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'I wonder what kind of entity that monster was; it seems that Lord Miracle Child knows what it was; I am going to ask him later.' Thought Enlightened Monkey; in fact, not only him, almost all the teachers were curious about the entity earlier.

The ones that are dying to know the answer are the undead teachers, as the unknown beast seems to be the bane of their existence. What makes them more afraid is that the golden dragon floating in the sky also exudes the same sensation as the unknown beast.

BAM! Leon, who was now preparing himself for the heavenly tribulation, suddenly kneels as black smoke appears from his body.

The Thundercloud dragon spirit lets out an enraged roar; the unknown beast actually fooled it, making it extremely furious.

The last ditch attack was not to take Leon down with him but to take over his body. Even though the situation is dangerous for it since its target is undergoing a baptism, this was the only choice it had.

Other bodies are incompatible with it, as heaven will not let it live; it cannot stay inside Cleo's body as it would immediately be suppressed and controlled.

Leon is different; it might contain a small amount of soul, but it is still just a puppet. It is the perfect choice for the unknown beast. Leon is also the key for Cleo to wake up; the madness left unbelievable damage to his soul and body. The latter is easier to solve, but the former is incredibly tricky.

That is why Leon's evolution is very important for him. As the system starts counterattacking its forceful takeover, the two are now in a tug of war for control over the body.

Meanwhile, inside his soul space, Cleo, who was weakened after unleashing the Thundercloud dragon spirit, was now in a daze. In front of him was a familiar figure.

It was Cleo, not him but his predecessor. Right now, his soul form is standing in front of him, and he has no idea what is happening right now or what to do.

(Cleo) seems to be in pain; seeing this, his expression changes; he has stolen his body and identity, not to mention that the system has destroyed his last chance of reincarnation. That is why he feels immensely guilty towards him.

Seeing him in pain right now causes him to panic; his expression then changes as he realises something, and anger burns in his soul.

The entire soul space starts to twist and turn, causing the empty void to burn with blazing fury.

On the battlefield, the Thundercloud dragon spirit is now anxious. It had thought that its lightning barrier would be able to stop anything, but it was fooled by its arch nemesis. This truly hits deep in his prideful being.

The first lightning strike descends, Leon makes a move, and all the swords flying around him converge towards the descending lightning strike. The two collide, and the swords were instantly destroyed, but they did weaken the lightning strike.

Leon swings his sword and manages to successfully defend himself from the first strike. On the other hand, the unknown beast that is trying to take over his body is now in pain as the strike also causes damage to it, and it seems that the amount is two times greater than what Leon suffers.

The system uses the remnant of the lightning strike to counter the growing black energy coursing in Leon's body. The unknown beast uses soul power, and this was the same for Leon, causing their compatibility to be almost perfect. The growing power is changing his body and corrupting the remnant soul.

"What are you doing to the last body of my benefactor!?" Suddenly, the unknown beast freezes as a cold and enraged voice sounded out inside the soul space of the remnant soul.

A golden hand covered with mysterious symbols appears and grabs it, pulling it towards a different location. The system wants to stop it, but the decision is not something that it can control.

Back in the soul space, Cleo and the unknown beast soul are now face-to-face; the latter is ecstatic, while the former is enraged.

Despite knowing that he was risking his wellbeing by pulling the unknown beast into the most important part of his soul, he still decided to do it.

"What are you laughing at, f*cker!? You think that you already won since you arrived here!?" Cleo smirked at his enemy, seeing that it was underestimating him.

BAM! A punch was sent flying towards its disfigured face, causing it to cry in pain as it was taken aback by the damage his punch caused.

It tries to recover but is unable to. Seeing this, Cleo starts laughing like a mad scientist.

"Drop the thought; both of us are unable to recover inside this empty void!" He roars and punches the unknown beast's soul once again, but this time he misses as the latter is already cautious against his attacks. 

It roars as it's body increases in size, multiple tentacles start flying towards him, and he smiles as burning fighting intent lights up within him.

His hand once again glows in golden light, thanks to the power he obtained from the Thundercloud dragon spirit and the modified technique of the Golden Monk Race.

"Let us kill each other!" No matter the result of this battle, he would be the one to lose something; if he lost, he would be devoured, and the unknown beast would obtain his body and soul; if he won, he would lose his Malevolent Tiger Form.

Even if this is the case, he no longer cares; he owes his predecessor too much, and he will make the unknown beast pay for the pain it has caused him.

He was the one that hurt him the most. The guilt he always feels about him will never fade, and he will carry this burden till the day he dies, but he has already steeled himself to see this life through. He shall give his predecessor another chance to live again in the form of an immortal entity, and he is determined to achieve this.

With him being busy confronting the unknown beast's soul, his body is totally helpless against the onslaught of the genetic lifeforms. He was blown away, smashed to the ground, punched, and stomped; if not for his abnormal regeneration through the absorption of soul power left behind by the unknown beast's ability, he would have died already.

The two girls managed to take away his body with the help of the female teacher responsible for the Oriend family.

"Sorry for being late." Enlightened Monkey lowers his head in shame. The two girls were startled. They hurriedly shake their heads. They feel that it would be rude for them to accept such an apology as it was not his fault.

"Let us just complete the mission that the principal left for us; we already lost two members; losing more would not only weaken our force in the first realm, we would also shame the reputation of the academy, especially our branch," the female teacher stated.

"You do not need to tell us twice," Ougen shouted. Looking at his current condition, the expression of the teachers became strange.

"Stay down, fool! You and Moonlight Archer should rest for now; the current condition of both of you is not fit to fight." Dragon Sabre grabs him and advises him as he throws him to the group of healers in the army.

"I will remember this!" Ougen shouted, clearly angry at how Dragon Sabre manhandled him.

"Be angry with me as you want; I already lost a dear friend; I will not lose another one." The latter mumbles to himself, but the Enlightened Monkey right beside him sighs as he also feels sad for the death of his close friend.

If he were alive, their group of mischievous adults would definitely wreak havoc on the battlefield. Clenching his fist, he glares at the army of genetic lifeforms.

'I already killed the being responsible for your death; let me wash your grave with the blood of our enemy! ' He roars in his mind as he charges towards the tide together with the warriors of the human alliance.

BOOM! With one slap, he destroys the pride of lions. The lifeforms' strength ranges from the peak of Advanced Grade to fake Supernatural Grade.

With the help of the teachers, both sides become even; the number of deaths might be greater on the side of the genetic lifeforms, but each death that their side has would drastically decrease their manpower and strength.

Blood flows to the ground like torrential rain, and the sky is booming with the control of the Thundercloud dragon spirit, preventing the true Supernaturals and the entity watching behind from interfering.

On Leon's side, without the meddling of the unknown beast's soul, he was able to successfully defend himself from three lightning strikes.

Inside the soul space, Cleo looks at his enemy with a rather helpless smile. The unknown beast's soul is now a lot smaller, but his current condition is also not looking great as he lost one of his hands and one of his legs is twisted in an abnormal angle.

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