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Son of Artemis, Grandson of Zeus Son of Artemis, Grandson of Zeus original

Son of Artemis, Grandson of Zeus

Author: Kaidyn_Puntarich

© WebNovel


In the early 1900s, Zeus had a son. This child's mother was a demigod of divine beauty, a daughter of Aphrodite. This child grew up in camp half-blood. He was raised there by his mother, he never had any contact with his Father. He became a strong hero, and went on many quests. He had it all until his Grandmother decided to play to curse the Goddess of the Hunt, Artemis. Aphrodite cursed Artemis, to fall in love with the next male she sees. Artemus, is known as a virgin goddess, fully devoted to the hunt. It just so happens that the male that she next saw, was the child of zeus. 

The curse was dispelled after their first night shared together. She was so horrified with what she had done that in her anger, she killed the hero. Little did she know, that she was now pregnant, with a god that will surpass them all. When she discovered that she was pregnant, she left he huntresses, with the excuse of a solo hunting mission. She was gone for many months, and during that time she gave birth, to a beautiful and strong baby boy. She was disgusted with herself, for not only breaking her vow, but also producing a male. 

She left her child on the steps of an orphanage in New York City. All she left for him was a silver arm band, that looked, as if made by moonlight, and a letter containing nothing, but a date of birth, and the name 'Hunter'.

Hunter grew up secluded from the others in the orphanage. He was far stronger than any adult, even as a baby. The matrons of the home, were very scared of him, only feeding and cleaning him. Hunter always knew what he was. He had an instinctual knowledge that he was a god of the Olympus, so he learned everything he could on Greek mythology. He lived like this until he was 8 years old when he sat down in front of the fire, and prayed to Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and the Home. She was very happy to know she had a great nephew, and sad that he was abandoned, but she understood, if the other gods knew of him, there would be a scandal. So she took him to the camp. 

Hunter was very interested in learning all he could from Chiron, a centaur, and trainer of Heroes. Chiron took Hunter under his wing, and trained him to the best of his ability. During his time at camp half-blood, Hunter discovered and developed his many abilities. From his Grandfather Zeus, he got the ability to summon, control, and reinforce his body with lightning. From his Grandmother Aphrodite, he got beauty that would put gods to shame. From his Father, who from Chiron, he came to know was called Grimm, he got divine strength, and natural combat instincts with weapons of all kind. From his Mother Artemis, he got his abilities to track, control over animals that dwell in the forest, and mastery of bows. 

He used to pray to his mother to claim him, but she never did, but once after a prayer, his armband glowed and transformed into a silver bow, that shined like moonlight. He decided that the bow was the best that he was going to get from his mother. He stopped praying after that. Hunter spent 50 years mastering all that Chiron knew, but he new aged past 18, he was immortal. When Chiron deemed that he has taught him all he knows, he bestowed Hunter with a surname, from that moment on, he was Hunter Storm. A god, with no family. 

Hunter left the camp, and sought refuge in a forest near Virginia. He built a cabin, and chose to live a peaceful life, in the home of the Hunt. He lived like this for many years, until the sky and the seas shook. He could tell that trouble was coming, he decided to stay out of it, or at least he tried, but he was visited one day soon after, by his master Chiron, who told him his presence was required on Olympus, from that moment he knew, his quite life was over.

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