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BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Three fireballs are thrown at him, and his expression changes. The power from these fireballs is not low; it might not be life-threatening for him, but it is clearly lethal for others.

"F*ck, they failed to completely eradicate our stronghold after sending such a desperate attack that goes against a certain heavenly law to think that they would send multiple fake Supernaturals this time." Seeing the large number of giant lifeforms approaching the stronghold, Cleo cannot help but curse loudly.

"I need to warn everyone!" He turns at the incoming army one last time before retreating. Even with his absurd recovery speed, he is not going to throw it in such a foolish way.

Leon was left to stall for some time. He is not going to engage the enemy in any form of close combat battle; he might be immortal, but to revive him, Cleo cannot waste such a large amount of soul power now that it is needed for both evolution and technique improvement.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The three fireballs explode, creating three craters. The fire starts to spread to any nearby flammable objects.

Leon stomps his foot, causing a large crack on the ground. He then tries to lift a large piece of earth. Unfortunately for him, there are actually some flying lifeforms that see what he is doing. Without hesitation, all of them dive in his direction. Many of them are actually members of the earlier group that attacked the stronghold, like the purple eagle.

Seeing the number of lifeforms coming after him, Leon stops what he is doing and resorts back to throwing trees, but this time his attacks are blocked by elemental attacks. Without hesitation, both he and Glutton start fleeing back to the defensive line.

The birds might be fast, but the forest is still not destroyed yet. They had multiple covers to protect themselves. A loud roar was heard as the flying lifeforms came to a halt, and all of them stared at their fleeing target with hunger in their eyes.

Meanwhile, Cleo returns back to the camp, but in order to not alarm the already disheartened warriors, he decided to do it discreetly. One of his greatest trump cards is actually being sneaky, as the system is capable of masking his presence if needed, and he has many experiences doing such activities.

He enters the tent of the supernatural warriors unannounced, and he can see that everyone is now arguing about the next plan of action. He sighs as he knows that he only brings them more bad news than a good one.

He coughs out loud, the system no longer hides his presence, and his sudden arrival stuns everyone, especially the older generation. Their eyes either widen or narrow, and they start to re-evaluate his threat to them.

"What brings you here, little brother?" asks Flare, but seeing his solemn expression, her heart starts beating faster; she knows that look.

*Sigh* "I bring everyone bad news: the genetic lifeforms are now attacking with the intent of flattening our stronghold. I think that the scholars that we sent back to our home world are not going to come back fast enough for us to obtain the information regarding the invasion." Hearing this, everyone is confused. The genetic lifeforms have always been attacking their stronghold; what is new?

"I know that everyone is feeling doubtful, but the scale of this attack is a hundred, no, a thousand times greater than the earlier attacks. It seems that they were just testing the waters on the first couple skirmishes; right now, there are at least a thousand supernatural lifeforms in the current invasion army." He sighs as he can see their doubtful expression.

Everyone was shocked to the core; they cannot believe that supernatural lifeforms are that common in this part of the realm.

"Big sister, what should be our next course of action? Stay here and defend? Which has a low chance of success and probably would cause us all of our lives or retreat back to home world, but losing our foundation in this realm and would probably cause the successful invasion of the genetic lifeforms on our home world?" This question hits Margaret heavily; to shoulder such an important decision at such a young age is quite unfair.

"Stay here and fight; the Mystique Academy will assist you in defending this stronghold." Suddenly, a young human appears inside the tent; she is wearing the same clothes as the teacher of the academy.

Cleo's eyes widen as he steps back and pulls his two daggers out of the system; they are the same daggers that he obtained from the purple eagle. His raging tiger intent bursts out of his body.

A white tiger appears out of his body; its form has undergone a change after the system awakens from its deep slumber. Seeing it, the female human was surprised; she cannot help but look at him with curious eyes.

"To think that a student from our branch was actually able to physically materialise his own intent—such amazing talent!" She unconsciously says out loud.

Everyone turns to Cleo with confusion; they are not familiar with such words, but Margaret and Flare seem to realise something, and their eyes twinkle.

"I apologise for overreacting; my senses are rather sharp, and for them to not notice you is absolutely shocking for me." Realising that his reaction is clearly too much, Cleo bows his head and apologises.

"Interesting, very interesting; most of the individuals that I know that have developed their intent are extremely proud; they do not bow to anyone and are even arrogant in front of someone of my status, but to think that you would not hesitate to apologise, and with such sincerity at that." She smiles as she becomes even more interested in him.

"Teacher, please pardon me for interrupting you, but given what you said earlier, will the academy really help us defend this stronghold?" Flare asks with a hopeful gaze.

"Yes, the academy's main purpose might be to nurture warriors capable of pushing back the invasion of this realm, but its second purpose is to help the worlds under the alliance's jurisdiction resist the invasion of this realm." She nods her head with a proud expression.

Cleo frowns as he hurriedly asks.

"As far as I know, our world is not the only one that is being invaded. I know that I might sound ungrateful, but do you really think that the academy can spare enough warriors to resist the upcoming attack on this stronghold?"

Many of the supernatural warriors in his family glare at him; the one that holds the greatest hostility is Ganger.

"I assure you, the academy had sent enough warriors to at least hold the current position of the stronghold; you should thank one of your schoolmates for this; his talent is greatly appreciated by one of the schools high up; they actually sent a hundred supernatural warriors to help you guys." She chuckles slightly before adding.

"If those old beings knew that another person with potential that is clearly greater than any individual in our sector is currently present in front of me, they would definitely be fighting over how to please me in order to coerce you to take one of them as your master."

Everyone in the tent was surprised by her words. It seems that Cleo is more talented than they first thought.

"Teacher, I apologise for my rude question earlier." Cleo does not care about how she sees him; he knows that with the system's existence, he does not need any master.

Margaret focuses on a different matter, she asks.

"Teacher, our family wants to thank the person who helped us get such support from the academy; can you please share his name with us?"

"Oh, but he clearly knows your family; in fact, he repeatedly begged for his master to secure the safety of an individual in your family, stating that he owes this person his life." Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Ganger asks.

"Which person in our family would have the blessing to befriend a disciple of a clearly high-ranking figure of such prestigious power?"

He hopes that it is one of his men; in fact, everyone is also hoping that it is one of their subordinates.

"A member of your main branch, his strength is not that great according to him; his level is advanced, he said. The name of this individual is Cleo Oriend, your younger brother." She smiles as she turns to Margaret.

Her status might be high, but she still pays attention to individuals who have the status and potential to become Aces.

Everyone inside the tent becomes silent. Seeing this, the female teacher becomes confused.

"What? Are we too late? Is that person dead? Sigh, and here I thought that I could earn some favour from the third uncle; well, considering his record at the academy, I am not surprised that he would be the first one to die in this war."

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