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20% Reborn into BTTH World / Chapter 3: Gu Xun'er

Chapter 3: Gu Xun'er

When he saw them they also saw him.This is the first interaction for Xiao Yan and Xiao Tian so Xiao Yan thought he might be some discipline who might be lost his way who came here to check there he said to Xiao Tian just follow the way i came you can go to the plasa where testing was held

Hering this Xiao Tian was some what speechless as he never thought of rather embarrassing meeting with Xiao yan not to mention Gu Xun'er is present.

Hiding the embarrassment Xiao Tian told Xiao Yan in a carefree manner nope i am also a member xiao family main line.

Hearing this Xiao Yan was speechless and inorder to hide his embarrassment he coughed.

When Xiao Yan was going to speak Xiao Tian interrupted and said anyway thank you since i don't know where this path is leading to. Saying this Xiao Tian began to move forward.

Hearing all this even Gu Xun'er who has not having an expression show a slight change in her expression that of confusing.

As he walks away he remembered the xiao yan' s sneaky behavior and even his attempt to enter xiao xuner's room. Calculating exactly how he can prevent that incident and also how to have close relationship with Gu Xuan'er he walk all the way till end of the path where a large stadium like place where almost all are concentrated on the match's below.

He was not interested in the below match's so he just pass by and came out of the family.


Wu Tan City was filled with many markets and majority of these markets were under the control of three clans. While the three clans were the most powerful in the Wu Tan City there are other big shops.

They are the Xiao clan, Ao Ba Clan and the jia Lie clan. Even though there are many bloodshed feud between 3 clan they afraid of each other, so the wu Tan city is actually

Ruled by this 2 family with Xiao clan.

As he keep on walking he reached the mountain range outer area after making sure he is all alone using Sharengan(righting wheel eyes) he find a suitable place where he can meditate. After sitting there for some time keeping his mind and body calm down and he took out the Body Remodeling Pill which was provided by the system.

And he put the pill in his mouth, after the pill entered his body his body began to emit heat aura as if his entire body is being cooked up and his slightly immature face show some fatigue due to the after effect of the pill.After sometime his body returned to normal and his body is covered with think black and gray fluid like thing which was emmiting a disgusting smell.

Waking up when he look his body even though he know that the pill given by system are not normal he was surprised, because he body is currently at initial 2 stage but he was at the peak 2 stage and also he have the feeling like his body need atleast the double the effort put by people inorder to improve his cultivation.

He is now slightly having the feeling of being wronged by the system but after thinking that even though that's the case he was not discouraged but become some more encouraged since he knew that the beginning of the Dou Qi is important factor so he need to ensure to make a strong foundation upon which his Dou Qi level will inrease at rather quick manner without interruption if his foundation is stable.

Smelling the nauseating smell he went to a nearby pond as he he was about take the bath he noticed that he has become some more attractive and his righting wheel eyes seemed to be perfectly matching to him, giving him a unique aura around him.

After taking the bath he began to walk back towards the xiao family as he was

Passing by he saw cloth store after seeing that it was xao clan' s shop he entered into the shop and began to search for clothes he chose a black hood after that he went to a blacksmith shop and according to to his measuring of his current body legs and hands he asked the backsmit to create a inner wearable weighted thing for him.

Paing the bill in advace and while asked the owner to deliver it to him he left the shop and went direct to Xiao family.

After entered into Xiao family he went to his room and after taking the new shirt and he went to his mother. His mother was busy with the furniture and other thing which was needed for the relocation. After seeing him his mother was stuned and later she rushed to his son and said 'm my boy is getting beautiful and beautiful day by day looks like he is going to crush so many girls heart opps..' touching Tians face she said

In rather regretful manner.

Hearing this he became speechless and asked to stop it. Ok is everything alright do mom need my help. Hearing that she said no need the clan provided with the help it would to done by this day itself.

Ok then i am leaving saying this he began to leave suddenly his mother called him and said 'a.., the clan elders were looking for you , they asked you to go the family meeting area' ok mom i am leaving.

In xiao clan all the elders were all present and already conducted the meeting and was in the state of about to leave then a clan member came forward and said Xiao Tian has arrived. Hearing this Xiao Zhan who was in the seat asked him to come in.

After Xiao Tian entered into the meeting hall even though the elders and others heared what Xiao zhan said they were less interested even though Xiao Tian is a genius since they have all seen him already they were less curious now but the one who looked at him where some what doubtful since compared to before when Xiao Tian was having calm and indifferent eyes and was level 2 peak now he seems to be some ordinary person as he is not emitting any cultivation level at all.As If he is the typically good for nothing good-looking rich young master of a wealthy family.

Not only some people even elders began to notices that Xiao Tian has completly changed when compared to the last time.

When Xiao Tian saw the person sitting in front was Gu Xuner. He understood the reason of this meeting he also saw xiao yan sitting near to elders since is the patriarch' s


After seeing Xiao Tian Xiao yan and xuner seemed to understood the reason why he said something like that before.

Greetings to the patriarch and elders after giving his respect he began to retreat to the back since he has no interest in takimg part in boring clan things into his head he only need to practice and go out of the clan to explore the Dou Qi world.

Seeing this even though elders didn't said anything Xiao Zhan said "come on Xiao Tian come and sit here she also a new clan member her name is Xiao Xuner".

By sayimg this he pointed a new seat which is some what close to Xiao yan , but considering the situation he is some what far from xiao xuner. First, second,third elders are in distress as they have not seen that coming, as they have considered the senerio like even if there is a guest here he trying to capture Xiao Tian to his side.

Even though Tian was not interested in doing, he cannot disregard clan leader' s words so he can only sit beside Xiao yan.

Xiao Yan also knew that it was for him but he has no thoughts in regards to pull Xiao Tian to his side, Since he think that without Xiao Tian's help he can do it all on his own,as he think that within some time he will suppress all this young generation members so he doesn't consider it seriously at all.

After some more time of rather awkward moments later where he is sitting near Xiao yan until the meeting ended as he was sitting there he heard the murmur ' s like how beautiful our two new main family members are and so on.

He also heard someone comparing xiao Mei is mpre beautiful and so on.

After hearing all this he knew exactly what is the situation with the decline of Xiao family.

After that he went near the mountain spot which he earlier noted. As this is a noiseless and calm place compared other place , he began to meditate after some time hearing some sound he search for the owner of the footsteps and he saw a a cute girl with some what shy and indifferent face but it cannot hide her beauty as when she make movement with her face we can see the cute dimples which are present there.

Seeing Xiao Tian, xiao xuner began to retreat backwards, seeing this Xiao Tian become some what amused and said in a similing face wait i am leaving you can stay here. After hearing this Xuner stopped her actions seeing this Xiao Tian streched his body and began to walk out.

Seeing this she was some what puzzled as she knew that she was pretty and also many people within her family itself are pursing her due to her beauty or her status.

This fact has proved true for this Xiao family also even though they didn't know her status. Anyway she kept that away from her mind and began to enjoy her some what pretty good childhood days compared to her orginal family.

As Xiao Tian walked away he knew that he had a chance to speak to xuner and maintain a friendly relationship, if possible he thinks that he can take xuner as his wife as he knew the plot well he knew that Xiao xuner is extremely loyal and even decided to give the secret technique of Gu family to outsiders which was a huge risk itself.

But he didn't rush it as he thinks that if they destimed he will meet her again.

He also began to think how to plan his training course as he think that the system will work when rather important plot situation arrives.

He put all that to back of his mind and began to set the training for the next few years

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