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32% Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts / Chapter 23: CHAPTER 23

Chapter 23: CHAPTER 23

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

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As Elizabeth, Elmi, and Harry tried to walk past them, Draco's attention turned to them. Since Elizabeth and Elmi never liked attending any ball or other activities held by nobles, Draco didn't know them. Seeing that they were shopping for a school year, he greeted them arrogantly and asked for their names,

"Fredrick Elminster Fawley, it is a pleasure to meet you, but we are really busy, so please forgive us."

Elmi cut him off and didn't give time for Harry to introduce himself, and Elizabeth knew it would become problematic too if Harry were to announce himself here. They had already taken care of everything they would need, but Harry was feeling down since Elizabeth had to pay for everything. They had gone to Gringotts, but because Harry had Dumbledore as his guardian and without his written relinquishment of the control of the account back to him, child Harry couldn't make withdrawals. Elmi now understood what was written inside the letter Hagrid gave to the goblin; it allowed both access to the Philosopher's Stone and Harry's vault.

Now that he thought about it, it would be ridiculous if a child could come and make withdrawals whenever he wanted. It would be gravely irresponsible of a bank and a community.


A week later, Elmi learned from him that a half-giant named Hagrid had come and taken him to Gringotts and reactivated his account. As Elmi thought, they gave him a monthly allowance from his account. For bigger withdrawals, he still needed his magical guardian's permission. Harry also witnessed Hagrid taking out the Philosopher's Stone. 


Amidst the serene ambiance of the Woodland, the golden afternoon sun streamed through the leaves, casting dappled shadows across the ground. Elmi had brought Harry here for another session of magical practice. Today, he was teaching Harry the Levitation Charm, and a sense of excitement filled the air.

With his wand in hand, Elmi demonstrated the correct wand movement and incantation, "Wingardium Leviosa." A nearby pebble levitated gently into the air before gently descending.

Harry listened attentively and observed the correct form for casting the charm. He took a deep breath and, following Elmi's guidance, attempted to cast the spell. However, instead of the pebble, he unintentionally made a branch bend and quiver, causing some leaves to rustle.

"Close," Elmi encouraged, trying to stifle a chuckle. "Let's try it again."

As they continued their practice, Harry hesitated before bringing up a question that had been lingering in his mind for some time.

"Elmi, I've heard from Hagrid that Slytherin is the house where all the dark and evil wizards come from. Is that true?"

Elmi's expression shifted from amusement to understanding. He knew that Hagrid's words had left a lasting impression on Harry. He leaned against a tree, pondering the best way to respond.

"Harry, it's not entirely true," Elmi began, his tone measured. "Slytherin House has produced dark wizards, but it's not because the house itself is evil. It's more about the values associated with it. Slytherin House values traits like ambition and resourcefulness. It's just that over time, that ambition can sometimes lead people down the wrong path."

Elmi continued, "Slytherin House wasn't always like that. Every house has its strengths and weaknesses. Gryffindors can be too impulsive at times, and they always act like they are the only ones who fought against Voldemort; they act like they are the only ones who are righteous and courageous. Ravenclaws may focus too much on knowledge without considering its consequences; they want knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Hufflepuffs can be too loyal even when it's detrimental. It's just about the choices you make."

He concluded, "My entire family, including my parents, are Slytherins, and I don't think they're evil. It's the choices and actions that matter more than the house you come from."

Harry nodded, absorbing Elmi's words. He appreciated the clarification. Then Elmi said,

"If you want to be adored, you should go to Gryffindor, but I haven't decided yet. Maybe I will go to Slytherin like my parents."

Harry was confused,

"Didn't you tell me a magical hat was going to choose it for us?"

Elmi nodded and said,

"That is true, but it also takes into consideration what you want. It won't send you to a house you don't want to go."


The sun was shining brightly as Elizabeth, Elmi, and Harry arrived at King's Cross Station. They had reached the platform early, and it was bustling with people in a hurry to catch their trains. Elizabeth guided Harry and Elmi through the crowd, her hand firmly holding Harry's shoulder, while Elmi followed closely behind. Harry's heart raced with excitement and nervousness, knowing that he was about to embark on a new and magical journey.

They finally reached the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. It looked like an ordinary solid wall, and Harry couldn't help but wonder where was the Platform 9¾. Elizabeth was smiling but did tell them where it was. Harry was looking at his ticket and then at the platform signs. Elmi knew where it was because of the books and the movie. He took in the iconic scene and said,

"We are wizards, Harry; nothing is simple with us. If it is Platform 9¾, it must be that wall, like the entrance of Diagon Alley."

He looked around and saw nobody used this archway whenever they were passing over between Platforms 9 and 10. They were going one archway away even if this place was shorter, and Elmi realized,

"There is a Muggle-Repelling Charm on this archway."

Elizabeth nodded,

"Yes, you are right. They can only see a wall here, not an archway. That is why they go all the way around. Now follow me. Dissendium"

In response to her incantation, the barrier shimmered and rippled like a water surface. When they passed the barrier, Platform 9¾ revealed itself with all its beauty.

Platform 9¾ at King's Cross Station was a scene of pure enchantment. The platform was bustling with eager students, parents bidding farewell, and towering luggage trolleys loaded with trunks and cages filled with magical creatures. A scarlet steam train, the Hogwarts Express, stood proudly on the tracks, its polished black engine gleaming under the bright sun. The crimson carriages bore the crest of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and their windows were open as excited voices and laughter filled the air. The train's whistle blew, announcing the departure.

They found an empty compartment aboard the Hogwarts Express and settled in. Elizabeth gave Harry a warm, reassuring smile.

"You'll have a fantastic time at Hogwarts, Harry," she said, her voice filled with pride and love. "Make friends, study hard, and remember to enjoy every moment."

She knew his son wouldn't even care if he didn't make any other friends since all he cared about was magic.

"And you, Elmi. Do not lock yourself into the library; go out and have some fun, too."

She hugged and kissed him until he pushed her away."

"Enough mum... Okay... I get it; I will make friends."


Elmi and Harry had settled into a compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Excitement coursed through them as they anticipated their first year at Hogwarts. The compartment door slid open, and a tall, red-haired boy with a friendly face peered inside.

"Is there room in here for one more?" he asked, his voice tinged with nervousness.

Elmi and Harry exchanged glances and then nodded, warmly welcoming the newcomer. "Of course, there's plenty of room. I'm Elmi, and this is Harry."

The red-haired boy's face lit up, "I'm Ron Weasley. It's a pleasure to meet you." He took a seat across from them.

Ron's initial nervousness turned into a mix of excitement and awe as he processed the realization that he was sharing a compartment with Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. The legend of Harry's survival of the Dark Lord's curse was known to every wizard and witch in Britain.

"Harry Potter?" Ron exclaimed, unable to contain his enthusiasm. "You're really Harry Potter? I've read all about you!"

Harry, though used to such reactions, offered a modest smile. "Yeah, that's me. But don't worry; I'm just a regular wizard like everyone else. Sorry, but I am not a troll hunter or an elite auror."

Ron nodded and said,

"Yes, I thought as much, but could... could I see it?"

Harry looked at Ron, not understanding what he meant. Elmi said,

"He wants to see your lightning scar."

"Ohh, of course."

He lifted his long bangs and showed him his scar; Ron, with excited eyes, said,


The presence of Harry and his friendly demeanor quickly put Ron at ease, and they fell into easy conversation. As the train carried them toward Hogwarts, they began to forge a friendship.

Just as they were getting to know each other more, the compartment door opened once again. This time, a girl with bushy brown hair and an air of self-assuredness stepped in. Her eyes darted around the compartment as if assessing its occupants.

"Everywhere else is full," she stated, more to herself than to the others. "Do you mind if I sit here?"

Without even waiting for an answer, she sat down. She introduced herself,

"Hello, I am Hermione Granger. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Elmi, and this is Harry and Ron."

As the train rattled along the tracks, their conversation turned to the subjects they were looking forward to studying at Hogwarts and their excitement about the magical world. Ron shared stories about his family, and Hermione couldn't help but delve into a discussion about the most promising books they should read.

While Elmi and Harry hadn't known Ron and Hermione for very long, the journey to Hogwarts became much more enjoyable in their company. Elmi almost exploded with excitement. He was about to reach Hogwarts; the fanboy in him was screaming in inexhaustible excitement. He was sitting with the trio and going to Hogwarts, and he couldn't care less about the death eaters and the Dark Lord.


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