Goudan scratched his head and grinned, "I'm the older brother."
Any tasty food has to be saved for the younger brothers and sisters.
"What's wrong with being the older brother?" Lin Tang didn't agree with the claim that the older one must always let the younger one have their way.
Everyone is a first-timer at life, so why should the older ones always have to give in to the younger ones?
"Who said that an older brother must always yield to his younger siblings? Aren't you a child too? Even Kong Rong gave larger pears to his older brother.
You might be a bit older, and it's fine to take care of your younger brother, but don't wrong yourself.
If you spoil Choudan and the others and they develop bad habits, they will only suck your blood when they grow up. Will you still be able to live your life?"
Lin Tang didn't care whether Goudan understood or not, she just gave him a lecture.
In the place she came from, she had met such a person.
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