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80.76% Others level up, I cultivate / Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Embracing the Arrival Sect, Gaining Trust!

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Embracing the Arrival Sect, Gaining Trust!

"After a long wait, you were well-prepared for this day."

"The night passed, and as expected, Wang Qingxuan offered you the first half of the Eternal Spring Technique. However, instead of accepting it, you proposed joining the Arrival Sect."

"Wang Qingxuan hesitated, warning you that this path would lead you into an abyss. But upon your firm insistence, she agreed."

"After spending a day together, Wang Qingxuan led you to meet an elder from her squad."

"The elder scrutinized you carefully, seemingly regarding you as a mere bronze-level practitioner. He bluntly expressed that your strength was too insignificant. Nevertheless, out of respect for Wang Qingxuan, he reluctantly allowed your provisional entry."

"You realized it was time to demonstrate your true value. Thus, you brandished a chopping knife and directly struck a member of the Arrival Sect nearby."

"Controlling your force, the sect member wasn't killed outright but left with a deep wound on their arm, visible to the bone."

"The elder was momentarily stunned, then erupted in fury, seeing it as your attempt to challenge the dignity of the Arrival Sect. He ordered a dozen followers to surround you."

"In desperation, Wang Qingxuan stood in front of you, seeking to protect you."

"However, you comforted her and gently pushed her aside. Instead, you retrieved a pill and inserted it into the sect member's mouth."

"A miraculous scene unfolded; the wound on the sect member's arm swiftly scabbed over, though their complexion remained pale."

"You had given them a low-grade healing pill, rapidly revitalizing the severely injured sect member."

"The elder was astonished, casting a peculiar gaze towards you."

"You openly declared yourself as an alchemist, revealing that the miraculous pill was your creation. Expressing deep admiration for the Arrival Sect, you conveyed your desire to join."

"Simultaneously, you expressed your aspiration for a higher position, unwilling to start as a mere lackey. You challenged the elder's suitability, demanding someone with more authority to address your concerns."

"The elder's gaze flickered with suspicion. While finding your claims somewhat forced, he recognized your value, knowing that someone capable of concocting such potent healing medicine was beyond his judgment."

"Hence, the elder took you under his wing, assigning surveillance while informing you that within three days, a protector-level figure would assess you. Passing the evaluation would grant you an elder's status akin to his."


Su Xing exhaled deeply, feeling a mix of excitement and tension.

He had gambled everything in this simulation, laying bare his worth before the Arrival Sect. Perhaps it could lead to tremendous benefits, or it might spell the end of this simulation!

"Regardless... it's just a simulation. Acquiring the Eternal Spring Technique is the utmost priority!"

Su Xing continued the simulation.

"Three days later, an elderly man sought you out. He personally verified the healing effects of the pill, realizing it rivaled some mid-tier healing potions. He understood its inherent value."

"However, the elder seemed curious about your ability to concoct such a wondrous pill."

"You candidly revealed being a cultivator by profession and stumbling upon alchemy skills by chance. Hence, you could mass-produce pills. Moreover, you asserted that aside from healing pills, you could concoct several rarer elixirs."

"A smile played on the elder's face as if already aware. He stated that you spoke the truth. Had you lied, he would have slain you on the spot!"

"Subsequently, he offered you a temporary position as a vice-elder, subjecting you to a year-long observation. Upon passing this assessment, they would bestow the official rank of an elder!"

Su Xing, noticing this, nodded with a knowing expression.

"Indeed, the Arrival Sect holds significant insights into the cultivation world! Do they possibly hold the entrance to a cultivator's domain?"

Su Xing's heart raced with excitement; his knowledge of the cultivation world remained limited.

Particularly in cultivation techniques, he lacked guidance, relying solely on his own exploration.

If he could glean more about the cultivation realm through the Arrival Sect, it would be an enormous gain!

Drawing in a deep breath, Su Xing continued the simulation.

"You agreed to the protector's terms and joined the Arrival Sect!"

"The Arrival Sect doesn't operate openly like official sects but remains hidden, akin to rats in the sewers."

"The elder, called Shadow Protector, assigned your first-month task: crafting five hundred healing pills and a hundred refining pills."

"You mentioned the shortage of alchemical materials and requested more herbs for pill concoction."

"Shadow Elder agreed and promptly sent a large batch of herbs. However, you deceitfully underreported the quantity, secretly hoarding a significant portion of the resources. Later, using some leftover materials, you manufactured the stipulated pills."

"They seemed oblivious to your subterfuge, assuming your alchemical skills were just that proficient. Pleased with the quality of your pills, they requested more."

"As you continued supplying pills to the Arrival Sect, your status within it ascended. The elder who once looked down on you now addressed you affectionately as a younger brother. You had become a rising star within the Arrival Sect."

"As your stature grew, you learned more about the sect's hidden affairs."

"After half a year, during which you supplied thousands of healing pills and nearly a thousand refining pills, suspicions about you waned within the sect. They began regarding you as one of their own."

"As your value became increasingly evident, the higher echelons sought more valuable alchemical materials from you, including some spiritual herbs. With these materials, you attempted to craft a new pill — the Soul-Nourishing Elixir!"

Su Xing nodded slightly upon seeing this.

The Soul-Nourishing Elixir, akin to the Essence-Refining Elixir, possessed vastly different effects. While the latter tempered a cultivator's physique and mana, enhancing spiritual energy was crucial.

Yet, the Soul-Nourishing Elixir focused on enhancing a cultivator's consciousness, a concept shrouded in mystery. It was almost akin to the sixth sense of a cultivator.

The Eternal Spring Technique vaguely mentioned consciousness and its importance, indicating it as a method mastered by cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage.

Even during the Golden Core stage, consuming a Soul-Nourishing Elixir could bring significant benefits, enhancing control over spiritual power and more.

However, the main ingredient for this elixir, the Spirit-Nurturing Herb, was exceptionally rare, even more so than the Spirit-Refining Herb.

"You snatched hundreds of Spirit-Nurturing Herbs from the Arrival Sect and began experimenting with crafting the Soul-Nourishing Elixir!"

(End of this chapter)

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