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83.86% One Piece: The Defender of Justice / Chapter 316: 304. The Conspiracy In Fishman Street

Chapter 316: 304. The Conspiracy In Fishman Street

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Fish-Man Island, in the Ryugu Palace.

Inside a grand palace, there's a long dining table surrounded by mermaid guards, armed and ready with knives. Mermaid girls move gracefully, carrying delicious dishes between the table and the kitchen.

Seated at the head of the table is Neptune, the ruler of Ryugu Palace. To his left and right are Jinbei and Atlas. At the strong insistence of Princess Otohime, she sits beside Atlas.

"Thank you, Mr. Hakuryu, for taking the time from your busy schedule to join us as a guest on Fish-Man Island."

Neptune observed the young yet determined Atlas and raised his glass in a gesture of invitation. Emotions welled up in him, and he grew more serious about this youthful Marine.

Considering his age, Atlas stood out. Even the legendary figures Roger and Newgate had a distinct difference in their youth.

"Haha~ No need for such formality. You should be saying that I'm causing quite a stir on Fish-Man Island," replied Atlas, lifting his glass with dignity and responding politely.

Witnessing the Marine's humility and courtesy, which contradicted the rumored brutality, Neptune and Otohime released a long sigh, finally relieved of the worry weighing on their hearts.

Princess Otohime's eyes brightened, and she eagerly asked, "So, may I inquire about your perspective on the relationship between fish-men and humans today?"


Neptune and Jinbei exchanged glances, holding back the question that had crossed their minds. Their attention shifted to Atlas's youthful face.

"To begin with, the conflict between Fish-Man Island and humans is not insurmountable," Atlas reflected for a moment, setting the tone for his response.

"Even though it may appear that fish-men and humans lack understanding on the surface, this lack of understanding fosters human prejudice against you."

"However, the core issue lies in the fish-men clan not being strong enough, despite having wrist strength ten times that of ordinary humans."

"Without the safeguard of top experts, we are left to the mercy of the currents," Atlas continued.

Otohime's expression froze upon hearing this, though she was reluctant to acknowledge it. Deep down, she understood that the man before her spoke the truth.

"Then... can't all races strive for mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence?"

"...are you kidding?"

Atlas regarded the woman before him with a strange look, unsure if she genuinely lacked understanding or was feigning ignorance.


Otohime stood still, struggling to find words, deeply concerned about the future of Fish-Man Island.

"Nevertheless, force alone isn't the answer. The oppression of Fish-Man Island has various underlying causes. Identifying the root cause is crucial."

"It's akin to someone being ill; the task is to pinpoint the root cause and eliminate the source..."

Atlas spoke eloquently, yet he almost didn't explicitly state:

'As long as the Celestial Dragons do not die, you, the Fish-Man Island, can't be free.'

Silent but not forgetful, Neptune subtly winked at the astute Jinbei, who promptly grasped the situation.

"Your Excellency Hakuryu, your visit to Fish-Man Island this time was a special detour to ensure the matter you mentioned earlier is settled, correct?"

"I almost forgot to mention, the Marine has endorsed this document. However, you must prepare the funds independently, and every fishman officer must pass headquarters inspection before assuming office."

Atlas smacked his forehead and spoke suddenly.

While this approach might not provide a lasting solution to Fish-Man Island's predicament, it's akin to ingesting poison for the current state of the island. Even though it might bring about some temporary relief, much like the alleviation of labor pains.

"As for military expenses, Fish-Man Island has no issues whatsoever," Neptune nodded in agreement.

Their intention was to leverage the Marine's reputation to deter the pirates who approached Fish-Man Island and the looming threat posed by the Big Mom Pirates.

Considering that the Marine had recently triumphed over the Whitebeard Pirates, their might had reached a level where even the Sea Emperor, who ruled the New World, hesitated to challenge them.

"What are you all talking about?" Otohime looked perplexed, scanning the room, unaware of the mysterious conversation unfolding.

"The Fish-Man Island Marine branch." As these words were uttered, in a neglected corner, a heavily armed soldier, resembling a Great White Shark, revealed a fierce gleam in his eyes.


Fish-Man Island, Fish-Man District.

Initially, it served as a sizable shelter for orphans of Fish-Man Island. However, with inadequate administration and the apprehension of Tiger, who once kept the Fish-Man District thugs in check, Jinbei found himself constantly occupied with ensuring the safety of Fish-Man Island, leaving him with no time to oversee this area.

Consequently, Fish-Man District transformed into a haven for unlawful organizations, attracting a multitude of criminal gangs.

Now, in a shadowy corner of Fish-Man District...

A group of dozens of Fish-men had gathered, each sporting a smug grin. At the center stood a towering great white shark man, exuding a flamboyant demeanor as if he were the leader of this Fish-men assembly.

He was tall, with curly hair, donning a flat hat adorned with a trident pattern, a wolfskin scarf wrapped around his neck, extensive tattoos adorning his left arm, and the unmistakable Arlong group's logo inked on his lower right abdomen.

"Jahahaha!! I reckon you've got an idea why I've summoned you here, don't you?" The great white shark man opened his mouth, revealing his serrated fangs.

"Boss Hody? Are you certain Neptune is colluding with the Marine?" A squid man with eight arms, sporting a racing driver's helmet, brandished a red tassel gun and shouted.

"Nonsense, Ikaros! You dare doubt Boss Hody? He's currently serving in the King's Army, so he's privy to palace news, quack~~"

"Yeah, Ikaros, do you still not know who Boss Hody is? How could he deceive us!!"

"I have faith in Boss Hody!!"

In response to Ikaros' inquiry, the surrounding fishmen launched into a barrage of criticism, all expressing their anger.

Since Tiger's arrest and Arlong's demise at the hands of the Marine, Jinbei has once again become a lackey of the World Government.

Hody Jones stepped forward, emerging as their new spiritual leader! This marked the fishmen's ultimate outcry!


Hody Jones raised his hand slightly, instantly quelling the noise from all the fishmen present. This showcased his influence among the criminals of Fish-Man Street.

"Ikaros, there's no need for your doubts. At the exit of Fish-Man Island, countless citizens witnessed Neptune and that woman, Otohime, groveling before that human Marine like dogs."

"Furthermore, I overheard with my own ears that the Marine scoundrel plans to establish a Marine branch on Fish-Man Island!!"

Recalling that scene, Hody Jones couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Were those three traitors from Fish-Man Island so content with having their dignity trampled by humans? He, Hody Jones, vowed to make them pay, especially that bitch, Otohime!


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