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The Return Of Oliver: part 4(chapter 113)

prevously in chapter 112

The eldritch being's third power, a reality-warping aura, twisted the battlefield. Buildings turned into twisted, nightmarish structures, and the ground became a shifting, unstable mess. Scarlet Witch and Clea Strange used their magic to stabilize the environment, creating safe zones for the heroes to fight from.

The creature's fourth power, a wave of entropic decay, spread across the battlefield, turning everything it touched into dust. Black Panther and Iron Man worked together, using Vibranium and technology to create barriers that slowed the decay, giving the heroes time to evade and counterattack.

The eldritch being's final power, a summoning of lesser eldritch entities, brought forth an army of nightmarish creatures. The heroes fought with renewed vigor, their teamwork shining as they coordinated their attacks to push back the horde.

Salva, seeing the chaos, finally transformed into his true form. His massive, scaled body loomed over the battlefield, and his claws and teeth tore through the eldritch horrors with ease. His roar shook the ground, and the Eternal Flame burned brighter, incinerating any eldritch being that dared approach.


Salva focused on the eldritch Cthulhu-like being, his attacks relentless. The creature retaliated with all its powers, but Salva's strength and determination were unmatched. He tore through its tentacles with fierce precision, each swing of his claws cutting through the thick, otherworldly flesh. Dark energy barriers crumbled before his might, each barrier shattering into fragments of malevolent light. As he finally reached the creature's core, he felt a surge of triumph. But just as he was about to consume it, he was suddenly grabbed by the neck and flung backward with incredible force.

Salva hit the ground with a tremendous thud, creating a crater upon impact. Dazed, he looked around and saw that most of the heroes were down. The entire area was swarming with large eldritch entities, their grotesque forms towering over the fallen heroes. Doctor Strange and Clea were desperately trying to hold back an eldritch monstrosity so immense that its features were indistinguishable.

"Well, this was boring," Arman's voice cut through the chaos. Salva turned his head and saw Arman holding Wanda by the neck, her feet dangling helplessly.

A surge of rage propelled Salva forward. He lunged at Arman, but Arman responded with a continuous beam of reddish-purple energy from his eyes. The beam was far stronger than the previous attack, disintegrating Salva's body faster than he could regenerate. In seconds, Salva was reduced to just his torso and head.

"This was futile to begin with," Arman said, clearly annoyed. "Where is the host?" He tightened his grip on Wanda's neck, his hand now glowing with absolute destruction energy.

Salva coughed, struggling to speak. "The only reason why you are even alive is because I want information. Now speak before I kill her," Arman demanded, his grip tightening further, causing Wanda to gasp in pain.

"It's pointless," Salva managed to get out, his voice weak but defiant.

"You guys don't know where he is," Arman concluded, frustration evident in his tone. He glanced at the expressions on Wanda's and Salva's faces. "Damn it," he grunted, then snapped Wanda's neck with a brutal twist. Her body went limp, and he let her fall to the ground.

Salva's eyes widened in horror as Wanda's lifeless form hit the ground. He was about to scream, but then he started to laugh, a low, guttural sound that grew louder and more manic.

Arman looked at him with confusion and disdain. "What's so funny?" he demanded. "You shouldn't have done that," Salva said between laughs, his eyes gleaming with a strange light. Reality itself began to crack. Fissures appeared in the air, spreading out like spiderwebs. The very fabric of existence seemed to be unraveling. The eldritch entities paused, their grotesque forms recoiling as if sensing an impending doom. Arman's eyes narrowed. "What is this?" Salva sighed. "Took your sweet ass time, didn't you... Oliver?" he said as someone stepped out of the fissure.

[ Moments Ago in a Place Outside of Time ]

The sky was an endless expanse of darkness, a void that predated time itself. There was no light, no stars, no celestial bodies—just an infinite abyss. This was a realm where monstrous entities existed, beings so grotesque and powerful that their very presence would drive mortals to madness. These creatures, with forms so alien and incomprehensible, had the power to end realities with a mere thought.

In this place, a massive creature loomed. It had a body that defied logic, with countless writhing tentacles, eyes scattered across its flesh, and mouths that opened into voids of darkness. Its mere existence warped the fabric of the realm around it, creating ripples of distortion that spread out like waves in a pond.

A lone figure stood before this monstrousity. The figure was humanoid but possessed void-black skin, dressed in simple grey clothes held together by a literal miniature singularity at his waist. His eyes were piercing orange, and he had no mouth, yet he spoke with a voice that resonated through the void. "I should finish this up and get back soon. It's time he hatched," the figure thought.

The creature roared, its voice a cacophony of madness. It lashed out with its tentacles, each strike powerful enough to shatter entire dimensions. The figure moved with a grace that seemed almost lazy, effortlessly dodging the attacks. He raised a hand, and a singularity formed in his palm, a point of infinite gravitational force.

With a flick of his wrist, the singularity shot forward, warping reality around it. The tentacles that touched it were sucked into the point of infinite gravity, vanishing into nothingness. The creature shrieked, its many eyes focusing on the figure with a mixture of rage and fear.

The figure remained calm, almost disinterested, as if he were merely taking a stroll. The creature launched a barrage of energy blasts from its mouths, each one capable of erasing entire planes of existence. The figure waved his hand, creating miniature singularities that absorbed the blasts, nullifying their power.

In a swift motion, the figure leaped onto the creature, moving faster than light. He reached its core, a pulsating mass of dark energy, and plunged his hand into it. The creature convulsed, its form writhing in agony as the singularity in the figure's hand expanded, consuming its essence.

The creature's howls of agony echoed through the void, but the figure remained unfazed. He twisted his hand, and the singularity collapsed, pulling the creature's core into an infinite point of nothingness. The monstrousity imploded, its form collapsing in on itself until it was no more.

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