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50% my hero academia: reincarnated as Rimuru ("very original") / Chapter 49: My name's I, I-Island - I-Expo part 3

Chapter 49: My name's I, I-Island - I-Expo part 3


"Eh? Rimuru what a suprise!" Hagakure stepped back as she quickly noticed Tokoyami and Jiro

"Ah! Jiro and Tokoyami! Are you having a sleepover? I was planning on having one with the girls!" Hagakure jumped in place excitedly.

"Um... cool story... Bye" Without further notice I slammed the door in her face, the awkward silence was broken by hurried knocking on the door as well as muffled complaining

"Mou... Its rude to slam a door in a maidens face"

*Knock knock knock knock*

"Are you not going to open?" Hagakure's muffled voice continued, after a few seconds of silence I answered back.



"Hey, have you thought of actually having a sleepover?" Tokoyami suddenly asked

"No really... I don't know what you do at a sleepover" I answered back, even in my past life I never really liked the idea of sleeping at another's house or inviting a friend to sleep at my own... Thats partially because I didn't have friends but that doesn't matter.

"Hm? Planning a sleepover? I was already going to stay here so it doesn't matter" Jiro chimed in, her weird announcement made Tokoyami's eyes narrow.

"You're going to sleep with Rimuru?" 




"Dude... phrasing, please"


"Morning" I muttered to no one in particular, rubbing my eyes I went straight to the living room

"Good morning" 

"Ah! I completely forgot about you" I had forgotten that we were basically having a sleepover. Tokoyami was watching some weird cringe anime on the TV, luckily he used sub like a normal person.

"Well, that's kinda rude... Anyway I'm kinda hungry wanna head to the restaurant" Tokoyami asked while pausing his show, the silence allowed for the perfect moment for my stomach to grumble.

"Y-yea sure" I scratched the back of my head, sitting next to Tokoyami we only needed to wait for Jiro to wake up.


"To be honest it isn't that bad" The animation was pretty decent but unfortunately I couldn't really understand the story... 

"Well, maybe we could rewatch the 1st season together, the story gets better on the 5th episode"

"Nah, later I'm kinda enjoying this... his a** is getting beaten so bad" I was watching one of the fight scenes and it was pretty good, I don't understand why they had to kiss each other at the beginning but I don't mind

"Yeah, the only problem is the Yaoi tag, I swear it's all the gay animes that are S-tier"

"... I'm not going to comment on this one"

But soon after we continued watching, we could hear one of the bedroom's doors open. Staring up I got hit with heavy whiplash

"Lord have mercy..." 

Who could've expected pajamas to be so sexy? Wearing lavender-colored PJs with a nightcap that has a pompom at the end creating an overall goofy aura, Jiro's usual chillness was replaced with her seldomly seen cuteness.

"Huh? I didn't hear whatchu sai- *Yawn*" Jiro covered her mouth while yawning but it didn't cover her quickly reddening ears, but enduring and continuing forward she made her way down the stairs.

"So did Tokoyami force you to watch those gay animes?" Jiro turned toward the TV, making small sweatdrops form on Tokoyami's forehead.

"Wait you watched those anime's with Tokoyami?" I skeptically asked

"Yeah, he kinda forced me" Jiro continued rubbing the sand out of her eyes. Tokoyami on the other side was quickly distancing himself from me.

"Oh ho, so you forced her?" I smiled, however my eyes burned in rage.

"W-When you say it like that it seems like-" Before he could try to reason I grabbed him by the shoulders, staring into his soul I asked again.

"Did you force her?"

"Aw, You're scaring our little bird. we wouldn't want a murder in here" Jiro quickly saved Tokoyami's a**, putting her hand on my shoulder and pulling me back.

"Hehe, nice pun... A murder of crows" I chuckled slightly at the unintentional pun but before I could continue something slipped into my sight that made my nose bleed.

"ummm... Jiro your PJs are kinda loose" Averting my gaze I pointed at her shirt, which was loose enough to make her... Jugs visible through the collar.

"Huh? Wait why are you looking? stop! wait!" Jiro quickly covered her breasticles as her face turned beet red... At this point, I have to stop ignoring the fact that we have crossed multiple lines beyond the 'just friends' territory...

(A/N: WARNING! Rimuru is about to rant. You have been warned!)

As soon as Jiro ran away to fix her clothes I began diving into deep thought. Sure dating Jiro might be a good idea but I 100% can't do the deed with her... My morals are firm and I won't waver... But relationships aren't all about s*x anyway, I like Jiro not because she's purely hot but because of her personality. 

If I only liked people because they were hot I would've gone for Mina or Momo, but I always found them kind of obnoxious. Momo was kinda plain with her whole righteousness and being useful... and Mina is way too eccentric.

Also, flat lives matter! I wiped the blood off my nose as I remembered the beautiful cutting board shape...

"So... were they perky? I imagine them to be pink" Tokoyami suddenly whispered into my ears, snapping me out of my thoughts.

As soon as his words registered in my mind I instinctively gave an uppercut to Tokoyami sending him into the ceiling.


"Geez I'm sorry" Tokoyami's muffled voice sounded as his head was buried in the ceiling tiles.

"Dayum.. Do you think the hotel management will mind?" Jiro who had just returned from her room asked.

"I'm not sure... Do you think those ceiling tiles are expensive to replace?" I asked back, rubbing my chin. seeing as the ceiling survived a Tokoyami sent into it by a 'barely holding back' punch I supposed they're durable.

"I mean, I-Island is famous for having good security, if a strong punch destroyed their buildings it wouldn't be good security" Jiro commented, I nodded as I agreed, if your security can be destroyed by brute force it isn't security...

"I would love to join your conversation... but can someone let me down?" Both of our gazes returned to Tokoyami, whom we had completely forgotten about.

Without a word, I teleported him back onto the floor

"I'm getting hungry let's go"

"Sure... we'll worry about the ceiling later"


after a quick 5-minute elevator ride.... we arrived at the 'Restaurant' but honestly, it looked more like a cafeteria. A main area for booths and benches in the middle but on the side was a line of many restaurants some selling actual food but of course, even a 5-star hotel couldn't escape the need for fast food.

"Of course there a McDickies..." I stared at the yellow arch M in front of me, looking to the left and right I saw a KFC (Kreamy Fried Chicken) and a BK (Burger Kingdom) 

"So what are y'all ordering?" Jiro immediately heads towards the KFC as apparently, Japan has a thing for fried chicken. I however head towards the McDickies and order a 20-piece McNuggies meal... Nugget superiority.

Retuning back to the main area I suddenly noticed that there were bearly any tables or booths left and only those with 2 seats were available (Convenient... very convenient 👀) sighing slightly I sat down in the cleanest booth I could find.

"You ordered a 20-piece? Fatso" Jiro chuckled but ironically she was carrying a 14-piece KFC bucket

"Even if you eat that much none of the fat will go to your t*ts" I retorted making Jiro stop right in her tracks, her ears turned red...

"Thats not why I ordered that much... Belive me!" 



"Man, there's really not much seating left huh?" I skillfully changed the subject, watching as Tokoyami stared at the two of us while holding his tray, sighing he left to sit at another table.

"I guess... It's just the two of us here" Jiro muttered silently, however, my ears caught her words anyway. 

"It's almost as if we're on a date" I casually remarked and waited as Jiro's gears were turning...

"Arent we basically already dating?" Now it was my turn to get stunned by the bluntness of her answer.

"Huh? Are we?" I wanted to reaffirm so your honor could see I am in fact innocent.

"We already kissed it doesn't really matter anymore" Jiro just waved off the whole situation as if it didn't really matter... Women are confusing...

"So Rimuru and Jiro are dating... You learn something new every day, Ribbit" With a sudden voice surprising both of us, our gaze snapped onto Asui who was staring at us intensely.

"H-Hey i-its not w-what I meant! I-" As if Jiro's ping was at 900 only after spotting Asui did she begin blushing, however, I was in the same situation, quickly defending ourselves. However, Asui's unchanging face made us think she wasn't buying any excuse.

"Hmmm... I don't really mind you two, but it is pretty good gossip material hehe" Asui smirked cheekily.

"Hmm? Asui who are you talking to? eh?" Ururaka who was checking on Asui suddenly spotted the strange scene in front of her.

However the worst part was the cascade that happened, as soon as Mina arrived to check on Asui and Ururaka she began to text everyone about the 'Date' that was happening in front of her.

"Hey! Hey! Jiro since when have you started dating Rimuru? Are you into Femboys or just girls? Did you not know Rimuru was a guy? How do you feel being compared to girls all the time Rimuru? Are you a femboy intentionally?" With her constant barrage of questions, we were drowned by embarrassment, both of our faces being beet red.

"Hey... Rimuru can you teleport us out of here?" Jiro elbowed me roughly pushing against my ribs.

"I need prep time... I don't have a location I can teleport to"

"Your teleportation is so weak..."

"You can't even run fast"



"Actually scratch that your teleportation is S-tier" Me and Jiro were currently standing in the middle of the plaza, discreetly using [Beelzbub] without Mina noticing wasn't much of an issue when she is that much of an airhead, now standing in front of a small cafe we made our way inside as it was considerably hot outside.

"Welcome to our humble cafe! What would you like to order, Rimuru and Jiro" Hearing the server calling by name blared alarms in my mind, quickly turning my gaze...

"Dammit I can't escape the idiots"

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean!" Kaminari shouted in annoyance dropping his tablet, after getting an earful from the manager he seemed a little bit more respectful.

"um, sorry about that. What would you like to order?"

"Get me a vanilla banana milkshake" I quickly made my order, I had a bit of a sweet tooth for some milkshakes.

"Um... I'll get a coffee... americano" Jiro made her order swiftly after, finding the opportunity to lay a railroad for the plot a bit I began talking

"Hey Jiro, wanna explore the I-Expo with me?" I offered a gentle smile.

"Oh, I was considering asking you that" Jiro answered back, seeing success I was happy. Reducing the variables could help me keep track of the happenings.

"There you go lovebirds, one banana milkshake with extra vanilla and an americano" Kaminari elegantly served us our order, not forgetting to bow before getting a karate chop to the face.

Taking a sip from the milkshake I enjoyed the sweetness before preparing myself to observe each character's movement. 

I already had eyes on Wolfram ever since I spotted him in the background, luckily [Beelzbub] + [Universal Thread] was a godly synergy for spying. 


"Wow to think people actually invented something like this" I was quickly reminded that the MHA was technically a semi-sci-fi story due to the combination of Quirks + Technology making progress much quicker than normal.

"Who would even want to dive down 4 thousand kilometers underwater... just thinking about it gives me the chills" Jiro rubbed her shoulders as she stared at the strange amphibian bodysuit, going out of the underwater exhibition we quickly arrived at the 'Military and weaponry' area.

Tanks, guns, planes, and flying tanks with guns. If just one weapon goes missing I doubt it wouldn't cause war. 

"Is that a plasma gun? So cool!" Jiro was pressed up against the glass as she watched the demonstration of the gun ripping through 3 inch steel plates, however I had my eyes on the demonstration right next to it

"Holy sh*t! Light sabers!" I saw an automation wield a laser sword swinging it at another, ripping it limb from limb... more like melt but it didn't make it any less impressive.

"Ah! Rimuru-kun! I didn't expect you to be here" I turned around at the strange squeaky voice behind me, seeing the green hair I instantly knew who it was.

"ah Deku, is he one of your classmates?" Turning my gaze I was flash-banged by the blonde bombshell standing behind Midoriya.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Mellisa Shield, if you're a friend of Deku then you're a friend of mine! What's your name?" As Melissa's hand extended forward for a handshake, I felt a chill run down my spine.

I could feel Jiro's murderous gaze land on Mellisa. Cold sweat ran down my back, I better not upset my petite girlfriend... 


A/N: its 2AM and I cant sleep... HELP ME 

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