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91.61% Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman! / Chapter 142: Chapter 142: Scarlet Witch Altering Reality

Chapter 142: Chapter 142: Scarlet Witch Altering Reality

"Damn rebellious son, daring to defy me!"

Powerful divine energy enveloped Star-Lord's body, continuously devouring the divine energy born within him.

Meanwhile, Ego's power, also undergoing continuous absorption, was rapidly intensifying.

The primary manifestation was the tremendous energy surge on countless planets across the universe.

The blue energy, like a tsunami, expanded rapidly, engulfing everything in its vicinity.

After devouring countless objects, it fed back into Ego's main body as a vast energy.

If this cycle continued, Ego's power would truly become immense.

At this moment, countless planets were suffering from Ego's energy consumption. Smaller planets had their entire surfaces completely shrouded in the surging energy, while larger ones had more than a tenth of their surface area covered.

Only Earth, with the assistance of the Frost Giant, had not suffered severe damage. Even as the energy continued to increase, it was frozen near absolute zero, unable to spread further.

The newly established Sword Bureau had already received notification and swiftly evacuated all residents from the vicinity of this energy at the fastest speed possible.

Only a few hundred Sword Bureau agents remained on the scene, investigating the source and characteristics of this energy.

"Director, all surrounding residents have been evacuated. But, I feel..."

As the last specially made spacecraft carrying countless residents successfully ascended, Agent Hill approached the Director to report. However, it seemed she had something on her mind.

Nick Fury, now elected as the first director of the Sword Bureau, arrived promptly upon receiving the news and took charge of the situation.

"You mean, even if we evacuate, we won't be able to escape this crisis unless we address its root cause?" Fury's expression was grave as he gazed at the cocoon-like energy mass before them, speaking in a deep voice.

"Yes, Director. After a simple measurement by the technical team, we discovered that this energy mass contains immense power. If it weren't for someone freezing it with extremely low temperatures, this energy could have erupted instantaneously, covering nearly a fifth of the Earth's surface area."

Agent Hill's face was full of solemnity. If such a result were to occur, it would be an event the entire Earth could not accept.

"Have we found a solution yet?"

Upon hearing Hill's report, Fury's face seemed even darker, but he still asked in a deep voice.

"Unfortunately, our technical team was just established, and even with the assistance of many advanced technologies, we have not completely mastered it."

"Moreover, the source of this crisis seems to originate not from our Earth, but possibly from..."

Hill gazed into the distant sky, slowly speaking.

"Has the identity of that person been discovered?"

Fury looked at the figure constantly emitting cold energy, preventing the energy mass from breaking through the ice barrier, and asked slowly.

"It has been investigated, but his identity seems somewhat strange."

"Oh? In what way?"

Fury couldn't help but feel curious.

"According to our intelligent identification system, his identity could be one of the X-Men, codenamed Iceman, possessing the special ability to create ice and freeze things."

"However, just after we contacted the X-Men, we found that their Iceman wasn't sent here on a mission."

"The individual before us, who bears a striking resemblance in appearance and identity to Iceman, has a significant identity issue."

As Hill finished speaking, Fury's expression changed slightly, and then he carefully observed the figure of Iceman before finally relaxing.

"Director, do you think he might be a Skrull impostor? Or perhaps, an extraterrestrial from beyond Earth? Or someone from another universe?"

The experiences of the past year or so had opened Hill's eyes.

At this moment, she no longer viewed everything with the mindset of an ordinary Earthling.

"Whoever he is, he's helping us now."

"Should we continue investigating his identity?"

"Of course, one thing at a time. Additionally, keep a close eye on this energy mass. If you notice any abnormalities, report to me immediately."

"Also, gather more technical team agents. We must find a solution to this problem as soon as possible."

Fury spoke slowly.

"Director, it seems someone else has arrived!"

Just as Hill was about to arrange everything, she suddenly looked surprised and shouted towards the distant sky.


In the distance, two figures swiftly flew from the horizon.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived above everyone.

"Look, it's Superman!"

"Great, Superman is here."

With Peter's return, all agents on the ground were filled with excitement.

"Director, what should we..."

"Let our people withdraw for now and leave the scene to them to handle."

It wouldn't be fair to say that Nick Fury was adept at shifting responsibility; it was just more fitting for Superman to handle such matters.

"Mr. Superman, you've finally returned."

Iceman also felt Peter's return. His tense expression relaxed slightly.

Nearly an hour had passed since the energy suddenly expanded. Sustaining the continuous release of cold energy for such a long time would have been impossible if this ice-man didn't possess the power of an Omega-level mutant.

"Have they not resolved this issue yet?"

Peter looked at the energy mass before him, puzzled.

He had returned from beyond the universe, only to find that neither Magneto nor Thor had resolved this crisis.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps they've encountered difficulties."

The ice-man sensed that the energy had become even stronger recently, with a more intense intention to expand.

The source of the energy might have encountered some problems but hadn't disappeared; instead, it had become much stronger.

"Mr. Superman, who is this beside you?"

At this moment, Iceman seemed to notice that Peter wasn't alone in his return but was accompanied by a woman in a red dress radiating immense energy.

"You should know her. She's Wanda Maximoff, also a mutant like you, and Magneto's daughter."

"What? Magneto's daughter? That guy actually has such a beautiful daughter?"

Iceman looked at Wanda's beautiful and somewhat eerie figure, seemingly unable to believe that Magneto had such a beautiful daughter.

"Alright, let's discuss this later. For now, let's focus on the task at hand."

Peter's gaze turned to the energy mass on the ground as he pondered a solution.

With his power, he could easily extinguish this energy. However, if the energy of the Phoenix Force came into contact with it, there might be a violent explosion.

Unless he used his bio-energy field to completely envelop this energy mass.

"Let me handle this. Consider it my rent for residing in this universe in the future."

Just as Peter was about to act, Wanda, by his side, suddenly flew out and spoke.

As for her mentioning rent, it was because she had already decided to stay in this universe in the future before coming here. According to her, the previous universe held no attachment for her.

"Mr. Superman, is she... capable?"

Iceman looked at Wanda's figure, somewhat doubtful.

"Of course, she's an Omega-level mutant like you, and her powers are even stronger."

There was no doubt that the power of Chaos, one of the three major forces in the Marvel universe, capable of easily altering reality, was incredibly potent.


As Wanda floated alone above the energy mass,

instantly, her red dress began to flutter without wind.

Crimson energy gathered around her, emitting a powerful aura.

The space around her distorted at this moment by the formidable energy.

The terrifying power made people involuntarily glance sideways.

"Hill, make sure to record everything about this person as well."

Not far away, Nick Fury and Hill were gazing at the sky, their eyes filled with astonishment.

They never expected that the figure appearing suddenly again would possess such terrifying power.

Meanwhile, Wanda slowly tapped into the power of chaos within her.

The potent chaos energy manifested a red crown above her head.

She seemed like a queen from the underworld, her beautiful appearance coupled with the eerie energy, exuding an awe-inspiring aura.

"What... what exactly is her mutant ability?"

At this moment, Iceman could clearly sense the immense aura emanating from the woman ahead.

That power, even he could feel an intense sense of fear.

"Heh, we'll know soon enough."

Peter smiled without saying a word; this was also his first time seeing Scarlet Witch use her powers.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone,

Wanda slowly raised her hands.

Crimson energy gathered in her palms, the dazzling red light shimmering as if enveloping the entire sky.

In the next moment, countless barriers shimmering with crimson light fell from the sky, instantly shrouding everything around the energy mass.

The barriers flickered with strange crimson runes, irresistibly drawing one's gaze yet exuding a chilling aura.

After shrouding everything to prevent any accidents,

Wanda no longer hesitated.

"Disappear... completely!"

With Wanda's red lips lightly parted, a voice echoed through this enclosed world.

Instantly, a surge of crimson energy erupted from Wanda's body.

Visible crimson shockwaves swept outwards in all directions.

In a moment, it enveloped everything within this enclosed world.

And the next moment, any energy mass engulfed by that red energy began to rapidly dissipate.

It disappeared swiftly in the universe without any warning.

"Her power... could it be reality manipulation?"

Iceman stared in disbelief at the energy mass that had slowly disappeared under her command, feeling somewhat powerless against it.

Uttering words of incredulity.

However, regardless of whether he believed what he saw,

After Wanda spoke, the energy mass ultimately vanished rapidly from the Earth.

As if reality had been forcibly altered.

"Thank you for keeping your promise. Now, can I stay in your universe?"

As if she had done something insignificant, Wanda withdrew her powerful chaos energy.

Slowly flying back to Peter's side, a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"Of course..."


Meanwhile, as the energy mass on Earth disappeared completely,

far away, countless light-years from Earth, Ego also distinctly felt that the energy seed he had left on Earth seemed to suddenly vanish.

"What... is going on?"

Ego was filled with confusion, unable to understand why such a situation would occur.

"Whatever, it's just the disappearance of one divine seed. As long as the other divine seeds continue to devour the planets they're on, I can still become an eternal deity."

But then he shrugged it off, not concerned about the unexpected loss of one divine seed, which had no impact on his grand plan to devour the entire universe.

"My main problem now is to quickly devour the power of that rebel."

"That damn guy, he's not worthy to oppose me."

If it weren't for Star-Lord's strong resistance against being devoured, Ego would have already merged with him.

This only fueled Ego's anger further.

"Damn it, that guy upstairs is becoming more audacious."

"No, I must stop him. Otherwise, before completely devouring that rebel, my body might already be devoured by the black hole."

While he continued to devour the divine power within Star-Lord,

the black hole created by Magneto was also steadily devouring his body.

In just a few minutes, his colossal body, akin to a whole planet, had already been devoured by about one-third.

From the perspective of the universe, it looked like a round apple with a large bite taken out of it.

Moreover, after this period of devouring, the black hole, originally only a few dozen meters in diameter, had grown to several thousand meters in size.

Although it still seemed vastly inferior compared to Ego's immense body,

this disparity didn't mean that this planet-sized black hole could escape its fate of being completely devoured.

"I feel something is off. This guy seems to be not resisting. Do you think he might be brewing some conspiracy?"

Thor flew to Magneto's side, looking puzzled.

"Yeah, something doesn't seem right."

Magneto was not someone who would ignore others' suggestions.

Watching the two planets being rapidly devoured by the black hole without any reaction, he pondered whether this guy truly had some sinister plan.

However, just as the two of them were puzzled, especially as Thor was preparing to go to the planets,

the two planets, which had been devoured by nearly half, finally showed some reaction.

A massive blue energy erupted from the centers of the two planets, converging in the air.

Then, it emitted a dazzling light comparable to a star.

Finally, to their astonishment, a giant blue figure slowly appeared in the universe.

At the same time, in the distant space,

"Deputy Captain, it seems that there is a spacecraft approaching us."

"Hmm? A spacecraft? Let's go check it out!"

Upon hearing the report from his subordinates, Yondu, with his blue face, pondered for a moment and then said directly.

They were space marauders, and they never forgot their mission no matter when.


(End of Chapter)


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