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I dont like that

"Do you know how the house that Cam and Claire are renovating looks like?", I asked Haley, who was lying beside me on my bed, curiously.

I was currently not at work as the internal affairs department is still reviewing my case. Though only paperwork remains. The case was already mostly cleared and I of course was innocent. 

The case was only due to the regulations being like that.

"No. I wasn't there yet. No one really was. Both of them wanted to keep it secret. 

Why do you ask? Do you want to buy the house?", Haley asked jokingly snuggling even closer to me while doing that.

"No. I am just curious. Let us go together to look at the house tomorrow. We don't need to drive separately. I will just tell Claire that I picked you up from college", I said to her. Claire still didn't know that she often stayed over in my house.

"We can do that", she nodded and replied.

After that, we started sleeping.

Tomorrow we will watch the house Claire and Cam renovated. I was curious as to how it would look like.

The day after that we did as we said and drove towards the address together.

We were probably the first ones there as we didn't see any other cars there.

When we pulled up on the small driveway I was able to see Cam and Claire coming out of the house.

"Hello", I greeted the two of them and hugged them.

"The house is looking amazing from the outside. I am already curious about the inside", I praised the two of them. The house really didn't look bad from the outside.

"Awww. Thanks", Cam thanked me.

"Where did you two lose your husbands?", I asked them as I saw the others nowhere. They were probably somewhere else, but I didn't know where.

"Phil is getting some small decorations for the house with the kids and Mitchell is having a small case. Both of them will come soon. As for my dad he wi- Hes here", Claire explained the situation, while mentioning to her dad we heard a car. After it pulled up on the driveway we saw it was Jays.

After that, I greeted the three of Jay and we all made some small talk while waiting for Phil, Mitchells, and the kid's arrival.

After about a quarter of an hour of waiting time, we saw Phil's car and Mitchell's car simultaneously parking near the house.

We all greeted them and were excitedly waiting to view the inside.

"Are you ready?", Cam asked excitedly.

"3, 2, 1", he counted excitedly. 

He opened the door at 0 and we saw our first view of the house.

It looked pretty modern and simplistic. Overall from what I have seen, it looked pretty good.

"Here is the combined living room with the kitchen and dining area", Claire and Cam introduced.

We soon walked around the whole house. The house was decorated as I thought. In a simplistic, but still modern style. The two had a good taste. I liked the look of the house.

I looked at the expressions of the others and saw they were fascinated too.

"How do you like the house?", Cam asked excitedly and nervously. 

Claire on the side also seemed nervous.

"It looks amazing", I was the first one to praise them.

After me, there were several other praises.

Both Claire and Cam were relieved.

After we took a look around the house for the second time Haley and I drove back to my house.

"Maybe I will really buy the house. It looked pretty good", I said to Haley on the co-pilot as a small joke.

I really thought about buying the house for a short while.

I had a real estate company and owned many houses in the US. Especially in California, Los Angeles.

The real estate business was truly profitable. It is one of the highest-earning branches of mine.

And I was sure that it wouldn't be a loss to buy the house. 

I didn't buy the house though as it first of all wasn't needed and I wanted to look at how the house of them sold. If it didn't sell well, I would consider buying it.

We soon arrived at my house and played a little in the swimming pool together.

Just like that the rest of the day was spent relaxing.

On the morning of the second day, I received a call.

"They are getting underpaid?"

"Yeah, Luis. Just tell them to buy it. Use the company name though"

"Okay bye"

I said hanging up the phone.

It was a call from the chief of the real estate company. It looked like Cam and Claire were getting underpaid for their house.

I didn't like that. I even hated it.

There was some kind of second family for me.

And they were getting exploited.

The company should just buy the house and let the other company walk out with nothing.

After the call, I started to sleep again. Luckily the call didn't wake up Haley.

About two hours later I was woken up again.

This time Haley was up to.

"Mom?", it was Haley's phone. 

"Really?", she asked excitedly.

"That's great"

Haley said happily. She hung up shortly after.

"What's up?", I asked her curiously.

"The house of my mom was bought", she said excitedly. It seems that Haley was feeling happy for her mother.

"That's great news", I was happy to see her happy. It seems that my company was efficient.

The house was probably still not legally bought as paperwork would take more than two hours, but the price should be agreed on.

"We will meet together for a small celebration party in my mom's house tonight at 7 p.m.", she added.

We went towards the small party later in the evening and I saw Claire and Cam's happy look.

It was a joy to see them happy.

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