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82.22% Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life! / Chapter 185: Chapter 184

Chapter 185: Chapter 184

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A Delamain car sped across the dusty terrain, its headlights illuminating a large area ahead.

Delamain's mechanical voice reminded, "A friendly reminder from Delamain, please fasten your seatbelt during high-speed driving."

But Tang Yu paid no attention to the old Delamain, waiting for Lucy who was sitting beside him to handle the messages.

Lucy's red optical eyes whirred as she used an electronic tablet to search for signals from the others.

After a while, she looked up with a slightly anxious expression and said, "We've already passed the agreed time, and there's still no signal from Maine and the others. We can't locate V and Panam either; the signals must be blocked."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, looking somewhat grave. "They've likely run into trouble, but the security force at Yorinobu Arasaka's tunnel construction site isn't strong. It must be a hacker attack that caused the signal loss; they're not in immediate danger."

Everyone was now deep within the tunnel site, indicating that Yorinobu Arasaka had made preparations for this. However, Tang Yu had anticipated this. He had sent V and Panam out specifically because he suspected that Yorinobu's primary target was V. Now that things were clearer, it was time for confrontation.

Yorinobu's company excelled at remote hacking and psychological manipulation, preferring to "recruit" enemies rather than kill them outright. With the situation not fully resolved, V was not in immediate danger. The others would likely be used as bargaining chips against Tang Yu.

As the Delamain car sped along, it soon neared its destination.

Delamain explained, "Detected a strong pulse signal ahead. Delamain's operating system will suffer severe interference and can no longer provide you with transportation service. We must maintain a safe distance."

Lucy added, "There indeed is strong electronic interference ahead. V and Maine's cyberware likely shut down as well."

Tang Yu ordered, "Delamain, stop the car outside the site."

Following Tang Yu's instructions, Delamain halted the car outside the construction site. But the electronic interference had already reached them, causing Delamain's display to glitch and flicker.

"Mr. Tang, I wish you a pleasant journey. Please return safely..."

Tang Yu turned to Lucy, seriously advising, "Stay in the car. I'll go check the situation."

Lucy looked worried, recalling Tang Yu's weakened state earlier. She couldn't help but ask, "Can you still hold on?"

She wanted to accompany Tang Yu into the tunnel but realized that she might only be a burden due to the electronic interference, which was almost deadly to a netrunner like her.

Tang Yu smiled confidently, "Trust me, I'll be fine."

With that, Tang Yu opened the car door, stepped out, glanced at the construction site, and walked towards it.

Through the car window, Lucy watched Tang Yu's figure gradually fade into the distance, her eyes filled with concern as she silently prayed for his safety.

Entering the site's barrier, Tang Yu found the vast construction area deserted. He headed to the main control panel, where his right hand emitted an electric arc, hacking into the electronic control system and taking command of the site's networked equipment.

The site's large floodlights illuminated the entire area, activating various machines into automatic operation. After securing the area, Tang Yu left the control panel and activated several transport trucks, drills, and excavators to pave the way as he charged into the tunnel.

The convoy rumbled into the tunnel, headlights piercing the darkness, as the roar of engines echoed.

Not long after, an eerie sight appeared in the distance: numerous pairs of blue eyes shining in the dark.

Tang Yu remained calm, steadily directing the convoy forward. As they drew closer, he saw that the blue-eyed figures were construction workers, all armed with rifles and frantically firing at the excavators, their bullets creating spiderweb cracks on the windshields.

Tang Yu accelerated the convoy, sending out electric arcs from his hands to clash with the attackers. After a series of crunches, the blue-eyed attackers were crushed into the mud. Those who remained standing were electrocuted, their cybernetic brains fried, collapsing with wisps of smoke rising from their necks.

The convoy charged to the tunnel's end, where dazzling lights revealed a figure.

"Who the hell is there? I'm not afraid of you! Let them go now!" shouted Panam. She fired a couple of shots at the front of the convoy, clearly exhausted.

Recognizing Panam's voice, Tang Yu swiftly exited the driver's cabin, catching her before she could collapse.

Panam shielded her eyes from the blinding light, trying to break free in confusion, but soon recognized Tang Yu.


"V, she's in the matrix..." Panam pointed weakly towards a small exposed opening in the dirt, before passing out.

Tang Yu carried Panam to a safe area, conducting a preliminary examination. Panam had minimal cyberware and usually communicated via phone, which might have made her more resilient, allowing her to stay conscious for so long. 

Seeing she was alright, Tang Yu used an excavator to dig further into the exposed opening. Soon, the gap widened enough for a person to pass through.

Inside the matrix space, a blend of machinery and electronics filled with a sci-fi atmosphere unfolded.

After securing Panam, Tang Yu entered straight into the matrix.

As anticipated, Rebecca lay sprawled in the entryway, clutching her shotgun, unconscious without a scratch. Maine and Pilar were further inside, similarly unscathed and unconscious. The only evidence of conflict was a large hole in the restrictive walls, indicating Maine's team had been instantly neutralized.

Tang Yu's attention was then drawn to a massive structure in the distant hall—a labyrinthine matrix displayed in the large, empty hall. It was unimaginable that such an enormous underground palace had been discreetly dug out under Yorinobu's company square.

The secrecy was top-notch, likely at the expense of countless lives. Kiwi lay near the matrix servers, with the signal source program chip interface still in operation. Tang Yu realized that they intended to lure him here from the start.

Spotting V, he moved closer to the core of the matrix. When he reached the massive server matrix, he stopped to examine the high-tech construct. Stacked servers surrounded a black metal chair at the center. A slumped V rested on the chair, a black helmet hovering above her head, ready to enclose her. Crystalline tubes extended from the helmet, pulsing with a faint blue light.

"Come out, I've played along long enough. Aren't you tired of hiding?"

Tang Yu sensed multiple weak detection waves and electric currents scanning him, clearly intrigued by his mysterious abilities.

A sudden burst of applause echoed.

Following the sound, Tang Yu saw Mr. Blue Eyes—a familiar figure—leisurely walk out, looking at him with interest.

Tang Yu knew enough about Mr. Blue Eyes to understand that he was a mastermind. He wouldn't waste his trump cards until the game was really over, so Maine and his team were merely incapacitated, not brain-burned. In Mr. Blue Eyes' domain, burning their brains would be as easy as breathing.

"Mr. Tang, seeing you in person is truly better than hearing about you. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. It's a thrill to finally meet you," Mr. Blue Eyes said, clapping as he approached Tang Yu.

Tang Yu replied calmly, "I'm glad I didn't disappoint you."

Mr. Blue Eyes was unfazed and continued, "Your handling of the Voodoo Boys was impressive. After you left, my team went in for another scoop."

Tang Yu coldly questioned, "So you even dare to target V's brain?"

Without waiting, his hands emitted electric arcs, sending currents into the servers, instantly enveloping the labyrinthine matrix.

Now, with a mere thought, Tang Yu could choose to destroy, paralyze, or take control of the entire system. However, the matrix's immense capacity made it impossible for Tang Yu to sustain it; he was simply showing off to gain leverage.

After all, Mr. Blue Eyes had already glimpsed this unique ability. It was best to let him see the full extent to ensure serious negotiations.

As Tang Yu exerted his control, the flow of data within the servers began to swirl chaotically.

Mr. Blue Eyes' eyes flickered with surprise—he hadn't anticipated Tang Yu's abilities to this extent. Hurriedly, he pleaded, "I have no intention of making you my enemy, Mr. Tang. They're merely incapacitated; they're all safe."

Tang Yu then retracted the electric arcs, restoring the matrix's normal operations.

"If that's the case, how do you explain the previous incidents?"

To him, Mr. Blue Eyes' power and background were strong, even godlike in the cyber realm with advanced network technology. But to Tang Yu, it posed no real threat.

Mr. Blue Eyes remained calm, explaining, "We now have a better way to resolve this."

Tang Yu stared at him, prompting, "Go on, tell me about this better way."

"We want the sub-net Sea God in V's brain; it's our sole objective. We will strive to meet your demands," Mr. Blue Eyes stated firmly.

Tang Yu wasn't about to trust this bunch—assassins, brainwashers, and conmen AIs. He sneered, "It seems you still don't understand human cooperation, only focusing on your goal. There's no sincerity in that."

"I have three conditions."

"First, I'm taking V with me. She's mine, not a tool for your experiments."

"Second, the matrix space will be suspended. When it can be restarted, I'll decide."

"Third, tell your people to back off. I better not see them meddling again."

Hearing these conditions, Mr. Blue Eyes' expression also turned colder, clearly unwilling to comply.

Tang Yu shifted his tone, continuing, "Of course, in cooperation, unlike you, humans believe in mutual benefit."

"You want the Sea God in V's mind because it's an AI prototype suited for the matrix main program requirements."

"I can agree to fully extract the Sea God and find a more suitable host. When it's ready, you can restart the matrix space as you wish."

Mr. Blue Eyes, seeing that his intentions were exposed, no longer hid his motives, asking curiously, "I assumed you were here for Saburo Arasaka's mission. It seems your loyalty to Arasaka isn't as strong as rumored."

"Loyalty?" Tang Yu laughed disdainfully, "No one's loyal to Arasaka unless they're brainwashed."

Mr. Blue Eyes chuckled, "If that's the case, our dealings will be smoother. Would Mr. Tang consider further cooperation?"

Tang Yu understood their approach and confidently stated, "You mean the relic in Arasaka Tower? I bet you're dying for it."

"Since you mentioned it, I might consider. It depends on your performance."

Mr. Blue Eyes smiled warmly, "We always maintain integrity. We'll comply with your request to return Ms. V and suspend the matrix space. However, I need a precise timeframe."

Tang Yu was indifferent, "Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. The new infrastructure is just a prototype. Even if you start the matrix, it won't have much impact yet."

"By the end of the year, I'll have an answer for you. In the meantime, focus on the infrastructure. Maybe next time, the matrix space can directly upgrade to the second phase."

By the end of 2077?

Mr. Blue Eyes found it acceptable. Given Tang Yu's demonstrated abilities, it was hard to argue otherwise. More importantly, Arasaka had already noticed the matrix space project. Fortunately, Tang Yu wasn't a loyal Arasaka dog, otherwise, Arasaka would have destroyed the matrix space by now.

This underground palace, built with years of effort, couldn't be lost now.

"Mr. Tang, we have a deal."


In a safe zone far from the tunnel site, a black Delamain sat idly.

Lucy was inside, anxiously waiting. She frequently glanced towards the tunnel direction through the window, while her electronic tablet displayed fluctuating code.

Delamain had suggested stopping here to keep a safe distance from potential pulse interference, which could damage the electronic systems.

"The interference signal has weakened. Do you need to reselect the parking waiting location?"

Lucy also noticed this phenomenon but wasn't clear about the specific situation of the pulse weakening. However, she was certain it had something to do with Tang Yu.

Just as she was about to instruct Delamain to drive into the factory, she saw several armed flying cars descending from the sky above the construction site. The vehicles bore the markings of "Militech," clearly indicating their identity.


Lucy's heart tightened with doubt. 

'Why is Militech here at this moment? Did Nights Corp call for backup?'

She knew Militech had set up some level of security forces at this construction site, but it wasn't considered a key defensive area. They merely provided drones and firearms, with security personnel still mainly comprising Nights Corp workers.

Panam and her team were only four people, and they had already been captured by Nights Corp. Militech arriving with such a grand display clearly had another purpose.

Lucy had to stop Militech and prevent anyone from being taken away. If the situation leaked, it could bring huge risks to everyone involved in this operation, including Tang Yu's safety.

Being targeted by a corporation was never a good thing. Determined, Lucy instructed Delamain to head back to the construction site to delay them somehow.

The armed flying cars of Militech landed slowly. When the doors opened, fully armed soldiers emerged, guarding key pathways of the construction site. One team, carrying heavy machine guns, stood guard at the tunnel entrance.

After confirming the site's safety, Meredith slowly stepped out of the flying car, scanning the surroundings of the tunnel construction site. There were signs of battle, yet no one was around.

Her eyes fell on the tunnel entrance, and she smiled slightly.

The real action must be inside.

Meredith didn't rashly choose to enter the tunnel. The tunnel led straight to the company plaza's underground, reaching the core of the matrix space.

She planned to wait outside a bit longer, until the situation inside became irretrievable—best if the matrix space exploded. Then she would step in to clean up.

From now on, no one could escape her watchful eyes.

At this moment, Agent Gilchrist stepped forward and whispered to Meredith, "Madam, someone from NetWatch has arrived to investigate the matrix space."


Meredith did not care much. NetWatch, as an independent agency, still relied on the major corporations for support and did not have the capacity to compete with them.

She replied indifferently, "Let them in."

Shortly after, Meredith saw a silver-haired girl escorted by agents approaching her.

She didn't recognize the NetWatch agent in front of her, casually glanced at her credentials, and initiated an identity scan.

Confirming the identity was correct, namely, a NetWatch operative, Meredith then looked at Lucy more seriously, finding her somewhat attractive. She casually asked, "Is Mosley no longer working in Night City?"

Lucy replied in a deep voice, "He returned to headquarters to report. I'm temporarily in charge here."

"You in charge? Don't get too cocky," Meredith said sternly, unimpressed by Lucy.

She knew NetWatch was understaffed, often hiring mercenaries or gangs for field operations.

At this moment, an agent reported to Meredith that they had found two unconscious suspicious individuals. Upon her approval, the agents carried them over.

Pointing at the two lying on the ground, Meredith asked, "Are these your people? How much do you know about the matrix space?"

"They are from the Aldecaldos tribe, hired for the job," Lucy replied truthfully. "As for the matrix space, it might involve illegal cyberspace activities. Tonight, I'm here to investigate this matter."

Meredith was skeptical, staring at Lucy's changing expressions. Suddenly, she said loudly, "Alright, you can take these two away, but since there's no clear lead yet, you don't need to meddle in the subsequent events."

Lucy frowned, wanting to say more, but the opposing soldiers blocked her with machine guns, signaling her to leave.

'Damn it...'

She knew that inside, besides Tang Yu, there were others, including Maine's team. If Meredith saw Maine's team, it would be tough to explain everything, surely arousing her suspicion.

After all, Meredith had met them before, personally involved in the military-grade Sandevistan incident.

Growing impatient with the inactivity inside the tunnel, Meredith ordered the special forces to advance and investigate.

Militech soldiers immediately formed a defensive line, deployed heavy machine guns, and activated night vision and searchlights as they headed into the tunnel.

Lucy's eyes were anxious, wanting to stop them but couldn't do so overtly, lest Meredith noticed.

As Lucy was helpless, a shadow slowly emerged from the tunnel.

The Militech agents pointed their guns at the person, ready for any unforeseen circumstances.

Meredith noticed the figure, squinting to see clearly, finding it somewhat familiar.

Tang Yu?

She quickly recognized the person. His unique aura left a memorable impression.

Seeing Tang Yu emerge from the tunnel, Meredith realized the situation wasn't simple and smiled.

She waved for the agents to stand down, then approached Tang Yu with a smile. "Long time no see, Mr. Tang."

Tang Yu had seen through the surveillance system that Militech arrived at the site, choosing to walk out of the tunnel alone.

"Indeed, long time no see."

Meredith took another step forward, brushing dust off Tang Yu's shoulder and slyly whispered, "I thought I was catching rats out of the tunnel. Looks like we have a lot to talk about tonight. I wonder if it's one rat or a group."

Tang Yu remained calm. Seeing Meredith's grand entrance, he knew she must have a motive, so he played along mockingly.

"Do you think this rat isn't big enough to satisfy your appetite?"

Meredith chuckled coldly, immediately putting on a stern look as she ordered, "Withdraw!"

Following the command, Militech agents rushed back to the flying cars, leaving Meredith's personal vehicle door wide open.

She gestured politely to Tang Yu, "Let's talk in the car. I'll give you a ride."

Tang Yu didn't refuse, directly heading to the car, ignoring Lucy on the roadside.

Lucy's eyes flickered, wanting to ask something but holding back, only watching Tang Yu board Militech's flying car.

Meredith glanced at her, then followed Tang Yu into the car, even taking the opportunity to support him warmly when he bent down to enter. "Careful."

The car door slowly closed, the engine ignited blue flames, ascending into the sky.

Lucy looked up, watching the armed flying convoy leave, recalling Tang Yu's secret message: "All safe."

After Tang Yu's departure, Lucy immediately turned and sprinted into the tunnel.


Kyoto Arasaka Estate.

Hanako Arasaka, dressed in a kimono, was kneeling in the study, holding a paper book and reading intently.

Her expression was peaceful, fingers slowly turning pages, entirely immersed in the book, smiling occasionally at interesting parts.

The book cover prominently bore the title—"Silent Flower."

This book had been published in Night City for some time. She had someone bring her a copy and, having some free time today, decided to read it.

The story inside depicted her and her brother Yorinobu, vividly describing their relationship, arousing curiosity.

Knock, knock, knock.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," Hanako Arasaka said without moving.

Santo Oda, dressed in a ninja uniform, slipped silently into the room, kneeling and reporting solemnly.

"Lady Hanako, Yorinobu has left Kyoto and headed alone to Night City. Takemura Gorou has gone to report to Saburo-sama."

Hanako nodded slightly, eyes still on the book, her tone calm.

"It's not surprising that Yorinobu went to Night City. He is Arasaka's future heir and has the right to decide his whereabouts. Father wouldn't blame him for that."

Oda's expression changed slightly, further reporting, "But Yorinobu took an experimental relic biochip from Arasaka Tower in Kyoto."

Hanako stopped turning the pages, her calm eyes showing a slight change. She closed the book and placed it on the table, quickly donning her wooden sandals and heading out.

Oda, seeing Hanako leave, stood up and looked at the book "Silent Flower" for a long time.

Hanako's expression was stern, and she ignored the greetings from servants along the way, leaving them puzzled. The usually elegant and composed Lady Hanako seemed in a hurry today.

Hanako hurried to the library. She had long known that Yorinobu wanted to leave the estate and go to Night City to pursue his grand plan. But at this critical juncture, Yorinobu had stolen the relic biochip from Arasaka Tower in Kyoto.

Not long ago, Saburo-sama had sent Tang Yu to investigate Night City, uncovering the Voodoo Boys' attempt to collude with AI from beyond the Blackwall.

Saburo was extremely concerned about this, growing even more dissatisfied with Night City, often expressing his disdain for the city.

Furthermore, Nights Corp proposed a new infrastructure plan to create an "independent" Night City, developing a matrix space to form its own network system, further angering Saburo.

According to information from Night City, Nights Corp's intentions are far from simple, possibly surpassing the deeds of the Voodoo Boys.

Many forces coveted Arasaka's divine regime, Saburo's taboo.

Hanako worried that Yorinobu's actions would provoke Saburo's wrath, exacerbating the situation.

She quickly reached the library and knelt at the door, requesting an audience.

The library door slowly opened. Saburo Arasaka was stooped over a wooden desk, holding an ink brush, concentrating on his calligraphy.

Hanako didn't dare disturb him, standing silently by the side, waiting for him to finish.

Saburo meticulously completed his calligraphy, his aged face barely forming a smile, emitting a few hoarse chuckles.

Hanako stepped closer, discovering the word he wrote—"Longevity."

Saburo put down the brush, admiring the strokes, and spoke slowly, "You're here about your brother Yorinobu?"

Hanako didn't dare to lie, honestly admitting. She noticed Takemura Gorou still kneeling on the floor with her peripheral vision.

Saburo dismissed Takemura, leaving only the father and daughter in the library. He spoke again, "You are worried about my decision. Yorinobu shouldn't have done this."

Hanako softly explained, "Brother is just temporarily blinded. Once he sees things clearly, he will be moved by your grand vision."

Saburo placed his hands behind his back, speaking calmly, "No need to defend him. You're the only one thinking about the Arasaka family, which comforts me."

"Setting the company on fire, city independence, matrix space, counter-wave, biochips—a Night City with unique charm."

"Night City was where Arasaka fell. Decades have passed in a blink, and now another son of mine goes there."

"The wise don't blame others, and those who know their fate don't blame Heaven."

"It's Yorinobu's choice…"

"Father, Night City does have forces conspiring, trying to run the matrix space, eyeing the divine regime. But under your leadership, Arasaka remains strong, causing fear among the small-minded. Brother Yorinobu surely wouldn't…" Hanako's face darkened, trying to reason for Yorinobu but was interrupted by Saburo.

"I've understood your point. Just like the word 'longevity,' Night City still holds value for Arasaka."

"You can't persuade Yorinobu to return, but perhaps someone else can."

Hanako was surprised, bowing and whispering, "Please enlighten me, Father."

Saburo's gaze became piercing, uttering softly.

"Tang Yu."

Hanako immediately thought of the young man, recalling when Saburo met him in the library and talked for a long time.

When he left, he took Saburo's private car back to Night City.

She couldn't understand Saburo's arrangement or why he believed Tang Yu could convince Yorinobu to return.

Hanako didn't dare to question further, quietly bowing and exiting the library.

Returning to her room, she knelt on the floor, picked up "Silent Flower," but couldn't immerse herself in it.

After a while, her artificial eyes rotated, checking the information sent back from Night City to Kyoto.

One piece caught her attention—Nights Corp's matrix space activation failed.


She linked it to her father's earlier intention. This matter likely involved Tang Yu.

Hanako immediately summoned her bodyguard, Oda.

"Go to Night City and investigate Tang Yu. I want to know everything about him."

Oda's eyes turned cold. After receiving the order, he exited the room.

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