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After encountering a bizarre sandstorm, Lucas realized that he had almost lost consciousness. Waking up in a daze, he found himself in the midst of a chaotic scene. Horses were running in a line, and all around him, there were shouts and cries. Before he could fully assess the situation, a horse rushed to his side, and soon after, a person tumbled straight into his arms.

The impact was quite intense. With a 70-liter backpack on his back, Lucas was knocked backward, and it seemed like his nose took a hit, as blood immediately started flowing. In his mind, he pondered, "What the hell is going on?" Despite the jarring collision, Lucas subconsciously felt the warmth and softness of the body in his arms. Strands of hair floated in front of his eyes, gleaming with a golden hue when touched by the sunlight. After gathering his thoughts a bit, the first thing he noticed was an arrow lodged in the shoulder of the person in his arms.

Yes, it was an arrow with feathers, a perfectly straight shaft, and it seemed to still be trembling! The person in his arms struggled to get up, trying hard to lift their head from Lucas's embrace. Their eyes met directly. Despite being so close, Lucas felt like his head had been struck by lightning. "I'm dead, I'm dead. How is my luck so good that this beautiful girl falls into my arms?"

The girl had a fair and delicate face, with a refined and slender nose. Even with just a fleeting glance, Lucas could see that the girl's eyelashes were strangely golden! Her deep, azure eyes seemed bottomless, but at this moment, they were filled with tension and panic. She pushed against Lucas's chest in an attempt to climb up, seemingly agitating the wound on her shoulder. With a delicate cry, she softened back into his embrace.

However, at this moment, Lucas didn't have the luxury of feeling fortunate. He could see that his hand, supporting the girl's shoulder, was covered in blood. Damn, it's a real crime scene happening right here! Through the girl's flowing long hair in front of his eyes, he noticed several riders approaching, their horses neighing loudly. The riders were now clearly visible, three men clad in shining silver armor. Their faces were deeply bearded, and on their helmets, there was a colorful pheasant feather. Strange and triumphant shouts emanated from their mouths, and their faces were filled with a sense of malicious joy. They promptly placed their bows back into their quivers and drew gleaming cold blades.

It was murder, plain and simple! Lucas instinctively pulled out the military knife strapped to his waist. As someone bold enough to embark on a hiking trip in Middle East, he naturally had some confidence. He had encountered the sharp Yengisar knives of those locals in southern Middle East a few times in the wilderness villages. Although Lucas was an officer's nephew, he had also studied practical combat techniques for several years. His agility surpassed that of the average person. Now, he couldn't dwell on what was happening; everything seemed bizarre. Middle East was already a somewhat chaotic place in some areas, and at this moment, the priority was to save his own life!

The men in silver armor laughed heartily as they dismounted. Lucas pushed the girl away and stood there with a face covered in nosebleeds, shouting, "Do you still want to commit a crime? I've already called the police! They'll be here soon. Better run while you can!"

Unfortunately, Lucas's heroic demeanor didn't intimidate the group of men at all. The three of them, wielding straight long knives, lunged forward with malicious expressions, and the wickedness on their faces was so extreme that Lucas could even see the dark red bloodstains on their blades. A vigilant alertness swept through Lucas's mind like lightning. These guys were truly capable of killing, and they were experienced at it!

Lucas had no room for fear anymore and hastily wielded his military knife to defend himself. Clang! The two blades clashed, sparks flying. The man in front of Lucas exclaimed in surprise as his knife was knocked out of his hand! When did Lucas gain such strength? Without much thought, Lucas charged straight ahead, reaching out to grab the man's shoulder, immobilizing him, and then thrusting the knife between his ribs!

The military knife easily cut through the armor, stabbing directly into the man's heart. Lucas could feel the sensation of the blade cutting through muscle and piercing into the heart, followed by a forceful pull. The man in front of him stared wide-eyed, making gurgling sounds in his throat, and then collapsed. The first experience of taking a life didn't leave much time for reflection; Lucas's only thought was, "Is this considered self-defense?"

The sound of rushing wind filled the air as two long knives swung horizontally, accompanied by furious roars. Lucas's well-trained reflexes kicked in, and he pushed the shoulder of the deceased man he was still holding to the left, then lunged to the right just in time to block the incoming strike. Gathering brute force, he charged into the arms of the other man. The tremendous momentum sent both of them crashing to the ground. The man beneath Lucas breathed heavily, exhaling a foul stench directly onto Lucas's face. Lucas's left hand, without the knife, landed a punch on the man's face. Instantly, stars danced before his eyes. At this critical moment of life and death, Lucas's innate primal instinct erupted. Disregarding the man behind him, Lucas's left hand's fingers dug straight into the man's eye sockets!

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