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Basketball Club

There are 4 anime characters here.


During the first day of the school year, it was only introductions, and for new students to know where each thing was, canteen, gymnasium and such. This is how the first day goes. 

Even if he was being glared at the entire day, Jun didn't bother and did his own thing. Jun spent all day with Tooru, mostly just playing games and killing bosses, and most importantly building strategies to kill these said bosses, it was enjoyable. Videogames here were very similar to the games he had on Earth if anything they were better. 

The start of the school year marked the start of groups, how you are going to be perceived depends on the group you socialize with willingly or not. As such Jun saw one of the quiet kids in the previous year actually talking to the rowdy group, he didn't seem uncomfortable or anything and he had done so willingly, people take school hierarchy seriously especially those who want to walk up on this food chain. 

But again, it did not concern him, he was very strict on his behavior and even if he wasn't a pushover he wouldn't lump himself with people who would likely place him in precarious situations. After all a small mistake can ruin your career, and many times it isn't the players' fault but the crowd they get involved with. 

In the next day stepping foot inside the school grounds, a chaotic scene met his eyes. 

''Waa! This is no joke.'' Jun was experiencing firsthand the recruiting period. Coming from a country that had no such school club activities all of this was novel for him. Walking around Jun quickly was approached by many people. 

''Hey, do you want to join the volleyball club?'' 

''You are very handsome do you want to join the theater club?''

Jun was slightly troubled as many clubs approached him, he tactfully refused them and soon he found his goal, the basketball club. 

As he approached the table he quickly caught the eye of a student. ''AH! It's you!'' Looking closely at the student, Jun recognized him with his ordinary looks, brown eyes, and black hair. 

'Oh, it is the Yoshi guy.' Jun smiled and gave the guy a slight nod. ''Hello, it has been a while, are you better?'' 

''Tsk don't talk about it.'' Yoshi sighed, as he changed topic. ''Are you finally joining the club.'' 

''That is the plan.'' Jun nodded as he quickly picked up a pen and began filling the paper. 

''Your attitude aside, you are very strong so having you will be great for the team,'' Yoshi commented as he did small talk with Jun who matched the energy of the young player. 

Once he was done with the paper, Jun quickly excused himself, and with the only thing he had to do done, he went to his classroom. 

Looking at Jun's leaving back, Yoshi smiled. ''Hey! Yoshi, why are you smiling like an idiot, did we get a good freshman?'' 

''Yukio-san, you know that guy I told you about?'' Yoshi spoke to a tall youngster who looked sturdy, standing at 179 cm with his long black hair looking everything but a Junior high schooler.

''Oh, the one who destroyed you in a 1 on 1?'' The Yukio chuckled as Yoshi frowned. 

''Anyway, it's him, he is very good too.'' Yoshi grumply responded. Meanwhile, the captain stared at the paper left by Jun, making sure he would remember the name. 

The following day, the school went normally, he did per usual, relaxed during classes played video games with Tooru during the breaks, and like magic time went by pretty fast. As soon as the last bell rang Jun quickly headed to the club's locker room, and changed his clothes, heading to the gym as soon as he was done. 

Jun took his training seriously but before anything, he stared around the gym was empty outside of a shaking elderly man in the corner supporting himself with a shaky wooden cane stick. 

'Is he okay?' Jun apprehensively stared at the man, as he moved closer to him. ''Sir is everything okay?'' 

'' It is fine young one, don't mind me.'' The elderly man shakily shook his hand with a smile. His head shaking too, any movement he made, seemed like he would drop to the floor at any second. 

'Oh god...' Jun in the end grabbed a chair nearby and sat the old man on it. Just to be safe. As he was done assisting the elderly. 

Jun only had time to stretch has the gym flooded soon with players. Both male and female. The gym had 2 courts one for the girl's team training while the other was for the boys. The girl's team was the highlight of the school outside of the cheerleading club. With their now second-year ace Mio Odagiri a beautiful energetic girl. 

As for the boy's team, it was depressing both in history and in skill. The first training was the introduction stage and they would be doing a match against newly joined club members. Basically Freshman team versus the older players, Jun was placed in the freshman team. 

Jun stared at the Captain of the team on the other side, a towering imposing guy, Tamo Yukio the captain, beside him was Osawa Yoshi and last there was Shinsato Yoshiro, the only noteworthy guy within the team. 

'Why are they placing their best members?' Jun tilted his head as he saw the other side placing the regulars. 'Well it doesn't matter, makes things more exciting.' 

Jun stared at his teammates and they seemed nervous, well who wouldn't they all wanted to show their skills to become regulars as fast as they could. A player quickly started the game by throwing the ball upward. 

Without surprise, Yukio the behemoth of a man won the tip-off and passed the ball to Yoshi who did a bounce pass toward an ordinary-looking kid with brown hair and black eyes. The youth quickly made an easy lay-up scoring the first basket. (0-2)

''Nice Yanagihara.'' Yoshi high fived the 2nd year student and got ready to defend he smirked at Jun who completely ignored his taunt. 

Jun stared at the freshmen who got ready to get the ball back in action. ''Pass me the ball, let's return the favor.'' 

Once Jun felt the grip of the ball, he dashed toward the Regular team side of the court, Jun was face to face with Yanagihara who approached first, he wasn't intimidated in the slightest, Jun dribbled the ball to the right, and as soon as Yanagihara stepped forward Jun abruptly changed direction as he bounced the ball to the left, Yanagihara who almost lost balance only stared behind him as Jun progressed through the court. 

''No you don't'' Yoshi who expected Jun to go through his teammate, was ready and quickly tried to steal the ball. Although surprised Jun took notice of Yoshi and another player who was a couple of steps to Yoshi's right. 

Jun just slowed down his movement and did a quick double tween, while he exploded with speed toward the player coming, he then bounced the ball harder to the player's right and quickly snatched it back since the guy fell for this cross jab. 

Jun then quickly approached Yukio who was under the basket ready to defend Jun jumped while stretching his hand with the ball upward, Yukio jumped and the height favoured him who swung his hand ready to slam the ball. Jun shifted mid-air positioned himself tilting backward and threw an awkward floater over Yukio who proceeded to make contact with Jun. 

Jun fell hard on the floor, but no sound could be heard in the gym. 

'What the hell?' Yanagihara who saw everything was wide-eyed same could be said for Yoshi who realized Jun hadn't played seriously against him. 

''It is a foul right?'' Jun stared at the 2nd year with the whistle in hand, the dude was frozen in place staring at him. 

''Uh? ah! Yes, you get a free throw.'' The guy came back to his senses as he responded. 

Jun got up and moved to the free throw line with the ball, quickly making it. (3-2)

The game went on and slowly the gap widened between the freshmen against the regulars. It didn't matter how strong the regulars were, they couldn't figure out Jun who proved to be a deadly offensive player. It didn't help that the freshmen who saw just how skilled Jun was, instead of trying to be flashy took a more supportive role, being heavily focused on defense. 

At the end of the match, the score was 64-35 for Jun's team. Everyone was panting hard except Jun who remained composed as he cleaned the sweat from his face with his shirt. 

Between the Regulars team, Yukio seemed to be the one who was hit the most by the game, he looked utterly defeated, and he couldn't defend against Jun. It didn't matter how much higher he was Jun had even won some rebounds against him, something he had taken pride in being his strong point. 

The mood seemed gloomy for the regulars side while the freshmen although dead tired had silly smiles on their faces. 

For the first time, the coach who coincidentally was the elderly man more known as Mr.Takatsuki a man who knew 0 of basketball and would much rather be a tennis coach but the school didn't have a tennis team. 

''Everyone this marks the end of training, very well played young ones.'' He spoke slowly and coherently. 

'I swear he is going to give me a heart attack.' Jun narrowed his eyes as he saw the cane shaking vigorously. But Jun wouldn't stay for long he bowed and thanked the coach before going to the locker room and picking up his bag. 

Jun would be running home after all. 

Meanwhile in the gym. ''He is no joke Yoshi, what the hell?'' Yanagihara commented as Yoshi nodded agreeing listlessly. ''It is good that he is on our side.'' 

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