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Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Troubled mind by Privilege? or perhaps Burden?

Hades absorbed the revelation from his grandmother, Gaia, with a calm demeanor, unruffled by the profound implications it held. The stark contrast between the world he now inhabited and the one he once knew left him contemplating the vast tapestry of history unfolding before him. Intrigued by the potential for change, he pondered the possibilities that lay ahead in this unfamiliar reality.

Despite the monumental nature of Gaia's revelation, Hades refrained from inundating her with questions. Instead, he quietly assimilated the information and seamlessly transitioned back into his physical body, ready to navigate the intricate threads of destiny that awaited him in this new chapter of existence.

As Hades slowly opened his eyes, he found himself in a meditative position, surrounded by the comforting presence of three extraordinary women. Hera, with a gentle touch, leaned against his left shoulder, while Demeter, equally close, took her place on the right. Hestia, displaying an intimacy that reflected a profound connection, rested serenely on his lap. A smile graced Hades' lips as he gazed upon this unique assembly.

These three remarkable women had become more than just companions to Hades; he had embraced them as his partners, acknowledging a deep bond that transcended the ordinary.

In a gesture that echoed the divine essence within them, Hades had orchestrated a union, a marriage forged through Hera's divinity. This divine matrimony not only solidified their connection but also bestowed upon them the ability to procreate, weaving an intricate tapestry of relationships and responsibilities in the realm they shared.

As a deity Hades, possessing divine prowess allowed him to regulate his own fertility, ensuring that he did not unintentionally bestow his divine seed upon others.

This exceptional control over his reproductive powers was further accentuated by the revelation that his mother's blessing endowed him with an unusually potent seed, setting him apart from other gods.

While the usual fertilization among divine beings is hardly difficult, however, Hades stood as a distinctive exception giving him a higher chance of forming offspring in a shorter amount of time.

Nevertheless, amidst the delicate moment of tending to Hestia's tranquil sleep, it remained crucial for Hades to bear in mind the ongoing conflict with his formidable father, a situation that rendered the prospect of bringing a child into such a volatile environment fraught with peril.

Yet, despite the somber undertones, a soft smile graced Hades' countenance as he observed the serene visages of the slumbering duo.

Gently, his fingers wove through Hestia's locks, a tender gesture accentuated by the resonant hum of a lullaby reminiscent of the melodies his mother once sang to him in the depths of his divine infancy.

Hades, driven by a profound sense of familial empathy, often surreptitiously observed his mother, a silent guardian ensuring her well-being.

Witnessing her melancholy state fueled a solemn resolve within him—a pledge to orchestrate transformative change upon his return, vowing to reshape the dynamics that shrouded his mother in the shadow of despondency.

"Brother?" Hestia's eyes gently fluttered open, drawn from the realms of slumber by the enchanting strains of the lullaby that wove through the air. The ethereal melody, a testament to Hades' harmonious serenade, served as a tranquil conductor stirring the entire room into a gradual awakening.

One by one, the denizens of their home stirred, rousing from the depths of their peaceful nap to join the waking world. The room, once veiled in the hushed stillness of repose, now resonated with a symphony of yawns and the subtle shuffling of those transitioning from the embrace of sleep to the conscious realm.

Hades' tender serenade not only had the power to rouse his divine companions but also seemed to imbue the atmosphere with an ephemeral grace, infusing the awakening with a touch of celestial magic.

"Ah, did I wake you all up?"

In a moment of soft inquiry, Hades, with the utmost gentleness, posed a question that hung delicately in the air.

As the words lingered, the response unfolded in a gesture both tender and profound – Hera, the goddess of woman, and Demeter, embodiment of nurturing grace, befallen Hades with a simultaneous exchange of kisses on the side of his face.

Hera's kiss, laden with regal warmth, spoke volumes of the enduring bond that intertwined their divine essences. Meanwhile, Demeter's kiss, a manifestation of maternal tenderness, carried with it the soft whisper of nature's embrace.

"Welcome back, brother." With a subtle grace, Hestia, the gentle hearth-keeper, stirred from her repose and gracefully shifted, her movements embodying a quiet elegance that bespoke the warmth she radiated.

Moving with purpose, she closed the slight distance between herself and Hades, her brother and guardian in the divine symphony of relationships. In a fleeting yet affectionate gesture, Hestia bestowed upon Hades a quick and tender peck, a gentle meeting of lips that held within it a myriad of unspoken sentiments.

The kiss, though brief, resonated with a timeless connection, a bond woven through the fabric of their immortal existence. It was more than a mere exchange of affection; it was a testament to the familial ties that bound them, a silent acknowledgment of the comfort found in the presence of kin. As their lips briefly met, a subtle warmth enveloped the divine chamber, a reflection of the enduring flame that flickered within the hearts of these godly siblings.

"We're glad you're back, Brother."

Hera's voice, a melodic cadence of warmth and kindness accompanied by a captivating smile that radiated a profound sense of affection and love. .

"How was your journey outside?"

Demeter inquired with a curious gaze, her voice carrying a subtle warmth, as Hades tenderly ran his fingers through her hair, eliciting a contented smile from the goddess of harvest. The gentle patting formed a soothing rhythm, creating a tranquil atmosphere that embraced the duo in a moment of quiet connection.

"Everything is going great. I have found our grandmother but unfortunately I couldn't convince her to help." Hades, unfazed by the unsuccessful outcome of his endeavor, calmly replied with a nonchalant demeanor, his expression revealing a hint of indifference to the setback.

"How about Mother? Is she well?"

Observing the situation with a deep sense of concern etched across her features, Hestia, the ever-caretaking goddess, felt a pang of worry for their mother.

Hestia had witnessed her brother's heartfelt attempts to alleviate their mother's distress. In times of anguish, Hades, with a compassionate touch, would employ his extraordinary ability to shape-shift through astral projection, transforming into various animals to bring comfort and solace to Rhea.

These ethereal manifestations, whether a gentle fawn or a playful songbird, became Hades' way of bridging the emotional gap between them, providing a source of joy and diversion for Rhea. Hestia couldn't help but admire the intricate ways in which her brother sought to ease their mother's pain, his empathetic gestures extending beyond the conventional realms of divine interactions.

"She is…"

In a hushed tone, laden with a delicate undercurrent of sorrow, Hades gently articulated his words, allowing a poignant nuance to linger in the air—an emotional resonance that extended beyond mere spoken language, reaching depths of sentiment that his younger sister, with her perceptive intuition.

"In any case, I shall unveil the entirety of my ventures during our meal at the dining table."

His words resonated with authority, prompting a unanimous nod from the trio of goddesses who gracefully rose from their seats, proceeding with regal poise towards the grandeur of their divine mansion.

It was within these opulent walls that Hades, their illustrious consort, undertook the task of preparing a midday repast for his beloved wives.

While he had generously imparted the culinary arts to them, Hades found solace and satisfaction in personally orchestrating the culinary symphony, for he derived immense joy from indulging and pampering his cherished partners with the delectable fruits of his labor, a testament to the profound affection that underscored his role as a devoted spouse.

As Hades divulged the intricate details, an air of suspicion enveloped the gathering, their gaze resting upon their brother with a subtle yet unmistakable glare, fueled by the revelation of their husband's encounters with ostensibly more beautiful women.

Undeterred, Hades met their skeptical eyes with an awkward yet sincere smile, attempting to ease the tension that had woven itself into the room.

In a gesture both tender and calculated, he sought to demonstrate the depth of his feelings. Leading the way to a meticulously crafted bathhouse of his own creation, Hades immersed himself in the comforting warmth of the water, shedding any remnants of reservation along with his clothing.

The scene unfolded as his woman joined him, taking her place by his side, her embrace radiating warmth and a profound connection. Hades gave an intimate session of pleasure.

Once more, time unfolded, ushering in a new era where a span of a hundred years transpired, witnessing the collective progress of individuals as they delved deeper into their divine capabilities and heightened understanding. In this epoch, Hades diligently imparted his teachings, striving to guide them with the utmost wisdom.

Hestia, Hera, and Demeter, fueled by unwavering discipline, emerged even more radiant than ever before, their luminosity a testament to their relentless commitment to growth and mastery.

Having arrived on the divine scene decades prior, Poseidon, the god of the sea, underwent a remarkable transformation, blossoming into a fine young man with cascading locks of long blonde hair and a lean, athletic build.

His admiration for his elder brother was evident, and unlike the arrogance and foolishness often associated with youth, Poseidon exhibited a demeanor that, while less presumptuous, carried a subtle hint of ruthlessness, adding an intriguing layer to his character.

He listened intently to his brother's profound lesson, absorbing the wisdom imparted by Hades. Poseidon, inspired by the newfound understanding, harbored a deep desire to make his elder brother proud.

Hades, observing Poseidon's earnest attempts to internalize the teachings, couldn't have been more pleased. Witnessing the transformation in his younger brother brought a sense of fulfillment to the god of the underworld.

In these moments, Hades couldn't shake the memories of his brother's possible transgressions in another lifetime. Recollections surfaced of a time in his previous immortal life when Poseidon, lacking guidance and understanding of consequences, would have forced himself into Demeter.

"Brother," Poseidon questioned with a furrowed brow.

"if we indeed hold the status of gods, elevated above mere mortals, what compels him to concern himself with their well-being?" He watches his older brother working on something, having collected the stone made from his grandmother that Rhea used to save Zeus from being devoured.

"Dear brother, as beings with divine responsibilities, we must grasp the causes and effects at play. It is our duty to surpass our predecessor and avoid emulating our oppressive father, who confined us to this place. Do you aspire to repeat his actions?"

Hades, with a sense of apprehension, voiced his concerns, fearing that his brother Poseidon might be susceptible to corruption, potentially steering towards depravity in the imminent future.

Despite Poseidon receiving teachings on the importance of refraining from abusing his authority and power, lingering doubts cast shadows in his mind, creating a subtle internal conflict about the path he might choose.

"Youth carries with it a lack of experience," Hades remarked, his wisdom echoing in the air.

"Consider immersing yourself in the lives of humans, observing their existence. Only through this firsthand experience can the true weight of my words be comprehended," He advised, as Poseidon pondered his brother's insightful suggestion.

"Very well, I won't trouble you, brother. I'll be honing my skills with big sis Hera," Poseidon declared as he departed. Hades cast a contemplative gaze upon his sibling, emitting a deep sigh. His thoughts delved into the future, foreseeing a war that would unleash an overwhelming surge of divine power, a force capable of birthing malevolence and potentially corrupting his own kin, steering them further into depravity.

"I must prepare myself for the inevitable..." Hades contemplated, envisioning the looming battle and resolved to absorb the malevolence it would generate. He chose to journey to Tartaros, seeking assistance from the three one-eyed Cyclops and the three Hundred-Handed Hecatoncheires in the future. Together, they would craft a means to absorb the darkness born from conflict, endeavoring to discover traces of hope within its depths. He unfortunately cannot travel to Tartaros without alerting his father due to the realm being protected.

"Nevertheless, I shall ensure our readiness for the impending conflict... Even if it reaches a juncture where I must face my own brother," Hades murmured to himself. The impending pain was a secondary concern; what truly mattered was preventing his siblings, particularly Zeus, from persisting in their depravity until they grasped the necessary lessons.

Despite Hades' earnest efforts to locate him, his mother and grandmother proved adept at concealing him, rendering it impossible for Hades to impart lessons in humility and morals. Unfazed, Hades remained determined to make another attempt at teaching him once they reunited in the future, post their escape.

"After decades of meticulous refinement, I have at last completed this"

Hades proclaimed, brandishing a polearm emanating a potent primordial divinity. The tip crafted from his grandmother's stone and the shaft meticulously fashioned from pieces of his father's flesh, surreptitiously obtained without his notice.

Infused with conceptual mastery, the polearm possessed the unique ability to nullify divine power and effortlessly cut through gods. While not flawless, it promised to be a formidable weapon in his impending confrontation with his father.

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