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44.44% One Piece: The Cheapskate of the Straw Hats / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Baratie

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Baratie

[Third Person's Point of View]

When the celebration ended, Luffy went to work with some paint and a black square of fabric. After a while, he held up a flag with their pirate symbol. It is supposed to inspire fear in the hearts of those who saw it and it did just that... but not the way one would want it to be.

Upon seeing that flag, Leo immediately threw Luffy overboard stating that he had to destroy the source of that abomination else he would have nightmares about it. Zoro dived to save Luffy and they came back to the ship only to be welcomed by Leo burning Luffy's flag.

"It had to be done!"

Leo said while Usopp, Nami, and even Zoro nodded at his remark. Luffy was angry but after Leo offered him some food, everything was water under the bridge. After one failed attempt by Usopp to draw his own Jolly Roger, they finally had their flag. It was a cartoonish skull and crossbones wearing a copy of Luffy's trademark straw hat.

With that out of the way, everyone went to do their own thing until there was a loud explosion as Luffy fired one of the cannons on the deck. He fired it at a pillar of rock sticking at the horizon and missed.

As Usopp tried to fire the cannon, it hit the pillar destroying it. Luffy, Leo, and Zoro were impressed. After destroying it, everyone entered the kitchen which is also the dining room of the ship.

Unbeknownst to them, a tall man with dark hair, a facial tattoo, and sunglasses, climbed onto the ship. He unsheathed his sword and shouted.


 Luffy and Usopp came out first and after seeing the man wrecking the ship, Luffy beat him with one punch.

When Zoro got out and saw who the intruder was, he looked surprised.

"Huh? Is that you Johnny?"

Johnny, still on the floor due to being beaten, looked up at Zoro.

"Is that you Big Bro Zoro?!" 

"Where's Yosaku? Isn't he usually with you?"

Zoro asked.

"He... He's... Yosaku is sick!" 

Johnny cried. He then explained how he was chilling underneath a pillar of rock when it blew up causing Usopp and Luffy to sweat. A short time later Johnny, with the help of Zoro and Leo, brought Yosaku onto the ship from their little boat.

Johnny began to describe Yosaku's symptoms. Bleeding gums, losing teeth, and old wounds opening. Leo came forward to Yosaku and put his hand inside his pouch. He took out an orange out of his inventory and shoved it inside the latter's mouth.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Johnny yelled as he grabbed Leo.

"What he's doing is saving that idiot's life."

Nami said causing Johnny to release Leo who looked too bored to explain what he was doing.


Johnny said in rage.

"Luffy, Usopp, we've got some limes in the kitchen, squeeze them and bring the juice here. He's got scurvy."

Nami ordered. Luffy and Usopp soon returned with a mug filled with lime juice and force-fed it to Yosaku. Johnny looked at Nami as she spoke.

"He should be fine in a couple of days."

She then berates everyone, with the exception of Leo, for not knowing about scurvy and what causes it. If they did not know, it could easily kill them while they were sailing. Yosaku suddenly jumped up and started dancing around with Johnny before falling back into sickness.

Luffy decided that they needed a cook after seeing the state that Yosaku was in. Upon hearing the discussion, Johnny spoke.

"If it's a cook you're looking for, I know just the place. Of course, getting one to join you is up to you guys."

Johnny then explained about Baratie, the floating restaurant. Leo having been there a couple of times begrudgingly agreed that that restaurant had the best cook in East Blue and that it would be best to take a cook from there. Luffy immediately decided that was going to be their next stop.

Nami set course and they were on their way to find their sixth. The importance of a cook made itself known as Nami and Leo, the only ones that could cook among them would only do so for money. Luffy, Usopp, and Zoro could not cook to save their lives. 

They arrived at their destination the next day. The entire restaurant was a giant ship, themed after a fish. As they were pulling up to the restaurant they noticed a marine ship floating right next to them. A man with pink hair wearing a suit with metal bands bolted to his knuckles stepped out and looked over at the Going Merry.

"Huh? I've never seen that pirate flag before."

He said condescendingly.

"I'm a Lieutenant from the Marine Headquarters known as Ironfist Fullbody. Who is your captain? Name yourself!" 

He yelled to which Luffy immediately replied.

"I am! I am Luffy! We just finished making our pirate flag yesterday!"

Fullbody lost what little interest he had in Luffy and turned his attention to Johnny and Yosaku. He took Leo for another Battle Beast wannabe and ignored him. A taunt or two from Fullbody annoyed the two into bragging about the bounty they had collected not noticing that Nami had taken interest in one in particular unclaimed bounty.

As He went to the restaurant with his date, he looked at one of his Privates.

"Sink 'em."

Luffy hopped up onto the railing around the deck and stood in the direct line of fire. As the marine cannon went off he inhaled deeply.

"Gomu Gomu no Fuusen!

Luffy swelled up like a balloon and stopped the one fired by the Marines. Usopp, Johnny, Yosaku, and Fullbody all went bug-eyed at the sight.

"You can have your cannon ball back!" 

Luffy grinned. The cannonball bounced off of Luffy and flew through the air. Sadly, his aim was off. The cannonball flew through the air and slammed into the Baratie ship blowing off a section of the roof.

Everyone stared in shock. As they were wondering what to do, a pair of cooks came out of the ship demanding who shot a canon at the restaurant to which Luffy replied that it was him and they grabbed Luffy, but no one made a move to stop them. It was his fault for bouncing the cannonball back into Baratie anyway! 

Everyone relaxed for a bit before Zoro spoke.

"Luffy is taking a while. You don't think they'll make him stay here and work off the damage, do you?" 

"He should just tell them it's the Marine's fault. That idiot is too honest for his own good."

Nami sighed.

"Let's go in and see how he is doing. We can also get something to eat!"

Leo said. As they entered Baratie they could hear some commotion from inside about a pirate that had gotten loose before being beaten up but they paid it no mind. They sat at a table and looked around. After they got comfortable and some food was delivered to them, Luffy came walking out of the kitchen wearing an apron. 

"Hey server boy, I want some cake."

Nami started.

"Heard you have to work here for a year."

Usopp followed.

"Would it be alright to redraw the ship's flag?" 

Zoro snickered.

"*Sigh* Guess this makes Zoro the Captain now."

Leo added.

"Why me and not you?"

Zoro asked.

"Well, if I am the captain then when we find some treasure, I will have to pay- I mean I am not the leader type, I am more of a badass loner that does his own things to the side but handles business whenever there is a strong opponent to fight type of guy."

Leo said.

"I'm still the Captain! How dare you go off and eat delicious food and leave me here to work?!"

Luffy yelled before a young man with blond hair that covered one eye and curly eyebrows came to the table. He wore a black suit that made him look at least a little refined when combined with his tall and sleek physique.

His eyes landed on Nami. He came swooping over spouting a bunch of bull with hearts in his eyes. Leo smiled before waving at the man and spoke.

"Yo Sanji, been a while. I see you're still being a simp."

Sanji turned to face Leo and spoke with annoyance in his tone.

"Well if it isn't our least favorite recurring customer. Did you come back here to empty our food supplies?... You fucking cheapskate!"

Sanji then proceeded to resume what he was doing and talked about wishing to go with Nami and such. Leo took that as an opportunity to sell his pitch to Sanji about joining their pirate crew. As he finished his pitch, the head chef, Zeff, came and said his piece.

"It's a good chance, go be a pirate. I don't need a guy like you in my restaurant." 

Zeff was an older-looking man whose most outstanding features were his crazy tall chef hat, long braided mustache, and a peg leg. Sanji glared at Zeff while taking a drag off of his cigarette.

"I'm the assistant head chef, what do you mean I'm not needed!?" 

Zeff just crossed his arms over his chest.

"You cause too much trouble for the guests. If they happen to be women you drool all over them. You also can't cook a meal to save your life. You're just unnecessary and holding the restaurant back! Even the other cooks can't stand you. So whether you become a pirate or something else, it's just better for you to get the hell out of my shop!" 

"What a tsundere."

Leo commented as he watched the events unfold as the argument between Sanji and Zeff blew up. The fight between Zeff and Sanji got heated enough for Zeff the flip Sanji over and slam him into a table. After they finished their fight, the clueless Luffy turned to Sanji before speaking.

"Haha! He gave you permission! Now you can be a pirate!" 

"Hell no!"

Sanji just yelled at Luffy before he began flirting with Nami, giving her a fruit salad and a glass of wine to 'apologize' for the ruckus he and Zeff caused. Smelling an opportunity to get something for free, Nami put on her most polite girlish demeanor and gave her thanks.

All she had to do was put on a 'weak' and 'girly' look as she spoke to Sanji to have him wrapped around her finger.

"By the way, mister cook, the food here is a tad expensive for me..." 

Upon hearing this, Sanji responded like Leo thought he would.

"Then it shall be free for you, miss!" 

His eyes turned to hearts as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Thank you so much!" 

Sanji looked like he was in heaven. But once she let him go he turned to the three men at the table,

"You're paying though!" 

"*Cough* SIMP *COUGH*"

Leo retorted causing Ussop to ask him a question.

"What's a simp?"

Leo looked at Ussop before speaking.

"Someone, especially a man, who shows excessive one-sided concern, attention, or deference toward a romantic partner or love interest."

Ussop and Zoro turned to look at Sanji before looking him up and down then spoke in Unison.


Sanji was about to yell at them when Luffy sat around sipping tea.

"Ah, this tea is great." 

A foot came out of nowhere and slammed into Luffy's head.

"Hey, errand boy! What the hell are you just sitting around for?!"

Sanji grabbed Luffy and dragged him away.

"Bring hot towels out to the customers when they arrive!" 

"Yes sir."

Luffy replied as he was dragged.


For the next two days, the crew hung around Baratie. They did not have much else to do while Luffy was working. They could not afford to eat at Baratie every day so Leo decided to cook when Zoro and Ussop presented that it would be the cheaper option.

They had also threatened him to order everything on the menu and leave it on his tab since he was a cheapskate. Still, Leo only agreed on the condition that he would get some of their share the next time they find treasure worth money.

Leo noticed that Nami was acting strange and tried to talk about it with her but since she did not want to, he respected her decision and gave her some space. Leo also spent some time during the two days training the Six Paths of Reincarnation skills.

When he got them, the best he could do regarding illusion was simply mask the eye that had a kanji in it to look like his other eye but now, he could somewhat change his appearance with an illusion though if one looked at it while paying attention they would notice some irregularities.

He was happy about it because that meant that he no longer needed to pay money to the system each month to mask his face tattoo.

Now after those two days, a massive ship, even bigger than the Baratie, sailed up to the restaurant. It was in a complete shambles. No section of the ship looked to be free of damage. The sails were practically rags, the figurehead was broken in half, and it almost seemed miraculous that the ship could still float let alone sail.

From inside the Baratie, Leo watched and listened as people on the Baratie started screaming in fear at the sight of the ship, it was Don Krieg's flagship. Hearing this, he smiled while thinking of one thing.

'Hope Don Krieg is on board, cuz his head is worth a lot of Beli.'

On the Going Merry Ussop, Nami, Johnny and Yosaku began to panic while Zoro just looked at the wrecked ship with indifference. From where they were standing on the ship, the crew could vaguely hear shouts coming from inside the Baratie.

Leo watched as Gin, a pirate Sanji fed a few days ago, brought Don Krieg and begged for food. No one wanted to give him any food or water for good reason. They knew that if they did, Don Krieg would just attack the restaurant. Leo knew this more than anyone else since he could read Krieg's heart.

'Damn bastard, once I am back at full strength, you will all pay for this. I'll beg for now but after I eat enough food, I'll kill you all!'

Don Krieg went on his knees and begged.

"I won't do anything. If you give me food, I promise I'll quietly withdraw from here...! So, please... Please help me...!"

Gin was shocked at seeing his Captain down on his knees and shouted.

"D-Don Krieg! Please Stop! A Great man like you shouldn't be lowering his head! It's too shameful...!"

Don Krieg did not stop and continued.

"I'm begging you...! I don't mind if it's leftovers or whatever! Please, just give me anything! Anything!"


Gin said as he held in some tears.

"Don't do it Sanji."

Leo said as he saw what Sanji was going to do. Sanji said nothing as he passed Leo and walked toward Gin.

"Here, Gin. Give this to him."


Gin said as Don Krieg brought his head up. The other cooks proceeded to warn Sanji of what Don Krieg had done and why his word should not be trusted while Don Krieg was stuffing his face with the food he was given. Leo on the other hand walked towards Sanji and tripped him.


Sanji fell on the floor just in time to evade the surprise Lariat that Don Krieg was planning on giving him as thanks for the food. Leo looked at Sanji before speaking to him.

"Told ya."

"D-Don Krieg! This is different from what you promised! I guided you here because you promised not to harm this restaurant! Not only that, that man is our savior!"

Gin yelled before Don Krieg grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it as he spoke.

"Ahh, that was a great meal. I feel like I'm back to my normal self again..."


Gin yelled in pain.

"Nice restaurant you've got here. I'll take it."

After Don Krieg said this, every client ran away back to their ship and sailed away as fast as they could. Don Krieg then orders the cooks to prepare food for his men. A conflict between Sanji and the rest of the cooks started as he was determined to feed the one hundred starving men on Krieg's ship.

This ended with one of the cooks pulling out a cannon and shooting Krieg right out of the restaurant. Don Krieg came out of it unscratched and the cooks jumped him. Moments later a barrage of gunfire could be heard from outside. 

Leo did not need to evade the bullets that Don Krieg had shot because they were not aimed in his direction. He was focused on planning how Don Krieg could benefit them the most and he quickly came up with the answer.

Don Krieg would attack the Baratie and if Luffy saved it then he would be freed from the debt that he owed to the restaurant. They would be free to leave and might even get Sanji since the stunt that he pulled should get him fired.

Leo started to pay attention to the conversation just in time to hear Don Krieg speak.

"Once I get Zeff's log I will reassemble my fleet and find the One Piece!" 

Luffy jumped in and retorted.

"I will be the one to become the Pirate King and find the One Piece!" 

The cooks panicked, one even shouted out.

"Take it back kid or you'll be killed!" 

Luffy just smiled and stood firm.

"I'm not standing down! Especially on this point!" 

Don Krieg looked down at Luffy.

"What did you say you little brat? I'll be nice and let that comment slide for now..." 

Luffy just kept smiling while he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You don't need to let it slide, I was only stating the truth." 

"This ain't a game, kid." 

Luffy nodded.

"Of course." 

"Did you hear that just now? Even Don Krieg couldn't make it in the Grand Line. I won't say anything bad so let's just give up on going to that place." 

Zoro turned to Usopp.

"Just shut up." 

Luffy looked over at the table where Leo was sitting. Zoro and Usopp joined Leo at that table. Usopp spoke first.

"You planning to rumble, Luffy?" 

"Need a hand?"

Zoro added before Leo finished.

"Light exercise after eating is always good for one's health." 

"Oh hey, Leo, Zoro, Usopp. No, it's fine, you can just stay sitting down." 

Krieg watched for a moment before he started laughing. He threw his head back and laughed to his heart's content as he mocked Luffy.

"Those are your crewmates? A rather small bunch aren't they?"

His attitude changed as he suddenly became furious.

"Don't joke with me you little punk! Even with fifty ships and five thousand men, we were utterly decimated by that devilish sea in a week!" 

The crowd of cooks had various reactions of shock while Usopp started panicking and addressed Leo.

"Did you hear that? Fifty ships lost in a week!" 

Leo just grinned and looked at Zoro.

"Sounds interesting right?" 

Zoro nodded in agreement, he felt excited at the idea of the dangerous Grand Line. Krieg looked at Luffy in annoyance as he ignored Leo thinking that it was another Battle Beast wannabe.

"I hate ignorant braggarts the most. Keep talking like that when I get back here and I'll kill you." 

Krieg grabbed a bag of food that Zeff had brought out while Leo was not paying attention and left Baratie to deliver it to his crew. Luffy came over and sat on the table next to Leo. He pointed at Sanji before he spoke.

"What do you think of him? Pretty good right?" 

"Yeah, and considering he is going to get fired I think we just found our cook."

Leo stated before Usopp made a cowardly remark while Zoro just dismissed any threat recently beaten and starving pirates might have. He was not one to brag but he and Leo were the most well-known Pirate Hunter in all of East Blue so beaten pirates were a walk in the park for them. Luffy suddenly remembered something as he looked at Gin.

"That's right, Gin!"

He called out to a wounded pirate sitting on the ground near the door where Krieg left.

"You said you didn't know anything about the Grand Line but didn't you go there?" 

Gin trembled, covering his head with his hands as he spoke in a defeated tone.

"...!! What I don't know is the truth... I just can't believe it... I just don't know if those seven days we spent in Grand Line were real or just a nightmare... I'm wrestling with it in my mind... He just appeared all of a sudden... To think all fifty ships of the Krieg Pirate Fleet were destroyed by a single man...!!!" 

Everyone still inside the Baratie was shocked, except Leo. It might be strenuous but he knew he could also destroy fifty pirate ships with his Fanalis body. Gin continued to talk while the rest were still in shock.

"While we still had no idea what was going on, our ships just sank one by one... and if it weren't for that storm whisking us away, even our main ship would have been destroyed. I don't even know if any of our other ships survived."

Gin shuddered before adding.

"It's just too terrifying to believe as real...! I don't even want to think about... That Hawk-eyed man whose glare is sharp enough to kill a man...! I don't! I don't want to think about him!" 

Leo looked at Zoro who looked surprised. There were remarks of disbelief from the crowd but that all faded once Zeff chimed in.

"I can't know for certain but the fact that he sunk your entire fleet is proof enough that it was the Hawk-Eyed man." 

Usopp asked.

"Who's that?" 

Luffy shrugged his shoulders

"Beats me."

"He's the man I'm looking for." 

Zoro spoke with conviction while Leo's eyebrow twitched for a moment as he spoke.

"Yeah, that is great and all... but an actual name would be appreciated."

The conversation continued with everyone chatting. Leo learned the name in question, Dracule Mihawk who is a renown pirate. Leo did not know him since during his pirate hunting days, he was focused on learning about pirates that whose head were worth money.

Things were pretty peaceful while everyone waited for Krieg to return. after a while, everyone looked out at Krieg's ship as the pirates started to leap off to try and take over the Baratie.

As they did their ship suddenly split in half with a clean cut. Everyone was shocked, while Leo surprisingly had a wide smile unbeknownst to even himself. The huge galleon split again as it was sliced into three pieces.

Everyone ran outside as they became worried about the Going Merry. It had been nearby and could have been sliced. Leo joined them and saw Johnny and Yosaku swimming in the water. He listened to the conversation as they explained that Nami stole the ship and the treasure that was on their ship though he suddenly turned away from them and looked in one particular direction. There, sitting on a small boat that looked like a coffin, was the strongest swordsman in the world. 

As he got a good look at him, Luffy spoke.

"Leo, Zoro, Usopp, take Johnny and Yasaku's ship and chase after Nami." 

Zoro looked disinterested.

"Just let her go. No good will come from chasing that thief."

Usopp did not agree,

"But she took the ship Kaya gave us! That ship is important!" 

Luffy stood firm.

"I want her to be our navigator! No matter what!" 

Zoro sighed.

"Fine. Usopp, let's go."

"Scratch that, Zoro you stay. I think you are going to want to see this."

Leo said while Usopp turned to Luffy.

"You're not coming?" 

Luffy shook his head as he spoke.

"I still have to work off the damage I did here." 

"Don't worry, defeating Don Krieg should cover for the damage you cause, and look at that, I promised that next time you would be fighting the big guy. Do I keep my promises or what?"

Leo said as the three men got ready to board Johnny and Yasaku's boat, shouting caught their attention. Mihawk had become visible to everyone on his little boat. Mihawk was a middle-aged man with a distinctly Spanish look to him.

Even his clothes seemed to be Spanish in design. On his back, he carried a massive black sword. Zoro smiled as he saw him. He then watched as one of Krieg's pirates tried to shoot Mihawk only for the bullets' trajectories to be changed with ease.

Leo watched as Zoro moved closer to him with determination in his eyes. Everyone watched as Zoro moved closer to Mihawk and challenged him to a duel while Leo started making a betting pool and collecting the money from the Krieg pirates who chose to play. Leo was betting on Zoro.

Leo knew Zoro was doomed to lose, his [Ultimate Eyes] often showed him his opponent's openings that he could use against them but he saw none at the moment. But Leo was not worried for one reason... he never was going to give back the five thousand Beli he had just received.

{Currency: 07 793 967 Beli}

[*Sniff* *Sniff* The System is truly moved by Host's growth.]

Zoro got ready with his three-sword style while Mihawk removed his cross-shaped necklace and pulled one end of to reveal a small knife. Zoro glared at Mihawk for the perceived mockery.

"What are you planning to do with that?" 

Mihawk held the knife out.

"I'm different from those stupid brutes who'd go all out just to hunt a mere rabbit. Though you may be a swordsman of some renown... This is just the East Blue, the weakest of the four seas that are separated by the Grand Line."

"That doesn't mean shit. Didn't the pirate king come from East Blue as well? So by definition, he is also a weakling making every other pirate including you a weakling as well. Next time you try to trash talk while trying to look cool, make sure you get your facts right."

Leo retorted causing most to crack a laugh though they immediately suppressed it once they saw Mihawk's annoyed expression. Mihawk looked a little annoyed as ignored Leo's comment and spoke.

"Unfortunately, I do not have a smaller blade than this at the moment."

Zoro growled before he spoke.

"There's a limit to how much you can underestimate me. Don't regret it when you die!" 

He charged toward Mihawk and brought his swords to the side.

"Oni Giri!

He slashed out with his three swords yet his attack was easily stopped with just the tip of Mihawk's little knife. He had caught Zoro's attack at the moment when his three blades intersected and stopped all three at once. Mihawk looked unimpressed as he spoke.

"Little frog in his well, let me show you just how big the world really is." 

Zoro was shocked but he refused to give up. Zoro attacked Mihawk furiously, his swords nothing but a blur to almost everyone watching. Only five people could see what Zoro was doing, Luffy, Leo, Sanji, Zeff, and of course, Mihawk.

Despite the onslaught, Mihawk easily parried or blocked every blow Zoro sent his way. It was like watching a man playing with a child. Zoro was frustrated but he did not give up. He pushed himself to his limit slashing his swords as fast and hard as he could. Seeing this Mihawk spoke with the same bored tone as before.

"What burdens you so? What do you still desire at the extent of your strength... weakling?" 

Seeing and hearing Mihawk talking to Zoro infuriated Johnny and Yosaku. As they tried to charge over to Zoro, Luffy and Leo grabbed and stopped them in their tracks. Both yelled at them.

"Don't interfere!" 

As Luffy and Leo held the two back, Mihawk sent Zoro tumbling away with a simple blow. Zoro climbed to his feet while panting. He had not given up, he refused to give up. He got into a stance with his swords held vertically upside down and behind the third sword in his mouth.


Mihawk thrust with his little dagger as Zoro slashed with his swords.


The two came at each other but Mihawk won. His little knife stabbed into Zoro's chest and blood flowed. Johnny and Yasaku yelled while Luffy gritted his teeth and forced himself to keep from moving. Leo watched quietly before his eyes narrowed.

He saw that one of the Don Krieg Pirates was pulling out a cannon and aiming at both swordsmen. Leo disappeared from where he was and reappeared next to the pirate in question whose body was now falling down into the sea.

"In case we didn't make ourselves clear. Nobody is allowed to interfere in their fights as long as it is still ongoing. If one of y'all tried it again then you'll all end up like your friend over here."

Leo says as he throws something towards the Krieg Pirates. Once it lands near them, they see that it was the head of the crewmate that just fell into the sea, and their face turned pale. Those who were thinking of catching Mihawk slipping decided to back down and watch the duel continue.

Everyone watched as Zoro and Mihawk had a hushed conversation that ended with Mihawk pulling his knife out of Zoro and stepping back to draw the large black sword from his back. The two of them moved into their stances and stared at each other.

Johnny and Yasaku were freaking out while it took every bit of Luffy's self-control to hold himself in place. He grits his teeth so tightly that Leo can hear them creaking even from far away though it could be due to his enhanced hearing. 

They watched as the two swordsmen had their final clash. Zoro used his secret move.

"Santouryuu Ogi: Sanzen Sekai!"

While Mihawk used a simple slash with his real sword. The two passed each other in a blur but the end result was seen soon enough. Two out of Zoro's three swords broke leaving only the sword he carried in his mouth unbroken.

Simultaneously a bloody slash wound appeared on his chest as he fell to one knee. Zoro slowly sheathed his remaining sword in its white sheath before standing up and turning around to face Mihawk with his arms spread. Mihawk looked slightly confused.


Zoro grinned, almost looking happy yet determined.

"A wound on the back is the shame of a swordsman!" 

This caused Mihawk to smile for the first time since he arrived and spoke.


Without another word, Mihawk slashed Zoro across his chest. Seeing the sight, Luffy screamed,


Blood gushed from the long sword slash across Zoro's chest. He lost control of his body and fell crashing into the sea behind him. Luffy screamed at the top of his lungs and threw his hand out. His arm stretched across the water and grabbed onto a piece of the broken ship not far from Mihawk.


Luffy screamed again and flew across the water toward Mihawk leaving his straw to fall at sea if Usopp had not caught it. Seeing Luffy coming, Mihawk simply stood there as something came from behind him and blocked Luffy's attack. Luffy's head was grabbed and then slammed into a section of the deck near Mihawk, getting comically stuck.

"Leo what are you doing?! Get out of the way!"

Luffy yelled after pulling his head out of the wood.

"I should be asking you that question Luffy. Zoro challenged him! What do you think a battle between swordsmen is?! It is a battle with swords, not some fistfight. As long as one of them is still breathing, then the fight is not over.

Only the winner is allowed to decide to end it before then. Zoro knew this and attacking that inquisitor look-alike would only bring shame to Zoro's resolve."

"B-But Zoro..."

Luffy gritted his teeth as he knew Leo was right. Leo sighed and as he was about to speak, Mihawk addressed Luffy.

"Fear not. That man is still alive."

Mihawk's eyes narrowed on Leo.

"As your friend over there knows full well." 

"Can you chill with that stare, I'm flatter but I don't swing that way."

Leo said causing Mihawk to give him a deadpanned expression. Right after he said that Johnny and Yasaku surfaced from the ocean with Zoro in their arms. Seeing them, Luffy called out.


The two drag Zoro onto a boat and tend to his wounds. Mihawk turned to face where Zoro was and spoke out for Zoro to hear.

"I am Dracule Mihawk! Know thy self! Know thy world! And become strong Roronoa! No matter how many months or years pass by, I shall be here at the top of the world waiting for you! So forge on ahead with that fierce conviction and try to surpass my sword! Surpass me Roronoa!" 

Mihawk looked at Luffy from over his shoulder.

"Boy, what do you aim for?" 

Luffy just grinned.

"Pirate King!" 

Mihawk smiled.

"A tough path. Even tougher than surpassing myself."

His gaze turned to Leo.

"And you?" 

Leo stepped back and spoke in a warry tone.

"Bro I just met you like five seconds ago, why should I tell you what I want to become? Are you my dad? A guidance counselor at my high school? Or Santa?" 

Mihawk narrowed his eyes while looking at Leo's face. Luffy looked over to the boat and called out.

"Is Zoro alright?!" 

Before anyone could answer him, Zoro lifted his remaining sword in the air and spoke.

"L-Leo... Luffy, can you guys hear me? Sorry for worrying you. I know... that if I don't become the world's greatest swordsman... It will only embarrass you guys."

"I mean... not really, I am confident in myself and that's what truly matte- Argh!?"


Leo started saying but was kicked by Mihawk causing him to fall into the water. Everyone just ignored Leo due to Zoro coughing out some blood causing Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku to become concerned for him. Zoro continued with tears in his eyes.


His sword wavered in the air a bit.

"Any problems, Strongest there is and Pirate king?" 

Leo and Luffy just smiled as they spoke in unison though the former was giving Mihawk the bird after jumping out of the water.


Mihawk watched with a smile and spoke.

"I'd like to meet the three of you again, sometime in the future. You have an interesting mark on your face. That eccentric attitude of yours is almost identical to him... though that is what one would expect from his student." 

As Mihawk turned to leave after saying that last part to Leo, who widened his eyes at the fact that Mihawk saw through his illusion and the mention of his teacher, the idiotic Don Krieg got full of himself and called out.

"Hawk-Eyes, didn't you come all the way here for my head?" 

'My guy, don't you know that shutting the fuck up can save your life? I mean, you are still going to die but still.'

Leo thought as Mihawk looked at Don Krieg with a bland expression before answering Krieg's question.

"Yes. But I've had my fun. I'm going back now." 

Krieg had a cocky grin as he addressed Mihawk.

"No need to rush off. You may have had your fun but, I HAVEN'T!" 

Sections of his armor snapped open and multiple gun barrels were revealed, all pointed at Mihawk. Krieg fired them all but Mihawk just gave a simple wave of his sword. The swing destroyed another section of what was left of the ship and sent a large portion of Krieg's crew into the ocean.

During the commotion, Luffy called out to the others.

"Leo! Usopp! Go on ahead!" 

Usopp held up Luffy's hat as he yelled back.

"Alright! Zoro, Leo and I will definitely bring Nami back!"

He threw Luffy's hat to him.

"So you make sure to get us a cook! Once we have six of us we'll head to the Grand Line!" 

Luffy caught his hat with a big grin.

"Yeah, let's!" 

'Best leave now with their money.'

Leo thought as they sailed away and left Luffy to deal with Don Krieg. As they sail to chase after Nami, Leo laughed at how he scammed those pirates through the bet. Speaking of bets, Leo felt lucky so he decided to use the Gacha. He used the money he gained from the bet.

{Currency: 07 788 967 Beli}


[Oh, It seems that Host has hit the jackpot once more]

[*Ding! * Host has acquired Skill: Bad's Fighting Spirit -Modified- (From One Punch-man)]


-Bad's Fighting Spirit (Modified): The user is capable of getting stronger through his damage intake and anger buildup. This is because of the user's strong will to continue to fight regardless of what happens. Instead of succumbing to the sustained damages, The user gets an increase in all physical attributes.

However, the drawback is that the user's Fighting Spirit lowers extremely fast when the user is out of battle and exhaustion can quickly set in. The same thing can happen if the user is knocked out. Upon reaching a certain level of adrenaline or by coincidence, the user's heart will replicate King's engine.}

'In terms of physical attributes during a fight, the only way to beat me as I am would be to one-shot me from the jump which would be impossible for anyone in East Blue since it is already almost impossible to injure me with one of the skills that I gained from regaining my memories.

Though the Grand Line will be a different story and that's where this skill will shine. I am a Fanalis who now gets stronger as the fight continues or my rage builds up meaning, drag the fight long enough and I become Saitama for a moment.

If it activate with just anger alone than it might even be more broken then it already is.'

Leo thought and feeling even more lucky, he decided to use one million Beli to see if he could get something even better.

{Currency: 06 788 967 Beli}


[Truly today is a good day to wast- The system means use money. You hit another jackpot, keep trying.]

[*Ding! * Host has acquired Skill: Musician]


-Musician: The user can play any instrument as if the user had played them for years. The user can also sing very well, enough to become a rockstar. the system suggests that if being a pirate does not pan out, Host could become a rockstar and earn money through music.}

Leo was at a loss for words. On one hand, the system was not wrong but on the other, he felt like he had wasted that one million Beli. He decided to console himself by saying that the first skill he earned today was worth more than a million Beli so he did not waste that much money.

[AN: Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

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