"Tangtang, study hard for the exam. If you can get into this factory, things will be different for you in the future!"
Having seen a wider world, Lin Tang naturally didn't find this place anything special.
But she knew her third brother didn't want her to become an aimless village woman with no aspirations.
She smiled and said, "Don't worry, Third Brother. When it comes to exams, I've never been afraid!"
A smile that Lin Qingmu couldn't hide spread across his face as he patted his sister's forehead, "Hmm, just don't get cocky."
In the midst of their conversation, the two arrived on the second floor.
Upon reaching the second floor, they saw a woman in her forties.
The woman had a neat short haircut, wore a grey shirt with a collar, black pants below, and a pair of black leather shoes on her feet.
"...Here for the exam?" the woman asked proactively.
Lin Tang handed over her letter of introduction, "Yes, my name is Lin Tang, and I've come for the factory entrance exam."
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