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20.83% Marvel-Comics: Overgeared / Chapter 24: the final task given by Elektra (chapter 24)

Chapter 24: the final task given by Elektra (chapter 24)

Briefly glancing at his floating screen, Oliver felt a surge of satisfaction with the progress. The ambient glow of the virtual interface illuminated his face as he realized he was already 25% closer to his goal.Entering his shell for a moment of respite, he emerged after 5 minutes, only to be greeted by a flash of steel hurtling towards him. With a seasoned reflex, he deftly caught the blade mid-air. He didn't need to see who threw the blade or the Okinawa sai; it was a familiar move. "Good morning to you too, Elektra," he groaned, his voice devoid of emotion, a usual trait in such scenarios.

As Oliver spent more time with the enigmatic assassin, he grew accustomed to her peculiar ways—attacks in the dead of night, during a hunt, or even amidst sex. Yes, even during those intimate moments, Oliver discovered spending a month and a half with a deadly and attractive assassin could stir even the most reserved men. Their relationship took an unexpected turn, making even more complicated than it had to be.

"Every time you go into your magical subspace, you leave yourself vulnerable to sneak attacks," Elektra's voice echoed behind him. Turning, he found her already dressed in her usual attire. Oliver chose not to respond, aware that anyone could track him during these transitions. She sighed.

"Anyways, what is the goal this time?" Oliver inquired. Each day, Elektra set a challenging task for him to accomplish without relying on his magical items or external assistance.

Seeing him, Elektra sighed again. "No, this would be your last test, to see if you have learned anything," she declared. Oliver was taken aback. "If this is the final test, then what am I expected to do? Fight a T-rex without the symbiote or my weapons?" he quipped, a tinge of amusement in his voice. Elektra shook her head, her expression serious. "No, this time, you will have to do something else." She threw him a ribbon, a simple yet loaded gesture. "This time, you will have to defeat me while you're blinded," she declared, catching him by surprise. He sighed, accepting the challenge. "Well, you are the teacher after all," he said, securing a ribbon over his eyes, ready for the unconventional trial ahead.

In the heart of an ancient, prehistoric forest, bathed in the eerie glow of moonlight, Elektra and Oliver faced off in a clearing. The air was thick with the scent of age-old trees and the distant hum of nocturnal creatures, creating an almost mystical atmosphere.

Oliver stood in the center, his eyes securely blindfolded, his enhanced senses alert to every rustle of leaves and every crackle of twigs. The genetic infusion from the red Asgardian dragon had heightened his instincts, lending him an almost otherworldly awareness. Elektra, the deadly assassin, moved like a shadow in the night, her lithe form blending seamlessly with the ancient surroundings.

The first rustle of leaves marked Elektra's advance. Oliver's head tilted slightly as he tracked the sound, muscles tensed and ready. Elektra, employing a combination of stealth and experience, danced around Oliver, her movements fluid as she circled him. She tested his reflexes with swift jabs, a barrage of strikes aimed at disorienting him.

Oliver's enhanced instincts kicked in. Despite the blindfold, he sensed the incoming attacks, deftly evading and parrying with a heightened sense of anticipation. Each of Elektra's movements echoed in Oliver's mind like a carefully choreographed dance. The moonlight filtered through the dense foliage, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor as they engaged in this intricate, deadly ballet.

Elektra, her martial arts expertise shining through, delivered a series of kicks and punches, aiming for Oliver's vulnerable spots. Oliver responded with a keen sense of hearing, his ears picking up the subtle shifts in the air as Elektra moved. He countered with a combination of defensive maneuvers and retaliatory strikes, proving that despite the blindfold, he was far from helpless.

The forest seemed to hold its breath as the battle unfolded. Elektra, utilizing the terrain to her advantage, leaped between roots and ducked beneath low-hanging branches. Oliver, with his acute hearing, could almost sense the space around him, knowing when to strike and when to defend.

The clash between Elektra and Oliver intensified, the dance of death escalating to a symphony of swift and deadly movements. The moonlit clearing bore witness to their escalating combat, the silence of the forest shattered by the sound of blows and the rustling of leaves.

Elektra, sensing an opportunity, executed a lightning-fast leg sweep, aiming to knock Oliver off his feet. Oliver, relying on his enhanced balance and instincts, pivoted gracefully on one foot, narrowly avoiding the attack. The force of the sweeping kick stirred the forest floor, scattering leaves like confetti in the night.

As the skirmish unfolded, the air became charged with tension. Oliver's breathing remained steady, a testament to his control over the heightened senses gifted by the Asgardian infusion. Elektra, recognizing the need to up the ante, unleashed a flurry of acrobatic kicks and spinning strikes. The forest became an arena of whirling shadows, the deadly dance escalating to a frenetic pace.

Oliver, adapting to Elektra's increased ferocity, responded with swift counterattacks. His punches, guided by a preternatural sense of precision, found their marks. The atmosphere crackled with the exchange of blows, each strike echoing through the ancient trees. Elektra, determined to push Oliver to his limits, closed in, delivering a sequence of rapid strikes that tested his defensive capabilities.


A/N new chapter, this one on the shorter sight, anyways, i am currently writing volume 3, i want to change the whole atmosphere of the fanfic, taking it from the primal theme that it currently on, hopefully, you guys might like it, after, i want to pit oliver against some of your favorite heroes and villains.

PS: which supernatural-themed heroe or villain would like to appear in the new volume.

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