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Chapter One, Part Two


A bright beam of blue force erupted into the air. Thicker than a man's neck, it raced toward Hal's position like a hungry snake. He faced it without fear, face set in concentration. Hands positioned behind his back, he channelled his ki into his palms. He mirrored Goku's words, as a powerful aura rippled from under his skin.

"Ka-me - ha-me - haaaaaaa!"

His own blast matched Goku's, beat for beat, until the Saiyan began to sweat. Hal's Kryptonian biology provided him with an abundance of lifeforce, the foundation of his vast reservoir of ki. He wasn't certain of his power level, but he'd surpassed Grandpa Gohan years ago.

"You're getting stronger every day!" Hal let his attack peter out, with just enough force left to blast the exhausted Saiyan into the wall. He made sure to thrash Goku as often as possible, and the result was a rapidly accelerated growth. "You're probably stronger than the old man now, but I'm not sure by how much."

"One of these days, I'm going to beat you…" Goku sighed as he forced himself to his feet, clothing ragged and torn. He grabbed one shoulder and rolled his arm, an attempt to sooth his tenderised muscles. "Let's go grab some lunch, it's almost noon!"

Hal laughed and shook his head. Once per day, for the last five years, he and Goku had sparred together atop Mount Paozu. It hadn't been difficult to convince Gohan to begin their training, and now both of them had surpassed their first Master. It was time for Goku to travel to Master Roshi, while Hal had plans of his own.

"You go ahead, you know I like to get my sun," Hal waved his adoptive brother towards home and settled in on his favourite rock. Centred in a natural orchard, it received sunlight at all hours of the day. "Tell Grandpa I'll be home for supper."

When he wasn't sparring, he spent his time bathed in the sun. His Three Minute Sight let Hal recline as he practised his ki control and battle techniques within his mind. Infinite versions of his perception, all engaged in constant training. A smile twitched its way up his lips. 

What good was the time chamber on the lookout, when he had an unlimited amount of time he could pack into a single second? Granted, his ki would only rise from actual training, but the muscle reflex and experience carried over.

"After I drop Goku off at Master Roshi's, I need to visit Korin's tower…" Hal flexed his fingers and turned his face to the sun. It was better to rescue the stockpiled senzu beans, before Yajirobe ate them. "But first, I need to visit the home of Dr. Brief."

Bulma and her father were the perfect duo to gift his small spaceship to. He would have them reverse engineer the technology and upgrade whatever they could. Bulma would also have the Dragon radar, ready for her adventure a year from now. Hal sighed as his body absorbed the light on his skin and converted it to raw vitality.

"I'll take the first swing at a wish, but I'll also give her Goku's new address," Hal smiled. His system had two inbuilt currencies. Soul Points and Time Points, the latter of which was gained when he made a significant change to the original story. "The pair of them can go on an adventure, but it will be a completely different journey."

Time Points were worth one-thousand Soul Points, but they were also more difficult to get. He'd only earned a single one for his efforts to train up Goku at a greater pace. Soul Points were easier to get, depending on your point of view. All he had to do was kill a living being with a power level of over five. One point for every five power levels.

"It's too bad the Fact-from-Fiction system is so money hungry…" Hal sighed as he stretched like a cat and rolled onto his side. The lowest value draw cost a thousand Soul Points, while every tier up got ten times as expensive as the last. "I can only afford a silver draw after all this time."

He was tempted to use it, but the power of his Gold tier ability was enough to stay his hand. Better to wait until he had at least ten-thousand points, enough for a golden draw. Hal's smile returned as he imagined the reward. His wishes from the Dragon would be limited, especially on Earth, but his system was a mystery. 

He had no idea what its limits were, if it had any at all. Only the Super Dragon Balls would guarantee him any wish he desired, and they were a massive pain to gather. His system might be random, but he doubted even Namek's Dragon could have granted him his future-sight ability.

"Porunga still has his uses, but Earth's dragon is pretty much a glorified teleporter…" He would use Shenron to travel to Namek, where he hoped to train with Nail and meet with the Grand Elder. "I just hope I can convince them to…"

A ripple of force ran from the tip of his toes, straight to the top of his head. It stole his breath and snapped his eyes wide. A rush of power, rooted at the base of every cell, took shape around him. It clung to his body like a second skin, elastic and responsive to his will. Hal tipped his head back and let out a howl of pure joy.

"It finally awakened!" Fists raised above his head in triumph, Hal focused his mind on the field around him. It was like a third hand, a second pair of eyes, a concentration of all the potential force in his body. "I've been waiting five years for this!"

Hal shut his eyes and visualised his intent, doubt banished by the upsurge of joy in his heart. The key to the real power of a Kryptonian, the natural biofield that formed under a bright enough star. It created a natural channel for the magnified solar energy and boundless lifeforce in his body.

He trembled for a moment, then rose into the air. No ki was used, just his overpowered biology. The biofield let him see himself, as if he stood outside his body. A second perception that gave a brief moment of disorientation. 

His black, short cut hair drifted in the wind, just long enough to frame his blue-black eyes. His body was oversized for a ten-year-old, already five feet tall and still growing. Dressed in loose, blue gi that carried both Gohan's mark and the sigil of the house of EL, he opened his eyes and soared into the air. 

Laughter poured unabated from his lips, a grin from ear to ear. Unlike when he used ki, this flight was as effortless as walking. No wasted energy, just the joy of open air and the touch of the sun. Hal raced upwards, until he looked down on the clouds. 

The Earth curved away below, a blue-green jewel dotted with the distant light of civilization. This place held great nostalgia for him, the home of the greatest hero's this universe had ever seen. He let his eyes turn to the starlit heavens above.

"Namek would be a better choice than Earth for me to establish my base, but I'd rather find a planet with a blue star," Hal drifted outward, into the void of space. He had no more need for air, his biofield would let him sustain on his solar reserves alone. "An o-class would be perfect, but I might need to waste a wish to make that happen…"

Unfiltered sunlight poured into his body, no longer diluted by the atmosphere of the Earth. The yellow ball of flame bathed him glorious warmth, while the power in his cells began a rapid growth.

"I think I'm going to start sleeping in space…" Hal shook his head at the increased absorption he received, even this much closer to the sun. "It will be far less wasteful than spending the time under a dark roof."

A shake of his head returned Hal to the present. He needed to return home and speak with Gohan about taking Goku to Roshi. Once his 'little' brother was on his path to power, Hal could step onto his own.

"One step at a time," A light touch of his biofield set him on a return path to Gohan's tiny house, fire in his eyes. "One step at a time, and I'll show this universe something they've never even dreamed of!"

– – – –

Deep in the realm of the Gods, Lord Berus tossed and turned in his bed. Deep in sleep, his dreams were plagued by a single figure. Dressed in silver and black, he clashed with the God of Destruction as an equal. Stylized 'S' on his chest, the man displayed power beyond a mortal. 

Despite his efforts to see this figure's face, it was always hidden behind the glaze of the sun. Only his eyes, draconic slits that glowed red with power, showed through the light. Framed by a massive blue-white star, the man laughed with joy as he met Berus, fist for fist. The God of Destruction flicked a wrist and tossed out a wave of purple ki, a strike that carried over into the real world.

"Sun… a Dragon God…" Berus murmured as his dream faded into a more peaceful slumber. "... I'll find you, Dragon of the Sun…"

***Power Levels and other notes***

Hal: 210 (750 after his biofield awakens)


Grandpa Gohan: 95

I had both Hal and Goku learn the Kamehameha from Grandpa Gohan, rather than wait. Since they're both more powerful than the original Goku, Gohan had no issue teaching them.

VendakSoth VendakSoth

Thanks again for reading! This novel will have a slower release rate than my other novel, at least for now. I do monthly content polls on my Patreon, so if enough people are interested then this novel will move up in priority! My top priority novel gets seven chapter parts a week on the patreon and five on all other platforms. All constructive criticism and comments are welcome!

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