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Chapter 10: CHAPTER 10

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 32 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

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With two months to go before the new semester began at his muggle primary school, Elmi devoted his time to honing his magical skills. His primary focus remained on his winds of magic, trying to harness and control this mystical force. Every day was a challenge, but he found himself making gradual progress, inching closer to mastery of this aspect of his magical abilities.

However, his dedicated training sessions didn't stop Byakko from asserting her royal presence. Elmi didn't get a pet; he now had a master, a queen, and he was a slave. She had become an integral part of his daily life. Whenever she wanted something, she had her own way of making it known, whether it was gently rubbing her head against his leg and giving him the big, pleading eyes. If all else failed, resorting to persistent meowing or using a bit of feline violence wasn't out of the question either. Sometimes, she would perch on his shoulder and repeatedly bop his head, disrupting his training.

Elmi was well aware that he was spoiling her, but he couldn't resist this manipulative trickster. Whenever frustration built up, Byakko would employ her most potent weapon: the adorable and charming act. Her playful antics and irresistible cuteness would quickly melt away any lingering annoyance, leaving Elmi with no choice but to spoil her even more. Anyone with a cat would know what kind of assholes they were, but they always knew how to make it up for it, and kneazles were no different.


It was like any other day; he was training his magic in the woods, Byakko was lazily dozing off under the Sun, and he could feel Thalassa watching him from a distance and keeping an eye on him. As he delved deeper into his magical training, his mind began to wander through the dense forest of thoughts and ideas. The gentle rustling of leaves in the surrounding woods seemed to echo with a faint whisper, and this added more to his concentration.

In the midst of his incantations, an epiphany began to bloom within him. He realized that the Lore of Stealth, which he had been practicing for so long, was intricately connected to an aspect of reality that went beyond mere invisibility or silence. It was tied to the fundamental essence of darkness and the mysterious power of curses.

As he continued to cast his spells, this newfound understanding started to unfurl like a scroll in his mind. Whispered forgotten tales of a land far away started to flood into his mind: Nehekhara. A civilization known for its deep connection with curses, soul, and the lore that bound the two together.

The realization hit him like a lightning bolt, and suddenly, the Lore of Nehekhara seemed to be within his grasp. It was as if the very heart of this ancient land, with its secrets and its shadows, had chosen him to be its vessel. 

He had unlocked the Lore of Nehekhara, a power that held within it the essence of soul, curses, and the ancient knowledge of a distant land. It was a moment of enlightenment, a communion of magic and nature, and a step into the uncharted territories of winds of magic.

Elmi, with a serene sense of purpose, gracefully assumed the lotus position. This posture seemed to inexplicably facilitate his meditation and heighten his concentration. As he closed his eyes and focused his thoughts, he felt an overwhelming sense of harmony with the world around him. Within the recesses of his mind lay the knowledge of four new spells, each intricately intertwined with the arcane secrets of the ancient lore. 

Elmi's meditation was an immersive experience, an exploration of the inner workings of these new spells. He scrutinized every facet of the magic meticulously as if deciphering a complex hieroglyph. Hours passed like minutes, his consciousness immersed in the enigmatic depths of the Lore of Nehekhara.

When he finally emerged from his meditative trance, he did so with a sense of readiness and determination. Rising to his feet, he drew in a long, steadying breath, feeling the newfound spells coursing through his veins like a lifeline. With each incantation, he embarked on a journey to master these fresh powers. 

Elmi, resolute and eager, picked up a simple stick from the forest floor. With a quiet yet determined voice, he incanted the words of the spell he had just uncovered, 

"Malediccio Bladae." 

This charm was a derivative of "Djaf's Incantation of Cursed Blades," a mystical incantation from the Lore of Nehekhara; it caused a small shock like static electricity and can't do physical harm. As the incantation left his lips, an eerie white aura began to envelop the stick, rendering it an ethereal, ghostly presence. The transformation was both mesmerizing and unsettling, as the stick seemed to exist in two worlds simultaneously, one of the physical and another of the spectral.

With a sense of trepidation and curiosity, Elmi reached out and touched the stick with his finger. He pulled away his finger the second it touched the stick. It was a peculiar sensation; while he, as the caster, was not harmed by it, the stick exuded an icy coldness that sent shivers down his spine. The touch was like a brush with the ethereal, a hint of something beyond the grasp of the living. 

Elmi knew that this was merely the basic implementation of the spell, akin to the early stages of his exploration of the Lore of Stealth. The possibilities lay before him, waiting to be unlocked. In his heart, he understood that these spells could be refined and honed, each to a more potent form. The journey had just begun, and he was poised to delve deeper into the enigmatic power of the Nehekhara.

As Elmi observed the ghostly stick, an impish and mischievous smile graced his face. His attention turned to Byakko, who lay peacefully snoozing on a rock. He couldn't resist the temptation to play a little trick on his feline companion.

Silently, he crept closer to Byakko, careful not to make a sound. With the stick in hand, he reached out and gently touched her back. The moment the stick made contact, a small, white spark leaped from her fur. Byakko reacted with a dramatic leap into the air, letting out a surprised and loud meow as she scaled a nearby tree. Her eyes, wide with bewilderment, remained fixated on the eerie, glowing stick.

Elmi couldn't help but burst into laughter at her reaction. Byakko, still perched on the tree branch, warily scanned her surroundings, her eyes never leaving the mysterious, ghostly stick. Her bewilderment gradually transformed into hissing and yowling, the feline's vocal protest bordering on a roar.

Elmi's laughter echoed through the woods as he watched Byakko's entertaining reaction, grateful for the moment of playful mischief in the midst of his magical endeavors. With a cheeky grin, Elmi responded to Byakko's defiant display, 

"What, you can mess with me and pounce on my head constantly, but you can't handle a little shock? If you can't take it, don't dish it out."

Byakko's eyes narrowed with an almost indignant understanding, and in a flash, she leaped at Elmi like a striking leopard.

"Fuck!" Elmi exclaimed in surprise.


Their tussle continued for a few minutes; when they finally relented, Elmi was covered in scratches, while Byakko's once immaculate fur was disheveled and muddied. She panted heavily from the little shocks she had received during their fight. Elmi, while tending to his scratches, playfully remarked, "Asshole."

In response, Byakko let out an indignant "Meooow!"

Elmi chuckled, "No, you are the asshole!"

Byakko, with a final meow and a hiss, seemed to be getting ready to fight again. Elmi laughed and said, "Okay, okay, I am the asshole!"


After tending to the superficial scratches on his arms, Elmi resumed his practice of the new spells he had uncovered. This time, he focused his magical intent on a nearby bush and cast a curse derived from Usekph's Incantation of Desiccation.

"Aqua Deductio."

As the incantation left his lips, a pale blue light hit the bush, and the spell took effect. A subtle yet tangible change overcame the bush. It was as though a small amount of moisture and vitality had been sapped from the plant. The bush appeared slightly dehydrated and fatigued, akin to the feeling one might have after sweating in the Sun for too long.

The plant's once vibrant color had faded, its branches drooped, and its leaves had become somewhat shriveled. While the bush remained alive, it bore the unmistakable mark of Elmi's newly harnessed power. 

Elmi now had only two spells left to explore. He decided to start with the attack spell, a mystical art drawn from Sakhmet's Incantation of the Skullstorm. With a focused mind and precise incantation, he unleashed the power:

"Tempestus Spectralis."

As he cast the spell, three wailing spectral skulls materialized, their eerie visages surrounded by an aura of strong, howling winds. These spectral skulls moved with swiftness across the ground, creating a ghostly tempest that crashed into everything in their path. Anything they touched experienced mild magical damage, their ethereal presence capable of disrupting the physical and magical fabric of the world.

Satisfied with the results, Elmi moved on to the final spell, a defensive incantation derived from Neru's Incantation of Protection:

"Protegus Repellus."

Upon uttering the incantation, a pale blue shield was formed around him, a brief yet effective ward against physical harm. It made him resistant to physical attacks. It was similar to the Noxus Guardium, but this one was more powerful in its physical defense. However, the spell offered little defense against magical attacks, a limitation he was keenly aware of.

With these newfound spells, Elmi was delving deeper into the mysteries of the Lore of Nehekhara, expanding his magical repertoire and gaining the power to both defend and strike against the mystical forces that lay ahead in his journey.

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