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My heart hammered in my chest as I ensured Shikamaru and Choji kept their mouths shut. Taking a deep breath, I watched as each student took their turn, the anticipation building with every passing name. Finally, Iruka called mine.
Stepping into the examination hall, a jolt of surprise coursed through me. The sight of the Hokage and the three Elders seated beside Iruka and Mizuki hadn't been part of the usual graduation ceremony. Were they here specifically for me?
With a respectful bow, I awaited the start of the test. Iruka cleared his throat. "Sasuke," he began, "first, you will perform the Rope Escape Technique."
Mizuki, with an eagerness I found unsettling, stepped forward and bound my wrists and then secured me completely with a complex web of ropes. Calmly, I channeled my fire nature, burning the ropes around my wrists clean. Years of training in dislocating my joints allowed me to slip free from the remaining restraints with practiced ease.
One by one, I aced the Substitution Jutsu and the Clock of Invisibility technique. "Excellent, Sasuke!" Iruka boomed, his voice filled with genuine pride. "Now, please perform the Transformation Jutsu."
A mischievous glint flickered in my eyes. Should I transform into the legendary Madara, or perhaps pay homage to my father? With a playful smirk, I unleashed a puff of smoke.
The room erupted in a cacophony of gasps and startled shouts. Iruka's face contorted in anger, Mizuki's jaw hung slack, and even the ever-stoic Hokage seemed taken aback. Standing before them wasn't me, but a flawless recreation of Itachi Uchiha, the infamous Sharingan user.
"Sasuke! You are not allowed to transform into traitors!" Iruka roared, his earlier respect replaced by fury.
I held his gaze with a chilling indifference. "Fine," I conceded, the corners of my mouth twitching with amusement.
Another puff of smoke filled the air, and this time, a gasp escaped Danzo's lips. Standing proudly before them was Shisui Uchiha, his Sharingan blazing a crimson red. The tension in the room was thicker than ever, Danzo's eyes locked with mine in a silent battle of wills.
"Good, Sasuke," Iruka finally managed, his voice strained.
As I reveled in the effect, I casually made my way towards the exit. "Sasuke," Iruka called out, confusion lacing his voice, "you still have the Clone Jutsu."
With a half-turn, I fixed Danzo with a cold stare. "Coward backstabber," I barely whispered so he could read my lips, relishing the widening of his eyes and the flicker of uncertainty in his gaze.
A satisfied smirk played on my lips as I formed the release seal, dispelling the clone that stood in the examination hall.
A jolt of energy surged through me, dragging me from sleep. Memories, not my own, flooded my mind – the transfer was complete. After my daring display during the graduation exam, it was Shikamaru's turn. With a lazy nod, I drifted back to sleep, confident in his laid-back genius.
The harsh reality of daylight greeted me as I stirred awake again. The graduation ceremony was over, and to no one's surprise, the only name missing from the "passed" list was Naruto's. As for myself, Sasuke Uchiha, scoring full marks seemed almost anticlimactic after the events of the morning.
All 4, the newly minted genin, exited the academy together. Parents, siblings, and well-wishers crowded the gates. The first to greet us was Hanabi, flanked by her ever-present escort. Her eyes, the same shade of lavender as Hinata's, scanned the group, landing on me with an expectation that bordered on annoyance. I met her gaze with an unreadable expression as I presented her with a small package – her favorite sweets, a forbidden treat under her strict diet from the clan.
Ever since my childhood victory over her, this little imp had made it a habit to challenge me in combat sometimes, and I in return sometimes treat her. This unspoken ritual had formed an unlikely bond between us. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she grabbed the package. "Thanks, Sasuke nii-san," she chirped, her voice laced with a sweetness that rivaled the candy itself. Over her shoulder, as she skipped away, she tossed a playful jab, tongue sticking out defiantly. "I still don't approve!"
The brat. I stifled a smile, the playful exchange warming a corner of my heart. Shikamaru, ever observant, let out a snort. "You can keep a cool face all you want, Sasuke, but I can tell you're secretly pissed but amused at the same time."
I said nothing as I don't felt like it.
As we continued down the path, we encountered the Nara family, Inoichi and Choji's father – Shikamaru's stoic father offered a curt nod of acknowledgment in response to our passing announcement. Yoshino, Shikamaru's mother, however, was quick to voice her concerns. "You all passed? Excellent. Hello, Sasuke. I hope Shikamaru hasn't been causing you too much trouble?"
I couldn't resist a playful jab. "He could have performed better and gotten higher marks, but laziness seems to get in the way."
Yoshino's smile vanished, replaced by a mock glare. "What's that, Shikamaru? Be prepared for extra training sessions after dinner."
Shikamaru groaned, his signature "drag" escaping his lips in a defeated sigh. "Seriously, Sasuke? You had to snitch?"

The Nara family, along with Ino and her ever-watchful father Inoichi, and Choji with his father were heading out to UFC to celebrate our graduation. They'd extended an invitation to me as well. After waiting for a while Ino also joined us and we departed from the academy. Ino, ever the shameless flirt, attempted to snag my arm. With a polite shrug, I deflected her advances, ignoring the pointed look Inoichi shot my way.

The smoky aroma of barbecue hung heavy in the air as we devoured our lunch. A comfortable silence settled between us, occasionally broken by the rhythmic clatter of chopsticks against plates. Shikamaru, ever the strategist, was already formulating a plan for the afternoon, no doubt involving minimal effort and maximum relaxation.
Suddenly, Shikamaru's voice broke the tranquility. "You know, Ino," he drawled, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Sasuke wants to revive his clan so he's considering taking multiple wives. Maybe you and Sakura could share the burden."
My blood ran cold. Choji's hand froze mid-chew, a piece of meat dangling precariously from his lips. Everyone on the table looked at me. Even Ino, usually lost in her own world, paused, a dreamy smile plastered on her face.
I whipped my head towards Shikamaru, my irritation bubbling over. There he sat, a smug smirk playing on his lips, reveling in the chaos he'd caused.
"Don't be ridiculous, Shikamaru," I growled. "That's absurd." Looking towards Yoshino, Shikamaru's mother, I decided to play a little payback. "Speaking of futures, Mrs. Nara, would you be interested in learning about your son's future wife?"
Shikamaru's eyes widened in horror. "Not this future nonsense again!" he groaned.
Yoshino, however, leaned in with genuine interest. "Really? Do tell!"
With a smirk, I fabricated a fantastical (well not really) tale. "She'll be a few years older than him," I declared, "with a dazzling personality and blonde hairs." A sly wink followed. "And she'll be just like you, keeping him on his toes and correcting him when he gets lazy."
Yoshino beamed. "That sounds wonderful, Shikamaru! I approve of your choice!"
Shikamaru sputtered, his face turning a shade of pink that rivaled Ino's hair. "Mom, come on! This is ridiculous!" he protested.
But the damage was done. I, with a hint of satisfaction, added another detail. "Oh, and she just happens to be the future Kazekage's sister."
At this, Shikaku, Shikamaru's father, nearly choked on his water, his eyes darting between me and his son with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.
Choji, ever the gourmand, chimed in with wide eyes. "Wow, Shikamaru! A big wedding and endless food! Now that's what I'm talking about!"
Shikamaru, his face buried in his hands, sighed dramatically. "You're all taking him way too seriously, Choji. None of this is true!"
The table erupted in laughter, the playful tension broken. I leaned in towards Shikamaru, a quiet whisper carrying the weight of playful revenge. "Oh, by the way," I murmured, "Shikamaru's chakra reserves are apparently quite low – a potential liability in future battles. Maybe you should consider some extra training in that department."
Yoshino, oblivious to the playful jabs, beamed at me. "That's a wonderful suggestion, Sasuke. You're such a thoughtful friend!"
Shikamaru's face contorted into a comical mask of despair. "This is pure torture!" he groaned under his breath.
Sensing his defeat, Shikaku decided to steer the conversation towards a more neutral topic. "Speaking of teams, Sasuke," he said, "do you have any preferences for your team placement?"
I shrugged. "Not particularly. I've already analyzed the performance scores of all the graduating students. Based on that, I predict Kakashi Hatake will likely be my sensei."
Shikaku raised an eyebrow. "Kakashi Hatake, huh? I hear he hasn't had much luck with his teams. You might want to prepare yourself for a challenge."
A confident smirk played on my lips. "I'm already prepared. From what I've gathered, his selection process involves a bell test. I plan to take him on single-handedly."
Shikaku chuckled, a knowing glint in his eyes. "So, you already know the test and want to fight him head-on to test your limits, is that right?"
I gave a curt nod, the unspoken challenge hanging in the air.
Choji, ever curious, piped up between bites. "Hey, Shikamaru, do you know anything about Sasuke's sensei?"
Shikamaru shook his head. "Not much. Dad, who is he?"
Shikaku's expression turned serious. "Kakashi Hatake is currently the strongest ninja in the village besides the Hokage and the legendary Sannin.
"A prodigy," Shikaku continued, "he graduated at the young age of five and became a Jonin at the impressive age of 12."
"12?" Shikamaru whistled, a hint of awe creeping into his voice. "That's some serious talent."
"Indeed," Shikaku agreed.
Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement laced with concern in his voice. "Getting a little overconfident there, Sasuke?"
Sasuke's gaze remained fixed ahead, his voice unwavering. "No."
Shikamaru sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Just be careful. Tried to warn you."
The conversation flowed on, a mix of lighthearted banter and serious discussion about the future. Finally, after a satisfying lunch, we decided to call it a day. As we approached the counter to pay, the worker, recognizing me, refused to accept their money, he insisted on treating us as my guests.
Choji, ever the bottomless pit, erupted in cheers at the news of free food. He declared his intention to visit this establishment once a month for this very reason, eliciting a wry smile from me. With a wave of goodbye to the others, I departed for home, my mind already turning towards the upcoming forest training and the challenge of retrieving the scroll.

(DONE! Have a great Day/Night!)

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