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98.33% Marvel-Comics: Overgeared / Chapter 117: Pearl of the Lost World(chapter 116)

Chapter 117: Pearl of the Lost World(chapter 116)

prevously in chapter 115

A figure stepped forward, standing at 6 feet 5 inches tall. Clad in intricate golden armor that shimmered with an ethereal glow, his appearance was both regal and formidable. The armor was adorned with arcane symbols and a flowing blue cape that seemed to defy the normal passage of time, billowing in a non-existent breeze. A large, circular emblem on his chest pulsed with a bright light, embodying the essence of time itself. His face was concealed by a sleek helmet, with piercing blue eyes that shone with the knowledge of countless timelines.

The monstrous entity roared, its countless faces contorting in a grotesque symphony of rage and agony. Time around it fractured further, creating a chaotic storm of temporal anomalies. The figure remained calm, raising a gauntleted hand. With a mere thought, he created a temporal field around himself, stabilizing the immediate area.

The monster lunged forward, its tendrils and limbs extending towards the figure with terrifying speed. In response, the figure waved his hand, and time around the tendrils slowed to a crawl. He gracefully sidestepped the attack, moving through the slowed tendrils with ease. 

With a swift motion, he fast-forwarded his own time, appearing instantly behind the monster. The abomination sensed his presence and twisted its body, but the figure was already in motion. He formed a temporal loop, trapping the monster in a cycle of repeated movements, rendering its attacks futile.


Chapter 116

The figure extended his arm, and a beam of concentrated temporal energy shot forth, striking the monster. The abomination's form flickered, parts of it aging rapidly while others regressed to an embryonic state. It howled in pain and confusion, unable to comprehend the manipulation of time affecting it.

Desperate, the monster unleashed a wave of temporal disruption, attempting to destabilize the figure's control over time. The area around them warped and twisted, fragments of different timelines clashing violently. The figure, however, remained unfazed. He summoned a temporal shield, absorbing the disruption and converting it into raw energy.

The figure raised both hands, and the circular emblem on his chest glowed brighter. He created a massive temporal rift above the monster, pulling fragments of past and future into the present. The rift collapsed onto the monster, tearing it apart across multiple timelines simultaneously.

The monster's roars echoed through the fractured space, growing weaker as its form disintegrated. With a final, triumphant cry, the abomination was obliterated, its existence erased from all timelines.

The figure stood amidst the temporal chaos, his presence restoring stability. The fissures in time began to heal, the overlapping moments fading away. He lowered his hands, the glow from the emblem dimming. As the space around him returned to its eerie, timeless stillness, a voice echoed in his ears, "It's time."

The figure nodded, making a sweeping motion with his hand. The remaining traces of the colossal creature vanished, leaving only the serene, timeless expanse. He turned and began to walk, each step resonating with the echoes of countless moments, as he prepared to return to his own timeline.

-scene change-

In another region of infinite space, the surroundings were bathed in an eerie luminescence. The expanse was a vast, celestial ocean of shimmering ether, where spectral lights floated aimlessly, creating a dreamlike, almost surreal atmosphere. The very fabric of this space seemed to be composed of ethereal energy, constantly shifting and pulsating with an otherworldly glow.

Amidst this surreal landscape stood a monstrous entity, a colossal beast towering at 400 feet. Its skin, a reddish mud-like texture, gave it an earthy, primal appearance. Two massive legs supported its towering frame, while two powerful arms ended in claws capable of rending the fabric of reality itself. Its head was adorned with black, stag-like horns that curved menacingly, and its presence warped the ethereal energy around it.

A figure emerged from the shimmering ether, but unlike the previous combatants, this one was not humanoid. It was a beast, standing at an imposing 400 feet tall, with a body covered in reddish mud-like skin that seemed to absorb and reflect the ambient ethereal light. Its two massive legs were muscular and powerful, supporting its enormous frame with ease. Its arms, equally formidable, ended in claws that glowed with a faint, ethereal light. The beast's head was crowned with black horns resembling those of a stag, giving it an air of regal authority.

The colossal monster roared, shaking the very fabric of the ethereal space. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent light as it lunged forward, its massive arms swinging in a wide arc. The beast met the attack head-on, its claws clashing with the monster's limbs. The impact sent shockwaves through the surrounding ethereal energy, causing ripples to spread out in all directions.

With a deep, resonant growl, the beast drew upon the ambient spiritual energy, infusing its strikes with a power that transcended the physical realm. It slashed at the monster, each strike tearing through the creature's form and disrupting its essence. The monster recoiled, its body rippling and distorting as the ethereal energy tore at its very being.

The beast then unleashed a powerful roar, channeling cosmic energies into a devastating blast that struck the monster squarely in the chest. The impact created a vortex of ethereal energy that began to pull the monster apart, fragmenting its form and scattering its essence across the celestial ocean.

Desperate to retaliate, the monster summoned its own dark energies, attempting to envelop the beast in a cloud of corrosive ether. The beast responded by transcending the physical realm, its form shifting into a being of pure energy. It moved with blinding speed, dodging the monster's attacks and reappearing behind it.

In a final, decisive move, the beast channeled the full extent of its Ethereal Dominion. It reached out with its claws, piercing through the monster's body and gripping its very soul. With a surge of cosmic energy, the beast banished the monster, tearing its soul from its body and casting it into the void.

The monster let out a final, agonized roar as its form disintegrated, its essence dissipating into the surrounding ether. The beast stood victorious, its form glowing with divine energy as the ethereal space around it stabilized.

As the echoes of the battle faded, the ethereal lights resumed their tranquil dance. The beast, now calm and serene, gazed across the celestial ocean. A voice echoed in its mind, "It's time."

Acknowledging the call, the beast let out a low growl of affirmation. It then turned and began to walk, each step resonating with the power of the ethereal realm, as it prepared to return to its own dimension.

-scene change-

Out in space beyond time, beyond space, a small oceanic blue pearl could be seen. Inside this blue pearl, which seemed to be separate from anything in the surroundings, was a large continent, the size of Earth, with multiple different habitats. This pearl, which contained a world inside of it, was actually an item, an item with options, well, an option.

[ Name: Pearl of the Lost World ]

[ Grade: Red ]

[ Description: This exquisite pearl contains a fragment of a world created by the Beyonder, which was later destroyed by a god-level demonic dragon. The world within the pearl exists independently of any other universe, dimension, or reality, maintaining its own perfect living conditions and unique laws. The world inside is divided into several habitats which consist of a forest, desert, arctic desert, mountain range, ocean, and island. ]

[ Option: Microcosmic Sanctuary - The pearl creates a perfect, self-sustaining microcosm that can support life indefinitely. This world is an ideal habitat, providing its inhabitants with everything they need to thrive, including perfect climate, endless resources, and a harmonious ecosystem. It is a sanctuary immune to external threats and influences, ensuring eternal peace and stability for all within. (Rank: A) (Passive) ]

[ Durability: 100% ]


A/N: Well, we are officially back—well, Oliver is—and sorry about the last 20 or so chapters. But we are officially back, and you didn't see that wrong; it's an A rank option, and it's not Oliver's current level. Trust me, Oliver is hella strong and its not even a joke.

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