conceivable how much influence Lucas has at this time.

'If these two people can come forward to help me…'

Fudge cleared his throat and sat back down on the sofa.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, Mr Grindelwald, I think there is some truth in what you just said."

"So I agree with the two of you, I will temporarily withdraw the decision to expel Mr Potter and destroy his wand."

"Everything will be decided after the trial results on August 12th. What do you two think?"

Lucas lowered his head and fiddled with the teacup, as if this had nothing to do with himself. While Dumbledore was rummaging through his robes, as if he had lost something.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Fudge frowned even tighter.

"Do you have any other comments? You can't ask me to just let Harry Potter go, right?"

"Now everyone knows that he has violated the law, so if I let him go just like that, there will be criticism."

Lucas glanced at the minister, and then looked at the old bee beside him.

The old man took out a box of soft candies from his robe and ate one with a smile.

"In that case, let's do what Minister Fudge says!"

Fudge was relieved to hear Dumbledore's reply.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I was confused before, I will listen to you now and remove the dementors from Azkaban, but can you…"

Fudge gestured to the newspaper on the table with his eyes.

Dumbledore nodded with a smile, neither offering to help nor denying his help.

"Does Minister Fudge want some candies? It's a new flavor, and it's delicious."

Seeing Dumbledore's reaction, Fudge felt discouraged and turned to look at Lucas who was watching the show on the other side.

"Mr. Grindelwald, do you see?"

"What? I'm just a small businessman. How can I help you? On the contrary, I still need your protection."

Lucas continued with a worried expression: "The Dark Lord is back, and businessmen like me are the most worried at this time."

"Now it seems that I should go back and hold a meeting to discuss whether the company should be withdrawn from England, and we will come back when peace returns here."

"No!" Fudge hurriedly stood up to stop him.

If the Saints Group withdraws now, many people will lose their jobs.

Once these people lose their jobs, they will definitely come to the Ministry of Magic to make trouble.

Some people who can't survive may join the Death Eaters, and it will be even more troublesome if things become like that.

Fudge walked over to his desk to take a file out of the drawer.

"Mr. Grindelwald, what we just said doesn't count. I don't want the shops anymore."

After saying that, he tore the document in his hand to shreds. He even drew his wand and cast a fire spell on the crumbs.

Looking at the shop transfer documents that had turned into ashes, Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"Since this is the case, then our Saints Group will wait and see, Headmaster, if you don't have any other business here, let's go."

Seeing the two get up and go out, Fudge also got up to send them out of the office.

His attitude at this moment was very different from the arrogant look from just now.

Sending the two of them all the way into the elevator, seeing the two people who disappeared, Fudge's expression immediately turned cold.

"Pyne, go find out what's going on, how these photos came about, and call the person in charge of the Daily Prophet."

Every time he said something, Pyne nodded seriously and recorded it.

Fudge looked at the dark elevator passage again: "The person who can have these photos is either Dumbledore or Lucas Grindelwald!"

Seeing his angry look, Pyne Carrow quickly lowered his head, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a silent smile.

Fudge probably wouldn't think of it.

After repeated investigations, he hired an assistant that was loyal to him for nearly four years, but he was actually a faithful member of the Saints from the beginning.

At the same time.

After a long and painful waiting period, Harry finally welcomed the owl from the Ministry of Magic.

"Owl, another blasted owl, Boy! How many times have I told you not to let these bloody owls come into my house again?!"

Ignoring Uncle Vernon's yelling, Harry took the letter and immediately ran into his room.

[Dear Mr. Potter:

The Ministry of Magic has reversed its decision to destroy your wand immediately and we are allowing you to keep it until your trial on the 12th of August to make a formal decision.

In consultation with the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Ministry of Magic has agreed to leave the question of your expulsion until then as well.

Therefore, you may consider yourself suspended, pending further investigation.

Best regards.

Mafalda Hopkirk

Ministry of Magic's Improper Use of Magic Office]

Seeing the contents of the letter, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He won't be expelled and his wand won't be destroyed for a while.

But he was still full of worries about the upcoming trial.

He fetched a few pieces of parchment and wrote on them seriously.

[I was attacked by a dementor just now, and I may be expelled from Hogwarts. I want to know what happened and when I can leave this house?]

He rolled up the parchment and tied it to Hedwig's leg.

One of these letters was addressed to Ronald, and the other was addressed to his Godfather, Sirius.

The last one was addressed to Dumbledore.

Watching Hedwig's figure disappear into the night sky, Harry slowly clenched his fists, he didn't know anything, no one explained to him why the dementors suddenly appeared.

There was no explanation as to why he was being put on trial by the Ministry of Magic either.

Such a state of ignorance made him really uncomfortable.

He looked through the window at the opposite house.

Mrs. Figg was also sitting by the window, watching the Dursleys' house motionlessly.

He had never noticed these things before. Such obvious monitoring is actually not difficult to find as long as you pay attention.

Well, Harry found something he couldn't figure out again, why did Mrs Figg want to spy on him?

In a terrible mood, he threw himself on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Fudge was also in a bad mood.

With the sun rising, the news of the Dark Lord's return will reach the whole of England.

In Diagon Alley, several men in plain clothes were reading newspapers.

The number of pedestrians on the street increased. Several of them looked at each other, and one of them suddenly said: "Damn Fudge, hateful Ministry of Magic, they deceived us!"

"What to do, You-know-who is back, oh Merlin, the Ministry of Magic should give us an explanation."

"Cornelius Fudge is the worst Minister of Magic I've ever seen. He actually tried to cover up the truth and smear Dumbledore and Harry Potter"

The speeches of several people attracted the crowd in Diagon Alley. They listened to them narrating the contents of the newspaper with indignation.

At the Leaky Cauldron not far away, there were also a few people loudly expressing their dissatisfaction and protesting.

Not just these two places.

In Hogsmeade Village and various places where wizards in London frequent. As long as there are wizarding activities, there will be these dissatisfied people.

Soon, more and more wizards became dissatisfied with Cornelius Fudge, some even raised their arms and chanted: "We need an explanation from the Ministry of Magic!"

Under the leadership of some people, these ordinary wizards gradually came to the atrium of the Ministry of Magic.

Seeing the menacing crowd, Aurors from the Ministry of Magic rushed out to maintain order.

At the same time, Pyne Carrow informed Fudge of the news.

"Pyne, send someone to inform Dumbledore and Mr. Grindelwald immediately, and ask them to come to the Ministry of Magic as soon as possible."

"In addition, notify the Wizarding Wireless Network radio station that I will give a speech, and the major newspapers also need to be notified!"

Pyne nodded, turned around and left the office.

When Lucas received the news, he immediately set off for the Ministry of Magic. There is a good show to be staged after all.

At the same time, the latest issue of the Daily Prophet was also being printed at an accelerated pace.

The eyes of the entire British magical world are focused on the upcoming Ministerial Speech by the Minister of Magic.

(Support with power stones or comments. You can subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read the complete fanfic ahead of time 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐍🦅)

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