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66.66% A Thing Of Chaos / Chapter 4: History Of The Ancient Times

Chapter 4: History Of The Ancient Times

No matter how much did you live..

Even for millions of years, even if you got reincarnated in the body of a boy with a crazy ass family with your mother being a demon, even if you have a system nagging at your head from time to time..

Life can still make you feel dumbfounded...

Everyone felt dumbfounded, horrified.. A sacred item just exploded in front of them, a mana so thick roamed in the air not even the anti magic area in the hall could stop it, some people are choking on it.

Not even the sound of a fly was to be heard, dead silence... Everyone is staring at the baby the sixth prince was holding...

And yet all Chaos thought about was that he destroyed the chance of future kids realizing their magic attributes, if they had a chance to follow their dreams or not... He wanted to laugh so hard, it's just funny to him. His mouth was a thin line.. it was obvious he was barely holding back from grinning..

<Notice!: New title unlocked>

-Titles: Destroyer of dreams..

Before he could even react, a sound of someone chuckling softy came from the crowd. And everyone's attention moved towards it.

Just like her son, Veronica was barely controlling herself and bursted out laughing, Chaos couldn't hold his amused smile this time either.

"Omg, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but_" she laughed again before she could finish talking, the sound so rich and beautiful. It was the first time he heard his mother laugh that hard. And definitely didn't anticipate it to happen when he just destroyed a sacred item.

Crimson, black and golden stars of mana were free in the air, no one could see them except for Chaos but they looked so breathtaking. He definitely liked how his mana looked like.

"He destroyed a sacred item, a legacy of the founder of our empire's Mage Tower... And he's not even a mouth year old.." the Mage Tower's master mumbled. But everyone who needs to hear it did.

The emperor didn't react, he only kept on looking at the baby then back at the crystal ball. Somehow in fascination..

"He's only two weeks year old and he destroyed a legacy of the entire empire. He's just as much of a monster as his mother. He needs to be killed before he grows up." Lilith, the first wife of the emperor shouted. She was using this opportunity to make the people go against both Chaos and his mother.

'That's so stupid come on, I know what I just did was too cool for your own good but you can't just kill a baby who didn't even know what he was doing, right ?'

To his surprise though, people actually started getting closer to him and Arthur. They were crowding him ? Are you kidding ? He's a child, there's no way. Chaos was sure the emperor won't let them, or the Tower master... But they're just staring at what's rest of the destroyed crystal ball.. and it wasn't a good time to be grieving over some stupid item.

Arthur was practically trembling while holding him.

'Talk about father of the year, ladies and gentlemen.'

<Notice!: The user is getting a lot of negative emotions, the system is reforming them into mana>


-Titles: Destroyed of dreams <Activated>: It gives the user the ability to turn all the negative emotions directed towards him into a source of mana.

+Side effect: The user would get an unnecessarily hate from anyone who looks at him for some time.


Chaos snapped and slapped the screen angrily, ' Deactivate it you piece of shit'

<Notice!: The title "Destroyer of dreams" deactivated.>

As if waking up from a dream, the crowd stopped coming forward and people started whispering stuff like,

"What just happened right now ?"

"He destroyed a sacred item, but he's a baby so does he really deserver to be killed ? That would be monstrous."

"What was that evil color he got once he touched the ball, I've never seen something like it before.."

"I'm telling you people, he needs to be killed.. He's just a demon, like his mother." The first wife said again. And it's seriously becoming annoying. She needs to die somehow.

A voice as cold as the bottom of the ocean shot through the guests, making everyone silent.

"Bitch, you better make your wife shut up, before I snap her neck in front of everyone." Veronica said calmly as she stepped forward, looking directly into the emperor's eyes. A menacingly dark aura was leaking out of her.

The smile was back on Chaos' face as she picked him up from Arthur, kissed his tiny head and glared at both, Lilith and the emperor.

'Damn, my mother is such a queen for real.'

Even though he had more mana circles around his heart than Veronica, the emperor couldn't forget the fact that she had a dark demonic magic, which is probably stronger than his light magic. So he couldn't act, yet..

"Well, it was a nice evening your majesty. We truly are sorry for what happened to the crystal ball. But what can do if it's so fragile that our baby broke it" She smiled mischievously at him, and hell if it wasn't satisfying to see the anger in his eyes.

She bowed sarcastically again and walked towards the door. Every eye on them and Lilith's face is as red as a tomato from anger.

Once they reached the carriage, Aria was waiting for them, since only nobles and the palace servants were able to attend the Selection ceremony.

She asked them about what happened, Veronica held her son tightly and laughed again. But she stayed silent after.

She didn't understand how could her baby destroy a sacred item, yet she didn't care. All she cared about was how their faces looked like once it happened, and how her lovely child smiled once she laughed about it. And with the scene they made on that event. She definitely felt satisfied for now..

Moving forward..

Chaos was now sitting on his bed, his mother sang him a lullaby and then left him, thinking that he was sleeping. Little did she know that he didn't do the sleeping thing since the day he was born. It's actually laughable.

He's still struggling to get out of the bed's caging frames though.

Moving on four, he's legs are pretty much jelly, they still couldn't take his weight no matter how much he tried. He felt like a cockroach, it was so embarrassing. Thinking about it, He's part void creature, shouldn't he be able to float ?

Luckily for him though, his mother kept the bedroom's door slightly open, and he used this opportunity to get out silently and go to the mansion's library. He needed to find out more about magic. And with no books in his mother's bedroom, it didn't help.

From time to time, he would use his dragon senses to see if there was anyone on his way. He only has probably one hours before his mother or one of the maids come and check for him.

He needs to go back before that, there's no way a newborn baby would be allowed to move around inside a house this big. Chaos didn't even believe kids his age were even able to crawl. His was as tiny as a football.

<Notice!: That's technically wrong. The average length of full-term babies at birth is 50cm. The normal range would probably be between 46cm and 55cm. While a regular football would be around 28 to 30cm.>

Chaos groaned.

'Shut up system, you're not helping..'

He went silent for a second as he kept on crawling. The system was like his endless source of knowledge, an annoying voice in his head, but it definitely kept him from feeling lonely from time to time.. which brings a stupid smile on his face.

That's how he knew what a snow ball looked like or how to swear.. well nevermind, thinking about it now, he definitely learned how to swear from his mother.

Yet the system didn't really help when it came to learning how to do magic spells. Only common knowledge.

'What's a centimeter?'

<Notice!: A unit of length among many others..>


Chaos finally reached the library, and it took him thirty damn minutes..

'Humans definitely move faster on two than four.'

He wasn't tired though, I guess that's one of his body perks.

For some reason, the library didn't have a door.. which is very unpractical and unrealistic. Books seem hella important.

<Notice!: The door to the library is actually an illusion casted to keep anyone who doesn't know the mansion well enough from entering>

'Ow... Well it's definetly practical now, as well as these eyes I have'

Moving forward, Chaos looked around the library, he was tiny AF so he could only take books from the bottom of the shelves.

His mother was a demon, he was sure a hell about finding information about dark magic in her mansion's library. Who knows, maybe he could find some about chaos and void magic too, even though it seemed unlikely.

Chaos took the first small as hell book he came across. Bigger books means bigger information. And he didn't want a headache yet.

"History of the ancient times"

'This seems interesting enough'

Flipping the first page, and with the help of his translation skill, Chaos started reading.

"Before the beginning of the four ancient empires and the era of magic. Our world was divided into three sections.

+The Mortal World, where humans exist.

+The Demon World, where magical creatures of all kinds such as demons and dragons used to reside.

+The gods realm, where deities and creatures who are classified to be higher than monsters existed.

Looking blankly at the page, Chaos felt confused.

'What about the Abyss ?'

<Notice!: The Abyss is another dimension on its own that doesn't belong to the same level of these worlds. You can think of it as the bottomless pit of hell where even Tartarus' domain doesn't compare. Demonic and corrupted gods and their descendants goes there once they die.

The only known way to get into the Abyss would probably be by dying as a descendant of a corrupted god or getting through its gate's guardian, which is practically impossible...>

Talk about information..

'But isn't the guardian dead ? It's what the eye's description said, me having Khaos' eyes is already a proof enough.'

Chaos was annoyed when the system didn't answer his question. It always acted on it's own when talking.

Flipping through the pages and skipping some annoying parts he already knew, Chaos kept reading.

"One day, and for some unknown reason to humankind. We lost connection to the God's Realm and the barrier between worlds disappeared. Magical creatures invaded our world and dungeons appeared. But with the barrier gone, the two worlds collided together, causing mana from the Demon World to start spreading into ours. Thus, magicians and swordsmen who were able to fight against those monsters started to arise.

The world became chaotic, it became hell on earth, Historians called it "the Apocalyptic War"

People started to lose hope, our world was lost. But order.. came back.

And the four primordial gods appeared, it isn't known what happened to the God's Realm or the other gods who were resident in it.

With their return, it was the begining of the new era, and the creation of the four ancient empires.

+The Olivian empire where light and holy creatures such as dragons existed. And is known to be protected by the primordial god of light, Aether. Only the descendants of Aether have a chance to be attracted to light magic.

+The Terrarian empire that values the sea and water creatures, protected by the primordial god of the sea and water, Pontus. And only the descendants of Pontus have a chance to be attracted to ancient water magic.

Chaos felt uninterested at all.

'So it's like stronger than normal water magic or what ? And I came here to learn magic spells not some history crap.' he sighed but continued to read anyway.

+The Ember empire that values fire and blacksmithing, it's known to be the land of craftsmen, fire and earth creatures. And is protected by the primordial god of hell, Tartarus. Only the descendants of Tartarus have a chance to be attracted to the ancient fire magic, hellfire.

Chaos narrowed his eyes, 'This book is getting repetitive.'

And he started to feel thickheaded for some reason. He realized that he hated history by then but he needed to know the world he reincarnated in better, so there's no helping it.

+The Umbra empire, the land of dark and demonic creatures where the daylight doesn't reach. It's known to be protected by the primordial god of darkness, Erebus.

Only the descendants of Erebus have a chance to be attracted to dark and demonic magic.

Chaos' eyes widened as he read that.. his mother was definitely from that empire..

And she had dark magic so she's from the royal family of Umbra at that... And as her son, he was also technically the descendant of both Aether and Erebus... But he can't use light magic.. so he only got attracted to darkness I guess..

'It also said that daylight doesn't reach that land.. so like they live in an endless night ?? I think it would be nice to live there, I'm quite familiar with that.'

Thinking it through again, Chaos smirked.

'They don't get vitamin D form the sun rays too.. It's not like I need it anyway, I don't sleep. I really want go visit my mother's homeland now.'

Thinking about what he just read, a question popped in his head. How the hell did his mother get to meet his dad ?

They're from two different empires, and part of two rivaled royal families at that...

Chaos didn't have the time to think it through as he heard footsteps coming to the shelf he was sitting in front of...

'Shit, I spent too much time reading....'

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