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100% Marvel-Comics: Overgeared / Chapter 119: Oliver(chapter 118)

Chapter 119: Oliver(chapter 118)

A/N sorry this was unedited chapter and i think the last one was well. but the damage is already done for that chapter


Chapter 118

[ Name: Oliver ] 

[ Grade: Gold ] 

[ Description: A human body transformed through the acquisition of multiple bloodlines, including the complete 100% bloodline of a red Asgardian dragon, a phoenix, and ancient eldritch abominations. This body also contains the cores of demons, angels, and gods, and was reforged in the Great Forge of the Time Before Nothing, perfected through the blood of eldritch horrors and ancient beasts, in a place beyond time and space, creating a single unique bloodline that has never been seen before: the bloodline of the supreme dragon, the dragon before time, granting the user unparalleled physique. ] 

[ Option 1: The Negator (rank: S) (passive) - Negates all negative effects, including injuries, death, powers, and reality warping, effectively rendering the host immune to all harm and alterations. ] 

[ Option 2: Omni-Potent Ascension (rank: S) (active) - Temporarily ascends the host to a state of omnipotence, granting absolute control over all aspects of reality within a localized area. This includes the ability to manipulate time, space, matter, energy, and even concepts such as life and death. The host becomes an unstoppable force, capable of shaping the very fabric of existence according to their will, with potency increased by 1,000%. ] 

[ Durability: 100% ]

After his fight with the Beyonder and being left battered and broken, Oliver found himself in an abyss. Literally, every creature, down to the smallest and weakest, was a danger to the injured Oliver. After many years of just trying to survive, Oliver finally gained a foothold in the abyss and gained some sort of power. Over those many and countless years, Oliver slowly accumulated strange and powerful items. In fact, everything in this abyss, down to the gravel, was a purple grade item. This allowed Oliver to gain powerful items, and during his stay, he found the same knife he used to create Salva. It turns out some of his items survived, though most of them didn't. After gaining some power in the world, Oliver started collecting bloodlines, literally.

Gaining bloodline after bloodline, form after form, core after core, and when he finally gained enough bloodlines, he was finally able to combine them into one, creating a single powerful bloodline, "the dragon before time." He smiled as he then looked at his own option, "An option which makes me immune to alteration and effect, and another that makes me a god," he mused as he then looked at the Weaver, "Kid, trying to use your powers on me?" Knowing Oliver, the split souls, which all six of them were, knew that he wanted to try out something, so the Weaver didn't hesitate as he tried to use his powers on Oliver. But strangely, the Weaver, who didn't have a face, actually showed a confused look.

"There is no response," which surprised the split souls as even before, the Weaver could affect Oliver to a certain extent. "Yes, I can no longer be affected by, well, anything basically," he smiled, his childlike face making him cute. "So you gained immunity to everything?" Psion asked as Oliver smiled, "Not just immunity," as he activated his second option, which made him feel like he was above everything, like he was omnipotent. And in that instant, he was. The second option actually elevated him to the beyond state he was in when he fought the Beyonder with his bloodlines merged forcefully, except he was far stronger. "I should be able to kill the Beyonder easily now," he thought as he sighed, "Too bad this state is an active skill and requires MP, but thankfully my MP increased," as he then looked at his own status panel.

[ Name: Oliver ] 

[ MP: 103,900/103,900 (1 MP lasts for 10 minutes, 10 MP can be recovered every minute) ] 

[ Skills: 

Option: You can grant an option to either an item or living creatures as long as they are willing, and depending on either the item/being's history, production method, use, or significance, it would receive a different option. With a 5% chance of failure. Current grade: S, level: 7 (3,490/150,000) cooldown: 10 minutes. 

Option-Remover: You can remove options from items or living beings, level: 7 (7,930/150,000) cooldown: 5 minutes. ]

Seeing his status, Oliver smiled as he remembered day one, "I have come a long way," he chuckled as he then looked at his own split souls, "We have come a long way," as he stretched out his hands before turning himself into a full adult. Even though according to his new bloodline, the one he created by synthesizing thousands of bloodlines of basically everything, he was still a newborn, a hatchling nowhere near his full potential, "What a wonderful day," he chuckled, but his smile stopped as he felt his heart throbbing, "Wha-" he didn't finish his sentence as he activated his second option and then flicked his wrist, creating a fissure in reality, yes, with just a flick of his wrist. "Alright boys, let's go and meet your older brother, shall we?" he smiled as the split souls looked at each other before they all entered the fissure but right as they were about to step in, Oliver stopped as he turned his head before calling, "Eternis, come on." That is when a whooshing could be heard before a golden crown with a blue gem on the front sat on Oliver's head as a voice sounded from the crown, a feminine voice, "Alright boys, let's-a-go," earning a groan from Psion who said, "Why are we bringing this thing, you already have the ability to warp reality and be immune to attack; she is basically useless now," only for a hand to manifest and smack him in the head.

[ Back to the present ]

In the destroyed New York City, "took your sweet ass time…Oliver." Stepping through the fissure was Oliver wearing the crown Eternis and his six split souls, as he checked his surroundings before his eyes laid on both Wanda and Salva. Arman and Lilith smiled upon the sight of Oliver as Lilith said, "That is him, the red hottie, he is the host," to which Arman laughed as he said, "Finally, you decided to stop hiding, I thought I would have to kill everything you ca-" but he didn't even finish his sentence as Oliver could be seen walking beside him at a speed so fast that Arman couldn't even react to it, as Oliver said, "Dread, heal your older brother." He ordered, his voice firm and could be heard from any place in the cosmos, quite literally.

"Agh," angered at the fact that Oliver was ignoring him, Arman decided to shoot a concentrated beam of absolute destruction towards Oliver who was kneeling down to Wanda, but before the beam of absolute destruction could reach him, a domain of 100 meters which was already manifested appeared visible as the beam of absolute destruction turned into nothing but red flower petals as Oliver said.


A/N: So, what do you guys think? Technically, Oliver is wielding the most powerful item he has ever produced: his body, a gold item, which is the limit of the option system, meaning that he is technically overgeared. Of course, an S-rank isn't the limit of the options, and you will see that in my final fanfic, which tells the story of Goldie and the mysteries behind why Oliver, Adam, and Henry, despite being reincarnators, don't have memories of their past lives. In the meantime, the next couple of chapters will be about Oliver interacting with 616 upper echelons, the actual gods, not like Thor but entities like Oblivion, Death, Eternity, the Living Tribunal, and, of course, the One Above All.

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