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Chapter 11: Chapter 11. Beedrill

Deep night

Gray has been sitting next to Kakuna for about 3 hours now. The cocoon has already turned into one big crack. Some of them are so huge that you can already see the outline of the future pokémon through them. After a few minutes, a blinding white light illuminated the room. The huge cocoon was torn in the middle and out of it flew a new pokémon, Beedrill. On average, this pokémon is about 1 meter tall and weighs about 30 kilograms. But it was a different situation with Gray's Beedrill. It was a huge pokémon, about 2 meters tall. You could tell from its huge body that it weighed more than a standard Beedrill as well. With a green chitinous shell and purple eyes. A normal Shiny Beedrill's eyes are blue in color, but it seems that this pokémon's venom concentration was so large that the pokémon's eyes took on a different hue. There were black lines running all over the pokémon's body. Its sharp stingers glowed coldly and radiated murderous danger. 

The pokémon twisted its head around a bit, examining its new body. When he got used to it, he flew over and hugged Gray, who was now much shorter than him. The pokémon didn't care because in his heart, Gray was the most important being to him - his parent. Gray was surprised when his feet stopped feeling the ground. He stroked Beedrill's head and said:

"Looks like the little guy has grown up already? Look how strong a pokémon you've become" Gray spoke as he looked at Beedrill's body. He started to check his characteristic.

"AI chip, scan Beedrill."


Pokémon: Beedrill (Shiny)

Type: Bug/Poison.

Level 10

Character: Adamant

Potential: Light Indigo


Health - 34/34 (IVs - 12) (EVs - 0)

Attack: S (IVs - 31) (EVs - 0) = 34(+6)

Defense: - B (IVs - 22) (EVs - 0) = 17(+2)

Special Attack: C (IVs - 16) (EVs - 0) = 14 (+1)

Special Defense: B- (IVs - 20) (EVs - 0) = 26 (+3)

Speed: A (IVs - 28) (EVs - 1) = 28 (+6)

Skill: Sniper (hidden ability)

Movements: Bug bite (Level 3), String Shot (Level 4), Poison Sting (Level 4), Electroweb (Level 2), Harden (Level 1), Fury Attack (Ur 1), Twineedle (Level 1).


Beedrill has learned two new moves. Fury Attack - A normal type attack, this pokémon deals between 2 and five attacks depending on the movement level. A pretty good move considering Beedrill's small initial attack set. The second move was Twineedle, an insect type attack. The pokémon attacks the target twice with its stingers, and can also poison the target. A great move for Beedrill, especially considering how toxic his poison is. The sharp stingers will pierce the pokémon's body and inject the poison there, leaving no chance for the pokémon to survive. So, Gray was satisfied with Beedrill's current state. He wanted to test his pokémon in battle right now, but it was late at night. So after calming himself down, Gray returned Beedrill to the pokéball and went to bed himself, waiting for the next morning.


Gray woke up with the first rays of the sun. He couldn't hide his excitement. Coming into this world, being in the hospital with severe poisoning, searching for information, a dangerous battle with Spirou who almost killed him, defending an egg from two Ecans, training Weedle, stealing the Bug Fruit, and many other things he had done up to this point. All for the sake of this moment. He finally had a pokémon that could help him start making money. Now he could safely explore the initial areas of the forest without fear of being attacked. Gray exhaled. This was only his first small step into this beautiful but dangerous world. There was a huge journey ahead, filled with danger and the unknown. 

"Now is not the time to indulge in daydreaming. It's now more important than ever for me to quickly increase Beedrill's strength. The exam is just over a year away. By then, my pokémon should be at least level 25 so I can safely go in search of a good pokémon. During that time, I'll also be able to earn enough money to raise it. After that, I won't need Beedrill. The lifespan of bug pokémon is very short. Beedrill's lifespan is about 5-7 years, maybe this Beedrill will live a little longer, but it's still not much. Some pokémon only have decades of growth in the infant stage. And their lifespan can run into hundreds of years." - Gray pondered his next actions. Now it was necessary to test his pokémon's power and he nal how to do it. he would fight his two captains at the same time. This would increase his credibility in the eyes of everyone in his faction and also make them unknowingly fear him.

 He ordered everyone to gather on the first floor. The faction members were surprised, not knowing what their leader wanted to do. Gray waited for a while and gave out his speech:

"My pokémon has finally evolved, so I want to test my strength. Captain Kazumo and Deputy Leader William, you will fight me with your pokémon. If you can win, you are free to ask me for a Pokéball, to capture another Pokémon, or to give it to someone you deem worthy. There will be no punishment for losing," Gray spoke loudly and slowly. 

Both men who were to fight Gray were shocked, they remembered how frightening Weedle's poison was, what about now that he had evolved into his latest form? All the children looked at them. They were curious about this battle as the Leader would be fighting one pokémon against two. They all saw the power of Ekans and Pidgey, but they didn't see the power of Gray's pokémon. The captains were worried but didn't show it in front of their subordinates. Everyone took their seats. Gray calmly looked at the two people in front of them. Although this was his first battle with the trainers, he didn't feel any excitement, just the opposite, wanting to stomp them as hard as possible. He took out his Pokéball and slowly threw it to the ground, a huge, creepy bee emerged from it, scaring the children. The pokémon flew silently, scaring those present with its pressure and lust for killing. Beedrill is a very aggressive pokémon.

On the opposite side, Ekans and Pidgey appeared. Ekans used his innate ability, Indimate, out of habit. But the pokémon quickly noticed that it was of no use. Beedrill's attack was not reduced. Pokémon abilities that target others only work on pokémon that are weaker than you. Ekans hissed anxiously, realizing that he was in for an uphill battle. Pidgey noticed his former rival's behavior and became wary as well. As a flying type pokémon, he wasn't afraid of bugs, and considered them food. But the huge creature in front of him made him feel uneasy.

"I'll give you both a chance. You can be the first to launch the attack." - Gray said. His demeanor expressed arrogance and absolute confidence in his victory. He was confident in Beedrill's strength. It shouldn't be difficult for him to overpower these two Pokémon.

The captains did not refuse such a chance. They were also intimidated by the appearance of the pokémon. There was a strong sense of pressure from it. Their faces tensed up, realizing how difficult the fight would be.

"Let's not separate our pokemon too much, let them be close to each other so they can help the other if they need it. Let's start with long range attacks" William dictated his plan in a whisper.

"I agree," Kazumo replied. 

William ordered his pokémon to use Scary Face to reduce Beedrill's speed. "Pidgey, use Gust," Kazumo also commanded. They wanted to weaken the pokémon's speed and wear it down little by little.

"Beedrill, close your eyes and don't look at Ekans. Use Fury Attack and smash the approaching gusts of wind" Gray quickly came up with a defense plan. Since Beedrill didn't look at Ekans, his speed remained the same. With his eyes closed, he used a gimmick and reflected the sharp gusts of wind with his stingers. His wings were very sensitive, so he could easily distinguish the air currents. This was an ability that all pokémon with wings possessed. The team's first attack boiled over. Gray went on the offensive.

"Beedrill, fly up and use Fury Attack against Ekans." - Coach ordered. Pokeomn instantly found himself in front of a shocked Ekans. His sharp stingers hit Ekans' body three times.

"Pidgey, use Faint Attack and help Ekans" commanded Kazumo. The bird's body was quickly covered in dark energy and it flew at Beedrill.

"Beedrill, dodge" - in a second the pokémon disappeared from its spot, and Pidgey, who had gained speed, failed to stop abruptly and crashed into Ekans. The latter hissed pitifully. He'd already been hit hard enough by Beedrill, and now his partner was attacking him as well. He stood up heavily. It was obvious from his condition that he couldn't withstand another attack. 

"Piji, use Sand Attack," Kazumo ordered. He decided to reduce Beedrill's accuracy.

"Beedrill, flap your wings and blow away the oncoming sand, Then use Twineedle against Pidgey" replied Kazumo Gray's technique. 

The sand didn't hit Beedrill. After the pidgey's attack stopped, he flew towards him lightning fast and attacked with his sharp stingers. The attack wasn't very effective against a flying type pokémon, but his face took on a purple hue, which meant the poison had begun to take effect.

''Beedrill, it's time to knock out Ekans, Use Fury Attack.'' The Pokémon began to attack Ekans from above with its Sting at the end of its body. Ekans was dodging it hard.

"Ekans, use Wrap and bind Beedrill's body," William ordered. The pokémon jumped on Beedrill . The trainer didn't take the pokémon's huge body into account . Ekans length just wasn't enough to tie it up, so it had to jump off . While the pokémon was in the air, Beedrill's sharp sting pierced it . The pokémon landed already unconscious.

"Pidgey use Gust" - Kazumo started to attack from afar. The attack directly hit the pokémon's body. Dust kicked up. Everyone watched in anticipation. After a few seconds, the dust began to settle and revealed a completely uninjured pokémon. Beedrill's special defense was great, and although the attack was super effective, it couldn't do any damage.

"Beedrill, it's time to finish, finish Pidgey," the pokémon's huge body launched itself at the small bird. The pokémon tried to fly away, but Beedrill's speed was on a whole other level. Suddenly, the bird just fell unconscious. The poison finished off the wounded bird. Beedrill didn't even have to attack anymore. 

The children looked at Beedrill Gray with shock and horror. He walked over to the pokémon. The one quickly landed and bent down so Gray could pet it. all the kids quickly and loudly applauded. Gray's victory was too tough. The captains didn't stand a chance against his pokémon. They grew to respect their Leader even more. Now, in their eyes, he was on a completely different level from them. His position as their Leader was now firmly fixed in their minds.

"You've done a good job. You can go back to the pokéball" - Gray put his pokémon back. He looked at the captains.

"You did a good job too. Your pokémon gave their best. William, check in with me in an hour," Gray ordered.

"So. Leader" replied William. Kazumo bowed his head heavily, thanking him for his praise. He clenched his fists hard. First a loss to William, now an absolute victory for the Leader. He thought it was his fault. after the first battle, when he had treated Pidgey, he had promised him that they would get stronger, but now he was constantly losing. 

Flashback. A few days ago.

Kazumo arrived in the forest. He released his pokémon. A small bird appeared. The pokémon was looking around itself. Kazumo walked over and said hello.

"Hi Pidgey, I'm your new trainer now. I'm not sure if you like it, but I begged the Leader for a couple berries for you, so here you go." said Kazumo holding out the berries. Pidgey cautiously walked over and ate one of them. He hadn't eaten berries in quite some time, as they were often guarded by a strong enough pokémon for his children. Gray was lucky to find a whole tree with no defenders.

"I hope to make friends with you, buddy," Kazumo said. Pidgey stepped back a little. He didn't want to trust the man in front of him. Suddenly they heard a scream. An angry Spirou came at them from behind. He was about to attack Pidgey, but Kazumo protected him with his body.

"Don't be afraid, Piji, I'll protect you," said the trainer even though his hands were ripped by Spirou's sharp claws. Pidgey looked at Kazumo in surprise. No one had ever defended him like that before. In Pidgey and Spirou's packs, when a pokemon gets old enough, they are sent off to travel alone and create their own pack. 

The pokémon shouted angrily at Spirou and used Tackle. Spirou dodged it.

"Pidgey, please listen to me. I will help you win." the pokémon turned around and nodded its head.

After the battle.

Having barely defeated Spirou, a wounded and tired Pidgey looked at his trainer. The latter held out a clenched fist to him.

"So, will you be my pokémon, Pid, no. Partner?" - An exhausted Kazumo asked with a smile. The pokémon extended its wing and covered the trainer's fist

Our time

Kazumo thought he was letting his pokémon down. In the back of his mind, he decided that he would train even harder to keep up with at least William. Ekans was able to withstand a few attacks, so it was also his Pidgey who landed one of them. Without that damage, the fight probably would have gone differently. He didn't want to let his partner down. (Feel free to suggest a name for Pidgey in the comments).

An hour passed. In Gray's office.

"William, I'll be heading out into the woods for training in a few days. During that time, you, as Deputy Leader, will fulfill my duties. You are to check the profits and drug supplies every day. If anyone breaks the rules and takes some of the money for themselves while I'm gone, kill them on the spot. Orders understood?" - Gray asked coldly

""Yes, Leader," replied William, his knees trembled at Gray's cold words, but as deputy leader, had to get used to it.

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