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Chapter 22: Secret Chamber and Christmas

As I looked around the hidden chamber i noticed it was a mess like I saw Salazar's portrait completely destroyed and lots of books thrown everywhere unorganised ' this mess is probably done by voldy ' i thought as I walk towards the hallways and find a completely pristine Ritual Room and it fulfills all the requirements for our sacred ritual we can perform 'i need to bring Daphne here to check this place but that is for next year as she will rip me apart if she found out what I did ' i shuddered as i thought about how scary Daphne can be and move further inside to find a bedroom and it's a pretty good one too and it even has a view of the Lake like in the Slytherin common room but it's is on a much lower level and then I move towards a vault which is locked by combination of multiple ancient ruins that looks like Nordic ruins and Egyptian glyphs so I need to study those to be able to open it and finally a library that actually has ancient magical knowledge like from potions to charms and everything it's like a secret hideout but I am not showing this place to Daphne till next year when I really have a reason to come here.

I create my own wards and completely block the passage from outside and create it so only Lammy and Effy can come here but that too only with my permission and after ordering Lammy and Effy to arrange and clean up everything and put the Basilisk materials in a proper storage that is conveniently here inside the ritual room and i also asked them to dispose of any dark objects that are here and I asked Effy to apprate me outside.

As i walked towards the great hall for dinner and approached the Ravenclaw table and sat beside Daphne she immediately asked " where have you been" In a very serious and no bullshit tone, i panicked a bit and said "Nothing just wandering the castle grounds went to the Forbidden Forest and played with Druella a bit" she hums a bit and said "I will accept that lie for now i would have even believed it not for your nervousness that even if you can control your emotions much better I can" I am now thinking she might be more terrifying than anything out there "stop acting so terrified and eat and give me your pudding" I just cry on the inside and do as I am told.

After dinner we moved towards our dorm room and promptly escaped to the Room Of Requirements and as soon as we entered she dragged me towards the bed and said "Today we are not going to study anything just lay down here" I asked " Why? Not feeling motivated " she just shakes her head and says" I feel like I have to work more towards our relationship as i almost lost you and I still feel guilty for how i acted like an idiot this summer and you are still distancing yourself from me " and i now feel like a jackass for focusing on something and forget about her and i hold her and bring her close into a hug and say " I am sorry I was focusing on something else i didn't mean to hurt you and i already forgave you and I am not at all be angry with you, so stop over analysing things ok " she said as her head buried in my chest "Promise you are not angry with me?" I smiled and said "i promise my love" as I kissed her forehead and we slept in each other's embrace.

Well school went on and I am starting to spend a lot of time with Daphne helping her with her studies and I am keeping an eye on Ginny making sure everything is fine and making things as everything should be and nothing goes out of hand.

Today is the accursed day whenever the goddam incident starts yes today is October 31st Halloween is today and I am doing my utmost duty to make sure I prank several students and I even collaborated with the Weasley Twins to prank Dumbledore and it actually worked as we managed to colour his hair and beard orange and he was also a good sport about it and is currently wearing a completely ridiculous Halloween theme robes matching with his hair and beard colour.

As I looked towards the Griffindore table I saw Harry, Nevil and Hermione missing and thought 'they were probably in Nearly Headless Nick's 500th Deathday Party' I stopped thinking about it too much as i went on enjoying the day with Daphne and my friends.

As Harry comes from the very depressing Deathday party he hears the voice of something whispering as he follows it he bumps into Hermione and Neville " did you guys hear that " Neville asked "hear what" Harry answers "voices" Hermione asked in a concerned tone "what voices Harry" as Harry runs after the voice and finally found written on the wall "Chambers has been opened Enemies of the Heir.... Beware" as Hermione reads the message on the wall, somehow everybody gathers right there like it should not even be possible for everyone to be together from different houses like ' WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE ' i screamed in my head as I watched the drama unfold.

Filch is sure that Harry and his buddies have murdered Mrs. Norris, but Dumbledore quickly discovers that she has simply been petrified. The mandrake root will cure her, once they've grown to maturity. Snape plays the suspicious card with the kids, but Dumbledore is certain that no child could petrify anything, so they're released. Filch sobs about his cat and Harry knowing he's a Squib, which eventually leads to an explanation from Neville on that front.

Lockhart tries to show off by saying "I'll make it," Lockhart butted in. "I must have down it a hundred times. I could whip up a Mandrake Restorative Draught in my sleep—"

"Excuse me," said Snape icily. "But I believe I am the Potions master at this school." And I was rooting for Snape at that moment like for a millisecond he became my favourite Professor.

Lockhart is an interesting man as somehow all of the Ravens managed to coax Lockhart into either getting permission for something else like a burrowing books from the library to getting access to restricted section like when Hermione gets Lockhart's signature for Most Potente Potions and they get the book from the library and was shocked we were just wandering around in the restricted section.

Quidditch match Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, Gryffindor wins rogue Bludger breaks Harry's arm, Lockhart then debones the arms nothing new and i even asked Penelope about Lockhart situation and her response was that apparently all of the seniors were dissatisfied with the DADA and showed their concern for their careers are on the line here and Dumbledore came with a solution apparently Snape teaches DADA separately to all the seniors once a week.

The second attack on Colin Creevey was found petrified.

It was a funny scene as me and Daphne walked in on Hermione, Harry and Neville work on potion in the bathroom and the three started sweating bullets and Daphne said "you guys can probably find a better place to practice potions like you know all of the abandoned classrooms rather than here but you guys do you" and left and i couldn't contain my laughter as I walked away towards Daphne.

Today Snape was extra grumpy and unfortunately we were with Griffindore and he was scrutinized everyone so much that most were crying and i thought 'Hermione probably stole potion supplies from Snape's office' as I see him tear into the anybody that even breaths wrong.

Today all of us are gathered at the great hall as the dueling club is going to start He introduce himself and then " Now, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little duelling club, to train you all in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions — for full details, see my published works."

Lockhart and Snape opened the club with a demonstration of formal duelling, including the accepted combative position, though Snape was rather crude with his greeting. Snape easily overpowered Lockhart, hitting him with a Disarming Charm so powerful that it knocked Lockhart against the nearby wall.

Lockhart then suggested students to duke it out with eachother thinking everything will be fine. However it turned into total chaos as far as I can see like A haze of greenish smoke was hovering over the scene. Both Neville and Justin were lying on the floor, panting; Ron was holding up an ashen-faced Seamus, apologising for whatever his broken wand had done; but Hermione and Millicent Bulstrode were still moving; Millicent had Hermione in a headlock and Hermione was whimpering in pain; both their wands lay forgotten on the floor.

Daphne and Morag are actually having fun just going all out without a care in the world laughing maniacally and I was just baffled by the scene in front of me as they have knocked out about 17 people and counting and Michael beside me is praying and hoping that both of them don't notice us and finally Snape git everything under control with use of "Finite Incantatem".

Snape then suggested teaching the students to block unfriendly spells would be prudent. Lockhart agreed, but, having no idea how to do it himself, failed to instruct Harry as to the proper way to do this. Nevertheless, Harry was paired with Draco once again. At Snape's instruction, Draco used the Snake Summons Spell and conjured a large, black snake. Having created the desired effect of scaring Harry, Snape moved to get rid of the snake but Harry starts speaking in Parseltongue and everyone is horrified even Slytherin and i thought in my mind 'Ain't that supposed to be the most honorable ability for your house why do you guys look horrified' and made a bewildered face and he got labelled as the Heir of Slytherin but this time he was atleast not isolated like in other timelines.

Today's last Herbology class was cancelled.

The third attack was on Justin Fitch-Fletchley and he was also petrified but not nearly headless Nick as Justin was attacked in the bathroom near the sink.

December 21th came and it was the end of the term and i boarded Hogwarts Express with Daphne as we headed back to London in the compartment was a very nice quiet alone time for both of us as we reached the station we see it was Mr. And Mrs. Greengrass who came to pick us up and Daphne was very happy.

As days went by Christmas day finally arrived while I was spending all of my time with Everett and Eleanor like practically all of my time during these three days The Greengrass family went on a tour and arrived at 2 am of 25th December from their tour , Daphne came straight to my room freshen up and went inside my blanket cuddling with me and I said "Merry Christmas" and she responded "Merry Christmas to you as well" and we drifted into sleep.

We probably had two hours of sleep then we started our routine exercise and they are definitely working like both of us can continuously run for about 40 minutes before we are even tiring out and we are two twelve years old.

After our exercise we went to our family sitting area I even picked up Everret and Eleanor and just played with them while waiting for everyone to arrive and after a while everyone came we all opened presents and had lots of fun while doing it Everret and Eleanor just kept on tearing into any presents they can get their hands on I got my Mom an artifact that is essentially a magical bracelet with time telling function and can be customised with like a phone type feature connect to another bracelet, Dad got the same thing as mom his one connects to mom , Mr.Greengrass got a Pocket watch and Mrs.Greengrass got a beautiful necklace, for Astoria I got a practice wand as she will be joining us next year , Grandmother got an antique cabinet and she showered me with love and Daphne got the personal notes of Horace Slughorn and she asked me "who did you kill to get this like how many did you got killed in getting this" and i just shook my head in disbelief and as I was lazy all of my friends got book on different topics and that's how Christmas went a happy and fulfilling day ....



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